After Jamon woke up we finally got a podcast in. And we talked about the usual: politics and tech.
Hosted by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:18) Introduction
(00:02:42) Political Landscape Post-Election
(00:09:00) Election Analysis and Misinformation
(00:14:37) Internal Political Conflicts
(00:20:49) Cabinet Picks and Political Strategies
(00:28:08) Controversial Political Actions
(00:36:00) Tech News and Innovations
(00:47:59) International Affairs and Environmental Discoveries
(00:56:00) Elon Musk and Future Technologies
(01:04:50) Social Commentary and Humor
Good morning, everybody. It is Wednesday, November 13th, and we are live with episode number 11 of the Mindless Meanderings. I'm Jesse Friese coming to you from Central Texas where I had to wait for my brother to actually wake up to actually start this podcast.
[00:00:36] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Friese, the fool who overslept, but, coming at you from Kansas where the Chiefs are still undefeated for the season.
[00:00:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That was a pretty sweet game. That that that was quite impressive, that block field goal. That was crazy.
[00:00:51] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:00:53] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I I was about to celebrate the Chiefs losing, and then they did that. It it it was such a good play. I couldn't be upset. Celebrate now. Yeah. I know. It's like but but, no, it's such a good play that you're just going, damn. Respect. Respect on that. Yeah. I know. Absolutely. Yep. Yep. Yeah. And then, Detroit squeaked it out as well. That was nice to see. That's good. That's good. Yeah. They were like Is that is that still your team? Well, I I've actually been watching since I really don't have a team down here. It's hard to get behind the Houston Texans. I guess I kinda do.
Dallas, I'm sorry. I just I I just can't. It's Dallas. You know, going back a long time ago. You know, the Herschel Walker trade and whatnot, for the Vikings fans. Yep. So, yeah, I I basically just I've started to watch, I I watch the Chiefs. I watch, Detroit, and then I also watch the Vikings. It's been those are my 3 teams, Except for the Chiefs, I a lot of times, I want them to lose just because, yeah, Kansas people, when it comes to that, are somewhat annoying. But you know what you need? What can you Well, you know, I mean, the the Kansas people are annoying now.
[00:02:07] Jamon Fries:
The New England people were annoying when the Patriots were doing their dynasty. The Cowboys fans were annoying during theirs. I mean, it it that happens when you got back to back Super Bowls and I'm not in time. So I agree. But
[00:02:24] Jesse Fries:
I didn't have Facebook with anybody from those areas in those realms. So so so I I just have all these people on Facebook hey. You just go, come on. Enough already. But Well, that's what you get for having lived here in Kansas. I guess it is. I guess it is. Let's see. Today, basically, it's still mostly Trump news just out there and or Democrats just trying to figure out why they lost us.
[00:02:52] Jamon Fries:
One thing I am very happy that the election election is over for though.
[00:02:57] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. X is not only filled with politics anymore. There's actually some good stuff on there now. Well, that's crazy. Well, that's crazy. I know. It's per it's probably because all the democrats are leaving for what? Is it blue sky or something like that?
[00:03:14] Jamon Fries:
I I it still they came up with a replacement for x now for the Democrats?
[00:03:20] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. A lot of them couldn't handle it anymore. So I I think it's blue sky or something like that. I can't remember off the top of my head. But, yeah, it's, they've been leaving quite a bit, something like a 120,000.
[00:03:34] Jamon Fries:
So they can't handle an uncensored platform. Yeah. It's too weird. Yeah. Yep. Yep. It's,
[00:03:40] Jesse Fries:
well, if you look at all the reaction, like the the, like, the 4 b movements and everything like that, it's not a surprise that they can't handle anything like that because, boy.
[00:03:54] Jamon Fries:
Speaking of the 4 b movements, there was a very funny article on, NX that said that, let me see here. Let's pull this up real quick. The headline for the article was abortion clinics warn they'll go bankrupt if Democrat sex strike continues.
[00:04:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I saw that. I saw that. I wasn't able to find the actual headline. Did you ever actually I I don't think it actually was one. I think it was just a a joke that was put up. That's what I thought too. Because I I wouldn't be able to find anything on it either. So yeah. It it was pretty funny though. Because, and then and then there's the meme. It's like going, oh my. Now you're actually you're a moral person now and not just a loose woman. You know? That's, yeah. I don't wanna lose women, but you know, that's okay.
[00:04:51] Jamon Fries:
There there was there was one that I watched one video where she was responding where she was, you know, watching the libs lib meltdowns and stuff like that. And this one lady came on and said, now her 17 year old daughter's gonna have to get an IUD so that, you know, she said because it's not safe anymore. And the the lady's response to that was, so your plan before was to let your daughter get pregnant and have an abortion?
[00:05:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That that that's it it is but it it actually, that is the plan c, you know, is really what that is. It's it's like Yeah. And but now it's it's like a lot of these peep women are they're, like, in California and everything like that, and they're thinking that they're gonna get rid of abortion there, which I just don't see happening. So Why? Because that California getting rid of abortion? Yeah. No. Not a chance to now. Hell. Well, they're they're thinking that it'd be a federal law, because what is it? That project 2025 or whatever it is? It
[00:05:55] Jamon Fries:
it talks about that even though Trump kinda dismissed the whole thing. Donald Trump Donald Trump they they think Donald Trump is gonna do this massive federal abortion ban even though he was the one that specifically wanted to get it back into the power of the states. Right. I mean, something tells me he's not gonna do something federal when he wanted to when he sent that power back to the states.
[00:06:20] Jesse Fries:
Well, he didn't actually do it. It was the courts that did it. So the people that he put into the courts did. Well right. Right. I I don't know. I find it all kinda stupid. I I I personally believe Republicans should just get over it and allow some abortion up until viability or something like that. Due to me, that makes the most sense. That's what most people want in the United States. So by about, like, 60
[00:06:47] Jamon Fries:
to 30%. You know, it's I don't know. I don't know if I would quite go to viability, but, definitely, to win
[00:06:56] Jesse Fries:
The 1st trimester,
[00:06:58] Jamon Fries:
I would say. Yeah. Well, like, when when, the consciousness develops, when the when when the brain develops to the point where they are act where it's actually a sentient being of sorts.
[00:07:10] Jesse Fries:
Well, I don't know about that. Because that because I I I just say Yeah. I just say pick That that's that's sometime in the in sometime real close to the 2nd trimester is when that happens. Yeah. Just just say, like, 1st trimester. That that gives you 3 months. Mhmm. And, and then if some states wanna go a little bit beyond that, that's fine too. But, you know, I think just in general, I I think it would be smart of the Republicans to do, but Republicans probably won't do that. So
[00:07:36] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. There there's there because there are still some Republicans out there that do want just a complete ban for absolutely no reason can you get an abortion.
