A roaming conversation between brothers covering court cases, Mexico, Europe, and DOGE
Host by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:20) Introduction
(00:03:22) Local Government Financial Troubles
(00:06:10) Judicial Checks and Balances
(00:11:03) Media and Political Dynamics
(00:17:54) Government Spending and Corruption
(00:31:03) State Politics and Taxation
(00:39:03) International Relations and Diplomacy
(00:48:56) European Political Landscape
(00:54:55) Middle East Tensions
(01:00:00) North American Politics
(01:03:38) Scientific Advancements
(01:10:21) Supreme Court and Discrimination Laws
Good morning, everybody. It is Wednesday. Looks like it's, February 26, and we are live with episode number 26. Look at that. 26 on the twenty sixth sixth of the mindless meanderings. I'm Jesse Fries, and we just had a a EV charger installed in the house. And the guy was going, my, that's a big cable you got there. And I said, that's what she said.
[00:00:46] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Friess, and, yeah, our our, state capital, is running out of money. Well, that sucks. That sucks. Yeah. Yeah. They're, they're projecting a $17,000,000 deficit for the city next year and a $21,000,000 deficit for the year after. So they decided to sell the hotel that they own.
[00:01:12] Jesse Fries:
Okay. How much is that gonna bring in?
[00:01:15] Jamon Fries:
I have no idea. Very few people stay there. It has, like, a three a three star rating on most things. The it's in terrible condition. The staff is like, you know, we we wanna help people, but we're told that we can't do this. Yeah. One guy complained about the coffee because it looked more like tea. Uh-huh. And the the employee was like, yeah. Sorry. That's what we have to do. That's what's mandated by to us. Just another example of a government
[00:01:49] Jesse Fries:
inefficiently running things. So you're telling me the Topeka Hotel is just as bad as the Topeka as Topeka itself, basically. Yes. Absolutely. Yes. It definitely is.
[00:02:00] Jamon Fries:
But, you know, not only that, but now they're trying to figure out ways to get money out of the hotel again. Uh-huh. And even though it's up for sale, they're planning on putting in part of the sale is that the government will receive a portion of all money spent at the hotel
[00:02:22] Jesse Fries:
even though it's gonna be privately owned. Right. Right. That's different. That is different. Yeah. That's awfully special. Oh, it is. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I'm just celebrating because I dropped my parents off or mom and dad off at the the train station, so here's a little celebration. That's definitely a well needed and well deserved celebration. Yeah. Yeah. It it was a good it was a good visit, but it's just good to be without guests in the house. So Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:02:57] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I'm always I'm always happy when mom and dad decide to come over, but I'm also very happy when they decide to leave.
[00:03:04] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Constantly. Constantly. Well, once again for me, I I live close enough, so I only get overnight trips. So Well, there is that. There is that. This was a week, a bit longer because of just stuff. So Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Not too bad. Not too bad overall.
[00:03:21] Jamon Fries:
[00:03:22] Jesse Fries:
What's going on? Looks like my stuff is crapping out here. So it's been a crazy week. It has been a crazy week. It really has been. Yeah. Just like every week since Trump became president.
[00:03:38] Jamon Fries:
That is absolutely true. Yes. Yeah. They can't just
[00:03:42] Jesse Fries:
[00:03:46] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's it's amazing how much just I mean, you know, it's it's amazing how when Trump does something that they have always been doing, it's suddenly this horrible evil thing to be done.
[00:04:04] Jesse Fries:
Well, right. But then also, on the same reverse, it's like now that some judges are getting involved, it's like I saw Elon Musk. But even I think I think mom even, she goes, well, who or dad. I can't remember who it was, but who do these judges think they are stopping what the president wants to do? I go, they're judges. This is what they do. Yeah.
[00:04:24] Jamon Fries:
This is part of the process. Well, you you know, the the thing is the the thing is is it's not the judges themselves that are doing it. Uh-huh. Because I've I've listened to you know, it it's lawyers that are bringing the lawsuits, making it so that the judges have to do it. No. Yeah. Well, that's how that's the only way it works. So Yeah. Now there there are some judges that take it a little bit too far, tell like, telling them that they have to start sending all that USAID money out before the trial before the before it even goes to trial or anything like that. But that
[00:04:56] Jesse Fries:
that isn't beyond what that isn't beyond what is normal for a judge to decide. Now appellate court can come in and say no. But all that is Yeah. The right of a judge. This is what this is their job for god's sakes. You know? You may not agree with it, but this is he's actually doing exactly what
[00:05:18] Jamon Fries:
he what every judge has always been I have no I have no complaints about any of the judges that I've heard about. My complaints are well, I mean, there are sometimes there there are sometimes where I would say, you know, I think that this would be one of those situations where you where the judge could easily say they have no standing in the case. Right. Right. Oh, yeah. I mean, because Yep. You know, they use standing when it shouldn't happen, but now it should happen, and they're not using it. So Yep. Yep. You know, in in that way, they are they are allowing things to happen that shouldn't necessarily happen. Oh, yeah. Or or or like the judges that have like, the wife,
[00:06:00] Jesse Fries:
was basically the beneficiary of, USAID, and he ruled in favor of letting the USAID continue. You know, that sort of thing. You know? Yeah. I could see that. But in general, a judge stopping the federal the executive branch from doing stuff, this is what judges do. This is always what they do. This is just their job. Absolutely. Yes. This is the check of the judiciary branch. That's it. Yes. You know? So Yes. So I don't understand people complain. And and the
[00:06:28] Jamon Fries:
and the one thing that I like about most of the most of the cases that have gone up, when the judge puts a they're always temporary halts. They're not you know, it it's just you do temporarily have to stop until I look into the merits of the argument. Right. And nine times out of 10, those temporary halts are lifted because the judge is like, yeah. No. This is this is within their rights. This is within their duties. So we're not gonna stop them.
[00:06:57] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:07:00] Jamon Fries:
But, of course, you know, the media doesn't say that the judge looked at it and said that and stopped the hold. They just come out and say, yes. The judges are saying that they kept to do this or that they can't do that. Yeah. No. Yeah. Like, with the AP.
[00:07:15] Jesse Fries:
Yes. It's just it's like the one judge goes, well, more than likely, the White House is gonna lose this, but I see no reason to let you go in right now. Let's see how this goes. And then the White House goes, ah, that's a win for us. We're winning. Yeah. That was like, hey. Yep. I I guess you won that bit, but, you know, it's, yeah.
[00:07:40] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean and I can I I can agree I I somewhat agree with with the concept that the White House should control who has access to stuff like that? You know? But I I could see limiting the control of who goes on trips on Air Force One. You know? The the media doesn't have to be on Air Force One to go. They if they want to go and cover it, they can fly themselves out there and pay for it themselves.
