After a hospital induced week long furlough, we are are back with our Mindless Meanderings.
- Jamon Fries
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(00:00:20) Introduction and Hosts' Updates
(00:01:37) Plumbing Mishaps and Home Repairs
(00:03:18) Debate Recap and Political Commentary
(00:13:23) Hurricane and Emergency Response
(00:19:00) Labor Strikes and Economic Discussions
(00:20:43) International News and Military Incidents
(00:23:02) Election Fraud Theories and Capitol Riot
(00:30:01) Media Bias and News Consumption
(00:36:34) Technology and Communication Innovations
(00:54:01) Social Issues and Family Dynamics
(01:00:06) European Politics and Governance
(01:01:31) Inflation and Economic Theories
Good morning, everybody. It is Wednesday, October 9th, and we are live with episode number 6 of the Mindless Meanderings. I'm Jesse Friese coming to you from Central Texas where I was able to finally send off my in laws. So I am in law, Frina, which is a great, great thing.
[00:00:41] Jamon Fries:
It's awesome. I'm Jamin Frias coming from coming at you from Central Kansas. Well, not really Central Kansas. Eastern Kansas, where I'm just happy to be home from the freaking hospital.
[00:00:54] Jesse Fries:
I bet. I bet. Yeah. That must have sucked.
[00:00:58] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I spent a week there. It was not fun. Hoo doggy. That's a long time in the hospital.
[00:01:04] Jesse Fries:
It is. That's as long as I spent with my in laws. I'm not sure who who Yeah. Who had it worse. You know?
[00:01:14] Jamon Fries:
I'm thinking maybe I did because I came home yesterday. You got your you got rid of yours today.
[00:01:20] Jesse Fries:
True. True. But in all honesty, though, my my in laws are great. They're great people, but it's always fun to make fun of the in laws.
[00:01:28] Jamon Fries:
Well, you have to. Exactly. If you don't, what's the point?
[00:01:32] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Yeah.
[00:01:37] Jamon Fries:
So what you've been up to if you had anything fun for this for this week?
[00:01:42] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. I don't know. I I could tell you a little story about my kid's bathroom drain. So yeah. So this sucker. Right? I I hooked up 2 sinks into 1 drain. Right? Yeah. And my son's drain clogged. My daughter's wasn't. Even though it goes into the same hole in the back. So I decided to for some reason, I decided just to plunger it, and, well, I messed it up bad, dude. I messed it up bad. Everything came up the other one? No. No. No. I messed it up so bad that the now the clog is in the wall.
[00:02:23] Jamon Fries:
Oh, shit.
[00:02:24] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. So so now both don't work. And to add on to that, my son's drain is actually the drain where, the AC unit leaks into. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:02:40] Jamon Fries:
that that's not something you want blocked up in can in Texas.
[00:02:44] Jesse Fries:
It really isn't. It really isn't. It's crazy. So, yeah, that that I've been spending, like that's I did all that, like, while my father-in-law was coming in, and then it had to wait and everything like that. And now it's still Yep. I've tried to fix it, but still haven't been able to get to it. I'm gonna try something else. And then if that doesn't work, I'll just call a plumber and
[00:03:06] Jamon Fries:
bite the cock. Come out and rotor it out. Exactly. Yep. Oh,
[00:03:12] Jesse Fries:
man. That sucks. It does. It does. It does. So did you watch the the debate or anything like that?
[00:03:22] Jamon Fries:
I did. I did watch the debate. Don't remember much of it because there really wasn't that much to it. Right. I definitely thought JD Van that, Vance won. The, yeah, the governor from Minnesota, he was just I don't know. He didn't say anything that's that really said anything Right. Right. That I from what I could hear. Yeah. No. It was a it was a decent debate. There were some good answers. Not very many good questions. A lot of just shady stuff that you knew it was a 3 on 1. Right. Right. You know? You you knew you knew without a doubt that both of the both of the questioners were definitely out to get Vance, and they're given, they were given, shit. I can never remember the guy's name. Who? Who's the the guy running for vice president under under Harris?