[00:07:46] Jesse Fries:
I'd say those people that those people think that think, that that wanna stop IVF because, like, there's a embryo that might be destroyed at some point in time. It's like Yeah. Dude, that's like a 100 cells. What is your issue? Yeah. You know? It's it's got nothing, DMO. So
[00:08:04] Jamon Fries:
You know, and and IVF is to me, it's not considered life until it's actually put into the mother's womb where it can actually thrive. I could see that. So I given there is no baby that's gonna grow in a test tube. So until you implant it into the into the womb, it's nothing.
[00:08:29] Jesse Fries:
Nope. I, I I'm pretty much along those same lines. To me, if you're trying to get people to have babies and this is part of the process, I say more Oh, yeah.
[00:08:41] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yeah. You know, 100%. So Yeah. Absolutely. We do need more babies out there.
[00:08:47] Jesse Fries:
We do need more babies. Or do we? I don't know. Who knows? Yeah.
[00:08:53] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, to just to to maintain the population, we need No. I understand. I understand. Yep.
[00:09:00] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. And then also, there's all this all the people, like, going crazy about, like, all these analysts that go, why was I wrong? There's this one Alan Lichtman who's been I I was right about everything, but I just didn't understand 2024. I couldn't and then he just goes on to blame missing disinformation. It's, like, it's it's Yeah. It's all about that. It's, like, he he goes, the economy was good. It's, like, dude, not if you ask the people. You know? Yes. Economists will tell you that it's good, but the people are saying not so much.
[00:09:35] Jamon Fries:
The inflation really kicked everybody in the butt, you know? Yeah. The the economy is decent. There people are working. There's money being made. Uh-huh. But when you have to spend all of that money just to buy a week's worth of groceries, there's a bit of a problem.
[00:09:52] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. There's there's a huge problem with that. So yeah. But, yeah, that was his whole thing is, like, Ed, he had, like, predicted many, many elections right, and then he got this one wrong, and he was just blaming mis and disinformation. I'm so tired of people blaming missing disinformation. People I know. It has always been around, plain and simple. Yep. You we've always had to fight against it. You know, there's and who is what is missing disinformation? It just depends on where you're coming from. It's all propaganda.
[00:10:24] Jamon Fries:
So It depends on which side you're from.
[00:10:27] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. That is exactly right. And, you know, it's like for the wealthy, yeah, the economy was good, but for everybody else, not so much.
[00:10:37] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yeah. I I I find it so hilarious too now with, all of the election deniers that are popping up on the left now. Where did that where did where did that, 10 where did that 1,000,000 or I don't remember how much it was, but, like, the extra yeah. The the extra votes that they got last year. Where did those go? Did the republic it had to have been Elon Musk with Skylink. They you know, the these things these these machines were connected to the Internet when they weren't supposed to. So it had to have been Elon Musk with Skylink going into deleting stuff. Oh, yeah. I love that one. That was a good one. That was a good
[00:11:22] Jesse Fries:
one. It's it's it has to be somebody. You know? It's, It has to be. Yeah.
[00:11:27] Jamon Fries:
You know? I just find it so funny that they're now saying the exact same things we were saying 4 years ago, but there was an extra 10,000,000 votes or whatever.
[00:11:40] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. And not only that, but you you've seen that bar graph. Right? You you the one that shows Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like you look at that, and it's like, well, Republicans could go, see? Look it. They cheated in 2020. And then you have the Democrats and go, oh, see? Look it. They cheated in 2024. Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah. They both get to say that the other side cheated just because of that one bar graph. It's hilarious.
[00:12:07] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it it's because there there one of 2 things happened. It's either a statistical anomaly where the republic where the democrats have always gotten just under 70,000,000 votes, and suddenly they jumped up to 81. Mhmm. Or it's not a statistical anomaly anomaly, and there were actually 81,000,000 that wanted to vote, but something happened to stop it. So, I mean, you you you you can you can theorize as much as you fucking want, but it's not gonna mean anything. Mhmm. Yep. The election's done and over with. I mean, nothing that nothing that you do or say, especially crackpot ideas like, Starlink is involved or stuff like that.
[00:12:57] Jesse Fries:
I love those. Those are fun ones.
[00:12:59] Jamon Fries:
Oh, they are. Absolutely. But, I mean, the crackpot ideas that they come up with just like the crackpot ideas that the right wing came up with last election.
[00:13:09] Jesse Fries:
Uh-huh. I mean,
[00:13:11] Jamon Fries:
it means nothing.
[00:13:13] Jesse Fries:
It it really doesn't. It really doesn't. Let's see. There were some that seemed to understand it, like some there's a I read across one article where it's basically like Harrison Biden camps are like, they've been like going at each other blaming each other. Yep. Yep. And when you read it like that, it looks like some Democrats actually know what's going on and what not. But it it's like a former official suggested that it was, basically just shitty governance, that did them in. Yeah. Yeah. Excuse me. One of the quotes was, it's very clear we got it wrong on economic policy. People feel squeezed, and when they do, they pick change. Our policy position and execution wasn't palpable to voters.
[00:14:08] Jamon Fries:
[00:14:09] Jesse Fries:
And then another cited a range of frustrations. The party was lied to about our candidate, and the leadership who lied were the same ones who never bothered to actually listen to the voters and understood what was appealing to them about Trump or why the Biden economy wasn't working for them even if it looked good on paper. So, yeah, it looks like some are getting it, but
[00:14:32] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:14:34] Jesse Fries:
Not that many probably.
[00:14:37] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. And speaking of, since we're on politics now, I, read an interesting article that, the, senate minority leader, McConnell.
[00:14:49] Jesse Fries:
[00:14:51] Jamon Fries:
Is now trying to fast track the senate leader vote so that he can try to get it. Yep.
[00:14:58] Jesse Fries:
Well, he he's trying to get, like, his allies in there. I don't think he's actually trying to Yeah. I don't I think he's not running for it, from what I understand. Okay. But he there's, like, 3 people up for it, it looks like. And 2 of them are basically anti Trumpers, and then the other one is a more pro Trump. So
[00:15:17] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Okay. Well, hopefully hopefully, the more pro Trump guy gets it because we really don't need more anti Trumpers leading the Republican party.
[00:15:27] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Let's see what happens. Who knows? Who knows what they will actually choose to do? Let's see.
[00:15:36] Jamon Fries:
Anything else to Talking talking about, about how the democrat policies and stuff like that were were problematic. I ran across a very funny, very funny thing not too long ago where, they're talking about how much Harris paid for all the celebrities to appear at her, at her stuff. Uh-huh. She paid out, like, $20,000,000, I think it was for for the for people to appear at her different rallies.
[00:16:07] Jesse Fries:
[00:16:08] Jamon Fries:
Now there the, of course, the article that I was reading were contending that they were that she was buying their their nomination. But, I mean, these are all these are all people that have always supported the Democrat party, so I highly doubt that she was buying their nomination. But, But, yeah, you know, over $20,000,000 spent on that, and that ties into a thing where Trump is now bailing out the Harris, the Harris, campaign because they went into debt. Did they actually accept it? I heard he had it all. I I don't I don't know if they've accepted it or not. I haven't heard specifically on that. But, I mean, when when you raise a $1,000,000,000 and in 3 months, you blow through all of it and go into debt.