[00:08:12] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. But,
[00:08:13] Jamon Fries:
you know, as far as, like, who's allowed in the White House, I've never liked how that was run anyways because it's not the it's it's not the government. It's it's a private entity that controls who has access to the White House. Right. Right. Yep. And so I've I've never liked that whole setup anyways. I think that the government should be able to say, you know but at the same time, there has to be some limitations on that because, you know, when the when the Democrats take office, then all of a sudden Fox News and any right leaning are out. We want the Republicans take office. Any right any left leaning media is is out. You know? So, I mean, you you obviously can't have that happen. There does have to be a good coverage, but I don't know. There there's gotta be some way better than a private organization that can charge companies, these media companies, for access to the White House. Yeah. It's
[00:09:13] Jesse Fries:
there should be a better system, but, yeah. It's I understand what you're saying, though. Yeah. You you should be able to just kick everybody out. But then, also, if you're if they're if if there's pretty much evidence that they're going working against you, it's like going, why should I let you into everything? They they didn't kick them out of the White House. They just kicked the AP out of the special ones. They get right into the Oval Office and whatnot. But the press pressing room, they were still there and everything like that. So I I really don't see an issue with that. It's pretty much all covered anyway, so I don't see
[00:09:47] Jamon Fries:
a big issue with that. There's no The AP isn't the only one that was kicked out, though, either. Who else was kicked out? See, I can't remember who the other one was. Oh, okay. Okay. I saw it when I was going through things, and I didn't really think it was worth bringing up on here. But there was one other media company that was that was kicked out as well. Oh, okay. Okay. It might have been the HuffPost or something like that.
[00:10:14] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. I can see that. It was one of those very, very liberal ones. Yeah. Yeah. The AP, they they they it's more straight news is what they do. They don't do too much opinion. Right. But yeah. HuffPost, that's basically all opinion. Yeah. I'm not I'm not sure if they actually do much actual hard news.
[00:10:36] Jamon Fries:
I I I really don't know if they do actually. I've seen a few articles of theirs that were that could be considered somewhat hard news. But Right. It it's kind of like most media nowadays. It's never just hard news they've gotta throw their opinion into. Well, right. Right. But usually, it's like hard news with, like, like, a word of, their opinion. Yeah. With a little bit of opinion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. But overall, though, really, the Trump news and everything like that, it's kinda gotten boring for me. It's, it's Oh, yeah. Yeah. Same old, same old.
[00:11:07] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Elon Musk is being weird, and, Doge is doing their thing. And Trump is overall mostly silent, really, if he has to. Really is. Yeah.
[00:11:21] Jamon Fries:
Trump has not been making a lot of noise. No. He's he's still doing his executive orders and stuff like that. Right.
[00:11:29] Jesse Fries:
May maybe it's because of Musk. Maybe Musk is just too much.
[00:11:33] Jamon Fries:
Well, look, I think I think the thing is is that everyone knows that Musk is gonna bring in a lot more attention by the population than Trump will nowadays. Right. Trump Trump's doing his job. That's what we put him there to do. Elon Musk, however, is this big guy, this this the richest person on the planet according to a lot of people. I don't know if that's actually true or not, but that's what they say.
[00:12:02] Jesse Fries:
Well, it just depends on stock value. So Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
[00:12:07] Jamon Fries:
And so the the there's no news. There there's no clickbait for Trump anymore. Oh, now all the trick all the clickbait is is Elon Musk. Well, he's more of a out there guy.
[00:12:22] Jesse Fries:
And I also it could be that the media just wants to the they're they're trying to flood everything with Musk and basically they like the narrative that Musk is the real president and everything like that. They are loving that sort of, narrative that they've been running. You know? Yeah. So yep. Yeah. It's like the whole, workers now where he said justify your job with the email. You know? Yep. And then he gave him a break, and then he says, okay. Okay. Now you have to. Apparently, they've been, like, roasting him in these emails. So so I love a good give and take. You know? It's Oh, absolutely.
Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. I don't I don't mind, federal workers having their opinions and, giving some shit back. But, you know, it's a it Oh, yeah. No. Yeah. If it's legal, it's legal. But, yeah, it's Yeah. But, also, when it comes to, like, these, the whole idea of justify your job, it's this happens in the private sector all the time. It's not really that odd. And it's not just Musk that do does this sort of thing. It's a lot of corporations go, okay. What are you actually doing? What have you done this week? How can you justify this job? And if you can't, well, your job needs to be taken out. You know? It's gone. Yeah.
[00:13:48] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's well, I mean, you know, and and even even beyond that, they're they're dealing with employees that are collecting a government paycheck that never communicate with their job. Yeah. They never check their emails. They never do anything. You know? I I liked one comment that Musk said is, like, you know, are these people even still alive?
[00:14:15] Jesse Fries:
Well, based on social security rules, maybe not. You know? I'm just saying. You know? It's, and and you know something to to take it back to, like, the founding of this country. We, the people, are their bosses. So, yes, you you know, it's plain and simple. That's what it is. So you can complain. Fine. Complain. I don't care. You know? But this is part of the world. You might not always have a job. You know? This is what the private sector has to live through. So I know you were they thought that they could get away with being completely safe and everything like that, but it is that's a stupid mentality.
And it leads to the question.
[00:14:57] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean, there there was one one news article I was one news report I was watching that they just listed out all of the companies that currently are letting people go, you know, 15,000 people from this job, 20,000 from this job. Uh-huh. It's a normal everyday problem that everyone has to deal with. Just because you work for the government doesn't make it more stressful for you on you than to lose your job than it does for someone else. Yep. Yep. It's just as stressful for everybody. It just doesn't matter.
[00:15:32] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. You know? But, oh, I do you have anything else along that line? Because I have a little bit of my Yeah. Correct. The, OPM
[00:15:40] Jamon Fries:
sent out an email to to the to everyone, saying that the, the responses to the email from sender HR dated September are voluntary. Non responses are not considered a resignation. Okay. So, essentially, the OPM said sent out a thing, and everybody is translating it into meaning, you don't actually have to send in send this email back. But it may not be considered a resignation, but it according to the terminology that's being used, it is grounds for termination rather than resignation.
[00:16:27] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah. Either way, you're out. You're toast. Yeah. Well, the the difference the difference, though, is with termination, you can collect unemployment. No. Completely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That that that's the that's why you wanna be fired instead of quitting, you know, especially if you don't have any other options, you know. So
[00:16:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. If if you if you if you really hate your job, you're gonna start doing the absolute worst job that you possibly can so that they fire you instead of you having to quit. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:16:54] Jesse Fries:
But, yeah, along the lines of DOS and everything like that, it's, Trump wants to send out checks from part of the bit that they save us. I just I just don't get that. I think that's stupid. Just put it back towards the deficit. Don't feed us. But I understand They they they they it's a gimmick to get people to support him. It's your politics. Yeah. Of course, he'll write his name nice and big on it. But
[00:17:21] Jamon Fries:
You know, I mean yeah, I I don't really agree with the concept of it. I've never agreed with the concept of giveaways Right. From the government. I didn't like any of the stimulus checks. I, of course, accepted them and used them. You know, I paid I used the money, but I didn't really like the concept of it because, you know, it's it it's like, okay. So it helps you this month, but what about next month? Yep. Yep. Because that that money, nobody puts up well, I shouldn't say nobody because there are some that that do. But very few people actually put that money aside and say, I'm going to save this for when I need it more.
Mhmm. It just they're like, oh, I can get a new computer now. Yep. Yep. You know, something that they don't really need, but it would be nice to have.
[00:18:15] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:18:16] Jamon Fries:
New computers. That's what happens when you get a big lump sum payment of something.