Walls. Walls. Yeah. Walls was just given a lot of soft ball questions, and he couldn't even field those.
[00:04:33] Jesse Fries:
It it was it during the debate when he said he's friends with the high school shooters? Is is that when he said it? Yes. Yes.
[00:04:43] Jamon Fries:
I I would I kind of did a second take when when I saw that when I heard that, and I'm like, hey. I I can't have heard that right. Right? There's no way I heard that right. But just, that was that was then. He's tight with Columbine.
[00:05:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yep. Yep.
[00:05:02] Jamon Fries:
That's also that's also the that's also the he where he called himself, oh, shit. What's the word? My mind is just escaping me today. Basically, he said that he's basically just a brickhead.
[00:05:24] Jesse Fries:
[00:05:25] Jamon Fries:
Because he didn't remember that he wasn't actually in Hong Kong at the same time as Tiananmen Square was happening.
[00:05:33] Jesse Fries:
Wasn't it China? I thought it was China, not Hong Kong at the time.
[00:05:37] Jamon Fries:
Yes. So there was China that Tiananmen Square was is in China. Right. But he's he said that he was in Hong Kong got it. During while that was happening. Right. Right. Right. Right. He he was nowhere near China at the time. Got it. Got it. Yeah. I knew he wasn't anywhere near China. You know? That's a Yeah. I mean, he he continuously made lots and lots of trips back and forth from China, bringing students and stuff like that over. Okay. Yeah. No. Absolutely. But, that was definitely not one of the times that he was there.
[00:06:11] Jesse Fries:
Wasn't it like a like a day or so later? It wasn't too far.
[00:06:15] Jamon Fries:
I I don't remember exactly what the time frames was, but it was within a week, I think. Okay. Okay.
[00:06:21] Jesse Fries:
So his memory just got the better of him, like, apparently? Apparently.
[00:06:26] Jamon Fries:
I mean, but oh, that's right. He said he was a blockhead.
[00:06:29] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Blockhead. Yeah. That's Yeah. That's what we want in a future vice president.
[00:06:36] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And the the thing that I just really couldn't understand is, you know, So he doesn't remember he doesn't remember these things or he lies about them. And he calls himself a blockhead and says, but it's okay. They they supported me anyways, so it doesn't matter if I lied or not.
[00:06:55] Jesse Fries:
Sure. They voted for him, so it means it doesn't matter if he lies or not. So so so, basically, anything that Trump says should be just wiped out because it doesn't matter. Absolutely. Because that's right. Because they voted for him. Yeah. So okay. If you vote for him, you should Sounds like a perfect thing to me. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:07:14] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Only in their world.
[00:07:19] Jesse Fries:
Well, along those lines, you know, all these Democrats and everything like that are coming out to get rid of free speech, you know, Hillary Clinton wants to get rid of free speech and everything like that. You know, of course she won't say that she actually said that, but yeah, she wants everything to be moderated and censored on Facebook and everything like that. It's Yep. Yep.
[00:07:42] Jamon Fries:
It's really not stuff. Because, you know, it we have to make sure that we've got the truth.
[00:07:49] Jesse Fries:
Your truth. That you just want your truth. See, that's the thing. It's, everything is I know. Yeah. Facts are boring. There's no story to a fact. You know? It's just Yeah. This happened, this happened, this happened. Everything else that you add into any narrative is opinion. It's
[00:08:08] Jamon Fries:
flower. Yeah. Definitely.
[00:08:10] Jesse Fries:
It's not the word choice makes it not a fact, you know, and things like that. It's Yeah. Mhmm.
[00:08:18] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. The I and and, you know, Hillary even going so as far as talking about arresting people for their misinformation.
[00:08:27] Jesse Fries:
I I know. Right?
[00:08:29] Jamon Fries:
Oh my god. I mean, can you say blood sucking Nazi without being a blood sucking Nazi? Yeah. Basically, she wants send the SS and the Gestapo out. Yeah. You know? It's,
[00:08:43] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That that that's just crazy. And then, who was it else? John Kerry. Wasn't he going off about that as well? Saying how That wouldn't surprise me. I haven't I I personally haven't heard or seen anything from him in a very long time. I got it. Got it. Yeah. He was saying that the the the everything is fine except for the issue of, free speech. You know? It's like we would be America is great, but we have this issue of free speech. It's not an issue. It's, it's meant to be there. We need this.