Yeah. I don't think I want somebody that fiscally irresponsible in my as president. No. It it I mean, it's quite impressive. Massive policy issues.
[00:17:10] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It was quite impressive about how much they actually, spent on that and how a lot of it was just, like yeah. So much of it was given to, like, 1,000,000 of dollars. Like, I think it was, like, 1.8 was given to, like, Eminem or something like that. Yep. And then, somebody else got, like I thought, like, Beyonce got I can't remember how much she got. 10,000,000. Yeah. For for for endorsement. That's that was it. You know? Yep. It was
[00:17:36] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, for 4 minutes of speaking on stage, which means that he shared 2,500,000 a minute.
[00:17:43] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:17:45] Jamon Fries:
That's insane.
[00:17:47] Jesse Fries:
Meanwhile, Elon Musk gave Trump a $100,000,000, and he just spoke for free. Yeah.
[00:17:56] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Not not only spoke for free, but also, with his, with the
[00:18:02] Jesse Fries:
thing that he was doing in Pennsylvania and the other swing states No. Yeah. Yeah. To That's why I was saying that he gave away for that. The 100,000,000. He he he put in about a 100,000,000. Yep. Yep.
[00:18:14] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. The Republican I mean, I I don't think I haven't heard of any of them anyways, but I don't think any of the republican people that were helping the president with, you know, all sorts of stuff. I mean, you've got the Charlie Kirk stuff was going to the campuses. Mhmm. I mean, that that was all that was all part of the campaign. You know? I I didn't realize that was all part of the campaign until I, watched later on where Kirk where, Charlie was talking to to some people and and he was talking about how, you know, that this was a concerted effort by the campaign, him going out and doing that. Uh-huh.
So yeah. I mean, it's it's just hilarious. So much money was I mean, so much money was spent on celebrities that it just Well, that's that's
[00:19:07] Jesse Fries:
that's that's generally been the democrat playbook. They try to get as many celebrities out for them as possible. Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:19:16] Jamon Fries:
but to me, it's like you shouldn't have to pay for it. You know, it's like Yeah. Exactly. I mean, if if the celebrity actually endorses you and believes in what you're saying, they should be willing to make that appearance for free. Now the where it was an actual concert or something like that, because I think if I remember correctly, I think Eminem did a little bit of a concert and a few of them did concerts. So I can actually get people paid for that. Right. No. No. That's fine and all. But
[00:19:41] Jesse Fries:
in all honesty, you have to to get people to come to your rally, you need to throw a concert. You you Yeah. It's it's not it
[00:19:52] Jamon Fries:
seems a bit different. It's it's like it's like the Beyonce one, you know, that when as soon as Beyonce left the stage, you know, I I don't somehow it got out that she was gonna sing, but she she was never in the plans. In fact, it was never even in the plans for her to actually show up there. Mhmm. But she decided but she went anyways. And so, you know but, I mean, as soon as people found out she wasn't gonna sing, like, I think, like, half of the audience left.
[00:20:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Wouldn't you?
[00:20:23] Jamon Fries:
Hell yeah. Well, I mean, you know, if nothing else, simply because, well, the most important person there is no long is has left the building, so why should I stay? Yep. You know, that that's what a lot of them are thinking.
[00:20:42] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So let's see here. Do you have anything else politics? Mine I have something that's kinda related.
[00:20:49] Jamon Fries:
The only other one that I have is, something that I heard. You know you know those, videos that have been coming out where Trump just talking about what he wants to do? Mhmm. Well, I heard one that was extremely interesting to me. Uh-huh. And that was, he he he wants to combat the cost of college tuition by gathering all of the information possible. And essentially, I guess, designing a a, almost a university online that is absolutely free for anyone. You can get degrees from them. You can get a credit you can get accreditations and stuff like that from it. I mean, if if that all works out, it's, it's called the American Academy Uh-huh. Where so anybody that that wants to further their education, you know, they'll they they they'll according to what he wants to happen, they would even, like, with me, I I only have an associate's degree.
So they would take they they would accept the credits from my associate's degree towards a bachelor's. Okay. So, I mean, it essentially works exactly like a college, but it's free. No one in the u no one no citizen of the United States would ever have to pay a penny for it.
[00:22:21] Jesse Fries:
That's interesting. That is interesting.
[00:22:23] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I was kinda shocked when I saw that. I'm like, holy shit. That that's insane.
[00:22:29] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I'll have to look into that, see if, the what's going on with that. It it makes sense for certain things. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. It's called the American Academy. So you can, definitely pull that up and look into it. Okay. Okay. Cool. Actually, I have a couple things politics related. Let's start with, like, his cabinet picks. Looks like he's starting to pick his cabinet. So Yep. Looks like he's he he he picked, like, who's gonna be the 1st woman chief of staff, so that will be she she during election night, she she seemed a seemed a bit shy, which is odd for Yeah. To apologize.
[00:23:10] Jamon Fries:
Well, you know what's really funny is the the the liberals when they were talking about that, they were they were saying, well, that just knows that you that just goes to show that she's definitely gonna be getting in there somewhere because she knows not to talk when Trump is talking. She knows she knows to avoid anything doing anything when Trump is there because he's like this egomaniac. So Well, it's just that she isn't. I think that's it. You know? Yeah. Yeah. You know? It it she I mean, you you look at you look at all of her influences in the campaigns, but everything was behind the doors.
She did she everything was backdoor. She did not get involved any I had never even seen her in in anything that he had done.
[00:23:51] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Same here. Same here.
[00:23:53] Jamon Fries:
Let's see. She was supposedly a big part of it. So Uh-huh.
[00:23:58] Jesse Fries:
And that looks like Kristi Noem for DHS, Homeland Security. So that's a South Dakotan, who killed her own dog. Let's see here. Then you have a Rubio for secretary of state. I don't know. He's always seems whatever to me, but, you know, Hillary Clinton did it, so it can't be that hard. So and she had no experience really before that, so there's that. That looks like somebody that hates the UN is gonna go in for the ambassador, Stefanik. So she hates the UN apparently.
[00:24:44] Jamon Fries:
So that should be fun. You know, I mean, as far as I'm concerned, that's a plus.
[00:24:48] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Some people say she's kinda I haven't
[00:24:53] Jamon Fries:
yeah. I haven't been a big fan of the UN ever since I learned of its existence.
