A roaming conversation between brothers covering Trump, Zelensky, and men's health.
Hosted by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:18) Introduction
(00:01:41) Trump's Speech Highlights
(00:06:36) Language and Immigration Policies
(00:13:29) Government Spending and Waste
(00:20:22) International Relations and Conflicts
(00:39:54) Supreme Court and Government Checks
(00:50:57) Zelensky and Ukraine Conflict
(01:13:17) Listener Engagement and Support
(01:14:11) Sports and Technology Updates
(01:19:20) International News and Policies
(01:30:04) Humorous Closing: The Benefits of Staring at Boobs
Show Notes:
Good morning, everybody. It is Wednesday, March, and we are live with episode number 27 of the mindless meanderings. I'm Jesse Fries, and I'm just trying to keep up with all the news because it is just a mad rush every freaking day.
[00:00:35] Jamon Fries:
That it is. And I'm Jamin Fries, where yeah. I I'm just really wishing we could go back to 60 degree weather that we had yesterday.
[00:00:45] Jesse Fries:
Well, I wish we could go back to the 70 degree weather we had yesterday. Now we're we're just gonna get up into the sixties today. So yeah.
[00:00:53] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It it it was it was 60 degrees at about 04:00 in the afternoon. Uh-huh. By 08:00, it was snowing. Well, we got about an inch and a half of snow last night. Okay. Okay. Well, I know it's gonna be Overrigh
[00:01:09] Jesse Fries:
but yeah. It's gonna be back in the seventies. It's gonna be back up in the seventies here, real quick for us, so tomorrow.
[00:01:17] Jamon Fries:
You're lucky. We've got a couple days now with lows in the in the high twenties again. Okay. Then we jump then we start moving back up to the seventies next week. So Okay. Okay. Well But, yeah, just that that shift just was insane.
[00:01:33] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Well, that's Kansas for you. It shifts, like, the biggest business. Yeah. Yeah. I do not miss that about Kansas. Not one bit. Yep. Well, Trump's yeah. Trump's speech was a hit. Holy hell. That was, like everybody was loving that speech. It's, I saw some places that Trump it was, like, 76% approval for Trump's address. Yeah. 23%.
[00:02:00] Jamon Fries:
It was it was a it was a really good address. So Yeah. Yeah. It was. It really was.
[00:02:06] Jesse Fries:
And there and and there are some good punch lines in there and everything
[00:02:10] Jamon Fries:
like that. Who is that? Well, I mean, it's Trump. Is are there ever not good punch lines?
[00:02:15] Jesse Fries:
There is that. There is that. You know, it it started off him relitigating the election, which was just kinda boring, but as he always does. Yep. And then the Republicans, the Democrats, there was one Democrat that stood up and started causing havoc. And so Johnson, the speaker of the house, he had to have him kicked out.
[00:02:39] Jamon Fries:
You know? From what I've heard, that's, like, the first time that this ever happened
[00:02:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That somebody's been kicked out of there. Yeah. That was crazy. That was pure craziness. And and it was you you could tell that the Dems just really the Democrats just didn't really want anything, and Trump knew this. And this was this was one of my favorite he started the whole thing out with,
[00:03:02] Unknown:
this. It's my fifth such speech to Congress. And once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded. And these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won't do it no matter what. Five five times I've been up here.
It's very sad, and it just shouldn't be this way. So Democrats sitting before me for just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation, let's work together and let's truly make America great again.
[00:04:16] Jesse Fries:
So yeah. I I love that little dig at the Democrats because, well, that is that's how it works. You you just hate Trump, and you you don't care if what he's doing actually makes sense. If you would've done it, as long as Trump is doing it,
[00:04:30] Jamon Fries:
I'm not gonna Yeah. It it it doesn't matter how good it does. It it it is. It doesn't matter how touching it is. It doesn't matter anything. If it was done or said by Trump or now Elon Musk,
[00:04:41] Jesse Fries:
it's the worst thing in the world. Yep. Everything is the worst thing in the world. It is just crazy. It really is. I I don't get it. I really don't get it at all. Yeah. But, yeah, in the speech that he moves on, he apparently, he has it so that, for every new regulation that is written, 10 old ones have to be removed. So I like that. Yeah. He said that he did that in the last, term too. I don't really remember that. But Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:05:12] Jamon Fries:
But it does you know, I don't know how well it would have been enforced last time because, you know, he didn't really control the executive branch of the government last time. True. That that that is very true. And you didn't hear much beyond just, he was a Russian asset, and,
[00:05:30] Jesse Fries:
he peed on the bed or some I don't know what was in that dossier. It was all stupid. Yep. But let's see. He he also covered that he made English the official language of The United States. So
[00:05:43] Jamon Fries:
Well, that's good. Finally.
[00:05:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I don't care about that one, personally. I really don't. It's
[00:05:49] Jamon Fries:
okay. So To to me, the the the only reason that I say finally is because the one thing that can hold a country together is having a common language.
[00:06:03] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. But this is every generation, they they learn every new generation learns English, whether or not their parents know English or not. Yes. And so to me, that doesn't matter because we we still speak English now, and we've had many immigrant waves come through The United States and everything like that. So Yeah. But the the the difference is, though, is that nowadays,
[00:06:28] Jamon Fries:
there are a lot of schools that are Spanish only schools Well, I'm not sure if that's the case. Taught in Spanish. Yeah. I'm not sure if that would change anything. I think it'll have to because if if English is the is the official language, then they'll at least have to teach them English in those schools.
[00:06:47] Jesse Fries:
Maybe. I don't know. I that I don't know about.
[00:06:51] Jamon Fries:
Because because the reason that immigrants have always learned English is because they come in, and they're put into schools where English is the primary language. Well, no. The the it's just in society too. It's TV. Well, right. Right. Public. It's it's everything. Right. Yeah. It's absolutely. You know, it's but I mean, like the children, the children start learning English as soon as they start going to school for a lot of them.
[00:07:16] Jesse Fries:
For some of them. Yeah. But just as they grew up, they're gonna learn it anyways. So it's not Right. I I I I as I said, I really don't care about this one. Yeah. I really don't. It's, Yeah. I I don't care. Just this means that pretty much all the forms the gov the government has will probably just have to be in English. I'm not sure if they'll allow Spanish speaking forms or, Spanish text or anything like that, because they do now. So I'm not sure if this will actually negate that. So no. He did make it so that I think the whitehouse.com, I don't think it has a Spanish side anymore. It used to under Biden and whatnot, it used to have, I almost went to whitehouse.com.
[00:08:06] Jamon Fries:
That would have been bad.
[00:08:08] Jesse Fries:
Well, nobody would have seen it, so it wouldn't have been a a big deal. But, yeah, they don't have his Espanol section. They used to. That was one of the first things Trump, got rid of or his administration did. When he got there, there's no it's all in English. So there isn't any other language on there. And there used to be. So maybe that's what this whole thing is. You know, just all the forms have to be in English or something. I don't know. Yeah. Probably.
[00:08:34] Jamon Fries:
I I'm I'm sure there's still gonna be some that are that will have foreign languages like, you know, the the food stamps and stuff like that. Every time they send a flyer out to you or anytime they send you anything for from the local government aid and stuff like that, There's, like, half a page is in English, and then but it's like a six page document Okay. Where it's, like, half a page of 10 different languages.
[00:09:09] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But that's probably local. But yeah. It's, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and given the whole push to get rid of illegals, I'm not sure if, Trump really cares. You know? So that that's a local thing. So it's, Yep. Yep. And then he talked about, renaming the Gulf Of Mexico to the Gulf Of America, which I think is just hilarious. It's just a funny names I don't care about, you know. When it comes to streaming things, you can take it away, bring it in. It doesn't matter to me. I've never really cared about that sort of thing. Yeah. Then he talks about Mount McKinley, where he renamed, what was it? Denali? Mount Denali, I think, in Alaska. I think so. Yeah. I think he renamed that, McKinley.
He talked about getting rid of DEI, which yeah. We we all knew this stuff anyways, so it wasn't wasn't that big of a surprise. But then he went through the waste. And and I have a clip of him talking about the waste that, that was found here. So
[00:10:13] Unknown:
Just listen to some of the appalling waste we have already identified. $22,000,000,000 from HHS to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45,000,000 for diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships in Burma. Forty Million Dollars to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. Nobody knows what that is. $8,000,000 to promote LGBTQI plus in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of. $60,000,000 for indigenous peoples and Afro Colombian empowerment in Central America. 60 Million Dollars. 8 Million Dollars for making mice transgender.
This is real. $32,000,000 for a left wing propaganda operation in Moldova. Ten Million Dollars for male circumcision in Mozambique. Twenty Million Dollars for the Arab Sesame Street in The Middle East. It's a program. $20,000,000 for a program. $1,900,000,000 to recently created decarbonization of homes committee headed up, and we know she's involved. Just at the last moment, the money was passed over by a woman named Stacey Abrams. Have you ever heard of her? A $3,500,000 consulting contract for lavish fish monitoring. $1,500,000,000 for voter confidence in Liberia, Fourteen Million Dollars for social cohesion in Mali, Fifty Nine Million Dollars for illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City.
