News was slow this past week, so we will cover the only news out there. The Election.
Hosted by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:19) Introduction and Election Overview
(00:01:04) Election Takeaways and Trump's Popular Vote
(00:03:00) Election Integrity and Mail-in Ballots
(00:08:51) Reasons for Voting Trump
(00:13:50) Reasons for Voting Against Trump
(00:19:54) Reasons for Voting Harris
(00:23:11) Reasons for Voting Against Harris
(00:27:00) Media Coverage and Election Night Reactions
(00:36:12) Exit Poll Analysis
(00:53:00) Expectations for Trump's New Term
(01:04:22) Potential Challenges in Trump's New Term
Good morning, everybody. Happy Trump Day. It is Wednesday, November 6th, and we are live with number 10, episode number 10 of the mindless meanderings. I'm Jesse Fries coming to you from Central Texas where, I'm not feeling well and, like a democrat, I'll just blame it on Trump because that sounds like fun.
[00:00:44] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. I'm Jamin Frias coming you coming at you from eastern Kansas. And, yeah. No. Other than the election, there ain't really much going on here. There really isn't, is there? It's
[00:00:58] Jesse Fries:
No. All about the election. That's it.
[00:01:01] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:01:04] Jesse Fries:
Okay. So what what's your main takeaway from the election?
[00:01:12] Jamon Fries:
My main takeaway is, you know, as a very conservative person myself Uh-huh. I am very I was very happy to see that that Trump was able to pull off the popular vote even so far Great. By quite a big by quite a big amount.
[00:01:34] Jesse Fries:
I could see that. I could see that. Yep. Yep.
[00:01:37] Jamon Fries:
I know. It kinda kinda makes me think that maybe the country is starting to centralize again a little bit more.
[00:01:46] Jesse Fries:
Maybe so. That's the hope. Just just a wee bit. Just a little bit. Just just a wee bit. Yeah. Yeah. I I I'm hoping, especially since he also won the the majority just in general. I hope this stops the whole he's not my president bullshit. Yeah. I hope it shows the Democrats and everything like that, that most of the people of the United States back them up. So quit your shit. Just just deal with him like any other person. Stop trying to go after him like he's evil incarnate. Yep. Yep. That that that's really what I'm hoping for that. You know, it's Real really, what I what I wanna see
[00:02:30] Jamon Fries:
first is, you know, with 3 with 3 states not reporting yet that are leaning towards Trump right now even. You know, there there was some talk that he may break may break 300
[00:02:45] Jesse Fries:
[00:02:46] Jamon Fries:
Which is a pretty big deal. So, you know, before the election, I kept hearing that, that the that the Democrats were talking about how they were gonna contest the election no matter what the results and all this other stuff. Yep. Yep. I I I I really hope that we can just get rid of all that and we don't see the contention. We see, you know, that we see the very peaceful transfer of power.
[00:03:12] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I I think this time will be better, than 2020. I think Yeah. The election workers, I think they actually did a good job this time around as in Yep. There were no, like, 3 AM dumps of ballots, that spiked. You you you know, that was so iffy, and that caused so much confusion just to see a spike like that at, like, 3 o'clock or something like that back in 2020, and it made a lot of these a lot of Republicans and everything like that actually think that, it was stolen. Whether or not it was, things like that really made people think that it was stolen. But there was none of that this time. A lot of questionable things. Exactly.
[00:03:57] Jamon Fries:
With with that. And it's it's not, you know, it's not that it was a nefarious plot or anything like that, but just, a, I mean, the biggest I think the biggest reason that there was so much concern about the 2020 was because it quite honestly was the first time ever that we had more mail in ballots than in person votes. Well, it was COVID. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, with with the reaction to COVID and how they decided to do the voting, it was the first time ever for us. We'd never seen anything like it before. Yep. And so, you know, I mean, a, they didn't really know how to handle it that well. You know, the where with the election people, you know, they they'd never done this before. You know? What what do we need to do? They were they were making up the rules as they went, and that's never a good way to to run a you know, it's it's never a good way to have good faith in an election if it's just being made up as you go. Yep. And you need faith in election. Otherwise, it will cause
[00:05:05] Jesse Fries:
drama like nobody's business. Absolutely. Yeah. So, yeah, I I'm really happy about that because it it it went smoothly. It really did. There was it it was just a smooth operation. I really do praise, the election workers this time around. They really did a good job. Yeah. They they were phenomenal. Yep. Yep. So I I think they're they're they're a major winner in this as well. Even no matter who won, I I think they handled it very well. It was smooth and good to go on that. Yeah.
[00:05:35] Jamon Fries:
And I I also liked that they were very open about this about any discrepancies. You know, the Yep. The the election personnel, they report, you know, the the like in, I think it was Lancaster County or something like that, where they reported immediately that they've got these bat that they got these, not ballots, but they got the voter registrations that were all signed by the same person, you know. It it wasn't something that that came up a week later. It was something that they dealt with right then and there. Yep. Yep. So I think I think that was that was a huge improvement over anything. And so, I mean, I I don't see any way to really contest this one.
I don't see any way to to claim voter fraud because, I mean, there were some problems with the machines and stuff like that, but,
[00:06:29] Jesse Fries:
you know, it was
[00:06:31] Jamon Fries:
yeah. I mean, I I I find it really funny, you know, in in some in some places, they were they're talking about, you know, they've got, like, the the dominions brute machines or something like that. Uh-huh. And they're still talking about, well, we're gonna need, like, a week to to tally all the votes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, isn't isn't the machine's purpose to have to have the votes tallied almost immediately?
[00:07:00] Jesse Fries:
You would think,
[00:07:01] Jamon Fries:
but I mean, why else do you need a machine?
[00:07:04] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. That's that's right. It's but then again, why is, like, Arizona taking so long? You know? Come on. They need they really need to figure out their system as well.
[00:07:16] Jamon Fries:
[00:07:17] Jesse Fries:
Because they're they're saying that that won't be yeah. That this they're saying that that really won't be tabulated until, like, Friday or something like that or tomorrow. Yeah. Well, I mean, I I can I can somewhat understand it with Nevada
[00:07:29] Jamon Fries:
Uh-huh? Because they they, they they they let you send your mail in ballot up to the day of the election. Right. And so they have to wait at least 4 days for those mail in ballots to get there. Mhmm. So, you know, I I can see but at the same time, if you're doing a mail in ballot, the entire reason for doing a mail in ballot is because you can't get to the is because you can't be at the poll on the election day. Mhmm. But you can but you can go to your mailbox to mail it?