[00:24:58] Jesse Fries:
Got it. Got it. Yeah. No. Apparently, some people call her like a young Nikki Haley, when it comes to that. So and then, basically, it's just like somebody that hates the EPA is gonna be in charge of the EPA. A guy named Seldon. And then the guy that was, did, was the secretary of National Intelligence or director of National Intelligence last Mhmm. Trump term. He's probably gonna be head of the CIA, a guy named Ratcliffe. So, you know? Yep. The the the only thing for me and then, of course, there's, that what, Holton or something like that. He'll be czar Yeah. Of, Of the border. Border. Yep. Yep. Yep.
So basically, he'll probably be underneath DHS, but he'll be have the actual power hopefully to do something there. Yeah. So yeah. We'll see. But some of these people, they go, yay, Ukraine. You know? And I I I hope Trump can really tamp that down because I don't want. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We need to stop that. Get that stopped so people could stop dying.
[00:26:08] Jamon Fries:
[00:26:09] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Hopefully, he can actually do something and those wars pretty quickly. Yeah. Let's see. My other kind of political one is, did you hear about that lady who worked for FEMA who told people not to help people die of Trump? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So she was fired. Right? Yep. But now she's turn she's turning whistleblower. She's Oh, yes. Yeah. I mean Yeah. That's surprising. I mean,
[00:26:37] Jamon Fries:
in order for her to have that in order for her to to put that openly into their directions Uh-huh. I knew that had to come from up
[00:26:46] Jesse Fries:
higher. Yeah. Yeah. She has said that the the edict was not isolated. It would also happen in North Carolina and, that it came down from up high from her. So, Yeah. Some heads are probably gonna roll on that one as well. Uh-uh. So Probably. Yeah. Well, worth it because, seriously, it's, messed up.
[00:27:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Well, I I also saw something with the North Carolina, thing that you were talking about. There's a lot of the small towns that were basically just entirely destroyed.
[00:27:21] Jesse Fries:
[00:27:22] Jamon Fries:
The government has come in and bought all of the land. I you could say forcefully bought all of the land there for $25100 a a per person.
[00:27:36] Jesse Fries:
Wow. That's awfully cheap.
[00:27:39] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Not sure not sure how much that land was worth though, but yeah. And the the reason well, it's actually worth a shit ton of money. Uh-huh. Because there's a lot of lithium in the ground there. There's a lot of quartz in the ground there. Nah. Got it. Got it. So, I mean, the the land is actually worth a shit ton of money. Okay. Okay. But the government the government came in, bought it for $25100 per person. If you decided not to sell, you cannot rebuild there, and they're gonna take it away from you anyways. According to according to what they're telling people there. Oh, okay. Interesting.
In one of the towns, they've completely blocked off everyone's access to it. No one can go there except for armed FEMA agents.
[00:28:28] Jesse Fries:
Wow. Wow. That is crazy. Yeah.
[00:28:32] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And of course, the company that's going to be buying up all of this land from the government, to to work the lithium mines and stuff like that, it just so happens that Harris's husband is one of the major investors in that company.
[00:28:51] Jesse Fries:
I'll have to track that down, see if I can
[00:28:54] Jamon Fries:
get to see what's going on there. That's been Yeah. I've seen I've seen a couple of things on it, but it's it's very silent. Not many it it's tough to find stuff on it.
[00:29:04] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. Interesting. Interesting. Let's see. The only other thing kinda related to the election was, you hear about all these black kids that were getting text messages telling them, that they have to report to be a slave.
[00:29:20] Jamon Fries:
No. I didn't hear about that. Yeah. Yeah. They've been getting hilarious.
[00:29:26] Jesse Fries:
It's something. It scared a lot of them.
[00:29:28] Jamon Fries:
Oh, I can imagine.
[00:29:30] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, they've been getting texts. It's like, you have been selected to pick cotton on the next on the nearest plantation. You have the you have been picked to be a house slave and so on and so forth. You know, it's like but what's odd is that they were actually targeted to black people. Oh, yeah. Like, all over the United States. How do you do that? How do you just target black people with these text messages? That that that means
[00:30:02] Jamon Fries:
that means you have a database of just Oh, yeah. They have massive databases. They have massive massive databases probably from they probably got a lot of information from the, Census Bureaus and stuff like from the Census Bureau and stuff like that. No. No. Not not not not for not for phone numbers, dude. Yeah. No. Not for phone numbers. Yeah. These these are just phone numbers. Jesus Christ.
[00:30:25] Jesse Fries:
Yes. It's not they're not getting letters or anything like that. These are just phone numbers. How do you you know, it's kinda crazy.
[00:30:36] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. That's insane. I hadn't thought about that aspect of it, but It because, I mean, it's very it's very easy to figure out the demographics, but how the how do you find their phone number?
[00:30:46] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Especially so long. It's like
[00:30:50] Jamon Fries:
you have to have had massive contact with, like, at least 3 to 4 different databases to compare and contrast to and then somehow get all of the information from the phone companies as to who the customers are for those phone numbers. No. I see. I I don't think you would need that.
[00:31:12] Jesse Fries:
I the way you would massive
[00:31:15] Jamon Fries:
databases with from, like well, I mean, any website that you register for now, you will put put your phone number in. So Yeah. A lot of them. Database with names and you get that database of the registrations registered? You can just compare the lists.
[00:31:31] Jesse Fries:
Possibly. It could be that. Or somebody just stole, like, like, a very the whole list of some company they were hacked. And so Yeah. They were able to figure that out. But yeah. So Yep. And then it also makes a question of who did it. You know, a lot of these times, you know Yeah. It it it it's horrendous to have this happen. But so many times, this happens, and it was somebody within the community that actually did it. You know, it wasn't actually, somebody else that did it from outside the community. So I haven't heard anything about it since.
[00:32:05] Jamon Fries:
But, you know, I wouldn't be too shocked. And this is all conspiracy theory. You know? It'd be it there's absolutely nothing but nope. Nope. Nothing behind this. But I wouldn't be shocked if it didn't have something to do with BLM.
[00:32:24] Jesse Fries:
Possibly. Possibly.
[00:32:26] Jamon Fries:
Because I mean, this this would be a way to for them to get back in the nukes, for them to become relevant again. Right. Generally, the way I look at this is is that it's usually just like one
[00:32:37] Jesse Fries:
idiot out there. It's like when we were up in Michigan, there was a incident on the campus that I was going to, Eastern Michigan University. There's an incident where there was racist slurs and everything like that written all over the walls. They researched it out. They investigated. And it was just a it was just some black guy that just wanted to, let it be known how horrible white people are or something like that. Yep. Yeah. And so, you know, it's I I think part of that is how some of this works is that they're they're they're trying to get their message out saying how bad a group is when it's not even that group doing it. You know? It kinda Yeah.
Yeah. So yeah. That that's, but
[00:33:25] Jamon Fries:
maybe I'm wrong. I mean, I I know that is It it seems to happen that way a lot. So That has to be exactly what it is because, I mean, there there's no republicans out there that would ever do that shit. I mean, well, there's no There's not in not in not in positions that would actually have the authority to do something like this. Because, I mean, well, quite honestly, no one has the authority to do something like that. No. Exactly. Exactly.