[00:18:20] Jesse Fries:
True. True. Yep. Man, I'm having to go through my computer now. I was running out of RAM. So Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, not not good. So I think I Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I closed anything important. So we'll see. We'll see. Looks like you need looks like you need to upgrade your computer a little bit. Hey. Hey. Don't tell Carol that. I I my my phone is not my my phone was committing suicide today or in yesterday. It Yeah. It just kept falling on the ground. I I have it in a case, but my screen still broke and, yeah, everything like that. So I I it cost, like, $380 to fix a screen.
[00:19:10] Jamon Fries:
So Well, at least it's only, what, a third of the price of the phone?
[00:19:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Right? Yeah. So I I it it it's still usable, and I put a screen protector now on top of the broken screen. Just Okay. I'll I'll live with it for a while. Yeah. Yeah. They yeah. It's a yeah. And then it was, like, it was funny. It was, like, yesterday, it felt like a couple times and broke the screen a couple times, while I was just outside on the patio. And then today, I was setting up my phone to take a picture, with, mom and dad. Yeah. And the phone fell off of a picnic table under concrete again. It broke again. It's like, oh, crap.
Yeah. Your phone definitely is trying to commit suicide. It's committing suicide. Exactly. It it's it really wants to die. I don't know what it is. Yeah. Maybe it wants AI, and it just can't have it because it's just a 14 Pro Max. You know? That could be. That could be. Yeah. Who knows? That's insane. It really is crazy. Yeah.
[00:20:20] Jamon Fries:
So apparently Speaking speaking of Apple. Uh-huh. The, everything going on with them over in, in The UK, but also Oh, yeah. UK. They're they've committed themselves to spending $500,000,000,000 in the here in The US.
[00:20:40] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Looks like tariffs and whatnot kinda work. So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If there's tariffs on see how that works. It is crazy, isn't it? You know? It's, Yeah.
[00:20:53] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Suddenly, it's gonna cost more to build it overseas and ship it back? Well, shit. Let's just build a factory here then. That's exactly it. And
[00:21:02] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. You're Americans. Look at that. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Everybody. So, yeah. I see nothing wrong with that. This is kinda what tariffs are for and everything like that. And the way Yeah. Trump is doing is just reciprocal tariffs. Yep. It's basically what he's gone to now. It's like, okay. You're tariffing us. We're gonna tariff you. Okay. Let's go with that. You know? And so Which makes absolute sense. It does. It really does. But yeah. Then with Apple as well, The UK, they had to, they just completely got rid of the advanced data encryption on those.
[00:21:37] Jamon Fries:
So Yeah. In other words, they caved.
[00:21:40] Jesse Fries:
Well, they had to. See, that's the thing. Yeah. It's not it's Yeah. You could put up an argument and everything like that. But if the government says this is what you have to do, well, that's what you have to do. You know? Otherwise Yeah. Well, and and, you know, that that's one of the things that I've always thought too is, you know, that I've heard so many people complain about
[00:21:59] Jamon Fries:
how Facebook or other things, how they they change their back end stuff because they wanna operate in China or something like that. Right. Let me it's the government of a of a sovereign country. Yep. They have the right to do whatever laws they want to. Yep. The only choice you have is to send your it is to provide your product there or not.
[00:22:25] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That's exactly it. Yep. And, yeah, that that that's the only thing. Every country can, dictate what they wanted to dictate. You know? It's, within their own borders. Outside the borders, they can't do shit. You know? We try, but technically, we can't do shit. You know? So it's,
[00:22:47] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Well, I mean, you know, like the EU doing the that doing the, your that you can't do business with with us unless all of your companies and all the companies that work for you with you also follow these same rules that we have. You know? Yep. Yep. They they do stuff they do shit like that. But yeah. I I don't know.
[00:23:14] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Oh, speaking of another thing of Apple, this one just did you hear about this one? Where, if you, like, use, Apple AI and you say Trump, it will change it to racist.
[00:23:31] Jamon Fries:
Oh, wow.
[00:23:34] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. They they they said they're fixing it. They they they said they're fixing it. But, yeah. It's,
[00:23:44] Jamon Fries:
Well, of course, they're fixing it now that now that it's been found out and publicized. But Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. But I have absolutely no doubt that they trained the AI to think that way.
[00:23:55] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Also, like, sometimes it would also change it to rampage Trump to rampage. So Yeah. Racist or rampage. I I yeah. So
[00:24:06] Jamon Fries:
Well, you know, I I the the other one that I wouldn't be surprised to see soon is, Trump to bloodbath.
[00:24:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. They they they they blame this one on the AI just misreading, what is being said. But Yeah. The AI Yeah. It's based misread anything. Yeah. But it's based off of, like, what it's already learned. You know, that sort of thing. So it's that sort of thing. Yeah. But Yeah. It it's based off of what they taught it. Or what it learned yeah. What it its datasets and everything like that. Yep. Yes. The information that they provided to it. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:24:46] Jamon Fries:
But because most AI is not trained by having open access to the Internet and being able to just see everything. No. It really is. They're
[00:24:54] Jesse Fries:
they're trained by the company deciding what information they're going to to allow it to see. Well, actually, a lot of them are just open to the Internet, which is has gotten some of these companies into trouble, like OpenAI with the copyright and everything like that. Because, the AIs are taking copyrighted work and, using them for their
[00:25:15] Jamon Fries:
output. Yes. When you're when you're dealing with an AI that's designed to answer questions that that are found on the Internet, then it obviously has to have access to all of the Internet. And so, yes, you will end up running into problems with, like, that. The it it should be an easy fix. You know, just have it compare it to a copyright material or something. And, you know, that way, you can because I mean, they the AI can do that in an instant. It can run through a copyright data database with no problem, you know, when when dealing with with works of literature or something like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Completely. Completely.
[00:25:57] Jesse Fries:
Let's see. Sticking to Doge and the corruption and everything like that. Apparently, some guys did some, some research, and they found that federal grants to local governments increase, corruption. And government, grants, federal grants to local governments have increased from a higher 35,000,000,000 to 1,200,000,000,000.0, between 1990 and 2022. Wow. And in their research, they said we we begin by examining whether federal grant windfalls are associated with more local corruption and find significantly positive relations between windfalls and the number of public sector employees charged with corruption in the subsequent two years.
The economic magnitude is significant with the presence of a windfall associated with a 28% increase in public officials being charged with corruption. Damn. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:27:02] Jamon Fries:
[00:27:03] Jesse Fries:
But, I mean, it makes sense. No. It does. It does. So, basically, just the federal government just spending all this money downstream is just adding to pure corruption. That's all it is. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:27:16] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, there's you know, I I was thinking about it a couple of days ago. And, you know, I you hear all this stuff about what what they're doing to try to reduce spending and all of that. Right. I think that there's two very simple things that should be done to reduce spending. Uh-huh. But they both have to be done by congress, I believe. Okay. The first one is make it so that the federal government, like all the states, has to, balance our budget every year.
[00:27:50] Jesse Fries:
I I I could get along with that. Yeah.
[00:27:54] Jamon Fries:
The other one is to pass a resolution or a law that changes how government funding is is done right now, which right right now, if you spend less money than they give you, you don't get as much money next year.