[00:08:10] Jesse Fries:
Apparently, somehow it makes sense. Yeah. It's
[00:08:16] Jamon Fries:
You know, I I would like to see laws that mail in ballots have to be have to be put in at least, like, 3 or 4 days before the election happens. But, you know, there there's complications with that too. I mean Oh, yeah. It's really tough with with when you're dealing with mail in ballots on a large scale like we are now, it's really tough to figure out exactly when
[00:08:42] Jesse Fries:
and what to do with them. Yeah. And I'm sure they'll break this down and think, see if how they wanna change laws and everything like that. Yep. So with that, why do you think, people voted for Trump? What's your opinion on that?
[00:08:59] Jamon Fries:
I honestly, I think that there were a couple of things that went into it. Uh-huh. There's, of course, the economy, you know, the not really the economy because the economy as a whole isn't really in a horrible condition right now. Right. It's it's it there has been improvement, but it's the what's on the table. It's the grocery stores. It's the inflation. That's the biggest problem. I think that's one of the biggest problems that there was. And, you know, that can be tied to Biden, but Harris never stepped away from Biden on anything. No. She didn't. You know? She No. She in the in, you know, in some of her in some of her, interviews, she was she said straight up, I wouldn't do anything different.
Yep. Yep. And so so that ties her intrinsically to the inflation.
[00:10:06] Jesse Fries:
Well, it ties her to everything Biden. Yeah. It's Yeah. Yeah. And and, yeah, everybody thinks that inflation is Biden. So
[00:10:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So when you're talking about the borders, when you're talking about the inflation, she tied herself to those by saying she wouldn't have done anything differently.
[00:10:26] Jesse Fries:
Well, she she also said she was in basically, in on every decision that was made. So, you know, it's like which with how Biden's brain is, you know, I I I I wouldn't doubt it. You know? It's
[00:10:39] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And Even my kids are in front of Biden. So you know? Yes. Yes. I think the other aspect that was a huge impact was how almost everything that she ever said in an interview, almost everything she she sent out on her commercials Mhmm. None of it was this is what I'm going to do. It was all bashing Trump. Yeah. It it really was it was People just got fed up with that.
[00:11:12] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Whatever happened to the joy,
[00:11:14] Jamon Fries:
and happiness that was her campaign from the convention? I mean, that that was what her campaign was supposed to be. That that's but after the convention, you don't hear anything about what she wants to do. You only hear her bashing Trump, calling him a fascist, calling him a Nazi, calling him Hitler. You know? So, basically, I I think that that just that negativity from her Mhmm. Just made it said a lot of people said, you know, I don't know if I want that in the White House. I don't want that negativity in the White House.
[00:11:51] Jesse Fries:
I could see that. I could see that.
[00:11:53] Jamon Fries:
So I think those are the 2 major things that that were the large impacts.
[00:11:59] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. The economy doesn't help, and and it's more of a feeling. It's a psychological thing. It's not Yes. Exact yeah. Actual being. I I I've seen some things where it's like, if you're if you make over a $100,000, the economy is great. It's doing well for you. If you're making less than a $100,000, the economy inflation and everything like that are kicking you in the ass. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
[00:12:29] Jamon Fries:
[00:12:30] Jesse Fries:
that is that's something that really needs to be seen, and that can really can be seen in, like,
[00:12:37] Jamon Fries:
with the working class voting for Trump. Yes. Yes. Well, I mean, you know, the his turnout with the non educate with non educated white males. Right. You know what I mean?
[00:12:49] Jesse Fries:
Non college educated, Jim. Non college educated. They're educated. Sorry. Yeah. Just non
[00:12:55] Jamon Fries:
college educated. Well, some of them are, but there might be some in there. Slow cooker. Because because they didn't differentiate between high school dropouts and then non high school dropouts. They're true. But I've also known some very stupid PhDs. So, you know, it's a Yeah. I've I've known I've known more stupid people that went to college than people that didn't.
[00:13:17] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. I I I'm along the same line. College made him stupider. I'm along I'm pretty much along the same lines for you on why people voted for Trump. I I also think that people are just tired of being pigeonholed into by race and everything like that. Yes. And then also so which also this kind of brings up, the the we that it's a different question that I can ask. But the why do you think people voted against Trump?
[00:14:02] Jamon Fries:
Good afternoon. I would say there's 2 possible 2 possible explanations for it. Alright. One is that they just don't like the policies that he that he came out with. Right. You know, I I think I think that there was probably a decent portion that was policy driven because unlike Harris, Trump did give his policies. Oh, yeah. He did on a on a broad scale, of course. You know, he didn't get down into a lot of fine detail. But, you know, there there were a lot of people that were that are very, very strongly against tariffs. And so, you know, just just how strong Trump was going on tariffs, I I think that would have turned some people off of him.
And then there's always, you know, the people that just believed everything they saw on MSNBC and CNN and thought that he was just an absolutely evil person that shouldn't have that shouldn't have any right to even run for president.
[00:15:05] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I I with that, I I wonder what they're gonna do once, his felony conviction is overturned because we know that's about to be overturned. Right? Yeah. This is just Yeah.
[00:15:18] Jamon Fries:
How the appeals court was questioning those prosecutors. You know? It's like Well, that that one wasn't that one wasn't his felony. That wasn't? That one was that was the fraud case.
[00:15:28] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. Wasn't that the only one that was the same?
[00:15:31] Jamon Fries:
No. No. The felony was, his payoff to the porn star and how he recorded and how it got recorded in his books. Got it. The fraud case was they went after him because of his evaluation of how much Mar a Lago was worth. Okay. Okay. And, yeah, the, you know, the bank was like, we didn't really care how much Mar a Lago was worth. We were gonna give them the loan anyways because we've been working with them for 20 fucking years. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:16:01] Jesse Fries:
You know, one thing they should do, the democrats should do, they should just stop all of that right now and show that they're magnanimous and just accept that Trump's gonna be president because you can keep all this going. You can Jack Smith can keep going all you want, but once Trump is actually in office I don't know. I mean,
[00:16:23] Jamon Fries:
from what I've heard is like the day one that Trump's in office, Jack is getting fired. No. That's what I'm saying. He can go until that point in time, until 21st January.
[00:16:34] Jesse Fries:
But what's the point? Seriously, what's the point?
[00:16:38] Jamon Fries:
It's not gonna it's not gonna amount to anything. It won't. It won't. And Even even with the even with the criminal trial, you know, the the the there's a lot of speculation now that that Trump's not gonna do any jail time or anything like that simply because he got elected as president.