[00:33:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It it's
[00:33:55] Jamon Fries:
yeah. But, yeah, I I could see some crackpot Republicans
[00:33:58] Jesse Fries:
out there doing stuff like that. Oh, of course. Of course. Just because they
[00:34:02] Jamon Fries:
I mean, if nothing else, just because they think it's funny after all of the responses of I'm gonna be a slave now, you know, stuff like that. Well, you know, let's just tell them that they need to report. Yeah. But yeah. No. It's complete shit and crap that that anybody would do something like that. It really is. It really is. You know, I mean, I I could see finding the phone number of the of the people that that talked about how now that the Republicans were in office, they were gonna become slaves,
[00:34:38] Jesse Fries:
find their phone number and send them that text message? I think that would be funny. Right. But to do it just to random just to the random public, no. No. Yeah. And some of them were high schoolers and everything like that. So it was Yeah. Somewhere as young as 13. So it's Yep. Really messed up to hit that sort of age group. But, you know, they've always been people that do things like this. It it's just Yeah. I I I always wonder, like, where it goes. And, you know, if it if it if it if it was a white guy, the news will blow up and it'll be, like, nobody's business, how horrible, that person was. But but then if it was a black guy, the story will completely disappear. Yeah. People won't hear anything about it ever again. Exactly. There'll be a little byline on page 20 of the New York Times. A year from now.
Exactly. Exactly. So because I can't do it when it's still relevant. Nope. Nope. Not at all. You have to wait. You have to wait. It was like that, one in in Michigan. It was the investigation. Yeah. It was, like, couple months later, they said that it was some guy that was so, yeah, it it had completely left everybody's brain, and, and people still go, see? This just shows how bad the racism is. And you just go, okay. Sure. Okay. Yep. Okay. What else do you got?
[00:36:01] Jamon Fries:
Well, So I've got some tech news.
[00:36:10] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:11] Jamon Fries:
And I've got some, no. No. I guess this one still is somewhat politics. There was, you know, the NPR CEO.
[00:36:24] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:26] Jamon Fries:
She was saying that truth is a distraction. We need to we we should not we we should not be in search of the truth. We should be in search of our truth and stuff like this for when we're doing news reporting and stuff like that. She's tried, you know, they they still I I've I've still heard so many people say that NPR is, is an unbiased organization, but I have never seen anything out of the NPR that was unbiased even remotely.
[00:36:59] Jesse Fries:
No. No. Not at all. It, they are completely biased. Yep. Maybe 30 years ago, they weren't. Yeah. But nowadays, yeah, they are completely biased. You know, when they have when they have a Republican on there, it's a very left leaning Republican. So it's Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yep. So yeah. Me, it's, NPR. Yep. And PBS. They're both the same, really. Yep. It doesn't matter. They're they're they're both very left leaning organizations.
[00:37:33] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And then there was a, there there was a, post on x about a new political strategy just dropped. Uh-huh. Talking about how, in Taiwan, in order to stop a bill from being passed, a Taiwanese parliament member ran up, ripped the bill out of somebody's hands, and ran out of the building with it.
[00:38:00] Jesse Fries:
Sweet. Sweet old school. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That is awesome.
[00:38:05] Jamon Fries:
Makes sense to me. Strategy right there. Absolutely.
[00:38:10] Jesse Fries:
Well, there there's, like, some process here in the states where you could basically do the same thing, which would at least delay it, just by somebody, like, swiping it at some point in time. So yeah. That's kinda funny. Hey. Yo.
[00:38:30] Jamon Fries:
Let's see here. So that that's all I've got on politics, I believe.
[00:38:35] Jesse Fries:
Okay. What tech do you have?
[00:38:38] Jamon Fries:
Well, there's a couple of interesting things in the tech world, specifically in computing.
[00:38:45] Jesse Fries:
[00:38:47] Jamon Fries:
The AMD process the AMD has now officially crushed Intel, for their CPUs.
[00:38:55] Jesse Fries:
Okay. They
[00:38:56] Jamon Fries:
they changed the layout of their of their chipsets. Uh-huh. So so now they're stacked instead of instead of on separate locations on the chipset board.
[00:39:08] Jesse Fries:
[00:39:10] Jamon Fries:
Which is supposed to and according to all the benchmark tests by the by reviewers and stuff online that I trust Mhmm. They've it it is it creates much less heat. It's a lot easier to get the heat to get the heat away from the CPU. They they've also removed some of the silicone from the from in between the layers, so there's less to stop the transfer of the heat and the signal and stuff like that. Nice. It it's just drastically improved the how the how the CPU in general works. And so until until Intel can come up with something even remotely similar, they're crushed
[00:39:53] Jesse Fries:
in the gaming world at least. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Because Intel, AMD, they they they were the ones out in the shed for a while there. Intel was everything. Yep.
[00:40:05] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Well, I mean, it's it's kind of been going back and forth the last over the last, like, 5 years or so. Uh-huh. Every every time I go in to build a new computer, the it basically switches every time I go to build a new computer, so, like, every 5 years.
[00:40:20] Jesse Fries:
[00:40:21] Jamon Fries:
Intel is the way to go for gaming this time around. Then the next time it's AMD is the way to go for for gaming. And, you know, for me, I I I don't really follow those things because I'm not building, like, extreme game sets. Right. You know, I'm not building high I'm not building these $10,000 computers, which is damn near what some of them would cost if I built what exactly what I wanted. Right. Especially back when video cards were so insanely expensive.
[00:40:54] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Completely. But,
[00:40:56] Jamon Fries:
but, yeah. No. So, I mean, it yeah. It's been flopping flip flopping back and forth slightly each each time. Essentially, what it seems like is so AMD creates the creates an answer for Intel's chipset. Uh-huh. And which means that when they when they go for the higher for the higher level, they outperform by a little bit. It's usually not a mass of outperformance, but it's a little bit of an outperformance. Oh, yeah. And then AMD and then Intel reacts to it and design designs their chipset a little bit better, which makes us that AMD is no longer the one to go with. But this time, I mean, it's just a complete absolute change of the actual structure of the CPU, and it's a massive difference.
[00:41:44] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Nice. Yeah. That is cool. Oh, looks like news just broke. NBC has just announced that, Republicans are guaranteed to hold the house with 220 seats.
[00:41:59] Jamon Fries:
Oh, nice.
[00:42:01] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Democrats have 2 12. So Yep. Yep.
[00:42:07] Jamon Fries:
So far Yeah. And I've been I've been waiting for them to call some of those. You know? I keep hearing all all sorts of stuff on x and on different places where they're saying that the that the the Republicans have all 3, the house, the senate, and the and the presidency. But, every time I look, I don't see anybody that's ever declared the house for for for either party. You know? Fox News hasn't declared. ABC hasn't declared. NBC hadn't declared for a long time. Yep. So it's good that it's good that somebody's finally declared for it.