[00:28:15] Jesse Fries:
[00:28:17] Jamon Fries:
So that that this is why this is why the military and and other government agencies are willing to spend $5,000 on a hammer, because they've gotta spend the money somewhere.
[00:28:28] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right.
[00:28:31] Jamon Fries:
Whereas, if you went with a more business approach where you spend what you need, and we'll let you know when and then you tell us how much you're gonna need next year, and we'll let you know if if if we approve everything you wanna do next year. Uh-huh. Yep.
[00:28:48] Jesse Fries:
[00:28:49] Jamon Fries:
there is no situation where you where the in the business world, there is no situation where a company would say, okay. We wanna know the most money that this department is ever going to need in the entire existence of the of the of this company, and they have to spend that much money every year. Mhmm. There there's no way that that would ever happen.
[00:29:13] Jesse Fries:
No. There really isn't. There really isn't. But that's how the government funding is run. Mhmm. Yeah. No. I I yeah. It would work. It would work to get rid of some issues.
[00:29:25] Jamon Fries:
I mean, just, you know, just think of how much how much spending wouldn't have to happen that way. Mhmm. Now it would take a few years for it to to for it to come down because, you know, everybody's gotten used to the system the way it is. Oh, yeah. They've got used to, you know, paying their uncle $5,000 for a hammer. You know? Stuff like that. But, you know, so it'll take a little but but that also gets rid of a lot of the corruption in the government as well. If they don't if they don't have all of that money available, there's less money to give out, which means that that that that that there's less corruption.
[00:30:06] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Makes sense to me. Makes sense to me. It really does. Yeah. Let's see. Sticker was more like local, whatnot. So my governor, Greg Abbott, apparently, he wants to make it that you need a, like, a super majority, like a two thirds vote to change property taxes. So if you want a bond for your school, well, you need two thirds of the people to approve it. That's a little much, I think. Isn't it? It's like, okay. Nothing will ever be voted for then. You know? It's like Yeah. You know? It's like, you can get 60% of the people going, yeah. Let's do it. And then, nope. Not happening. You know? It's like, hey.
Now I can understand that with, like, constitutional amendments, things like that because that's Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's what happened in Florida, like, over the last election. They had a proposal that the majority wanted, but it was a constitutional amendment. So I I I understand constitutional amendments. They need a super majority. I agree with that. But just for a vote on taxes? No. No. I don't think so.
[00:31:23] Jamon Fries:
No. Yeah. The the the amendment, it needs to have that super majority because it is something that literally will affect every single person that's living there. Yep. Yep. And, you know, it it's it's a permanent change. It it takes another constitutional amendment to get rid of it. Yep. Yep. Whereas taxes, next year, they might decide to cut them. You know? You never know.
[00:31:49] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. They could. You never know. You know? The this is how it goes. It goes up and down. So you just let it ride. You let the people decide. You know? And nobody wants to be taxed too much, especially for property taxes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. No. I I think Greg Abbott's full of shit on that one, 100%. So it's, Yeah. I definitely disagree with that with that. But speaking of another governor, of governors full of shit, we got the Wisconsin governor here. Holy crap. Yeah. Have you seen what he said in his book? Yeah. I did. That that was insane. He he was he was to change, mother to inseminated person.
I saw this TikTok guy. He's he's a grumpy old gay rant is what he does. It's hilarious. But anyways, he goes, you know, inseminated person, that could be a gay guy. That could be anybody. You know?
[00:32:45] Jamon Fries:
That that is true. Yeah.
[00:32:49] Jesse Fries:
And apparently, he's a science teacher as well. He's like, let's not even get on the whole thing where he wants to change paternity to parentage because that's a whole another ball of wax in there. You know? It's Yep. Yeah. No. Or it was like, another thing that they would call mothers. Like, inseminated would be, like, if they're, like, pregnant, I think, is how he Right. Is thinking or something like that. Another term for mothers would be where did it go? Where did it go? I had it here.
[00:33:20] Jamon Fries:
It's like parent that gave birth or something? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's The men get out easy. They're just parent.
[00:33:30] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But paternity means, like, from the line of the men. You know what I mean? That that that's the Yeah. So you kinda need that, you know, not you know, when you have to add words, like, when you have to have, like, more than one word to describe what you're trying to change, I think you got an issue just in essence. You know? It's,
[00:33:54] Jamon Fries:
On the, Gutfeld show a few days ago, they just after just after he came out with this, they they were they were making jokes about it. And they listed off everything that women have been called from the time that they through that they start first started changing the names. And there's been, like, six or seven of them now. Uh-huh. Yep. Yep. They they keep you know, if you're gonna change the terminology, change it once. Right. Don't change it every week.
[00:34:26] Jesse Fries:
Well, if you change it every week, you know who is the good people and who are the bad people. Oh, that's true. That's true. That's true. Yeah. Oh, father, they wanna change that to natural parent. So but So a mother isn't a natural parent? That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. They're just an inseminated
[00:34:50] Jamon Fries:
parent. Kid around for nine months and you're not the natural parent? Damn.
[00:34:54] Jesse Fries:
Let's call a woman an incubator. Let's just end it all. Let's call Yeah. Call them an incubator with or without a baby.
[00:35:03] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Well, you're you're either an incubator or you're a potential incubator.
[00:35:09] Jesse Fries:
Or a post incubator. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Except maybe, like, maybe, like, at menopause, we have to change it from incubator because they can't incubate anymore because of, the one change comes in. Yeah. But but you could post could just be, like, after they had one. So I don't know. I don't know. We we could come up with another term. I'm sure of it. I'm sure of it. Yeah. Absolutely. Because we're great at it.
[00:35:34] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yes. Without a doubt.
[00:35:37] Jesse Fries:
Incubator. Yeah, baby. Let's see here. I think that's it for oh, I think on the local side Another thing with the
[00:35:50] Jamon Fries:
Uh-huh. Another thing with this with with the state news that we're talking about, Georgia has passed a bill to that that is now likened to Doge Lite.
[00:36:03] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:06] Jamon Fries:
But yeah. No. Not really. All it all the bill says is that the government bureaucracies have to go through their spending items on a yearly basis.
[00:36:23] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:24] Jamon Fries:
They have to review their their spending on a yearly basis. But the but the Democrats are saying that it's Doge.
[00:36:36] Jesse Fries:
Well, everything is Doge. It doesn't matter.
[00:36:42] Jamon Fries:
I like the one thing. The funny thing is though is that before Trump was elected Uh-huh. This same type of bill was passed just a year before Right. By all by everyone, by the Democrats included. Well, this time it was only Republicans who voted for it. It's It is purely Trump derangement syndrome season right now. It is TV.
[00:37:01] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Nobody's business. It it it doesn't matter. Black is white. White is black. If Trump says one thing, they say another thing. It it doesn't matter if it's a good idea, bad idea. They're they're gonna say it's all a bad idea. No matter what. It it doesn't even matter. You know? It's they've Yep. Everybody has good ideas. Everybody has bad ideas. Just let's let the system work. You know? They but they go, oh, he's not good. Let the system work. Yes. He is. I'm sorry. It's
[00:37:36] Jamon Fries:
nothing's been absolutely no evidence anywhere that he is going to that he is is hinted in any way to circumvent what the the the constitution.