[00:16:57] Jesse Fries:
Well, not only that, but really there's for what it was, jail time wouldn't have been really an option for even the sentencing guidelines on that sort of thing. Yeah. Yeah. Based based on what the rules and regulations
[00:17:11] Jamon Fries:
I mean, even just the what, you know, they overstepped the bounds so much on what they charged him with. Yeah. Somehow they did it a felony, which it never should have been. Shouldn't have been?
[00:17:25] Jesse Fries:
If anything, a misdemeanor, but even that was outside of, what's it called, time limits. Yeah. So they couldn't even do anything with that. They had to pump it up with
[00:17:40] Jamon Fries:
I I don't even understand how they could bring those charges because everything was beyond the statute of limitations, wasn't it? Yes. Yes. It was. But but then they tied it to an election, which
[00:17:55] Jesse Fries:
kind of put it federal. And so the state was trying to enforce federal law kinda, sort of, which it can't do.
[00:18:05] Jamon Fries:
Exactly. It was all weird. It was It has no standing on federal law. Yeah. No. That's gonna be The feds had the feds had looked into it and they're like, there's nothing there.
[00:18:16] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. So it's it's gonna be overturned and everything like that. And so Yeah. We go about our business.
[00:18:23] Jamon Fries:
But, yeah, I'm I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, we we'll have a precedent that wasn't a felon. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Because that that was, like, one of the biggest arguments I was hearing. You shouldn't vote for him because he's a felon. I know. I know. I'm like, okay.
[00:18:37] Jesse Fries:
So what you you you know, that, that just pushed a lot of black men to vote for him. Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
[00:18:45] Jamon Fries:
They're like, hey. As soon as that mugshot came out, I started hearing all sorts of stuff. He's one of us. Exactly.
[00:18:53] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Why do you think people actually voted for Harris beyond do you think it's just the party loyalty? Or
[00:19:03] Jamon Fries:
I think that has a lot to do with it, but, there was also a lot to do with the the, what they consider reproductive rights. The abortion issue, I think, was played a pretty big key in it, which I don't really understand. You know, they keep saying that Trump is for for an abortion ban.
[00:19:30] Jesse Fries:
Right. But
[00:19:33] Jamon Fries:
if you ever listen to Trump and what he what he says, Mhmm. The only reason that he was happy about the overturning of Roe v Wade
[00:19:44] Jesse Fries:
is because it sent the issue back to the states where it belongs. Yeah. No. Exactly. Exactly. Which is also where Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought it should be. So
[00:19:54] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean, there are a lot of people on both sides of the aisles that thought that it should be in the state purview, not in the federal purview. Or actually pass a law on the federal side. You know? Yeah. It's
[00:20:07] Jesse Fries:
[00:20:09] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And so I and, you know, Trump himself has often said that, you know, he I mean, up until the election, up until 2016, the let the media and stuff like that was always talking about how Trump was pro choice.
[00:20:27] Jesse Fries:
[00:20:29] Jamon Fries:
You know, he deep believed that women should have the choice. And I don't think there was a switch that was flipped in him. I don't think he suddenly start turned pro life. I think that he that he in his mind, it was basically this the the just just even if you don't think about, you know, that it should be in the state purview, just the fact that the law that Roe v Wade happened the way it did and it became law because of the courts, not because of the not because of the, legislature. Right. That in and of itself, it it just screams as to why Roe v Wade should be overturned.
[00:21:14] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I could see that. Now now one thing he he did, like, with the Florida, constitutional amendment to try to get that to, allow abortion. At first, he said, yeah. Let's let's vote for that. And then, there's a little bit of pushback from the right. And then and then he changed his mind. He goes, no. No. I'm gonna vote no. I'm gonna vote. But that was just Yep. Yeah. I I think that was a political
[00:21:41] Jamon Fries:
move on his part. I I think I think that that was a political move on his part. But, I mean, just based on that, you you know how he actually thinks. Exactly. He he was for it. Yep. Yep. So to say that that he's for a for a nationwide ban, I I mean, come on. He he specifically took it out of the purview of federal, which means you can't have a nationwide anything.
[00:22:05] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. But but but, you know, the project 2025. You you you know, that that that that that that thing that he's actually, said no to.
[00:22:16] Jamon Fries:
You know? But, the thing that he said no to, that he had no influence in it, that he had no he had no even prior knowledge to it. Exactly. Yep. Yep. And just because a couple of people that that were the authors were people that he knew, it suddenly became something that he was gonna do on day 1. And rethinking project 2025 was gonna be done on day 1. Yep.
[00:22:43] Jesse Fries:
Yep. But he decided not to, and he probably won't. He he has his own Yeah. Missions to do, probably close the border again. Oh, yeah. He's got he's got a lot more to do than that. And then we'll have a lot of court fights and everything like that. Yep. Why do you think people voted against Harris?
[00:23:12] Jamon Fries:
I mean, I can tell you personally why I voted against Harris. Uh-huh. Because if if there were a better nominee than Trump, I would have voted for him in a heartbeat because, I mean, the there's I I'm not really huge on Trump.
[00:23:29] Jesse Fries:
[00:23:30] Jamon Fries:
I think he I think he's the better candidate between the 2. Uh-huh. But, you know, personally, I would have loved to have seen, like, Vivek Ramaswamy get in.
[00:23:40] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay.
[00:23:42] Jamon Fries:
Feel part part of the cabinet, but Yeah. Yeah. That that's that is what it's looking like. Mostly I mean, because to me for me, it's always been about we need to clean up the bureaucracy of government that is the federal government. And I think Rameswami had a lot better ideas on how to do that than what Trump did. Now that now that Rameswami is working with is associated with Trump now, I think that we may see some of that come into play. Mhmm. And with, with Elon Musk, with the, government Department of Government Efficiency that they're talking about, I I think that there could be some very massive changes. But so the biggest reason that I voted against Kamala was simply because I didn't hear anything from her that sounded even remotely reasonable.
[00:24:42] Jesse Fries:
I see that. Yeah. I mean,
[00:24:44] Jamon Fries:
there there are so many as as a lot of people say her word salads Right. Just really really made me question if she was even intelligent enough to do the job.
[00:24:57] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Or if she just didn't have a policy. But but but then, you know, there is a reason why she didn't really even get a single vote when she actually ran against Biden. You know, it's, yeah, in the primaries. You know, it was just Yeah. In 2020. Yeah. It was just she had no good ideas. None at all. She she would just regurgitate whatever she thought people wanted to hear.