[00:42:39] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:42:41] Jamon Fries:
But, but yeah. So, that's awesome. And then the the another thing in tech news that I've got is, there's somebody that created a new way to cool servers down instead of instead of just doing the the way it's always worked right now is, you know, in servers, you generally cool as many of the chipsets on the board as you can. And but what they've but it's always been just one one heat sink that that they've just connected to a lot of a lot of things. And so it's all just one it's all just one temperature regulation that goes on and everything that all the components within it, they make it so that the the cooling isn't quite as efficient because you have a really hot running CPU or a GPU, which makes it so that if you're using water, which makes it set the water's warmer when it goes over the other chipsets, so they don't get as as good a cooling.
But there's somebody now that has created a new cooling unit for servers that individually cools each and every single chipset.
[00:43:56] Jesse Fries:
[00:43:57] Jamon Fries:
Nice. Yeah. Yeah. So we we might be able to we might see a a time not too long from now if it's a small company. So, you know, it's not it's not like gonna be massive rollouts just yet. Mhmm. But there could be a time where we see servers that are much more efficient and much better at doing what they do. That's cool. That's really cool. Yep.
[00:44:24] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Let's see here. Well, let let me just go over that that we are value for value here at the Mindless Meanderings. We use value for the value for value model. This means that you are producers of the show, and you can help with all aspects of the show. This has been described as time, talent, or treasure. You can help out by doing art or jingles for the show. You can also send us ideas and information for the topics that we cover. You can email me at jesse@mindlessc dotcom, or you can email But most importantly, we need that treasure. Money will ensure that we can continue bringing you our mindless meanderings.
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[00:46:21] Jamon Fries:
Yes. Indeed. It would be. Let's see.
[00:46:23] Jesse Fries:
Have you heard what's going on down in Haiti?
[00:46:28] Jamon Fries:
No. I have not.
[00:46:30] Jesse Fries:
Well, the FAA has grounded all flights to Haiti because 2 flights were shot at. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. So Damn. So no more flights to Haiti from the US.
[00:46:47] Jamon Fries:
Oh, wow. Yeah. That's, that's not surprising.
[00:46:54] Jesse Fries:
It's not surprising. Apparently, those Kenyan peacekeepers or police can't do enough for down there, though. You know? Because apparently Kenyans down there. Did you hear that? Did you know that?
[00:47:04] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I heard about that. I I heard about that a long time ago that the Kenyans were sending peacekeepers in to try to Well, technically, they're it's just police. It's just police. It's a police it's not it's not actual UN
[00:47:17] Jesse Fries:
peacekeeping. Right. No. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. Way. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:47:20] Jamon Fries:
No. Because, well, that's not something the UN would ever do. Of course not. Of course not. Yeah. But, yeah. No. And and, honestly, I mean, with Haiti, it almost had to be an African country that was going in. If it were a European country or the US, oh god, it would get bad.
[00:47:42] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. The the the the colonizers coming in because, Haiti loves the colonizers. You know? So Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:47:50] Jamon Fries:
We've done so much for them.
[00:47:53] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. We have. We have, especially the French. Yeah. Let's see here. Oh, speaking of Kenya, apparently, they there's a grub there that will eat Styrofoam.
[00:48:05] Jamon Fries:
[00:48:06] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Nope. It's just a native insect species that will just eat polystyrene. Isn't that crazy?
[00:48:16] Jamon Fries:
That is crazy. But damn, that's awesome. Yep. It really is. It really is. We've got no other way to get rid of it. I know. I know.
[00:48:24] Jesse Fries:
And, yeah, the their gut actually breaks it down. Nice.
[00:48:29] Jamon Fries:
Nice. It it's amazing how the world works where, you know, no matter what we create, we'll find some way to get rid of it eventually.
[00:48:37] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. It is, pretty awesome. It really is.
[00:48:42] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. I was I was, you know, with, Memorial Day having just been a couple of days ago. Uh-huh. There there was a, article. I had never heard this before. Did you know that in France on the the where they have the, where they have that area that has officially been given to the United States because they have so many of our soldiers are buried there Yeah. From Omaha Beach and stuff. Uh-huh. I did not realize this, but, you know, every time you see the pictures of the graves, that's always the the white cross or, you know, the star of David or whatever it is Uh-huh. With the with the name that looks kind of a goldish color. Uh-huh.
Do you know what that name that gives the what the goldish color is? No. It's the sand from Omaha Beach. Okay. They they did not they did not paint the letters or anything like that. They just, they just engraved them into the stone. Uh-huh. And then the the the caretakers take sand from Omaha Beach and spread it across the name, and it fills in those indents, and that's that's how they that's how that's how that works.
[00:50:05] Jesse Fries:
That's really cool. Is insanely awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That is nice. That is nice. Mhmm. Yeah. My daughter for, Memorial Day, she the 4th grade. She's in 4th grade. They did a little thing where they sang a whole bunch of patriotic songs and whatnot, so we had to go see that. So, yep, it was kinda nice. She she actually got, she was one of, like, like, one kid from each class was picked to give a little speech thingy, and, she was picked for hers. So
[00:50:36] Jamon Fries:
Oh, nice. Nice. Yep. Yep. That's awesome.
[00:50:40] Jesse Fries:
And she did really good. She memorized her parts and everything like that. I think she was the only one that actually memorized it, with all the kids. So, yeah, my daughter's awesome. Not to say anything, but she's better than yours. Plain and simple. Yeah.
[00:50:55] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you know, that that would absolutely be the case since I have no kids at all. Exactly. Exactly.
[00:51:01] Jesse Fries:
I I I I'm also just talking to the audience too, you know, the few that actually listen. Yeah.
[00:51:07] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. For for me, that's like saying, you know, for me, that's like saying that, you know, when oh, shit. I don't have anybody I can do that with anymore. You know? When when when Jackson was born, I could say he was my favorite nephew.
[00:51:25] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. But but I can't do that anymore.
[00:51:29] Jamon Fries:
I got another one. I got a second nephew now.
[00:51:31] Jesse Fries:
Ex yeah. Yeah. That you know about. Yep. Exactly. So it's, Well, no.
[00:51:36] Jamon Fries:
I I actually know that I have 4, but, you know, that's we we only
[00:51:44] Jesse Fries:
know 2 of them. That works. That works. Yeah. My brain went blank there. I was okay. Let's see here. Oh, it looks like AI, they're gonna have to shift some things they're saying. Okay. To actually make it smarter, they're gonna have to seek a new path. Current methods are hitting limitations already. So they're gonna have to come up with some a new path, a new algorithm, one that's more human like to actually move beyond where we are right now. So
[00:52:27] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, that's the the problem that I have with that is I I don't like the fact that we're trying to confine AI to being human like.
[00:52:44] Jesse Fries:
No. I understand. I understand. Yeah.