He's a real estate developer. He's done very well. $250,000 to increase vegan local climate action innovation in Zambia. Forty Two Million Dollars for social and behavior change in Uganda. Fourteen Million Dollars for improving public procurement in Serbia. Forty Seven Million Dollars for improving learning outcomes in Asia. Asia's doing very well with learning. I don't know what we're doing. We should use it ourselves. A $101,000,000 for DEI contracts at the Department of Education. The most ever paid, nothing even like it. Under the Trump administration, all of these scams, and they're far worse, but I didn't think it was appropriate to talk about them. They're so bad.
[00:13:15] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So that's, just what he, put there. So it's, yeah. Yeah. I there's quite a bit of stuff that's, you know, questionable at best. Yeah. I I wonder some of his, pronunciation. What's a lavish fish? That that that's, I have no Yeah. And vegan?
[00:13:39] Jamon Fries:
I think he meant vegan.
[00:13:42] Jesse Fries:
I you would think, but maybe it's I'm hoping so because I don't know vegan. I don't know vegan. You know? I know fagan, you know, from Yeah. Yeah. I remember fagan. Yeah. But that's about it. So it's, you know? Yeah. But some of those things, yeah, you're it's crazy what money has been wasted on Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, the the thing when it comes to this waste, it's like the Democrats always say, well, it's do you know how much money that is just per person? It's like nothing. You know? What is so many millions per person of The United States? They're missing the whole point. That's in total millions of dollars Yes. That could go someplace else or could not be taken taken Yeah. From the by the government.
So every penny counts. You you you know, when it comes to, like, us, just regular people, every penny counts. Yeah. So I don't see how they could do that. They will say, oh, it's just a minuscule number for the whole budget. That doesn't matter. It's still millions of dollars billions of dollars. I mean,
[00:14:49] Jamon Fries:
if if you think about it, a million dollars would put a computer in every school in the LA County.
[00:14:59] Jesse Fries:
A million? No.
[00:15:01] Jamon Fries:
Well, maybe not quite a maybe not quite every school, but I mean, you know know. But But I mean, there's there there's a lot of
[00:15:14] Jesse Fries:
I I mean, you get what I'm saying though. Yeah. It's a lot of money no matter what. Yeah. You know, what to to to just anybody else, you could help you could help a whole bunch of people. Yeah. You you know, you you take a million dollars. You can help at least probably about 10 families, that have gone through natural disaster. Oh, yeah. You know, get a new house and everything like that. Yep. You know? You you you could do all these things. You know? Because to build a house, a hundred thousand, that's just for the house. You know? It's like Yeah. Like my property here, it's it's under half a million.
But the house itself, it's like maybe a hundred and $70,000. It's the land property that is the actual amount. So my house isn't all that great. It's just the property itself is so valuable that that you have to do that sort of thing. So all these people that have a house that's been destroyed, wouldn't need
[00:16:16] Jamon Fries:
millions of dollars to help you out? You can you can build a decent house Mhmm. For about a hundred to a hundred and 50,000. No problem. Exactly. And that and that's usually in a and that that's usually the costs in a more affluent area. When you're talking, like, up in the middle of the mountains, I mean well, I don't know. It might cost a little bit more to get the building material up to them, but,
[00:16:41] Jesse Fries:
you know, labor and stuff like that, it it wouldn't cost that much to build a house there. No. No. It wouldn't. You know? It's, like, okay. So you have to get up in the mountains. Okay. You always have to get somewhere. So Yeah. It's not yeah. So, yeah, that's why. But that is why to just normal people, every dime that Doge actually helps and gets out of whatnot Yep. Actually is a nice thing. You know? It's, it actually leads to the end goal. You know? Yep.
[00:17:13] Jamon Fries:
And, you know, it it you know, I I keep hearing, well, this isn't gonna do any this isn't gonna touch the national debt and all that stuff. Uh-huh. I'm like, no. But it might help with other things.
[00:17:26] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It might reduce the deficit, at least. Maybe not the debt. Yeah. But the deficit could help. You know? Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:17:32] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. If if we the the closer we can get to an actual to to actually hitting the budget Mhmm. Versus
[00:17:43] Jesse Fries:
being trillions of dollar over budget every year. Yeah. And why do we give a shit about some minority in another country? Yeah. You know, LGBT whatever in in Africa. It's like in Uganda, there's laws against it. Why are we trying to prop that up, trying to get them to be okay with it? What does it matter to us, to anybody in the LGBT community here in The United States? It matters not. That's not here. That's not there. If they go there for to see the gorillas or something like that, maybe they might wanna keep that on the DL. But, you know, it's
[00:18:21] Jamon Fries:
but then Well, yeah. And I mean, you know It wouldn't really matter. You know? And and there there's much there there's much worse places that treat LGBTQ much worse.
[00:18:32] Jesse Fries:
No. It's like the death penalty, dude.
[00:18:35] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you go anywhere anywhere in The Middle East, and it's the death penalty. Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I mean, the it's it's not if there's so many play well, I mean, it's they're if I'm if I'm not mistaken, that's a,
[00:18:52] Jesse Fries:
a Muslim country. Right? Nope. It is not. It is Muslim. Oh, isn't it? No. It's mostly Christian. Okay. That's unusual. Well, East Africa is no. Yeah. But it's East Africa is is Christian, mostly. There are some Okay. Especially, like, from Kenya on downwards. East Africa is Christian. Okay. But then, like, North Africa starting with, like, Somali, and then all the way over to West Africa is, Muslim, primarily. Oh, okay. Yeah. They're sprinkled of everything throughout, of course. Right. That's during the makeup of it.
[00:19:27] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Because the the Muslim empires, they had all the way over to, all the way up into Spain.
[00:19:35] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It it wasn't So like Kenya and whatnot, under the British, the British spread Christianity throughout there. Yeah. The the only part of Kenya that is, Muslim is the coast. Okay. That's primarily Muslim. And that's because those were Arab traders and everything like that. Yeah. Yep. But the internals, tribes and everything like that before the Brits came, actually were they were still,
[00:20:04] Jamon Fries:
practicing their original beliefs, their traditional beliefs. So Okay. With the ancestors and everything like that. So Right. That's why they're And it it may it makes sense that the that the trade communities out there that they would've Yeah. They they they, you know, they would've, in order to trade with the Muslims, they probably said you have to become Muslims. So
[00:20:27] Jesse Fries:
yes. But then Muslims would just move and everything like that. Muslims Yeah. You generally, they didn't care if you were Muslim to trade with. They really didn't.
[00:20:35] Jamon Fries:
Okay. So,
[00:20:37] Jesse Fries:
yeah, Jerry, the Muslims, when it comes to other religions, a lot of times, the way it's supposed to be at least is, they're pretty tolerant. You may have to pay a tax or whatnot. Yeah. But they're generally pretty tolerant. So but yeah. It's Yeah. Yeah. Let's see here. What else, was in that speech? He talked about real quick, he talked about, balancing the federal budget. He wants to do that next year. So that should be interesting. Gold card Visa. So Yep. Basically, if you pay, like, $5,000,000, you can, become a citizen of The United States or get a green card Well, you get fast tracked into it anyways. Fast tracked. So Yep. Let's see. Then he wants to, you know, no tax on tips.
He also wants to get a rid of tax on overtime. So that's like Yeah. That's pretty sweet.
[00:21:32] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's
[00:21:33] Jesse Fries:
overtime pay is a big deal for a lot of people. Oh, yeah. And if you don't have to pay tax on time and a half, yeah, baby. Then no tax on Social Security, that might benefit you.
[00:21:48] Jamon Fries:
No. It wouldn't. I have no other source of income, so I don't pay any any tax on my Social Security. Uh-oh. The the it's only if you earn above a certain amount that you start getting taxed on your Social Security payments. Okay. So it's basically for the retirees that have other investments and whatnot. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Like mom and dad or something like that. Right. Yep. Exactly.
[00:22:06] Jesse Fries:
Makes sense. Let's see. He wants to get rid of interest on car loans, that can only be deducted if, the car is made in America. Of course. Mhmm. Would add that bit. Well, of course. Yeah. Then he talked about reciprocal, tariffs. And then he also talked about nonmonetary barrier reciprocity. So if we are banned from going into some place, that country would be banned for coming into ours where whatever that is. So
[00:22:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Like, a lot of in some European countries, our automobiles are not allowed to be sold there. There. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Which means that we're not gonna let theirs be sold here. There's gonna be a lot of people that'll get upset about that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What what is it? It's,
[00:22:56] Jesse Fries:
what he said that India is, like, a % tariff on our cars. Yeah. So it's outrageous. And then so that means, like, maybe car companies, like, there's a Indian car company that sells, like, a look alike Jeep. Okay. It it's called, like I think it's Mahindra or something like that. So that one might be screwed. So yeah. There's a whole court case about copyright and everything like that, but with that because it's it's like it takes the look of the Jeep, because they also had a contract with the US government to make Jeeps long time ago. Okay. And so they could make the same Jeep. And so they had the copyright, which was a US government copyright. So it gets all
[00:23:39] Jamon Fries:
Nice. But, Jack, could could you imagine if BMW could no longer sell here in The US? Yeah. That'd be crazy. That'd be crazy. But they do make cars here. So They do. Yes.