[00:25:28] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Oh, that's like the attacks on tips thing. I mean, as as soon as she heard heard Trump's talking about that and was like and saw that a lot of people were for it, suddenly she was for it too. You know, she was she was abhorrently against fracking. You know, fracking is the worst thing possible. We need to never frack again to we need to frack. You know, I mean, the the that's that's the one thing I I think that that's the one thing that that's probably the biggest problem I have with most Democrats that are running for office
[00:26:07] Jesse Fries:
[00:26:09] Jamon Fries:
Is and and you see it a little bit on the Republican side, but I I don't think you see it quite as often, is the ability to well, I I suppose that I can call it the ability to change their mind as soon as they see that it doesn't poll right.
[00:26:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I'm sure the republicans do the same.
[00:26:31] Jamon Fries:
They they do. Yes. But it but, you know, the on the core issues, you don't really see republicans changing. But democrats will even change on the core issues, Not from, stopping fracking was a major core issue for a long time.
[00:26:48] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That that was. That really was. And also, like, the abortion for republicans. So they they're still sticking to it. Plain and simple. They're still sticking to it. You know? Some of them still want a national ban and everything like that. So it's like
[00:27:02] Jamon Fries:
no. I see a point. The the the thing the thing that I like about the republicans in that aspect is they're not afraid
[00:27:09] Jesse Fries:
to say what they truly believe. Right. Especially Trump. I think that's what people Yeah. I think that's one reason why he won is because he just says it like he means it. Yep. At least on the given day. You you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey. He he does what he calls his weave. You know? It's,
[00:27:29] Jamon Fries:
Yes. Yes. His his weave is very interesting. I get lost in it sometimes.
[00:27:35] Jesse Fries:
Oh, god. Just speaking of that, that whole that accept that that victory speech last night was horrible. It was it was meandering. It's like, oh, you come up. You come up. And then he went off, like, for 3, 4 minutes on Elon Musk. I'm like, I don't care, dude. Just
[00:27:54] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean, I I've already watched a lot of your interviews and every single one of them is still I put him on hold and, you know, I I that I called Elon. Is that you? Yes. Can anybody else do it? No. Exactly. I've heard this story so many times. I didn't need to hear it in his in his, in his victory speech. Well, apparently, he didn't write a victory speech is what I'm saying. You know? Yeah. Yeah. No. He he didn't. I I don't I honestly don't think that he was ready to that I don't think he had any idea that that he was gonna be that close. Uh-huh. You know? Fox News had already called it for him, like, half an hour before he went on. Right.
And the rest of them hadn't called it for him yet. I don't so, you know, according to everyone other than Fox News, he was very close to it. He was up in the 2 sixties Uh-huh. But he didn't have he didn't have that final step yet. And so funny. I I was, like, switching through all the stations. Right?
[00:29:00] Jesse Fries:
And the the main one I was watching was actually Amazon. They had a stream going. It had, the the host was Brian Williams, you you know, old NBC guy. And and that was it was a real it was actually more of a even keel across the board. Towards the end, everybody was got getting mopey. But once Right. They they said, once Fox announced that he won Pittsburgh and then he won Wisconsin, they actually played Fox News there for, like, that little segment to show that. And then, basically, everybody there, they knew it was over. You could tell by their face Oh, yeah. That they hadn't called it yet because they were going by the AP. But, you know, they just knew it was over. They're like, go Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, and it was just that quickly. Everybody else, CBS and everything like that, they were trying to hold it together a little bit longer.
Like, way too long. I swear to god. They Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like, come on, guys. What are you doing? You know he won. Just just a moment. They waited until there was absolutely no mathematical
[00:30:14] Jamon Fries:
[00:30:16] Jesse Fries:
that that Harris could put could could pull it off. Yep. But but what was great about one thing I liked about CBS is that they would actually, like, show, like, what percentage she would need to win of the remaining ballots, and then their prediction of what they she would actually get.
[00:30:34] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. ABC did the same thing.
[00:30:38] Jesse Fries:
Maybe it was ABC. I think it was I can't remember which one it was, but I think it was CBS. But, yeah, it was like they actually showed those, and sometimes it was like a 10 point difference. You're like going Yeah. Dude, the there's no way that she's gonna gain that those 10 points here. You know? It's Yeah. Yeah. I I watched ABC. I I
[00:30:58] Jamon Fries:
I would every once in a while, switch over to Fox to see if they had called something that ABC hadn't yet. Mhmm. But I spent most of the time watching ABC, and I was actually impressed with ABC. I mean, there you didn't up until they hit the 266 Uh-huh. You didn't hear anything talking about what the politicians had said, what they did. There was, like, no discussion about the politician. It was all about the vote. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Everything that they talked about was this is what this is what we're seeing in the in the in the in the precincts
[00:31:38] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:39] Jamon Fries:
Which is a huge comparison to 2020. Yeah. In 2020, they didn't they couldn't stop talking about the politician. They couldn't stop talking about how, you know, we needed to make sure that how they we needed to make sure Biden won so that, you know, so that this country would be be safe again and all this other stuff. But you didn't there was none of that in ABC up until the 266. Once it once it got to 266, they're like, well, one the like, one station has already called it. Uh-huh. And we can pretty much guarantee that it's gonna go that way. But, you know, there's still this statistical chance. There's still, like, a 1%
[00:32:27] Jesse Fries:
chance that Harris could pull it out. Yeah. But why are you sticking around for 1% chance? Just call it for God's sakes. Yeah. It was Yeah. It was kinda funny. It was a it was something like I can't remember it was maybe when it was at like 266 or something like that. And after the Trump speech, I was flipping around. So I decided to check out what like, the foreign presses were saying. So I turned on Sky News from the UK. Okay. And they were hilarious. They were they were basically just going, Yeah, Trump won. Yeah, this is great victory for Trump. And there we go. I I I I really don't know what our prime minister is gonna do, because he him and his party really messed up, and they were trying to help Kamala win and everything like this.
So they're they're going off on that. And then they go, but why isn't anybody else calling us? We see that he's gonna win. Why is nobody else seeing this? They were really they're going off on, like, the AP and everything. Like, they're going, gosh, this doesn't make sense. He's gonna win. He's the president. Why don't we just call it? Just call it good. Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:33:43] Jamon Fries:
You know, if they if they would have called it when they could, maybe Kamala could have come out and given her concession speech.