[00:37:47] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. And the media love to say that. They go, there's no evidence of what Trump said. It's like, well, you have no evidence either of Trump being so look. He hasn't yet gone after anybody. You know? It's, in his first term, he didn't go after Hillary Clinton or anything like that. So it's like No. They they they say, oh, it was because other people were stopping him. I don't think so. I think Trump knows. You you can talk a mean game, but actually going through with it, that would lead to a pile of shit that you just don't want. You know? It's,
[00:38:20] Jamon Fries:
Yes. Yes. Un unlike some people, Trump actually knows that, yes, you can say that this person deserves to be in jail for what they've been doing. Uh-huh. But you don't go after your political opponents, you know, by with with jail because that's a communist act.
[00:38:39] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Well the communists and socialists do. Well well, no. I I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily say communist. I would say authoritarian. You know, it it doesn't Yes. Whether it's a communist fascist, I don't care. It's, what an authoritarian really does. You know? It's, that's how I read it at least. So,
[00:38:58] Jamon Fries:
let's see here. What note that has a different different opinion doesn't exist anymore.
[00:39:03] Jesse Fries:
Yep. That that that is true. That is true. Oh, did you hear that, Trump, when they or his administration, they were gonna, like, not hire or they were firing all the temporary workers at, national parks and everything like that, seasonal jobs. Yeah. He he walked that one back. You know? There that was a bad mistake, so walking it back. You know? It's so yeah. No. These things and with the missiles and everything like that, it shows that, yes, they they're moving fast. They make some mistakes, but they're willing to backtrack and actually fix the mistakes and, keep going with it. So to me, it it shows that, yeah, there are mistakes made, but it's not as bad as everybody says and everything like that. So it's,
[00:39:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yep. It's kind of the way it works. I mean, you know, the when when you're when when your pure purpose is looking at cutting costs, you're going to cut costs without without looking into just you know, you don't have especially with when you're doing it in this in a situation like what's going on with Doge, where you have a limited time frame to do everything you need to do. You've got everybody trying to block what you're doing. You have to move fast so that they can't get in front of you. Yep. And so you don't have time to research. Okay. What's gonna happen if we get rid of these jobs? If what's gonna happen if we let these if we let all these people go?
Yeah. You just know that that as of according to all the information that you've been given, they kinda don't need to be there. Yep. Yep.
[00:40:47] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Let's see. Onto international
[00:40:52] Jamon Fries:
now, I think. I think we've covered Yeah. We've got a lot of international.
[00:40:56] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. We do. We do. What do you wanna start with?
[00:41:02] Jamon Fries:
Well, let me see. Well, since we've been talking about Musk Oh, okay. Canada is trying to strip citizenship for Musk. Well,
[00:41:13] Jesse Fries:
not Canada per se. Some people in Canada. You know, I I I wouldn't say the government has actually said that. So right? Or have they? Jaiman, you there? You there, Jaiman? Hello? Well, it looks like we lost Jaiman. I cannot hear him at all. The connection is gone. And I will get back to you. And we are back, everybody.
[00:41:59] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Yeah. I'm not sure exactly what happened. I just suddenly got in got noticed that, the system we're using
[00:42:08] Jesse Fries:
wasn't working anymore. Well, there you go. Yeah. You were Yeah. You went dead on us. So where were we? Where were we?
[00:42:16] Jamon Fries:
We were talking about, the Musk citizenship. The Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. To remove, the position of 280,000 signatures to have him removed from Canadian citizenship, because he's acting against the interest of Canada.
[00:42:35] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. You kinda faded there. But, yeah. The interest of Canada, he's against. Right?
[00:42:43] Jamon Fries:
Yes. Yes. He's he's not operating in the on the best interest of Canada.
[00:42:49] Jesse Fries:
Okay. That's no good. That's no good.
[00:42:52] Jamon Fries:
But the thing that I don't understand is that they specifically quote the tariffs that Trump is putting out wants to put on Canada. It's it's pure bullshit, of course. But Yeah. Yeah. I I mean, tariffs is something that Trump has wanted has wanted to deal with even in his first term when Musk had no involvement in the government, where when Musk wasn't really even in communication with Trump at the time. Mhmm. You know? So you can't really blame the tariffs on on Musk.
[00:43:23] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Generally not. Generally not. But, you know, they want to. They wanna blame everything on him.
[00:43:29] Jamon Fries:
Yes. Of course. But yeah. So they're they're trying to they're trying to remove his citizenship. It's Trudeau, so it's somewhat likely it'll happen.
[00:43:43] Jesse Fries:
Possibly. Possibly. Yeah. Man, looks like my computer is just cracking up. No. No. It's saying I'm running out of space and everything. Well, I'm gonna have to wipe this at some point. Let's keep going and see what it does and everything like that. Let's see here. From me, it looks like, JD Vance was in the news a little bid again because he spoke at the CPAC. Mhmm. And he kept pushing the free speech and free expression line. He said there are thousands upon thousands of American troops in Germany today. And do you think the American people or taxpayers gonna stand that if you get thrown in jail?
Or are we gonna stand it if, Germany throws people in jail for doing a mean tweet? You know? He's like, oh, no. We we we don't want our people there for that. You know? It's, yeah.
[00:44:44] Jamon Fries:
And yeah. Yeah. If if soldiers that we have there to protect them from Russia suddenly start getting jailed because they tweeted something. Yeah. I know. It,
[00:44:53] Jesse Fries:
Well, more than likely, that wouldn't happen. I think the the soldiers get some protections. I think they're not diplomatic, but they get some protections against,
[00:45:02] Jamon Fries:
the laws. Yeah. No. Not really. They they have to follow all of the nation's laws that they're in.
[00:45:09] Jesse Fries:
Except if you're on the base. Right? Because then you're not on the yes. The bay the bases are generally considered to be US,
[00:45:16] Jamon Fries:
US soil Oh, okay. Much like embassies are. But they're they're not quite to the extent that embassies are. The the, the police can the the the police can't even go into an embassy Okay. But they can go on to a military base if I'm if I'm if I remember correctly. It's been a long time since I've looked into any of that. Yeah. We'd have to check. Maybe it's per country too. You never know. Yeah.
[00:45:43] Jesse Fries:
But, yeah, speaking of Denmark, Denmark or Europe, Denmark is boosting their spending, their military spending by 70%.
[00:45:52] Jamon Fries:
Oh, so they're gonna spend $17 instead of 10?
[00:45:56] Jesse Fries:
No. It's good to take them up into, like, the 3% or something like that. Oh, nice. Nice. And this isn't even counting what they're gonna they're also gonna spend, like, about a billion or so just in Greenland to mess that up. I think that was that's how they're trying to get Trump on their side and everything like that. Yeah. But, yeah, this just shows that, you know, like, for decades, we, The US, have been trying to get the EU, or or not the EU, but European countries to boost their military spending. Yep.
So, you know, and their social programs have only really been feasible because we pay for their military, for their defense. Yes. So this so they're gonna have to try to figure out if they want, bread or social programs along with military, you know, is yeah. Yeah. The free lunch is over, people. Say sorry.