[00:23:49] Jesse Fries:
So yeah. And this so car companies, they're gonna start making the manufacturer's,
[00:23:55] Jamon Fries:
They're they're gonna have to put their manufacturing facilities here. They're Yep. I mean, there's no other choice. Yeah. So this is Especially if their especially if their countries won't let our autos into them. Yep. Yep. Well, otherwise, it'd be tariffs. It'll be cheaper anyways to just to build them here Yep.
[00:24:10] Jesse Fries:
Which will be a huge boon for the contractors here, because they're very contractors. Like, the ones that make all the components for the cars and everything like that. Yep. Yep. Let's see here. Anything else he talked about? Not really. But he there there was a lot of he he is a showman, this guy. He did so many things just to be a showman. It's like, the animal animal refuge that he named after a girl that was brutally murdered by illegal alien over in Houston. Yeah. And he right there, he pulled out the executive order with his signature and goes, I did this for your daughter. I told you she would not be forgotten, and she will never be forgotten. Yeah. He's like, okay. That's showmanship right there. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yep. And then there was that kid that survived brain cancer.
[00:25:04] Jamon Fries:
And then always dreamed to be in a police officer. Yeah.
[00:25:08] Jesse Fries:
A police officer. And then he made him a secret service guy.
[00:25:13] Jamon Fries:
[00:25:15] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Now now was it an honorary secret service agent, or is it full credentialed secret service agent? That that's the question. That's the question. By what he said, it was just a secret service agent. That's all he said. There was nothing honorary about it. So Yep. Maybe maybe afterwards, they'll have to go, just so you know, this is just honorary honorary. You know what I mean? Yeah.
[00:25:41] Jamon Fries:
You you you can't actually go and invest, money crimes.
[00:25:46] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. You cannot be on the president's detail. You know? It's, maybe on Joe Biden's
[00:25:54] Jamon Fries:
detail. Yeah. Yeah. They're at about this equal, equal mental level. So
[00:26:00] Jesse Fries:
Oh, don't be so mean to a kid, James. I know. I shouldn't put down on the kid that like that. Yeah. That's just mean, dude. He's just a kid that had brain cancer. He has an excuse, you know? Let's see here. Then he actually, like, notified this one kid who wants to get into Westport Westpoint.
[00:26:21] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. That he would that he got in. Yep. I know. That that's like,
[00:26:24] Jesse Fries:
dude. It's just showmanship. It's just like and you get a car. He's doing the Oprah thing. You know? You get a car. You get a car. Everybody gets a car. It was pure craziness. Yeah. Lucy here. Then he talks about a new office of shipbuilding in the White House? It seems like a funny office to have, but, you know, okay. Shipbuilding.
[00:26:56] Jamon Fries:
It really does, but,
[00:26:59] Jesse Fries:
hey, you know need a office for it. That's what I wanna know. Why do you need a office for it? It just doesn't make sense to me.
[00:27:06] Jamon Fries:
Is it I I didn't really hear that much about it. So is it just for naval ships? Or No. It's commercial ship. Commercial and naval.
[00:27:15] Jesse Fries:
[00:27:17] Jamon Fries:
Why why do you need a federal agency for that, a federal office for that? I I mean, that's why we that's why the military subcontracts out the companies. The companies deal with that crap. It's just MASCA, make American ships great again. You know? That's I I think that yeah. I mean, is it gonna be kind of a quality control maybe?
[00:27:43] Jesse Fries:
No. I think it's just to actually just boost help boost people actually making ships here, because not many people actually Oh, okay. There's not many ship rights in The United States anymore. So
[00:27:55] Jamon Fries:
that makes sense. Because, yeah, a lot of, like even a lot of the, container ships and stuff like that, they're all built overseas. Exactly. Exactly. So yeah. Makes sense. We I mean yeah. Mhmm. And the way everything's going, you know, it's, it wouldn't be surprising if if a lot of the world was like, you know what? We're not gonna let you buy any more of our ships. Yep. Yep. So you're gonna have to do you find some other way to transport all of that stuff? And and it it it it just makes so much sense that that we do things that make it so we can rely on ourselves. Oh, yeah. For example, you know, with with Canada, they've been talking about, they've been throwing out how how they're gonna shut down the power to the Northeast.
Mhmm. Why the hell do we let Canada have the energy plants for our Northeastern for our Northeastern states? We should have power plants that cover those. Yeah. But I think it's a That's an insane weakness in our infrastructure for them to be able to shut down that part of the country. Yeah. I think it's NIMBY. You know, not my backyard sort of thing.
[00:29:11] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I I really think because nobody in the Northeast wants a power panel. You know, they don't wanna see the Right. But, I mean, you're gonna have to have them. Yeah. Somewhere at least. Yeah. Because otherwise, we are not secure. Uh-huh. But that was that wasn't Trudeau that said that. That was that was, the No. That that was that wasn't Trudeau. But it was somebody in the in the in the Canadian. It it it was the premier of, Ontario that said it. Four Yeah. His name is. Yep. Yep. His brother was an insane guy that was mayor of Toronto that made a whole bunch of news long time ago, corruption and drug scandals and Oh, okay.
So Yep. Yeah. No. That that that's that one's hinky. That is really hinky. Let's see here. Then Trump also talked about reclaiming the Panama Canal. I have a story about that that we can cover later. Mhmm. And and then he he talked about Greenland. And I I I have this, little thing about Greenland from the speech here.
[00:30:11] Unknown:
And I also have a message tonight for the incredible people of Greenland. We strongly support your right to determine your own future. And if you choose, we welcome you into The United States Of America. We need Greenland for national security and even international security, and we're working with everybody involved to try and get it. But we need it really for international world security, and I think we're gonna get it. One way or the other, we're gonna get it. We will keep you safe. We will make you rich. And together, we will take Greenland to heights like you have never thought possible before.
It's a very small population, but very, very large piece of land and very, very important for military security.
[00:31:04] Jesse Fries:
So yeah. That that was, you know, he he goes, yeah. Yeah. We'll let you determine. Self determination is an important thing, but we'll get you no matter what.
[00:31:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. One way or the other, we're getting it.
[00:31:17] Jesse Fries:
I thought that was hilarious. I'm just like, okay, dude. You started off good there, and then Yeah. Yeah. You can tell if you if you watch it, he was cracking a joke with that last bit of Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. The look on his face was, like, good. Yeah. Here's a good line. Yep. Yeah. So that's Greenland. Then he made a joke about Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren. Yep. I have that one too because it's good. I like this one. It's,
[00:31:51] Unknown:
I'm also working tirelessly to end the savage conflict in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians and Russians have been needlessly killed or wounded in this horrific and brutal conflict with no end in sight. The United States has sent hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ukraine's defense with no security, with no anything.
[00:32:18] Jesse Fries:
That's only Democrats clapping right there. Yeah.
[00:32:31] Unknown:
Do you wanna keep it going for another five years? Yeah. Yeah. You you would say, Pocahontas says yes.
[00:32:50] Jesse Fries:
Elizabeth Warren took it as a good joke, though. She she thought it was funny. And she just she kept the clapping up with the more money in the I didn't know she was a warmonger, though, like that. But, yeah, you know, it's You know, it it's kinda surprising how many Democrats are warmongers
[00:33:05] Jamon Fries:
where, I mean, just three, four, five years ago I know. They were the exact opposite.
[00:33:14] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But if, Trump is for something, they have to be against it. You know? Yep. Same with Putin. You know? If Putin's for something, you know, you have to be against it. You know? There's so much of that crap that's going on when it comes to that, which just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
[00:33:32] Jamon Fries:
No. No. It doesn't.
[00:33:34] Jesse Fries:
Then he brought up Mark Fogel. He was a Russian prisoner. Mhmm. And basically just him and his mom, 96, 90 five year old mom, going, look what I did. Look what I did. Is this a guy from Michigan? I'm wondering if this is the guy from Michigan. That's, because if he is, he's like let's see here. Hold on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Trying to I can't remember. But I think it might be the guy that was a Michigander, and, he has, like, multiple citizenships and was caught with Okay. Intel. We say he wasn't spying for us, but he has, like, three or four different citizenships. So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Either way yeah. He's out of prison. It's okay.