[00:33:50] Jesse Fries:
No. I don't think so. She she she she Yes. That's that's right. Is she pansy out? Way early. Completely. She she she got way early. She pulled a Hillary Clinton is what she did. Yep. I I don't know what's up with that. Why you don't
[00:34:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I don't know why some things go out to talk to him. Saying, oh, thanks guys for showing up or whatnot. You know? It's like, are you are you too busy crying in the back? Come on. Suck it up. You know? It's Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's really interesting how that all worked out. But but, so I was I was fairly impressed with ABC, you know, and they you could tell by the people that that were doing the actual show
[00:34:41] Jesse Fries:
[00:34:42] Jamon Fries:
Even they couldn't figure out why it hadn't been called yet. You know, they're like Yeah. We we pretty much know that Trump's got Wisconsin already.
[00:34:53] Jesse Fries:
[00:34:55] Jamon Fries:
But we've got a but we don't have any communication with the back desk, and the back desk is the one that calls it for us. So we can't say anything until the back desk calls it.
[00:35:07] Jesse Fries:
[00:35:08] Jamon Fries:
So we just have to sit here and wait and be way behind on everything.
[00:35:14] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Brad Williams would come in and go, well, I don't know why the state wasn't called before, but Illinois goes to Harris. Yeah. It's like it's like, why did we wait past poll closing on this one? We should have just called it right away, guys. Yeah. It's, Yep. Yep.
[00:35:32] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. That was that was yeah. So it that that was very interesting, you know, just and how long it took for them to actually call Wisconsin. I mean, Fox News called Wisconsin at, like, 1:15, 1:30, something like that. Mhmm. And
[00:35:50] Jesse Fries:
ABC didn't call it until, like, 5, 6 o'clock or something. This I think is what you had said. Yeah. Yeah. It was something like that. It was like a hour before I woke up that they called it.
[00:36:01] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. That's a 4 hour difference. I mean Yep. Not much changed in those 4 hours because there weren't very many votes left to count. There really weren't. There really weren't. And the funny thing was that the reason that they were saying we can pretty much guarantee it's gonna go Trump is because they were looking at it, and they're like, well, at this point in time, if Kamala got 100% of the votes that haven't been counted yet Mhmm. Then she would win.
[00:36:33] Jesse Fries:
I know. I know. But
[00:36:35] Jamon Fries:
based on the votes that had been counted, they're like and based on just the percentages of everything, you know, because, like, at that point in time, Trump would be at, like, 44 and Gamala would be at 50 something. Mhmm. They're like, there there's no way that that Harris is gonna get 100% of these votes. She's gonna get 50 plus percent at best,
[00:37:01] Jesse Fries:
which means that she's not gonna catch up. Yep. I I think they're waiting for another 2020, you know, a a ballot dump of some sort. That that that's what I figure. Or or they just couldn't Well, and Actually, they they just couldn't comprehend that Trump would win again. You know? They just couldn't. So they're, like, going, this can't be This can't be. There's gotta be something going. You know? It's
[00:37:22] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, they actually gave an explanation as to why why they think that there was a difference between 2020 and 2024 as far as the ballot dump. I did not I did not remember this, but during the election of 2020, Trump told everybody, do not do mail in ballots. Go on the day of the election.
[00:37:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Well, that that that was generally Republican thought anyways was that. But yeah. It's
[00:37:52] Jamon Fries:
But so they they count the votes in person first. Yep. And then they start counting the mail in ballots. And so that's why that's why eve if there was no fraud, that's why it looked like there could have been because Trump had this massive lead at first. No. And then they start counting the mail in ballots, and suddenly his lead just goes poof.
[00:38:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But this year, Republicans really decided to take advantage of it. Not quite as much as Republicans, but it was able to help push them. Yeah. As Democrats. Yeah. But it helped them push their numbers on opening or on election day to actually
[00:38:35] Jamon Fries:
[00:38:36] Jesse Fries:
Competitive. So Absolutely.
[00:38:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And then there there's the Amish vote in Pennsylvania. I think that played a pretty big big key in Pennsylvania. I didn't know this, but, not too long ago, the Democrats they they shot themselves in the foot. Uh-huh. The the bureaucracies went in and shut down a decent amount of Amish farms because they because of their farming practices.
[00:39:07] Jesse Fries:
Oh, Jesus.
[00:39:10] Jamon Fries:
And that that just I mean, that's why almost every Amish person voted Trump. I can see that. I can see that. Yeah. I mean, because, you know, as they were saying on on some of the people I heard talking about it were saying, they're like, the Amish have been farming the same way since they came to the country.
[00:39:33] Jesse Fries:
[00:39:34] Jamon Fries:
Exactly. All of a sudden now because, you know, they weren't quite organic or something like that was the problem. And, like, you you don't just go and mess with the Amish, especially on how they farm because they've been doing it forever.
[00:39:57] Jesse Fries:
[00:39:58] Jamon Fries:
Yep. And they chose this year, not long before the election, to do that? Mhmm. And I think there might also have been a the small shift to do to peanut the squirrel if you if you heard about that story.
[00:40:15] Jesse Fries:
Peanut, this girl. Hilarious. So me so many memes of, this is for peanut. I you you gotta love stupid stories like that. They're hilarious. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. But let's see here. Let let let's go through some exit pulling data here and see if we can find anything interesting. Okay. It looks like she was read just in the fifties across the age range, 55 for 18 to 29, 51% for 30 to 44, 45%, for 45 to 64, and then 50% of 65 and older. So that was Harris.
[00:41:09] Jamon Fries:
That doesn't And that's kind of kind of interesting because, you know, Trump got a lot more of the 18 to 29 vote Uh-huh. Than almost everybody predicted.
[00:41:20] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Apparently, though, it's 8 per per these exit polls, the 18 to 29 year olds, that was only 14% of, the respondents. 30 to 44 were 23% of the respondents, 45 to 64 were 35% of the respondents, and that's why that number for Trump really helped kick them off because they were the largest group, the 6 45 to 64. And then, the 65 and older were 28% of the pop population, and so Trump got 49% of them as well. So that was almost a draw on that side. It's
[00:41:58] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I kind of saw the, 18 to 29, though.
[00:42:02] Jesse Fries:
[00:42:03] Jamon Fries:
I I kinda saw that happening. I can't remember his name. The guy that went around to a whole bunch of campuses and debated the debated the students. Uh-huh. I can't remember his name, but, I I recognized immediate immediately if I saw him. Right. But the responses that he got, if if you look at when he first started doing it to when to when he started getting close to the election
[00:42:33] Jesse Fries:
[00:42:35] Jamon Fries:
The responses from the college students were like, you could just see the slow progression of them leaning more right. Uh-huh. And I'd so that was that was very interesting watching that, you know, the the just that they're they he tosses out mega hats at when when the during the show and when the show starts.