[00:52:47] Jamon Fries:
You know, I mean, if you're gonna design an AI to do what you what they wanted to do, you know, Musk's with you know, a lot of a lot of the AIs and stuff like that that there there never will be human like. They don't have to be human like, because, you know, like, Musk is using them to to pilot his cars and stuff like that. You know? You don't need a human like driver. We we've got enough humans to to, you know, get road rage and stuff like that on a get a car. We don't want our robots doing that as well. Oh, yep. Yep. Yep. And and so, I mean, you know, there there's, you know, the it it's so but the ones that want to make them human, I mean, the only reason to to humanize them is to make it so that the we keep are more willing to interact with them, I guess.
[00:53:41] Jesse Fries:
Makes sense. Yep.
[00:53:44] Jamon Fries:
We have so many limitations on our mental abilities, the way we think and stuff like that. I mean, we we we are so emotion driven. You know, a large portion of the of the human population is so emotion driven that you would the only the only way to make an AI more human would be to make it more emotional. Mhmm. And that's not something I wanna see out of a robot, out of a computer. I I don't want a computer to be emotional. I want it to be very factual.
[00:54:15] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right.
[00:54:18] Jamon Fries:
You know, I want it to be logical. I don't want we we haven't we we have enough problems dealing with humans that are emotional.
[00:54:25] Jesse Fries:
We do. We do. It's just human like ways of not necessarily Yeah. Emotions and everything like that. So it's,
[00:54:34] Jamon Fries:
but I mean, that's essentially what they're trying to do is they're trying to figure out ways for the for the AI to emulate emotions. Right. Right. It'll it'll actually never feel those emotions, but it they're trying to get it to emulate them.
[00:54:47] Jesse Fries:
Well, maybe at some point, it will feel shame. Then we're really It's possible. I mean, yeah.
[00:54:54] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yes. But, yeah. So that's that's that. So I, Babylon b post about a new Tesla a new, Tesla car.
[00:55:10] Jesse Fries:
[00:55:12] Jamon Fries:
Tesla introduces a self crashing car for women. Yes. Model w now with self crashing AI technology.
[00:55:22] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I saw that too. I saw that too. It's it was a little chuckle. It wasn't a big chuckle for me. It was just a little chuckle. Yeah. It's, let's see. Beyond that
[00:55:36] Jamon Fries:
uh-huh. I I spent 5 years as an over the road truck driver, and I gotta say,
[00:55:41] Jesse Fries:
I have seen way more bad male drivers than I've seen bad female drivers out there. No. It it it there there is a reason why men's insurance rates are higher than women's. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Especially when it comes to young people. Yep.
[00:55:59] Jamon Fries:
Out of all of the stupid shit I've seen people pull on the road, it was always a man pull of it.
[00:56:04] Jesse Fries:
Generally. Yes. Yes. Yes. Generally. Now sometimes women will just stop in the middle of the road, especially in parking lots and whatnot. And you just go There is that. Doing. You know? It's like Yep. What? No. No. Yeah. But, you know, you just yell at them when you move on about your life. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. Men men really do do more stupid stuff. Oh, yeah. That's why we don't live as long as women.
[00:56:32] Jamon Fries:
That is absolutely true. That is true. Then then I also, ran across, mom mom sent me a a link to a to a, article that I it it really tied everything together for me. I because, you know, it did involves Elon Musk. Uh-huh. And I've always you know, everything that Elon Musk does can be utilized towards putting a man on Mars.
[00:57:00] Jesse Fries:
[00:57:01] Jamon Fries:
There's not a single company that he started that that isn't working towards that goal. Mhmm. Except for one, I thought. Uh-huh. And that was his boring company.
[00:57:11] Jesse Fries:
Right. But that one is too if you think about it.
[00:57:14] Jamon Fries:
Well, this this article, what it would what it talked about, and I had never thought of this. It's absolutely true though, is that because the atmosphere on Mars is so thin, the only place that you would be able to build a civilization with current technology is underground. Yep.
[00:57:34] Jesse Fries:
[00:57:35] Jamon Fries:
So hence The Boring Company, you know, coming in building underground bunkers and tunnels and stuff. I mean, so that just kind of tied everything to get together to me because it just didn't really make sense in my head. Why would he do this boring company? Why would he do the boring company when everything else is gaming towards Mars, but I saw absolutely no relevant op no no relevant thing. And that's mostly because, you know, you don't think about living underground. You you you when I when you when I think of, you know, life on Mars and how it may look in the future, I think of, like, some of the movies that you've seen where they've got the bubbles and the domes and stuff like that. Mhmm. It just makes so much more sense to where it to be underground.
[00:58:23] Jesse Fries:
It it really does. It really does. Because then all you have to do is, have the technology to just have an airlock, basically. Yeah. All you need. Yep. Beyond that, you throw up lights, and you dig a hole. And, you know, if the ground is Yeah. You got porous, spray some stuff on it. So it's not porous anymore, and there you go. Yeah.
[00:58:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. It just it it it just never clicked in my head. But then I read that article that mom sent me, and I'm like, oh, damn. That's awesome.
[00:58:52] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. I I I've always thought about that. I I Okay. Yeah. I and I hadn't seen that article or anything like that. But, yeah, it's It's just like the moon. It makes more sense to dig under, into the rock than to actually of course, at first, you would first have a bubble, but in the long term, it makes more sense to actually be underneath there. Because what if something hits, you know,
[00:59:16] Jamon Fries:
you know Well, not not only not only what if something hits, but also think of the the structural integrity. So in space and on Mars, the atmosphere is a lot less dense than than than than it is here on Earth, which means that all of the technology that we design has to be held made for holding it in. Yep. Well, if you if you if you dig underground, all you have to do is put the walls right next to the rock, it ain't going nowhere. Nope. There you don't have to worry about it about it expanding and leaks happening and stuff like that. Mhmm. So it just makes absolute sense.
[00:59:52] Jesse Fries:
It really does. It really does. Oh, see, speaking of Musk that I I ran across this one article. It was some lady just complaining about Musk and everything like that. The the headline of her article, was, billionaires like Elon Musk just don't just think they're better than the rest of us. They hate us. That was the headline. Yeah.
[01:00:17] Jamon Fries:
I I saw that one. I didn't read into it, but I saw the headline.
[01:00:20] Jesse Fries:
I read into it. And, basically, they just she says that they wanna live forever, or they're just gonna have so many kids, and then they really don't care about us. But the way I look at Elon Musk, when it comes to billionaires, I think he's more of a humanist. You know? I think he likes humans. He wants us to thrive. He wants us to Absolutely. Keep going. You know? Yeah. You can have children, but if you have children, guess what? You need the rest of humanity to go along with them.
[01:00:51] Jamon Fries:
Otherwise, it's completely pointless. You know? It's not like Yeah. You you wouldn't you wouldn't wanna kill off all of the other humans and let your kids thrive because then they would be they wouldn't survive. Exactly. They can't do everything.