I don't care either way on that one. But, yeah. Yeah. Let's see here. Then, all I have is, I have a summation. I figured that might be good. I took out the clapping and everything like that, and he just Okay. This is just him surmising his speech, basically.
[00:34:57] Unknown:
Now it is our time to take up the righteous cause of American liberty, And it is our turn to take America's destiny into our own hands and begin the most thrilling days in the history of our country. This will be our greatest era. With God's help over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher, and we are going to forge the freest, most advanced, most dynamic, and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face of this earth. We are going to create the highest quality of life, build the safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world.
We are going to conquer the vast frontiers of science, and we are going to lead humanity into space and plant the American flag on the planet Mars and even far beyond. And through it all, we are going to rediscover the unstoppable power of the American spirit, and we are going to renew unlimited promise of the American dream. Every single day, we will stand up and we will fight, fight, fight for the country our citizens believe in and for the country our people deserve. My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible future because the golden age of America has only just begun.
It will be like nothing that has ever been seen before. Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America.
[00:36:37] Jesse Fries:
It was a good closing. It was a good closing. It was a very good closing. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. I cut out the there's, like, a minute of just clapping. We got a couple points, so I cut that out. So it was like like Elon Musk going, oh, Mars, bitches. You know, that sort of thing. You know? So he's, hey. Oh, so that was the speech. Yeah. As I said, like, 72% of Americans actually approved of that speech. So yeah, he's working fast, but I his approval ratings are up there. Mhmm. They're he's always it's basically, every poll has his approval more than his disapproval.
And much of it is over 50%. So Yep. You know, you you may hate him and everything like that. But you know something? The American people are liking what he's doing, plain and simple. So
[00:37:38] Jamon Fries:
Well, yeah. And and, you know, it's not just, it's it's not just him that that's seeing it. It's not just you and I seeing it. Yep. And even, like, Bezos Uh-huh. Has gone massive into the into a more conservative stream now. I was watching a thing just earlier today that that's where he was talking where he was saying that, you know, they're no longer going to that they're gonna start his his all of his newspapers and stuff like that, they're gonna start having more of a more of a centrist lean. They're not going to to go out of that far wacky left anymore.
[00:38:17] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. He he his, employees at Washington Post aren't too pleased about it. But,
[00:38:22] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:38:24] Jesse Fries:
Imagine that.
[00:38:26] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It it's kinda funny when your boss says we're not gonna be wacky left and you're wacky left. Yeah. You know what I mean? You know, you you got us at some point in time, you start saying, well, if we're not gonna be, like, if if you're not gonna support what I say, does that mean I'm not gonna have a job anymore for too long? I'm thinking so. Possibly. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:38:48] Jesse Fries:
Oops. What can you do? What can you do? Yeah. You either make the changes and make the shift with him or you don't. Yep. Yep. Yep. And, you know, it's it's like he's moving fast. But courts are holding him back a little bit. Yeah. It's like that, like, Wednesday, there was a judge that had said you have to give back, like, USAID and everything like that. Right. And so and then chief, Roberts, he put a hold on that order, because there was the administration is saying there's no way we can do that, no matter what. But now the Supreme Court has finally answered, and now they just like today, it came out that the aid has to resume. $2,000,000,000 of US aid has to resume, that that judge had said. But the Supreme Court did not give a deadline. There was no deadline on it. So yeah.
Yep. Yep.
[00:39:53] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I don't I don't know.
[00:39:55] Jesse Fries:
But yeah. But, you know, there there's checks and balances, things, and I'm sure, well, that was the Supreme Court. So I I think what it is is they said you have to resume, but then took it down to the lower judge to keep the case going. I think it was just on that temporary bit while the case goes through the court is how it is, I think. So
[00:40:17] Jamon Fries:
[00:40:18] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. So yeah. He he doesn't win them all. You know? What can you do? You know? Yep. It's,
[00:40:26] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Personally, I I think that there are some things like the spending and stuff like that. I mean, it it's I I kinda liked what one what one person's opinion was about the, about when Roberts come out came out and said, you know, we're putting a freeze on this. Right. They're they're like, what Roberts was saying is that the lower courts have no should have no possible way of influencing how the federal how the executive branch runs this. That's more of the purview of the Supreme Court. It's not the lower courts that should be making these kinds of decisions. See, that that is not what he had said in his decision. Is that Yeah. I I know. That that was that was what what they were that that's what this one person was interpreting it as. That that that was some
[00:41:19] Jesse Fries:
right leaning, wanting it all to go through. It wasn't Yeah. He was just putting a pause on it. It. That's all he was doing. And then he said, okay. Everybody can come back on Friday and give us more information, and then we can make a decision from there. Mhmm. So it was just a temporary thing. That's all it was. And so, you you know, even, like, leave it, the press secretary. She was, like, going, oh, it's a win. It's a win. It's a it's a temporary win, people. You you you know, it's Yeah. It's a five second victory. Yes. Yes. And you never know how it's gonna end out in the end. You know? It was just it it wasn't enough time, and so yeah. So that's all it was. Yeah. So Yeah. I don't know how that's all gonna work out or anything like that. But, you know, some of this aid, it's kinda stupid. It's it's like so Yeah. I had a a friend of mine, unfriended me on Facebook. Right?
And and and then because of my politics. And then he he sent me a private message, And it was all about this one group that's helped the headline of the story that he sent me was, PEPFAR Freeze, more than half a million Kenyan's most vulnerable children at risk. Okay? So that's what this headline says. In the story, what it was is that it states that PEPFAR helped 1,602 kids a day with food, housing, and whatnot. And then that story says that it and then the story says and so in a year, it's helping 584,730 kids a year. They took that 16 o no. No. This they took the 16 o two. Right? And multiplied it by how many days there were in a year. By March.
I did the math. That's all they did. So they're helping okay. Let's give benefit of the doubt. They're helping 5,000 kids a year with at least one meal. Yep. You you know, it's but it's you're you're not there's not half a million chill. I've I've been to Africa. I've been to Kenya for god's sakes. There's not half a million children just for them. Oh, woe is me. I'm an orphan. You know, there isn't. I'm sorry. Yeah. It's just like, yeah. So I I thought that was funny. You know? It it's like, yeah. I I but I also thought it was funny that he he blocked me for being political, and then he sent me a political piece to try to privately. I thought that was funny. It it didn't make any sense to me.
So yeah. But, you know, if you ever wanna be my friend again out there, dude, you know who you are. Come back. I don't care. I I don't, you're a good guy. But, yeah. I thought that was funny. I thought that was funny. Speaking
[00:44:23] Jamon Fries:
speaking of, kids going hungry. Uh-huh. So there there's a, there was an article in Fox News about how there's a now a new trend of kids whose parents have gone vegan Uh-huh. Are trying to set up play dates with kids whose parents are carnivores, so that they can eat good food.
[00:44:51] Jesse Fries:
It's brilliant, dude. Those kids are smart. It is. Kids are smart.
[00:44:56] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. They interviewed some of the parents that that were feeding these kids meat again. Uh-huh. And they're like, yeah. These kids they they come over and they just don't wanna stop eating.
[00:45:10] Jesse Fries:
They ate I made 20 hamburgers. They ate every freaking hamburger, dude. Yeah. That is pretty awesome. It really is. It makes sense. Yep. It really makes sense. Let's see. Oh, yesterday, the 25% tariffs went on to Canada and Mexico. Yep. And then Trudeau, he responds going, oh, yeah. We're gonna tariff you too and everything like that. And Trump just responded, well, then we'll just add on to yours again, because that's how our reciprocity works. You know? So yeah. Yep. So, let's see here. We will get to Zelensky here, because that's a whole story that we haven't covered yet on this. Yeah. Anything else here that well, I think Uh-huh.
[00:46:06] Jamon Fries:
There there was one thing that, that senator Kennedy was talking about that I found very interesting. Oh, okay. Sticking on the lines of Doge and stuff like that. Right. He would he he did a little bit further research into remember a few episodes ago, I was titled telling you about how how there's so many people that were dead that were still on Social Security records. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. He found out that the the good number of them are still getting checks.
[00:46:36] Jesse Fries:
Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah. Even somebody that's over 300 years old is still getting a check. Yeah. Trump actually listed, like, the he said there's, like, one person that's 360 years old. He was a hundred years old the way that we became a country.
[00:46:52] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. But, you know, the this so they're they're starting to they're trying to crack down on that. But I found it very interesting. Did you know that over 1,400,000,000 of COVID stimulus payments went to dead people?
[00:47:10] Jesse Fries:
I'm not surprised.
[00:47:11] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. But do you know why?
[00:47:14] Jesse Fries:
No. How would I know?
[00:47:16] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Well, yeah. Kennedy actually spelled out how it all works. Uh-huh. So what happens is when a person dies, the state puts it into a state registry of people that have passed away. Social Security then has to buy those registries from each state
[00:47:34] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:36] Jamon Fries:
So that they can update their own records. Uh-huh. But they don't share them with anyone else in the government even if they're asked. Oh, Jesus Christ. So all everyone else that sends out money, if it's the IRS, if it's the, you know, any any anyone that sends out money. Right. They don't know that people have died because so because the Social Security Administration won't share the file of the of who's died.