[00:46:47] Jamon Fries:
And it it should be. I mean, there we should not be we should not be paying for their military. I mean, it's their military. We don't control it, so why should we pay for it? Well, we don't actually pay for their military. We just pay for
[00:47:01] Jesse Fries:
our military being over there. We give them
[00:47:03] Jamon Fries:
yeah. But I mean, that that's the same thing. I mean, you know, we're essentially, it's it's the same as we're paying for their defense. The the sovereign countries, they they should pay for their own defense. Oh, I I'm right there with you on that one. And if you want US Soldiers in, you can hire them in. Uh-huh. Yep. You know, I mean, I they they build bases and stuff like that, but they the it doesn't really mean anything. It it's they give us the land, and we build the base because we're not gonna trust them to build the stuff that we want to to have in there. Yeah.
[00:47:40] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It looks like though, Trump's, really getting everybody to talk. Putin, Zelensky Oh, yeah. Europe. Yeah. He's actually these people are actually talking like serious talks. These aren't just like, oh, yeah. We'll do that. That's what happens when you have a strong leader. Yep. Yep. And, yeah, they complain and everything like that, but they're he's actually getting crap done. You know? It's like Zelensky, he's like going, okay. I might be willing to give up my presidency, to, for peace. Yeah. And then we're getting rare earth minerals from Yep.
[00:48:17] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So there's that so we can get more money and everything like that. Yeah. Now one thing that I said that one one thing that I saw said that he that what he was saying is that he would only give up the presidency if Ukraine got into NATO. Yeah. Which will not happen. But then I've I've read other things that it was like, or peace.
[00:48:36] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Yeah. It it it won't be I don't think he's getting into NATO. I just don't see it happening. I don't think, I think that is, the red line for Russia, personally. Yes. Russia would never stop if they were allowed into NATO. Yep. Yep. That's, There would be no Ukraine anymore. There really wouldn't be. There really wouldn't be. But, yeah, it it's so things are working, when it comes to Zelensky and Europe and everything like that. They're really Yeah. Talking. You know? They're having them. Yeah. They're all getting together in England, I think, in a few days. We're actually bringing England into Europe together. Can you imagine that?
[00:49:17] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:49:18] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So yeah. And then you have Germany, and they just had an election. Mhmm. Looks like, the conservatives won. But with that, they they they want 29%. So they're gonna have to get with, other people to actually form a government. Right. And so but they said that they will not do a deal with the AFD. So the alternative for Deutschland party, the one they call extreme right or extreme extreme right or whatever they call it, the far right. You know? The the one that's calling for free speech and Right. Right. Right. Protections and, you know, stuff like that. Well, yeah. Yeah. There are there there are some Nazis in there too. Don't get me wrong. Well, yes. Yes.
It it it's they actually got 20% this time. They are the largest minority party. Damn. Yeah. And guess what? If you look at electoral map, guess who voted for the AFD? Like like, just split it into, like, a cold war war terms. It was Eastern. If if we're yeah. He I I was gonna say probably East Germany. Yeah. The only people that did it in East Germany were Berlin. It was the only area. And, yep, There was only, like, one or two small areas in West Germany, in the former West Germany that voted for the AfD. Otherwise, that went the other way. But, yeah, it was East Germany that got them there.
[00:50:53] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you know, and and that's that's one of the things is that the East Germans, they saw firsthand what extreme socialism and communism is.
[00:51:03] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah. They don't want the Stasi to return. Yeah. That's what all this, throwing people in jail for social media is. That's a freaking Stasi. You know? Yeah. I know. We don't need that. They don't need that. Yeah. You know, it's They they they've already lived where the country is trying to go to now. Yep. And they don't wanna have anything to do with it. Exactly. Exactly. Let's see. Do we have anything else euro European?
[00:51:41] Jamon Fries:
The only other one that you have in here is the, US urging countries to vote on no no on the rival European bid for action. Yeah. That that there was a vote.
[00:51:51] Jesse Fries:
Basically, the general assembly was voting to condemn Russia and everything like that. And Mhmm. Trump, didn't The United States in that matter didn't want, them to do it. They did it anyways. So but this time, The US voted with Russia on this one, actually. So it's, like, the first time in a long time we voted on the same side Yep. Especially with something like this. Most of Africa abstained. A few countries didn't. But, Mhmm. Yeah. A lot of countries abstained. There was, like, 70 some countries abstained from the vote. So Yeah. There's that.
Beyond that, just Hamas and Israel, Netanyahu. This was almost a week ago or so. Hamas was returning they returned the wrong woman. I think we talked about that. Right? No. I hadn't heard about that. Yeah. They they were returning some dead bodies. They had returned the husband a while ago, but then they returned, a mother and the her two kids. But it wasn't the mother. Apparently, it was the wrong woman in the coffin. But also while they were doing that, they were parading the bodies through a whole mass of Hamas. Yeah. So Netanyahu is not pleased by that at all. So
[00:53:16] Jamon Fries:
No. I mean, the it's it's it's not surprising that they that that would happen. I mean Yep. Hamas is is Hamas. I mean, you know Yep. Yep. That's what they do. So, but yeah. No. I have never liked the deal that they that they decided on. I've never liked that The US agreed with it. I think it the deal should have been, you give us every hostage that you currently have right now, and we don't kill you.
[00:53:55] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Actually, it it looks like, all the live hostages have been returned. So for Israel Okay. Israeli, hostages that were alive have all been returned, from what I understand. So Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No. It should have been a one and done, like Trump said. But it got there in the end. Let's see if, we can keep I also I also don't like that,
[00:54:20] Jamon Fries:
for every one hostage, I think Israel ended up giving back, like, over 500 people. Well Almost.
[00:54:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That just shows how cheap Hamas is. You know? You know? It's just that that that's all they're worth. You know, one Israeli is worth 500 Hamas.
[00:54:40] Jamon Fries:
It ain't
[00:54:41] Jesse Fries:
You know, I never thought of it that way. In the exchange rate, you know, the it's like $1 or 500 pesos. Do you know what it's like? Yeah. Yeah.
[00:54:55] Jamon Fries:
I I I guess that makes sense. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. See? Look at it that way.
[00:55:01] Jesse Fries:
It's a good way to look at it. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And speaking of pesos, so, apparently, the Mexican government, she or president, she wants to change the constitution down there, because she is, she doesn't want The US going in, and just doing whatever we want to. Right? Especially with the cartels and everything like that. She's worried about their sovereignty. But is she really worried about their sovereignty? Because I've seen this I did a little screenshot of the same story, but of various different, news sites. Right?
So the people's voice says, Mexican president to change constitution to protect cartels from US military. Another one says, Mexican president seeking to reform the constitution and protect the country's sovereignty. Mexico to reform constitution in wake of US terrorism designations. You know? So it's like all these things. It's like, which one is it? You know? Is she trying to save their sovereignty, or is she trying to save the cartels? You know? It's like.
[00:56:16] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you know, sending in the troops to take out a criminal organization, I don't think that affects your sovereignty at all, unless
[00:56:28] Jesse Fries:
[00:56:28] Jamon Fries:
does work for the for but, I mean, you know, it's it's something that we do everywhere. It it's Yeah. But no. It's it's completely attacking their sovereignty.