[00:42:59] Jesse Fries:
[00:43:00] Jamon Fries:
And he's he's done it the whole time, but at the beginning at the first few episodes, you see a few people wearing mega hats. But towards the end there, it's like 3 quarters of the crowd had their had mega hats on. So I'm like, damn. This this is actually working.
[00:43:20] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No kidding. No kidding. Looks like married people voted for Trump more than not married. Okay. By, like, 55 it was, like, 55% of married people voted for Trump and 56 voted for not married voted for Harris. But Yeah. There were more married people that voted.
[00:43:42] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Well, you know, and and it's kind of interesting. The, I had a thought a couple of days ago about, you know, Harris' commercial about, women. You don't have to tell your tell your men who you voted for. You you can just go into the polling booth and vote for whoever you want. Mhmm. And then they they later on did one where men could do that. You didn't have to tell your bros who you were voting for. Yeah. You know, stuff like that. And, you know, I I didn't think about it at first, but when she says that, she's basically saying that anyone that's married, their husband is going to beat them if they vote for Trump.
[00:44:33] Jesse Fries:
Well, I know I'd be mine.
[00:44:38] Jamon Fries:
And, no, she'd probably beat you. Yeah. Well, in fact, it's better chance of her being mute the the other way around.
[00:44:45] Jesse Fries:
We we we just get around it by not voting.
[00:44:48] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yep. Yep. But, you know, I mean, just just the the thought process that had to have gone through the through their heads to make those commercials, You can only assume that that they truly believe that almost everyone that votes for Trump is a wife beater.
[00:45:07] Jesse Fries:
Of course, they are. So it takes some domestic violence. They're Nazis, absolute fascists, and wife beaders. Of course. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:45:15] Jamon Fries:
And so, you know, if if you put all that together, I mean, it's gotta draw out the Republicans to to make sure that they go out and vote. Yeah. I think I think she may have had a larger impact on getting the Republicans to the polls than Trump did.
[00:45:34] Jesse Fries:
Oh, completely. Completely. I I I wouldn't doubt it at all because all that you you know, that's one thing that Republicans and even independents generally realize is that basically calling a Republican, fascist or Hitler or anything like that, or racist doesn't matter because you've been calling the conservatives this for decades now. And so we just go, okay. Sure. Why not? You know? It's like, we don't believe you anymore people. This is the you've been using that race baiting for so long. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It just doesn't even work anymore. It doesn't it doesn't affect us on the right side of the spectrum. We're just, like, go ahead. Yeah. We're gonna be called that no matter what. It doesn't matter. Yeah. You you you know, it's like both of Vance and Trump. Trump has an immigrant wife. Vance is married to a first generation Indian.
You know, it's like, I don't see much as it lately, like racism or anything like that in there. Yeah. Yeah. Fascist. Of course. That would make sense. You can be fascist. Right. Not be a race. Yeah. That would be a possibility. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. But not a Nazi. You could be a Nazi and not be a racist. Those 2 don't don't really work out so well, but you could be a fascist. Yeah. You know, it's a
[00:46:57] Jamon Fries:
Well, I Yeah. No. Just this this stretch that they had to go to to claim that he was a Nazi or that he was fascist is just insane. I mean, because Hitler said a few of the same words that he did Mhmm. Suddenly that means that he's taking up Hitler's crusade and is going to be this ultra fascist.
[00:47:22] Jesse Fries:
Well, I I I don't think Trump and Hitler actually even spoke the same language, so they really couldn't say the same words. But
[00:47:29] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. But, I mean, the the translated words. I mean, because he said some things that were slightly related to the concept that that Hitler was saying
[00:47:44] Jesse Fries:
They both had a rally at issues. Yeah. They both had a rally at Madison Square Garden. Apparently, it's a different building, though. Did you know that? Apparently, the current know that now. Yeah. Apparently, the current Madison Square Garden was built, like, in the fifties or sixties.
[00:47:59] Jamon Fries:
Oh, okay. Okay.
[00:48:00] Jesse Fries:
So, technically, that's a fact check false right there on Yeah. It is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's named the same thing. So yeah. Yeah. Just because it's named the same thing, that doesn't matter.
[00:48:13] Jamon Fries:
No. It doesn't. After all, how many Target Centers are there across the world?
[00:48:19] Jesse Fries:
Oh, jeez. Yeah. Target has really gone nuts on naming things after themselves. It's been crazy.
[00:48:28] Jamon Fries:
Target, Sprint, all of those, all the ones that build that that build these stadiums and stuff. I mean Well, that's Sprint anymore because, well, they're dead. Oh, yes. Yeah.
[00:48:40] Jesse Fries:
But I mean, you
[00:48:43] Jamon Fries:
yeah. You you see it all over the place where, you know, it's rather funny, you know, if if you're looking at, like, the football teams that are playing each other. They're at the target center. Uh-huh. Well, there's okay. So that doesn't tell me which city they're playing in because both there's both of those cities have a target center.
[00:49:08] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Yep. Nope.
[00:49:10] Jamon Fries:
When when you I I mean, I understand the concept of naming the stadiums and stuff after the after the company that's doing it. Mhmm. But I I would much rather see them put an actual name
[00:49:25] Jesse Fries:
and then
[00:49:27] Jamon Fries:
buy Target or something like that. You know, you can still have Target on there, but you don't name it the Target Center.
[00:49:34] Jesse Fries:
No. That's that's how I feel too. It has no individuality. Yeah. It's like, the Metrodome when I was still around. Hubert Humphrey Metrodome in the cities or, Joe Louis arena in Detroit where the red wings used to play. Now it's, what is it? What is it? The Viking stadium now? What is that called? I can't remember as cold nowadays. It's a pretty stadium. My god. But Yeah. But but the the one in Detroit, the red rings now play for a little c at Little Caesar's arena. So, yeah, it's why they don't just name it after the owner of Little Caesars, I don't know. But, you know, it's
[00:50:18] Jamon Fries:
the Vikings play at the US Bank Stadium.
[00:50:21] Jesse Fries:
US Bank. Okay. I knew it was a bank. I thought it was, like, maybe TV or something like that. There's so many.
[00:50:27] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. So, I mean, it's it's just yeah. But, anyways, back to politics.