[00:48:07] Jesse Fries:
But that's the one system that actually keeps track of that sort of stuff. Yes. Wow.
[00:48:16] Jamon Fries:
That's why $1,400,000,000 went to people that had already died. So And those but those checks were all cashed.
[00:48:24] Jesse Fries:
So either the Social Security Administration has to start sharing that crap, or Trump will have to set up a new, just, database that
[00:48:33] Jamon Fries:
they have to put their information into for deaths, at least. Yeah. Well, what what Kennedy said is that, there's a right now, there's a temporary order for Social Security to have to to share that information.
[00:48:45] Jesse Fries:
[00:48:46] Jamon Fries:
He's he was talking about this when he as he's trying to pass a bill that that perm that makes that permanent.
[00:48:53] Jesse Fries:
[00:48:54] Jamon Fries:
That makes it actual law that the Social Security Administration has to make that available to anyone to any other federal government. Mhmm. But yeah. So that's that's why so many people that are dead are getting money from places outside of the Social Security office. Is that That's why dead people can vote.
[00:49:14] Jesse Fries:
Sweet. I wanna vote when I'm dead. Sounds cool.
[00:49:19] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I saw I saw the interesting political cartoon at two graveyards. One was saying, we're not gonna get our Social Security money anymore, but can we still vote?
[00:49:35] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Nice. Let's see here. Yeah. The only other thing real thing major thing right now is the Zelensky thing, that went down on Friday. That was a crazy thing. The headlines just pop start popping off like crazy right after it happened. It was just like, bang, bang, bang, bang. Oh, yeah. On my phone, you know, notification after notification. It was crazy. But with that, you know, I watched the the blow up, like, it's like ten minutes. Mhmm. I watched that and then, like, then I saw that there was a lot more to it, than that. And so it's like a fifty minute, video.
I'll have it in the show notes if you guys if anybody's actually interested in it. But watch the whole thing for you guys just so I can help everybody out, figure out what's going on with this whole thing. So this is a little breakdown that I did of it. Okay? So first off, in the very beginning, Zelensky kept trying to relitigate the war. He just kept saying, oh, Putin. Putin. Putin. Fuck Putin. Putin. Putin. Right? But then again, Trump also couldn't stop about how much he won the election. It was election. Election. Yeah. Election. Fuck the Democrats. Blah blah blah. Right? So so so, yeah, there is a bit of the repetition on both sides of that.
And then a reporter asked him why he doesn't wear a suit. And I'm like, oh, who gives a shit if he's wearing a suit or not? This is Zelensky. This is what he wears. What does it matter?
[00:51:07] Jamon Fries:
It's what he wears in his official capacity.
[00:51:10] Jesse Fries:
Yes. He's at war. So, you know, if if you've seen, like, pictures of Just like just like any country who's who's run by a military
[00:51:18] Jamon Fries:
[00:51:19] Jesse Fries:
will always be in their military uniform when they go overseas. Well, no. It's also like, Winston Churchill. When he came over here, a lot of times, he would just be in his, fatigues. You know? That's you're you're showing that you're at war. You know? I I have no problem with it. You know? I think Dincell was gonna meet the freaking king of England in that outfit of his.
[00:51:40] Jamon Fries:
I believe so. Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:51:43] Jesse Fries:
what? Who cares? To me, this is I don't even know. A reporter is the one that brought this up. It was a stupid reporter that brought that up. And it was just stupid. Who gives a shit? That's what I say. Yep. Then Zelensky said that he needs security guarantees for, ceasefire. He said that the rare earth mineral deals was a good start, but for any sort of ceasefire, he would need security deals, guarantees. He said that Putin had to pay for the rebuilding no matter what. It was all Putin's fault, so Putin has to, pay for the rebuilding. And then Trump said, he's for both sides. He's for the Russians. He's for Ukraine.
And it'd be great if they could solve it. But otherwise, they could find it out. It's what Trump said. He goes, hopefully, there's peace. But if not, you guys will just keep going at each other. This is how it's gonna be. And then, of course, Trump said The US should never have let the war happen. Biden never should have let the war happen. He says that a lot too. Trump says that he's aligned with both sides, aligned with the world. If you're too tough and he said, if you're too tough, you won't be able to make a deal. Yeah.
So Zelensky needs to calm the fuck down is basically what he was saying. But it this is all genial at this point in time. Right? No problem with everything like that. And then I think and then Zelensky just kept talking about how Putin and everything like that started it and everything like that. And JD Vance just got tired of it, I think. I think he really got tired of it. And so he said that diplomacy is the only way to peace, that Zelensky said that diplomacy was tried, and he had no faith in it because of the mix too. Right? Yeah. There is a mix too, peace treaty that the UN It was a UN peace treaty and everything like that. Right.
But Ukraine also didn't fulfill their promises in the treaty and that Russia invaded and everything like that. So it was just because there's supposed to be peace in between the fractious, Donbas area and everything like that, all the Russian speaking areas, and Ukraine. There was supposed to be peace, but Ukraine kept bombing. And so it was with that yeah.
[00:54:21] Jamon Fries:
And so because of that Yeah. The the it's it's strange how diplomacy won't work when you keep bombing after peace has been made. And this and because of that, Putin,
[00:54:33] Jesse Fries:
actually attacked. And this is and because Putin attacked, that is why Zelensky says Putin can't be trusted, even though Zelensky himself can't be trusted either. You you know? Yeah. That that kind of more leads me to think that Zelenskyy is the one that started the war. They all started the war. We started the war. Of course. Everybody's everybody started this war. It it's just there's not there is not an innocent soul.
[00:55:02] Jamon Fries:
Soul. No. Well, it comes to the country with us. I I remember people talk I remember hearing that, that early on, there was a very, very good chance of peace being being brought about again. But then The UK and The US came in and said, no. We're you can't take that deal. You can't agree with that. Yeah. It was especially The UK.
[00:55:23] Jesse Fries:
I think it was one of their former prime ministers. I can't remember which one it was. I think it was the guy that got break the Brexit vote going. Okay. I can't remember his name off the top of my head right now. But, yeah. He he he told, Zelensky, no. Don't take the deal. From what I understand this is what I understand. So but, but but anyways, so there is all this going on. Right? Zelensky said he tried diplomacy, and so he had no faith in it. And then JD Vance said Zelensky needs to be grateful, and that the Ukrainians have problems conscripting troops. So he he really goes, you can't even conscript troops. You have to go out and kidnap people to be part of your army.
And there's videos out there showing this. You should look it up if you haven't seen. Yeah. They actually kidnap them off the street and everything like that. But then but then with draft, that's what you do, and your customer is being attacked. So, you know, I really don't blame
[00:56:25] Jamon Fries:
[00:56:26] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That sort of situation. But yeah. Yep. And then Zelensky said that, we will all have to hate Putin and everything like that. So Yeah. He was going on that. And then JD Vance said that Zelensky was being disrespectful. And then at that point in time, Trump took up the gauntlet of JD Vance because JD Vance was getting a bit angry. And I think Trump fed off of JD Vance, and it just turned into a shit show.
[00:56:58] Jamon Fries:
It just turned into one
[00:57:00] Jesse Fries:
big shit show. Yeah. In the end, Zelensky talks too much. JD Vance got sick of it. And I would say that Zelensky always talks too much. So that's just he always does. So really, I think it was JD Vance that started it. It's how I I look at it. Not that I blame him or anything like that, but I think he kinda started the whole situation. So
[00:57:28] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. There there I I heard some people talking about how it was the, how it was a reporter asking a question that started it all up. And I'm like, no. No. It it it was it was most definitely that Zelensky didn't like how the question was being answered. Yeah. Yep. It wasn't the reporter himself.
[00:57:49] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. And then he wanted to have it answered his way, and then JD Vance didn't like that. And, yeah, it turned into a shit show. Yeah. So that that that's the video if you ask me. So you you can watch it. It'll be in the show notes if you guys, want to, watch it. It's an entertaining little bit of theater, as Trump said. Yep. But because of that, a whole lot shit happened. So let's see. I think this is an order. So, like, on Saturday, what is it? A Norwegian oil giant. What is their name? I can't remember. Let me pull it up the article here.
Hauptbach Bunkers. It's a Norway oil company. Anyways, they said they're gonna cut off, oil, like, filling up US naval
[00:58:49] Jamon Fries:
ships. Okay.
[00:58:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Because it was the biggest shit show they've ever seen is how they put it. They actually said the biggest shit show. And and then, like, the next day or maybe that same day, Norway's Government goes, no. No. No. It's okay. No. No. You'll get oil. You you we'll make sure you get oil. You'll be able to fuel those ships. Don't worry about it. So yeah. So one company didn't like it. And then, the Norway government is going, yeah. We're still gonna do that.