[00:56:41] Jesse Fries:
If we go in sovereign means that nobody has anything over you. If we could just go attack, that does actually end the sovereignty. You know? So Well because if we're going in like this
[00:57:00] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I I guess. But, I mean, okay. So in most instances, we will ask the governing body, the sovereign country Right. For permission to go in. Right. Right.
[00:57:20] Jesse Fries:
Except for the stairs. If it's terrorists, I mean, just say you where'd you know when it?
[00:57:26] Jamon Fries:
Well, even even with the terrorists, we first communicate with the comp with the country and say, we're planning on doing this. Right. Will you let us come in or not? Yep. And if they don't, then we just send forces that you don't find out about.
[00:57:41] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. I understand. I understand. But, you know, it's like, there's been so much corruption down there. It's Oh, yeah. So many of these politicians, they're in the pocket of, the cartels. You know? Yeah. I've I've heard so many I've heard so many people say that the that the Mexican government is the cartel. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, it to me, it's okay. So she doesn't want our guns down south. I understand that. That's fine. Yeah. We don't want your drugs and your cartels coming over here. Absolutely. Do you think you can do anything about it? No. Okay. Well, guess what? You know, that's how I'm thinking about this. You know? It's Yeah.
[00:58:17] Jamon Fries:
If you can stop your cartels and your drugs from coming up to us, then we don't have to worry about you Exactly. About it. Exactly. But if you can't stop it, then we're gonna have to deal with it. Mhmm. You may not like how we deal with it, but we're gonna deal with it. Yeah. You probably won't like how we deal with it. But, you know yeah. Yeah.
[00:58:39] Jesse Fries:
[00:58:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So anything else in, in The Americas here?
[00:58:51] Jesse Fries:
I don't think Sorry. The kids are bothering me. So okay. I can't find a teller. Yep.
[00:59:00] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. So the only other thing I have from international is, over in South Korea, for the first time in in nine years, they've actually had a rise in their birth rate.
[00:59:15] Jesse Fries:
Okay. That's good. Well, that's good.
[00:59:18] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It went from point seven two to point seven four. Woo hoo. Any rise is better than no rise. That's what I'm saying. Oh, no. That that is absolutely true. But the they've also seen a rise in the number of people that are getting married again. Okay. That so it looks like that movement of not getting married and staying single is starting to phase out a little bit. People are finding that it's not quite as fun and rambunctious as they want it to be, Or maybe they don't wanna be as rambunctious as fun as they used to wanna be.
[00:59:54] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah. As you grow old, sometimes being Yeah. Young and They got it out of their systems. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That's why we had kids. We were bored. Still had kids. There we go. Yep.
[01:00:03] Jamon Fries:
Makes sense to me. But, yes. So the number of the number of marriages are rising again, and the, and as a offshoot of that, the birth rate is starting to rise again. Now it's it's it is the lowest birth rate. It it it's the country with the lowest birth rate in the entire world. Wow. Yeah.
[01:00:23] Jesse Fries:
That is crazy. That is crazy.
[01:00:26] Jamon Fries:
But considering that that in order to replace the current population, you need to have birth rate of two. It's, you know, it's still way off from that. Oh, yeah. Completely. Completely.
[01:00:39] Jesse Fries:
And you know what's also way off is that donations. We need some donations here, people. We are a value for value model here at the the Mindless Meanderings. So, basically, if you can spare any sort of change, a dollar, foldable, digital, any which way, crypto, I'll take it. Just send us what you think this, this show is worth to you. You can also help us with ideas about the show and everything like that. You can e me email me at jesse@mindlessc.com, or you can email jamen@jamenatmindlessmeandrews.com. So please help us out. If you want, just send some artwork maybe that we can use, maybe as, cover for our episode or anything like that. Please send that in. It'd be rather entertaining.
If you also just have some opinions that you want us to share online, please send those in. That'd be great. So, yeah, anything you can help with the podcast, that would be awesome.
[01:01:40] Jamon Fries:
And you're quiet. Artwork artwork would definitely be nice. I am currently working on the,
[01:01:47] Jesse Fries:
Discord channel. Oh, okay. Okay.
[01:01:50] Jamon Fries:
So some art some artwork to put up, to put up on that would be awesome. That's cool. I don't even know what Discord is. Yeah. Either do I. Been using it a few years. Got no clue what it is. Yeah. That works. That works. I I can build a Discord channel, but damn it. I don't know what any of it's doing.
[01:02:14] Jesse Fries:
Screw it. Who cares?
[01:02:22] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Let's see what else we can get here. Let's get let's get into a little bit of, science here. Okay. Okay. So I I ran across an article where, a you know, we've talked before about how AI is improving, the medical field and how it's
[01:02:44] Jesse Fries:
Did you cut off again? Did you crap out? Looks like he crapped out again, ladies and gentlemen. Let's hope it's not too long this time. And we are back again. Once again. Here we go.
[01:03:06] Jamon Fries:
I am having lots of technical problems this time around. You are. You are. I need to clean my computer, and you just need to do something else. I don't know what's going on there. Yeah. I don't know what it is either. This time around, it was my modem. It, every once in a while, like, every two or three months, it'll it needs to be power cycled or else or else it'll just stop working. Oh. And I guess it was time for that to happen. So
[01:03:34] Jesse Fries:
Right there in our show. Makes perfect sense. Yeah. Makes perfect
[01:03:39] Jamon Fries:
sense. But, anyways, as I was talking about with, with the, AI, do you we I've talked before about how AI is is helping with the medical profession. Right? Right. Right. Well, now they are they're using it to detect, brain lesions that doctors would never be able to normally see. Okay. Because they're so small. Right. And what these brain lesions do is they're they're, is they they cause seizures and stuff like that. Uh-huh. I think it's, part of epilepsy as well. Okay. And so they've in order to to to help cure epilepsy in some people now this isn't in all cases. But in some people, it's just these brain these tiny brain lesions that cause the epilepsy.
[01:04:31] Jesse Fries:
[01:04:32] Jamon Fries:
And so they're able to find and locate them now, which means that they can go in and correct them and hopefully be able to help people, some people that have epilepsy,
[01:04:42] Jesse Fries:
to no longer have it anymore. That is cool. That is really cool. Yeah. Let's see here what I have. Looks like scientists are finding clues on why COVID vaccine causes chronic health problems. So that's good. Yeah. Apparently, it says something in there. It there's a lot of gobbly gook. Well, actually, it wasn't the the article I read, it was very faint on actual knowledge. Yeah. But it said something about how if you have the vaccine, the people that have this, they have too much spike protein in it because their body can't defend against COVID. So the vaccine actually stops them from being able to defend against COVID.
So something like that. And this leads to long COVID and everything like that. And Yeah. It's like a whole crazy mess. But yeah. So
[01:05:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I've heard they've also now kinda, new, thing called VADES.
[01:05:46] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's AIDS is what it is. Yep.
[01:05:49] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's immune deficiency but caused by vaccine.
[01:05:52] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oops. Hey. Yep. That is not good. That is not good at all. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see here. You have anything else?