[00:50:35] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Actually, let me do, the value for value statement here. Okay. So okay, guys. Here at the mindless meanderings, we are a value for value model. This means that, you are producers of the show, and you can help us with all aspects of the show. This has been described as time, talent, or treasure. You can help out by doing art jingles or anything for the show that you would want to, and you can also send us ideas and information for the topics that we cover. You can email me at, or you can email
But most importantly, we need the treasure. Money will ensure that we can continue bringing you our mindless meanderings. Just donate however much you think this podcast is worth to you, whether it's, $3, 300, or a dollar, or a peso. I don't care. Just send us what you feel this podcast was worth to you. Any amount helps, and it will also keep us spouting our mindless meanderings. When you do donate, you can also send us a short email that we will read live on air. You can donate through our website, or through your favorite podcast app.
When you do donate treasure, AKA money, we will list you as a producer of the show. Since we are just starting out, whoever donates at least $100 will be listed as an executive producer and the rest will be listed as associated associate producers. So, yeah, let's go back to politics here. I was looking over some more of the, exit polls. It looks like it looks like Harris got the urban vote, but Trump got the suburban and rural vote. So he actually got both of them. Oh, wow. He got the suburban? From this, polling exit polling. Yeah. He got 50% instead of 48%.
[00:52:46] Jamon Fries:
Nice. Yeah. That that's kind of that's kind of impressive because usually, suburban doesn't go doesn't go Republican very hard very heavy. It really doesn't. It really doesn't.
[00:53:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I thought that was kinda interesting too. That is definitely interesting. Yeah. So that could really show why, he was able to, win out. You know? It's, Yep. Yep. Absolutely. Let's see here. What are you looking forward to in Trump's new term?
[00:53:41] Jamon Fries:
There's a couple of things that I would really like to see happen that that he has been saying that were gonna happen. Number 1 would be the cleaning up the bureaucracies, getting getting the government to be more efficient.
[00:53:58] Jesse Fries:
[00:53:59] Jamon Fries:
I I can I can only imagine just if if they actually can go in and make the government efficient, I could see the debt I could see our national debt starting to decrease massively before too long?
[00:54:14] Jesse Fries:
Uh-huh. Nope.
[00:54:16] Jamon Fries:
Because we we definitely spend way too much money on stuff. I mean, there's the you know? Even even back when I was a kid, you know, you hear you'd hear jokes about how you go to the you go to the the hardware store and you buy a hammer for a buck 50 to for to $5 at the most. Uh-huh. But if you're but if you're in the US military, you're spending about $5,000,000 for whatever. Right. Right. You know, and and unfortunately, that's not really inaccurate. I mean, the the the number may be a little bit exaggerated, but you spend a lot more money for anything.
Even a paper clip costs a lot more money when it's when it's government spending.
[00:55:03] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. If we could pair that down, that'd be great. Actually get since it looks like you'll actually have control of, the house as well along with the senate. Mhmm. Maybe we could actually get something fiscally done because Yeah. That needs to be done so badly. Our our fiscal health is horrible.
[00:55:25] Jamon Fries:
It's really horrible. Loved I would also love to see some laws passed pertaining to actually, you know, doing what every state has to do, which is to balance your budget. Uh-huh. Yep. You know, because the federal government right now, they don't have to balance their budget. They can just spend whatever they wanna spend. Oh, yeah. That's why we're sold in debt. Yep. Yeah. But every there isn't a single state out there that doesn't have to balance the budget with the income. Yep. Yep. So, you know, I would love to see I would love to see the federal government have to adhere to that same type of policy. It would be nice. Never will, but it would be really nice. I could see where it could
[00:56:10] Jesse Fries:
be a little bit different because we control the fed as well. So we we have a little bit more seaways. Leeway. Yeah. Exactly. It's not like it's not like states that have no control over it or, like, EU countries that have no control over the euro. You know? It's, Yeah. Yeah. Which screwed over many countries over there. So Oh, absolutely. Abs it absolutely
[00:56:33] Jamon Fries:
did. So I I would like to see it I would like to see some laws enacted that that do a much better job of balancing the budget. If nothing else, pass a law that you have to that you have to actually create and vote on an actual budget every year. That'd be nice. Rather than rather than just doing what they do now, which is just they just keep approving the budget from 20 years ago or however long ago it was.
[00:57:06] Jesse Fries:
A continuing resolution.
[00:57:09] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean, there's there's been continuing resolutions for god knows how long now. Yep. And they don't so they don't actually do anything with the with a budget. Mhmm. I mean, they they make the they make the bureaucracies do budgets. Yep. But then they don't even look at them.
[00:57:31] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It is crazy. It is crazy.
[00:57:34] Jamon Fries:
That'd be nice. Yeah. So that's that's one that's one of the things that I would really love to see happen. Of course, you know, that's not something that that Trump has talked about with as far as the budget thing goes. But Right. You know, even even without that, just just making the government more efficient would be a godsend.
[00:57:53] Jesse Fries:
It would be. It would be. I'm looking forward to, like, when it comes to, like, foreign policy, but also, like, our border situation, get that under control.
[00:58:03] Jamon Fries:
[00:58:05] Jesse Fries:
Which will help everything. It'll help the economy. It'll help pretty much everything. And then just let Trump do what he does with foreign policy because the that man, when it comes to foreign policy, he is a genius, I think. We didn't have a single war while he was we didn't go into a new one. We had Afghanistan and everything like that. We couldn't get out. But only did
[00:58:27] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Not only did we not have a single foreign war, but he also was able to get almost everyone he talked to to give in to to what we need to what we said we needed them to do. Exactly.
[00:58:43] Jesse Fries:
[00:58:45] Jamon Fries:
He got China to agree to things. He got Russia to agree to things. I mean, you know, the with with Afghanistan, when when he went in and said, look, you kill another one of our soldiers, we're going to destroy you. We're going to take you out. Yep. And for 18 months, not a single soldier got shot at.
[00:59:06] Jesse Fries:
It's kinda crazy, isn't it? It's kinda crazy. Yeah.
[00:59:10] Jamon Fries:
So, I mean, you know, the the way he the way he does things, the way he, if you call wanna call him a bully, you can. I mean, he bullies them massively
[00:59:21] Jesse Fries:
because we have the power to be to back it up. Oh, yeah. And then he got EU to actually pay for NATO, all those countries. That was nice. Yep.
[00:59:30] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. So I mean, the it's it's, it's yeah. You definitely need to just let him do his thing with the with the foreign with the, foreign politics. I mean, that's he he's a genius at it.
[00:59:44] Jesse Fries:
I think so. I think so.
[00:59:47] Jamon Fries:
Are there anything that Yeah. I was gonna say another thing I would love to see and am looking forward to is some of the stuff that they're talking about with, food and and medicine and stuff like that. Yeah. You know, the The IRS knows this. But yeah. Yeah. The RFK stuff. I I personally believe that we need to eliminate a lot of the stuff that goes into the foods that we eat. For example, I would love to see them cut high fructose corn syrup out of all of our food, make that illegal to put that in food. I mean, it's a poison. Yeah.