[00:59:28] Jamon Fries:
Nice. Yeah. You know, I mean, when when when you're when you're an ocean country and you're close to Russia Uh-huh. And the only protection you have in your mind is the US Navy.
[00:59:46] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. You're you're gonna make sure that they get the oil they need. That's what I'm thinking. That is what I am thinking. And also just right after that, Zelenskyy went to Europe, and Europe kissed his ass like nobody's business. Of course. UK, France, and, Ukraine, they, agreed to work on a ceasefire plan, for Russia's war with Ukraine, yada yada yada. But during that whole thing, they all say that The US needs to be there. We need The US is what they say. They say we need The US. Without The US, we can't do this. It's impossible to do this without The US. So they're like going Yeah. They're they're they're like going, damn you, Trump. But we need you, Trump. It's basically what they're they're saying.
They've come up with several proposals for ceasefire, but I don't think they're all more Ukrainian based. And the way Europe has responded, they are a bunch of warmongers over there as well. Oh, yeah. That all they wanna do is have this war keep going. They they they wanna punish Putin and everything like that. They wanna do everything possible to get into that. And I've looked into this. I've seen so many different sides of this argument about Ukraine and Russia and everything like that. Everybody's at fault. It it this is not, one person situation. This isn't a one-sided situation. We them over. They us over, and everything like that.
But then so the UK says that they'll send some, arms and whatnot to Ukraine. And then, what was it? When did this happen? Let's see. Hold on. Pulling it up here. Over the weekend, March 1, so on Saturday, Russia bombed or blew up, some, UK ship that was carrying arms to Ukraine. It just Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there's that one. And then, and then basically, after all this and everything like that, I think it was Sunday or Monday, Trump says, cutting off all funding. All Yep. All funding for war just done and everything like that. Yes.
And then Zelenskyy, right after that says, okay. Whatever you want, mister Trump. Please give us back our money.
[01:02:21] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I think he even I think Trump even went so far as to stop the shipment of military vehicles and stuff like that that were currently in Poland Yeah. That were getting ready to be delivered. And Trump's like, yeah. No. You ain't getting nothing from us. Nothing at all. Yeah. That's what he did. Plain and simple. You're not getting anything,
[01:02:40] Jesse Fries:
and I don't think that has changed at all. And then just today, I think was that today? It was a news story this morning in the Wall Street Journal that says that The US suspended intelligence sharing with Ukraine. So all our satellites, all the troop movements of Russia and everything like that, that they rely upon to know Yeah. Cut that off. So Trump isn't messing around. He wants this war done, over with. I don't think he cares which way it's done and over with.
[01:03:11] Jamon Fries:
Yep. We're just either Well, it'll either I mean, really, there's only two options for how it's gonna end. Uh-huh. It's either gonna end with a ceasefire signed by both parties, or it's gonna end with there no longer being a Ukraine. Yeah. Yep.
[01:03:27] Jesse Fries:
[01:03:28] Jamon Fries:
I mean, those are really the only way two ways that this war can end.
[01:03:33] Jesse Fries:
It really is. It really is. Unless if, well, the way The UK seems to want it, The UK wants to send troops over there. And then if they get attacked over there, they want us
[01:03:45] Jamon Fries:
to do article To go in and defend them. Yeah.
[01:03:49] Jesse Fries:
But, you know, I I've read, the entirety of the NATO treaty. Yeah. It it doesn't say that. It says yeah. If, if a member's country is attacked yeah. That's fine. But that's article five. Article six says how and when that actually works. Article six says, yes. If so if a country is attacked, yes. Fine. If your troops are attacked, only if your troops are in, like, a base that was set up before NATO, so before 1940 something Yeah. 1950, Only then would we go to attack and help defend. We would not help their troops in Ukraine at all. That is not a NATO thing to do. Yep. Plain and simple. But they keep saying, oh, article five would be no. Article five would have nothing to do with it.
[01:04:44] Jamon Fries:
No. That that would be that would be the same as sending troops to China. And as soon as the China troops attack those troops, then The US has to step in? Fuck no.
[01:04:56] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Just because our troops are attacked doesn't mean NATO has to get involved.
[01:05:03] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you know, in at the same time, if if if they if they truly think that that's what it meant, then was every single NATO country involved in Afghanistan and Iraq, or didn't a lot of them pull out? Not all of them were involved. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't But according to the treaty, if if we would have to go because their people were attacked in Ukraine, then they should have been in Afghanistan and Iraq with us. Every single one of them. Well, no. I know that I know there were a good part a good number of them were, but not every country was there. No. Not every country. Because most a lot of them are just small countries that don't really have Right. But I think they said, like, if The US something like that saying here. Yeah. Yeah. So it's so but if the if The US had had instituted NATO at that point in time,
[01:05:55] Jesse Fries:
then every single NATO country would have had to send forces. Well, actually, Afghanistan was NATO. That was a NATO operation because our homeland was attacked. And so article five was actually enacted, for 09/11. Yeah. It's the one only time it's ever been enacted, was the article five because it was an attack on our home country. If there's an attack on a home country, that is a automatic, article five situation. But if your troops are somewhere and they get attacked, that is not an article five. Except for certain dispensations and everything like that. It talks about, like, the topic of cancer and within Europe and whatnot. So I guess Yep. It does say within Europe. So it's like but to read that as Ukraine, yeah, technically, the Europe Ukraine is I don't think Ukraine is in Europe, is it? Yeah. It technically is.
[01:06:51] Jamon Fries:
[01:06:52] Jesse Fries:
But then, in all technicality, there is no such thing as Europe. Just saying. Yeah. That's very true. It's, it's Eurasia, really, is what it is. It's the Eurasian Continent. It's so it's or it could just be Asia, you know. Or or or China's in Europe too. One or the other, you know. I it's however you wanna split it. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Because it's one continent. Yep. We all know this. You know? I know we claim Europe is a different one, but we all know it's not. Right?
[01:07:23] Jamon Fries:
[01:07:25] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Same language. Oh, wow. Right? It it it can mess with your head if you really think about it. Yes. It really can. Let's see here. Oh, speaking of, like, Russia and whatnot in China, so apparently, with, like, all these people being fired and everything like that from the government Mhmm. There is, US intelligence shows that Russia and China are attempting to recruit, those disgruntled federal employees as spies.
[01:08:02] Jamon Fries:
Well, I mean, you know, they Makes sense. Halfway there anyways. Yeah.
[01:08:07] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. And it makes sense. I'm just saying. You know? Yeah. If you're good at, like, recruit, that's a perfect time for recruiting. Yeah. You know? And it's the perfect group to recruit. It it is. It is. And they're going, yeah, with those security clearances, it'd be great. So, you know, this just means that Trump's just gonna have to revoke everybody that doesn't work for the federal government's well, or contractor. Revoke all their, security clearances. That that that's how I read that. So
[01:08:34] Jamon Fries:
I'm not entirely against that either, though.
[01:08:37] Jesse Fries:
Really, I'm not. But yeah. It's kinda odd. Yeah. Let's see. Onto, the Panama Canal. You know, I said I would cover that. Yeah. So apparently, BlackRock, the company, is buying, the two ports that are owned by China, by the Hong Kong company. They're they're buying the controlling stake in those Yeah. For $23,000,000,000. So Yep. Yeah. It's, Trump's winning again. Look at this. That's just what it is. It's,
[01:09:14] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. With with BlackRock buying with with BlackRock buy buying the controlling fat the controlling stake in those,
[01:09:20] Jesse Fries:
we don't have to take the Panama Canal back. Well, actually, in the speech, Trump said that we were. Even though we got this deal, he's he talked about this deal in the speech. But then he also said, but we're taking back the canal. So I don't I I I don't know, what will happen with that. But at least, the control will be, without China. So that is, good. Yeah. So some people say it doesn't matter, but I think it does. So
[01:09:53] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I mean, when when they when China controls the ports, it means that they control who has access. When you control who has access, that means that you can cripple Yep. Nope. The Exactly. The American tran the American transportation system.
[01:10:12] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. Yeah. That that yeah. That's how I figured it too. They could cut off the baby ships from going in and everything like that. So Yeah.
[01:10:22] Jamon Fries:
Mhmm. Yeah. And it it would be the same as if The US would go and control all of the shipping lanes in the China Sea. Yes.
[01:10:33] Jesse Fries:
Yes. It would be exactly the same. Which aren't we kinda trying to do that? Well, of course. That's what we all try to do, you know. It's it's, you know, I'd you know, I never blame another party for trying to do something. I I don't blame China for trying to do that and doing that and everything. I I really don't blame them. But Now, you know,
[01:10:53] Jamon Fries:
there's there's a lot of things that, you know, you look at that China does or that they say. And, you know, when I look at it from my perspective, it seems off. It doesn't seem right. But when I think about it from their perspective, you know, it kinda makes sense.