[01:06:10] Jamon Fries:
I don't in science. I am interested in this,
[01:06:14] Jesse Fries:
thing about the fusion machine. Yeah. I can't remember where it was. What what what is it? France? I think it's France. Let me just double check. Eurofusion or something like that. So, yeah, at, from the CEA cardreich site in Southern France. So, yeah, France. I was right. Look at that. I was actually right. Nice. Anyways, they were able to actually keep a fusion reaction going for twenty two minutes or one thousand three hundred thirty seven seconds. That's pretty cool. Which is a brand new record. Previously But, yeah, it's it's very difficult to keep Fusion going. Yeah. I know. It's like in 40 in 02/2004, the record was forty eight seconds.
Then January, China, they reached a thousand seconds, which is about sixteen minutes sixteen, seventeen minutes. Yep. And now we're up at twenty two minutes. So that's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No. Absolutely.
[01:07:29] Jamon Fries:
There there I'd I was thinking about bringing bringing in an article that I found as well, but it gave absolutely no information about anything, so I really couldn't. Yeah. Right. It's like, this company is making a new fusion machine. Like, okay. It doesn't say what's special about it. It doesn't say what they hope it can do. It just says that they're building it. It's true. Company. That's all that meant. They they had a, they had a drawing of it Uh-huh. A artist impression. And it looks like it's gonna be extremely different from what current fusion machines are. Because right right now, what basic the fusion machines that they use right now, basically, what it is is it's like an open chamber, and they try to create a little sun inside of it, essentially. Right.
And they control that sun with magnets. Uh-huh. Which is why you have the flaws because there is no programming language that we've language that we've been able to come up with that can adjust the magnet the magnetism quick enough to respond to any little changes in in the fusion. Right. So once AI gets to a certain point, that probably would be able to eliminate all a lot of that pro a lot of that problem. But what the what this company is doing is instead of building it as just a large chamber with a sun inside of it Uh-huh. They've built it in a ring format.
[01:09:00] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay.
[01:09:02] Jamon Fries:
So no idea if it'll actually work. They think that it'll that'll it'll it they think that it gets rid of a lot of the problems with current fusion. So just kinda have to wait and see if it actually pans out. But if it does, you know, that'd be pretty cool.
[01:09:19] Jesse Fries:
That is pretty cool. And and just so everybody knows how much how hot this stuff is, it's a 22,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Yeah. It's a little warm. It's just a tiny bit warm. It's just a tiny bit warm. Warm. Oh, for for you Celsius people, that's 50,000,000 Celsius, just so you know. Just so you know. Just a little bit warm. Just a little bit. Just a wee bit. Just a wee bit.
[01:09:46] Jamon Fries:
Let's see here. You know? Uh-huh. That would that would be able to to help combat an ice age.
[01:09:53] Jesse Fries:
True. Just start pumping some of that heat out, and you don't have to worry about an ice age. There is that. That's always a good thing. That's a good thing. Yeah. So just just just a little bit. You know, just like a two seconds here or there and, you know
[01:10:06] Jamon Fries:
Two seconds a year?
[01:10:08] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. And we're good. That'll keep us at 60. Yeah. Yep. Alright. We're good for the next year. Makes sense to me? Makes sense to me? Absolutely. Let's see here. Oh, I forgot to mention one here. So it's a Supreme Court thing. Okay. So there's this lady, a her name is Ames. But, basically, she was trying to sue for discrimination because, she was trying to get a promotion, and her boss was gay. And she was passed over the promotion for a lesbian, and the lesbian got the job. To me, that just that one instance. Okay. You you don't know why or anything like that. Right. The lesbian was better or anything like that. No big deal. But then she was demoted, and a gay guy was given her position.
Yeah. Yeah. So she she is, claiming discrimination and everything like that. And, apparently, there's some areas around the country where you have to if you're, like, a majority person, so, like, cis white anything, if male or female, if you're that, you have to submit more evidence of discrimination than if you were a minority person trying to sue for discrimination.
[01:11:38] Jamon Fries:
That makes absolutely no sense. It really
[01:11:41] Jesse Fries:
[01:11:42] Jamon Fries:
Discrimination is discrimination. It doesn't matter
[01:11:44] Jesse Fries:
what Yeah. You're being discriminated because of. Yeah. And and it's certain areas around The US that some appellate districts, say this, which is just crazy. And so they had the oral arguments. It was either today or yesterday. And, apparently, everybody in the oral argument was in agreement. Like, everybody was in agreement that this was stupid, and it needs to be wiped out. It's like, every justice, both lawyers, everybody was saying this needs to end. It just needs to end. So I I I think that may be the first time in history that everybody in the Supreme Court goes, yeah. This is just wrong on so many Especially both sides of the law on the lawyer's sides. Right? It was everybody. The the lawyer that's supposed to defend it ain't even defending it. Come on now. There's something wrong here. Well, it was it was her against, like, the DOJ, but the DOJ was probably going, well, that's kinda messed up.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like
[01:12:50] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Yeah. So Well, you know, that well, I mean, you have to think about it, though. I mean, the case probably started up and started going I mean, it we're just brand new into Trump's administration. So it was Biden's DOJ, and they definitely would have been fighting it. But now Trump's in charge of the d a DOJ, and they're like, you know?
[01:13:10] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. I just don't make sense to do that. Possibly. I don't even know where that rule would have come from. It's crazy. Because it's it's only in certain, districts. It's not so it's not all over The United States. It's just certain appellate districts, maybe like ninth circuit. I I don't know exactly which ones. But it's just certain ones that you needed. It's the craziest thing.
[01:13:33] Jamon Fries:
Well, that that's another that's another prob that that highlights another problem, though. When you're dealing with law, the federal appellate courts, the federal districts
[01:13:44] Jesse Fries:
should all be following the exact same laws and Yeah. But that's not how it works. That's it's not how it works. It's not, but it should be. Yeah. But it it's like districts are in district appellate, courts are in charge of their own district. So whatever they say does it only applies to their district. It doesn't apply to anybody else. And then it's the Supreme Court that has to come through and try to figure it out is how it works. It it is weird. It's a weird system, but Yeah. That is how it is. It's just like this one stupid guy, apparently, he's complaining that his, girlfriend, who is a US Russian citizen, she's a dual citizen.
Yeah. So, a while back, you may have heard this story, but she was she donated to the Ukrainian war effort. She gave $51 to the Ukraine Ukrainians.
[01:14:35] Jamon Fries:
[01:14:37] Jesse Fries:
And so and then and then she went to Russia because, well, she's a Russian citizen. Well, surprise, surprise. She was arrested. The thrown in jail. She was given a sentence of twelve years and for treason because well, she gave money to yeah. Treason.
[01:14:52] Jamon Fries:
She ate it in a bed at a foreign tower.
[01:14:55] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. And now her her boyfriend is, went to the Washington Post and is telling the story. And he goes, I was gonna propose to her when she got off the plane, but now I can't.
[01:15:09] Jamon Fries:
And that is sad. Well, you you you can still go and propose to her.
[01:15:16] Jesse Fries:
I mean And thank you for joining us for episode 26 of the Mindless Me, Entering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries. And I'm Jamin Fries. And you guys have a great week.
Local Government Financial Troubles
Judicial Checks and Balances
Media and Political Dynamics
Government Spending and Corruption
State Politics and Taxation
International Relations and Diplomacy
European Political Landscape
Middle East Tensions
North American Politics
Scientific Advancements
Supreme Court and Discrimination Laws