[01:00:36] Jesse Fries:
[01:00:37] Jamon Fries:
I I yeah. I I yeah. Long time, But I prefer sugar. But, you know, it doesn't matter to me, really. But Yeah. If nothing if nothing else, if you taste anything that has sugar versus something that has high fructose corn syrup Oh, yeah. The sugar tastes so much better. Yeah. No. It's like Coke overseas or, as they call it around here, Mexican Coke.
[01:01:00] Jesse Fries:
You know? It's,
[01:01:02] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Exactly. I mean, it the taste is so much better than high fructose corn syrup is. And so just on taste alone, I I would love to see high fructose corn syrup gone. But then, you know, you there's also the fact that you look at almost every other country in in the world, and it's illegal to put high fructose corn syrup or a lot of the dyes and stuff like that in our foods. Our our food producers actually usually make 2 sets of food. Uh-huh. They make food for sale here in the US, which is loaded with a whole bunch of bad stuff, and they make food for for overseas where they use a lot more natural stuff like the food coloring and dyes. Oh, I know. I know. They
[01:01:51] Jesse Fries:
use vegetables and stuff like that to to do the food coloring. So I know. I'll miss that color of our Fanta though. Come on. You know that orange pop, that that orange color. You cannot get that anywhere else. No. You can't. You can't. Unless if they change it to the actual recipe for, Canadian Fanta. Holy Yeah. Do do you remember, when we would go hunting up in Canada? Right? And there's a Toby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And there's a orange pop that was, like, fantastic. Yes. Yes. That is Fanta. That is their Fanta.
[01:02:25] Jamon Fries:
That that's Fanta? Yes. Holy shit. Yes. That was so much better than Fanta here in the US.
[01:02:32] Jesse Fries:
[01:02:34] Jamon Fries:
Exactly. That was fantastic. That's but then again, that's a lot of products. You know, you go overseas and taste it, and you're like, holy shit. This is what it's supposed to taste like. Well, no. It's only Canadian
[01:02:45] Jesse Fries:
because it doesn't taste like that anywhere else in the world. Well, no. No. I I know that's funny. It's just how they make it there. Yeah. Yeah. It's kinda crazy. Yeah. Yep.
[01:03:00] Jamon Fries:
I I am kind of hopeful towards some of the stuff that RFK was that RFK was running on because I I agree with a lot of the stuff that he said as far as the health wise goes. I would I've always you know, like putting fluoride in our water. Mhmm. Fluoride is it helps the teeth when it sits on the teeth.
[01:03:29] Jesse Fries:
[01:03:30] Jamon Fries:
It doesn't help the teeth from within the body. Mhmm. So it makes sense to put fluoride in, like, toothpaste and stuff like that. Yep. But otherwise, it's just industrial waste. But drinking water, it pass it it, like, has contact with your teeth for maybe a half a millisecond.
[01:03:49] Jesse Fries:
[01:03:50] Jamon Fries:
And then it goes into the body where it does nothing for your teeth. Yep. But, you know, based on studies and stuff, it's pretty bad. That's what they say. I don't know. It it Well, there there was actually there was actually a court case where they brought it up. No. I know. I know. I know. Yeah. That's yeah. Yeah. It's it's It should have been taken out of the water a long time ago based on that court case, but the EPA has been pushing it off and pushing it off and pushing it off. Yep.
[01:04:23] Jesse Fries:
Are there any negative things that you can see about Trump's new term coming?
[01:04:37] Jamon Fries:
There are some negatives, but it's mostly in the interactions within the government.
[01:04:47] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. That's basically how I feel and with the media.
[01:04:52] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I don't know if I agree with what he said that he was gonna do with CBS where he was gonna pull their license. Oh.
[01:05:04] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. It's it's like things like that. I I doubt if that'll happen. Yeah. You know, it's like the SNL thing where he the SNL, said that they wouldn't have any candidate on. And then last Friday, they had Harris on.
[01:05:23] Jamon Fries:
Oh, did they?
[01:05:24] Jesse Fries:
Which actually broke FCC laws because you have to give equal airtime. Right. And so because of that, Trump actually got 2 free 90 second spots. One was during, NASCAR. Okay. And then the other one was during, Sunday night football, which is like prime time for the type of voters. Times. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. So, yeah, it's, Yeah. Oh, that's hilarious. But, yeah, I haven't premise along the same lines. It's basically, like, what else is going on and everything like that. You know? It's Yeah. How the media will attack him, how well, democrats will always attack him and everything like that, but I hope we can get past Luckily luckily, we that we have.
[01:06:14] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Luckily, if if we get the house and the senate, at least he won't be bogged down for the 1st 2 years with impeachment. Yes. Yes. At least no impeachment. So, yeah, it's a because, I mean, I they were already, you know, the I think the Democrats were seeing the writing on the wall not too long before the election because I suddenly started hearing about how they were getting ready for impeachment hearings and stuff like that. Jesus Christ. Just leave a beep. And they they were taught they were talking about how, how they were they needed to they needed the, senate well, when when they were when they were gonna be doing basically the January 6th stuff, which is, you know, tabulate doing the final tabulation and everything.
They were saying that that they were gonna have to invalidate Trump's ability to even run for the election because of the whole, insurrection, you know, stuff like that. And so, I mean, as soon as as soon as they started saying that, I'm like, oh, shit. They're afraid. Yeah. They know they're going down.
[01:07:28] Jesse Fries:
That is crazy. That is really crazy. You know? But,
[01:07:34] Jamon Fries:
so I mean, that it that that is the one downside.
[01:07:37] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Yeah. I can see that. Well, it looks like this podcast was all about Trump. We're running out of time here.
[01:07:46] Jamon Fries:
Like, things that non Trump related if you wanna if you wanna hear them? No. No. We can save those for next time. Okay.
[01:07:53] Jesse Fries:
And I will just call this Trump or something like that. Yep. But, thank you for joining us for episode 10 of the Mindless Meanderings podcast, and we will all see you on the flip side.
Introduction and Election Overview
Election Takeaways and Trump's Popular Vote
Election Integrity and Mail-in Ballots
Reasons for Voting Trump
Reasons for Voting Against Trump
Reasons for Voting Harris
Reasons for Voting Against Harris
Media Coverage and Election Night Reactions
Exit Poll Analysis
Expectations for Trump's New Term
Potential Challenges in Trump's New Term