[01:11:13] Jesse Fries:
It really does. It really does. See you see, that's the thing. It's like, to really look at the world, you have to see that there's different viewpoints. And, you know, it's like we're all trying to vie for the same things. And so you can't blame somebody for wanting something else or anything like that. Yeah. If you do, then you get into your, like, Putin hate and everything like that, you know, and Xi Jinping hate or, you you know, everything like that. You know, it's it it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't help the situation at all. And I think that's how Trump works is that he the hate doesn't help. And so Yeah. He may not like you, but he's gonna deal with you. You know? And he's not gonna hate you or anything like that. You know? So it's Well, what what basically, what how I see it is Trump says, look. You know?
[01:12:00] Jamon Fries:
I may not agree with him politically. I may not agree with the with what they do. Yep. But Putin is a world power. Yep. He is the leader of his own country. We have to be able to talk to him.
[01:12:15] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Just like if you guys wanna help us out, you could talk to us. You can email us if you have any ideas or tell us that we're full of shit or anything like that. It doesn't matter. You can email me at jesse@mindlessc.com or jamon@jamonatmindlessmeanderings.com. And also with that, you can also give us money so that we can keep this up, so we can get better equipment, better sound. You know? That would be nice. You know? I keep fussing. Yeah. Yeah. I keep fussing around with this. Hopefully, this time I'm using the same mic again as, Jamin. So, hopefully, that's helping a bit on volume levels, or maybe I'm just louder than Jamin. I am a loud guy sometimes, so we'll see. My wife keeps telling me to quiet down. I yell too much or whatnot.
Not not really yell, but just, like, talk You you enunciate loudly. Yes. Yes. I I get my point across, You know? It's, yeah. And my tone. My wife hates my tone. But I think that's every wife to every husband. I I I don't think they like their tone. You know? So it's, but, yeah, please send us whatever you think this podcast is worth to you. It could be a dollar. It could be $300. It could be a penny. I don't care. It probably cost you more than a penny to send a penny, but, you know, I would take the penny. And, if you would want a note, read live over the air, because this is live, we will do that for you. And it will be in the podcast for eternity as long as the note isn't too crazy because, I I I don't need craziness, too much of it. So there may be some editing involved.
But, generally, anything you say. I like free speech. I just hate, like, crazy speech. But everything else is fine and dandy and sent on to us. And now, what should we cover, James? Should we go international? Could we go tech? Should we go sports? What should we do here?
[01:14:11] Jamon Fries:
Oh, sports sounds good. Haven't talked about sports since the Super Bowl. So Well, speaking of the Super Bowl,
[01:14:22] Jesse Fries:
the NFL. Yeah. They they they apparently, they're they they they've listened. And, apparently, they were even testing it beforehand, from what I understand. But, basically, they will use where is that story? Here. I think it's up here. Okay. Yep. Here it is. So they will use something called the Hawk Eye virtual measurement system in 2025 season. And, basically, this so they they'll still be the chains, but not really. It will all be done by this machine, by this AI, whatever, to figure out where the ball actually is.
[01:15:02] Jamon Fries:
So are they putting sensors in the ball then for them? I think that's basically what it means. Yeah. Okay.
[01:15:07] Jesse Fries:
It's just yeah. Good. Or or or or It's about time. Something. Yeah. Exactly. Then we can get away from it'll just make things easier. It just makes sense. Yeah. Especially for spotting the ball. Come on. There there's so many things that we can do.
[01:15:22] Jamon Fries:
I I don't know how many times I've seen where, you know, the the ref didn't see it was running down the sideline along with somebody they didn't they didn't see exactly how far the player got. Player gets knocked back five yards, and they they give him, like, two yards instead of the five. Yep. Yep. Yep. Or there there's, always the refs, like, in my when I was in high school playing football. We had one ref. He was a big guy. Uh-huh. Every he he always walked down the line right where the ball was supposed to be. Uh-huh. And then when he was putting the ball down, for some it's it seemed like every time he was putting the ball down for us, he was facing our way. Uh-huh. And that meant that the ball was about half of about a foot to a had to about a foot to a foot and a half be it behind where it should have been.
Wow. But every time it was for the other team, he was always facing the other way. He was again facing our team, which gave them an extra foot, foot and a half.
[01:16:25] Jesse Fries:
That's no good. That's no good at all. I know. No. I don't know that that happened every single time, but that's that's just how it seemed. That that's how it yeah. That that that's how sports goes. Yeah. You you you see the bad side against you, and then you, don't look at the elements and everything like that. So
[01:16:46] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I just found it very funny, you know, when you're that large and you're gonna put your feet right where the ball's supposed to go, and you can't actually put the ball where your feet are because of how large you are Yep. Stand sideways. Yes. Yes. You know? Yes. You don't have to face either one of the teams when you're putting the ball down on the ground. Stand sideways, damn it. That's what I'm thinking. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah.
[01:17:10] Jesse Fries:
So, yep, that is the Internet or the sports news. That's your sports updates, folks. Yeah. There we go. Let's see here. Oh, Microsoft. Microsoft is in the news for a couple of things. Apparently, they had a global outage that left tens of thousands of people unable to access their email and apps. So yeah. But just tens of thousands. That's not really that No. That in the grand scheme of things. So If you if you're talking if it was a global
[01:17:42] Jamon Fries:
shutdown, you're talking maybe 50,
[01:17:47] Jesse Fries:
two hundred people in each country. That's like nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Then that one guy over in Timbuktu, you know, it's a Yeah.
[01:17:56] Jamon Fries:
The one that's definitely gonna complain. Exactly. Exactly.
[01:18:02] Jesse Fries:
Beyond that, apparently, it's a good thing we switched from using Skype. Because if you guys didn't know, we use Skype to in our the first episodes for most of it's only been a few episodes that we've been using. The last three, I think. Yeah. Yeah. We were using Skype, and there was a delay and everything like that, lag and everything in between us. So we switch over to Clean Feed. But Skype is going away. This was, like, the thing back in the day, man. Right? It was I I can't believe Skype is finally shutting down. I mean, they've been around for
[01:18:31] Jamon Fries:
so long.
[01:18:32] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It's been forever. But it's Microsoft owned. So Yeah. Yeah. They're just probably going, we're done. Because Zoom Zoom is everything now, basically. Yeah. And then FaceTime, WhatsApp, all these things, they have the video Yeah.
[01:18:48] Jamon Fries:
Chat and everything like that. So Yeah. I mean, back to you know, back then, though, Skype wasn't even so much about just the video chat capability. Mhmm. It was the fact that they could assign phone numbers as well. Yep. Yep. So, you know, it was it was a real good way for people to kind of cut the cord from the phone companies back then. Oh, yeah. Completely.
[01:19:13] Jesse Fries:
Completely. Oh, let's see here. I think that's it for the yes. Most of the news was, Trump and Zelensky. Just saying. That that that was most of what we have. Let's see. I did the PEPFAR, the shit show. I think we'll save let's see. Science for the last. Okay. We we we could do, international news, Turf Island. So this is something I learned. So, apparently, the British island maybe it's just the main one. Maybe it's just all of Britain. I don't know, The UK. But, basically, they have been known as Turf Island. Do you remember what Turf is?
[01:20:02] Jamon Fries:
No. I don't.
[01:20:04] Jesse Fries:
Turf is, let me let me get it right here. Where'd that story go? I know what it is, but there's a specific, it's a acronym. So it's a specific thing here. Let's see here. Almost there. There we go. Okay. So turf stands for where now I have to read the story. I I I'm slowing this down here, you know, guys. But, basically, what it is is, it's an anti trans feminist movement. Yes. That's turf. Right? And so basically, The UK is all about this, apparently. They really have been against, like, JK Rowling, that sort of thing. She is Mhmm. She's considered a terf, because she's a feminist, but anti trans. And she's not anti trans. It's just if you don't like what they do and disagree with them, then you're anti trans, because that's how it works. If you decide I'm not going to call you the pronoun you want, you're you're anti trans.
Yes. Yes. If you're not a good ally, which means you have to do everything I say, you can go suck an egg. Yep. I've never understood that. Why why does a ally have always have to agree with you? I've never understood that bit of Yeah. No. The woke agenda. That that that's how they always say, oh, you're not allied. But I agree with you mostly. It's just on this one, I don't. So I I I just don't understand it. But anyways, apparently, The US USAID was giving five gave £500,000 to, organization to spread and help the the the trans movement in The UK.
Why we need to give people in The UK this sort of money? So I see, that that's the craziest thing. Our government is giving money to help trans people in other countries. I it just doesn't make sense, especially, like, you know, it it this article that brought it up says, well, at least we now know we're a third world country because The US is giving us money. Yep. Yep. So yeah. No. It it it's the craziest thing. But yeah. Apparently, UK has been known for a long time to be Turf Island.