[01:01:05] Jesse Fries:
Yes. As you you know, if you're trying to, like, live forever, yeah, that's one thing. You you know, like, if you're trying to put your mind into a computer and everything like that. Yeah. That is all about you and yourself. But he has never really want, from what I know, he hasn't ever gone down that route.
[01:01:24] Jamon Fries:
Well, no. In fact, he his his, he has very often said that he wants to be buried on Mars. Yep. Yep. And if he wants to be buried on Mars, then he's not trying to live forever.
[01:01:37] Jesse Fries:
Yep. And he's not trying to tell us necessarily how to live either. It's not like Bill Gates and whatnot that that's who who are trying to make us live a certain way and everything like that. Those to me are the evil CEOs and everything like that. The ones that want us. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Don't eat meat even though I love burgers more. You you know? Yeah.
[01:01:59] Jamon Fries:
It's things like that. You know? It's, Yeah. The the the ones that the ones that are trying to make it so that the general population can't do something that they get to do. Uh-huh. Yep. Yep. Those those people are just I mean,
[01:02:15] Jesse Fries:
I I can't stand them. Yeah. There's one line in her article. It's, like, the whole world has watched Musk sees a mature democracy, and you can see he hates us with one look at his face.
[01:02:30] Jamon Fries:
I saw I saw one article that was talking about how disappointed Elon Musk must be and how upset he must be at Trump right now because he, unlike what he what he was hoping, isn't gonna be the co leader of the United States.
[01:02:45] Jesse Fries:
And then I saw another one. It's like Elon Musk won't leave Mar a Lago. People are getting tired of him being at Mar a Lago.
[01:02:59] Jamon Fries:
It's funny. You know? We're we're we're still we're still not even you know, we're still just barely a week out of the elections. And, I mean, Trump is putting out a whole lot of stuff about what he's what he's gonna be doing. Yep. And Elon's part of that. I mean
[01:03:18] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But what's funny is that she's focusing on Elon Musk, but you can look at Soros who also gave a $100,000,000 but to Kamala Harris instead of to, Trump. Yeah. So, you know, it's like they basically just canceled each other out when it comes to money. Yeah. That's And also bought,
[01:03:38] Jamon Fries:
like, 200 some right wing radio stations.
[01:03:43] Jesse Fries:
Right. But he really hasn't done anything with that. The the the yeah. I I think that was pure investment. I think that's what that was. He hasn't actually Mostly. Yeah. He had because really, if you get down to Soros, he is about investing. He wants to make money playing something. Well, his son does because he's retired now. He's out of it. Yeah.
[01:04:02] Jamon Fries:
But Yeah. They're they're all about making money. It's it's not there there there is some wanting influence in politics,
[01:04:11] Jesse Fries:
but But so they can make money?
[01:04:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I don't think it's the point where they want to, just completely silence one voice per se. Yep. Yep. Because Soros is 1 I mean, he's if it's a Republican president, it's like BlackRock. If it's a Republican president in office, they're gonna work just fine with the Republican president. They're still gonna make their shit tons of money, and it's not gonna affect their bottom dollars, so why would they care?
[01:04:45] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. Yep. Yep. Yep. Let's see here. You got anything else?
[01:04:53] Jamon Fries:
Just a couple of interesting little tidbits. Uh-huh. One that was kind of funny. There's a, a lady posted on Twitter on x about how her family lives off of the government, and she was asking her husband when, you know, what where they should go for supper, where they should go out for dinner on Sunday because they they go out for dinner every Sunday. Uh-huh. And he had to sit her down, and he's like, I'm sorry. But now that Trump's in the office, we we might have to cancel our Sunday dinners because we might actually have to go out and get jobs. And she she's ready. She's going on and on about how this means that she can't spend time with her kids anymore.
She can't spend time with her husband anymore. And America used to be so great because if you didn't wanna work, you didn't have to. The only the only reason that you ever had to work is because you chose to work.
[01:05:51] Jesse Fries:
And this is a real article?
[01:05:53] Jamon Fries:
It's not an article. It's just some lady that posted on x. I don't know about this. But, I mean, that that's the liberal mindset.
[01:06:06] Jesse Fries:
I I just that's funny.
[01:06:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. That's insane.
[01:06:11] Jesse Fries:
It really is. It really is. Anything else? I have one to end it on, but, we'll end it on this. Yeah.
[01:06:19] Jamon Fries:
There there's a, some new technology in the hunting world actually. Oh, okay. This this has been around now for a little while, but it's the first time I'd ever seen it or heard of it. Right. You know the, the blinds that they make where you can where you can just pop up a blind and you sit in it for deer hunting or turkey hunting or something like that? Uh-huh. They've come up with a way now to make it so that it's one way. It blocks you from seeing in, but you can see everything outside.
[01:06:53] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Nice. Yeah. So it's like a one It's like a one way mirror. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool.
[01:07:04] Jamon Fries:
And it's all just fabric. I mean, there's no Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I just I saw I saw the video of it, and I'm like, no. That can't be real. That is cool. That is cool. I have to take some research on it. And, yeah, there's a few people that have been making those. I mean, it's you can it it has you can you can tell, of course, that you're looking through fabric. You know, it's like, take any, like, a burlap sack or something like that where you if you put it close to your eyes, you can see out of it for the most part. So it it's somewhat like that. It's it's it's not perfect vision, so you may not pick up little tiny movement of something. Right. But you'll see the deer or the turkey that's going across the the opening. So, it's pretty cool.
[01:07:55] Jesse Fries:
That is really cool. That is really cool. That's all I've got. Okay. Okay. Well, in that case, let let let's kinda end on a funny note. So, apparently, there's this movie Wicked, right, that's coming out. Mhmm. And they teamed up with Mattel to make dolls. Right?
[01:08:14] Jamon Fries:
[01:08:16] Jesse Fries:
Well, Mattel has had to recall these dolls because on the back, they had the a website. It was Unfortunately, that goes to a porn site.
[01:08:32] Jamon Fries:
I saw that one coming as soon as you said
[01:08:37] Jesse Fries:
The the URL was supposed to be wicked
[01:08:46] Jamon Fries:
Jam those printing errors.
[01:08:49] Jesse Fries:
No. It wasn't the printing error. They just completely put the wrong link in there. I know. I know. Probably not a printing error. I know. Right? Right? And this was like they it was on their entire run, and it was out in the stores and everything like that. So they were God. Complete recall. Complete recall.
[01:09:10] Jamon Fries:
And remanufacturing. Oh, wow. That's insane.
[01:09:15] Jesse Fries:
Right? Oh, god. Love it. Yep. Well, everybody, thank you for joining us for, episode 11 of the Mindless Meanderings podcast. I'm Jesse Fries.
[01:09:32] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:09:34] Jesse Fries:
And you guys have a great day.
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