[01:22:32] Jamon Fries:
[01:22:33] Jesse Fries:
Oh, I found what stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist is what it is. Yeah. So, but yeah. Apparently, The UK is just known to be Turf Island. So
[01:22:44] Jamon Fries:
[01:22:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Even though their government keeps pushing and pushing and pushing the trans thing. So it's just Yeah. The the women over there are just tired of it. They they just yeah. All these poor ladies having to do with that sort of crap. But yeah. It's Yep. Let's see here. What else we got? So I think that's it for international. Is that
[01:23:11] Jamon Fries:
we covered everything else? I I I found a follow-up story on, on South Korea. Remember me telling you about how their, their childbirth rates were starting to go up? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they they did some research into that to find out just what was going on. Uh-huh. And in the article, they they put a lot of emphasis on everything that the government has been doing to help get bring these peep bring people together. You know, they're the government is sponsoring blind dates. They're sponsoring Oh, okay. The the speed dating and stuff like that. They did a thing where they had fifty fifty men and 50 women come in, and they had program they had events where you were, like, staring into each other's eyes or love bingo.
And they said that and and their this article was claiming that this was that this was one of the big reasons why the why the rates were up. Okay. But they come they they touched on a topic and then completely ignored the fact that there just so happens that, you know, that in South Korea, there was a baby boom Uh-huh. About thirty years ago. Okay. And so the baby so the results of the baby boomers are all hitting thirty, thirty one, 30 two years old, which is when you start settling down, getting families, getting married, and having kids. Yeah. That that's the prime time. They just completely ignored that fact. It's all the it's the government doing this, you know, this meetup thing that was what fall what solved it.
[01:24:46] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Government always works. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Speaking of Korea, I forgot I had this story. So, apparently, like, twenty some odd years ago, Korea passed a law to where citizenship is not revocable, and this includes children of citizens that have never stepped foot in Korea. Okay. So so what this means is that a Korean citizenship, they inherit from the parents, and it used to expire automatically at age 22. Okay. And so you would have to apply, before 22 to keep it. But under the new law, it's, if you don't renounce it, before March of the year you turn 18, then you're stuck with the citizenship until 38.
Makes sense. This is all for military conscription because they have you have to be in the military for two years in, Korea, South Korea. Every every Korean every every Korean male citizen has to be in the military. Yep. Yep. For two years. So a lot of times, young men learn that, they're subject to the new law. Once they turn 18, they get a letter and everything like that saying, well, this is, you have to serve. If they never go to Korea, it's not an issue. But if you ever want to go to Korea and you're you fall into this group, you're kinda screwed. Oh, yeah. If you and since you have family in Korea, you you you you you have a affinity towards Korea because this is how it is. Right? This is how things work in life. And so sometimes also, like, study abroad programs. If you wanna go study in South Korea, you can't.
You would have to serve two years in their military. Be be because, a lot of these study abroad programs are only available to foreigners. Yeah. And so yeah. Yeah. The law can also affect, Korean Americans who have no plans to step foot in South Korea. Those seeking, careers in The US, with top secret in, like, intelligence or nuclear energy or anything like that Mhmm. You cannot be a dual citizen. No. No. You can't. You can't. And so them some some people, they have to actually, like, go, no. I can't do it. And so that that is the one stipulation that's in the law that where Korea will actually go, okay. Well, okay. Fine. You're trying to get a job in that situation. Okay. But you have to file all this paperwork and everything like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And they only allow a few people to actually take that, special dispensation.
But yeah.
[01:27:38] Jamon Fries:
Oh, that's insane.
[01:27:40] Jesse Fries:
Isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. That is pure craziness. Holy. We have gone long on this so far. We're at, like, a hour. It's been a little while. It's been a long well, the Trump stuff and the Zelensky stuff. Yeah. It's just Yep.
[01:27:55] Jamon Fries:
There's really only one that I would that just real short comment on that I had. Okay. You familiar with James Cameron? Yeah. The director of the Titanic in Avatar? Yep. He, moved to New Zealand and is working on and working on citizenship over there because of how awful The United States is now that Trump is in charge. Yeah. It's gone awful. I I read a comment that he made that just really really made me question, you know, Does this guy really believe anything that he says publicly?
[01:28:33] Jesse Fries:
[01:28:35] Jamon Fries:
Because what was the one thing that so many people were leaving the country because of it was immigration. Right? Right. Right. They were immigrants. A lot of people were leaving the country because they didn't like our stance on immigration.
[01:28:47] Jesse Fries:
[01:28:49] Jamon Fries:
Well, he he was quoted as saying that his New Zealand citizenship was imminent, and it means a lot. It's something I've worked towards, something I have had to sacrifice for. If we're going to uproot your family and move somewhere, you have to invest. You have to be part of it. You have to earn standing. I just think you've got to earn your right to be in a place.
[01:29:13] Jesse Fries:
Are you fucking kidding me?
[01:29:20] Jamon Fries:
Wow. And yet, they want us to just open our doors to everyone.
[01:29:24] Jesse Fries:
See, it just doesn't make sense. It really doesn't make sense. You know, you go and New New Zealand is really harsh about immigrants. I think Oh, yeah. I think they're only letting him in because he's rich. Seriously. I especially a citizenship. You can't own property over there. You can't do anything if you're not a citizen. So Yep. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:29:46] Jamon Fries:
But, I mean, just everything he said, I'm like, yes. That's how I feel too. They should they should have to earn their place here.
[01:29:56] Jesse Fries:
Yes. They should. Yes. They should. Wow. Yep. Okay. Let's see here. Some of those stories we can keep keep towards the end. But let let let let's close a a funny one here. So it's all about boobs. Because, you know, boobs are great. Right? So apparently Absolutely. So this story is old. It's about eight years old, but it's new to me. So I found it entertaining. So they did a study. And in this study, it says that staring at boobs can actually boost a man's longevity. So we can live longer and have a better life. Right? Because we stare I knew there was a reason I did that. Exactly. This is why we stare at boobs.
The study said that a positive mindset can increase your health and longevity, and staring at boobs makes men happy, as happy as looking at cute animals. So when a man is yelling at you to show me your boobs, he's just trying to better his health. That's all he's doing. Just saying. You know? I think it makes sense. It it does. Right? It does. It does. But yeah. The the the there's other ways the the study says that, it can also do it. It can help a man's longevity. The other one, it's related to boobs. It's sex. Have lots of sex, it says. Yeah. Plain and simple.
[01:31:26] Jamon Fries:
It's, the physical amazing how that, like, solves all problems.
[01:31:30] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. It's the the physical activity. So, you know, good for the heart and everything like that. Yep. And then it releases serotonin, which makes you happy, just like staring at boobs. Yep. And it can actually increase your life by three to eight years having sex. Yeah. It's it's a good chunk. It's not just as well. They also say getting married, but, you know, I'm not sure if that makes you happy. But yeah.
[01:31:55] Jamon Fries:
You know, it's it's it's yeah. No. No. I I was gonna say, you know, you get married, it means you're having more sex. But, that's usually not how that works. Technically, you do. The studies say that you do.
[01:32:07] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. But because you don't have to hunt for it or anything like that. So it may not be it's like in the first stages of dating yet, it's quite hot and heavy. But Right. Every time it it it it averages out to be more, actually, is what they say.
[01:32:20] Jamon Fries:
They also say It's probably it's it's it's more, it's it's more along the lines of a pattern as well instead of hit or miss. You know, you you when you're single, you may go for a month or two without anything. And Yep. You know, unless you're in a really bad relationship, that's usually not gonna be the case when you're married. Yep. And then the fourth one is also related to sex. It's have kids. And how do you get kids?
[01:32:44] Jesse Fries:
You have sex. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:32:47] Jamon Fries:
Wow. It's amazing how that works. Right. Right.
[01:32:51] Jesse Fries:
Then the boring one is be responsible. But, you know, we'll just get back to the sex and boobs. Yeah. Yeah. And then the last one is said it's said to have a dad bod, so have a little bit extra weight. Because in in the study, it said, because they're more responsible dads, and, they have more sex because they're married. And or at least plus, you know, if with a dad bod, if they're married, they also get to what are the things they don't talk about with being married? You get to stare at boobs more. Your wife will walk around with you Absolutely. Yes. Without a top off in the bedroom and everything like that. So, you know, staring at boobs once again. Yep. And so with all that in mind, just remember that your local strip club is actually trying to help you out with your health.
[01:33:46] Jamon Fries:
And with that, you you should be able to pay for it with your health insurance.
[01:33:51] Jesse Fries:
Thank you for joining us for episode 27 of the Mindless Meandering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries. And I'm Jamin Fries. And you guys have a great week.
Trump's Speech Highlights
Language and Immigration Policies
Government Spending and Waste
International Relations and Conflicts
Supreme Court and Government Checks
Zelensky and Ukraine Conflict
Listener Engagement and Support
Sports and Technology Updates
International News and Policies
Humorous Closing: The Benefits of Staring at Boobs