[00:09:11] Jamon Fries:
It's the only thing that allows our democracy to exist.
[00:09:15] Jesse Fries:
Exact well, that and guns.
[00:09:17] Jamon Fries:
Guns help us. Well, well, I I personally agree with Elon Musk's, statement at the at Trump's rally in, Brandon, PA where where he went back. Uh-huh. Trump said, the most important amendment is the first amendment, freedom of speech. Right. That's why it's first. Uh-huh. The second one is to protect the first one. Exactly.
[00:09:42] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. If if you don't have the first one, you don't need the second one. It's very true. Very, very true. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And it has to be just a end all be all. You know? It's a Yeah. Absolutely. And, you know, it's like, if you get into what it is yeah. You know, you can't make a threat. You can't threaten somebody. You know? I'm I'm gonna kill you. Things like that. But, you know, technically, you know, the whole fire thing, that was actually never an opinion from what I understand. It was,
[00:10:09] Jamon Fries:
it it was not an official court opinion Exactly. And it is it is also been replaced. Yep. It's it's no longer even considered the test. Exactly.
[00:10:21] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. So
[00:10:23] Jamon Fries:
even though they claim it is. But, I mean, because I who was was it, Walls that said that you can't you can't shout fire? Yep. I have to think that was at the debate again. He said you can't shout fire in the in the crowded theater. That's the test. And then, no, that's not the test anymore. Exactly. Where's the fact checkers on that? Once 1. Yeah.
[00:10:44] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. I I I've always been a firm believer that, free speech, it's it's a requirement for democracy. It's a well, not just a it's a requirement for, like, our type of government, not a democracy, a republic. It's for Yes. For a place where people have rights and freedoms. If you get rid of that, basically, you're just talking the government can actually just pick and choose what they tell us. Yeah. And nobody will have a voice beyond that. You know? Yep. It just doesn't. They just don't like now that there's so many voices out there. That's what they don't like. They don't like so many voices. It's like people like me and you. We're just sitting in our homes just pontificating about nothingness, and we we can get it out to the world. You know? They don't like that. Yep.
[00:11:32] Jamon Fries:
No. And and, you know, it's really kind of sad, in my opinion, that the press is so willing to give up the duty of what the press is. Yep. Yep. You know, the press is not supposed to be lip service for the government. No. The press is supposed to hold them accountable.
[00:11:55] Jesse Fries:
True. True. Generally, it really falls into like, like throughout American history even. It's you have, like, a right wing newspaper, you have a left wing newspaper, and you know exactly what it is. So it's like, yeah, New York Times, Washington Post, we know that those are liberal leaning newspapers, and then you have Washington Street or Wall Street Journal, and well, that's really the only big one, actually, that is conservative. There's New York Post as well. That's a right leaning paper as well. Yep.
[00:12:31] Jamon Fries:
But you you're getting a lot of the right even a lot of the old right right leaning ones are no longer right leaning right leaning though? No. Exactly. Exactly. There there's somewhat right leaning, but not enough right leaning. Yeah. And there's there's some there's becoming very few checks and balances.
[00:12:47] Jesse Fries:
With that. Yep. Yeah. Well, that's that's what the press thinks they are is the check and balance. But Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, especially nowadays.
[00:12:57] Jamon Fries:
I personally would really love to see the press check and balance themselves. Yeah. That would be nice. Not anyone else. That would be nice. That would be nice. You should start fact checking yourselves instead of trying to fact check people that that are actually saying what they're saying. Yep. Yep.
[00:13:15] Jesse Fries:
So what else you got?
[00:13:18] Jamon Fries:
Well, let me see here.
[00:13:24] Jesse Fries:
Well, we could, go to the hurricane, I suppose. Okay. Sure. Which one? The current one or the former one?
[00:13:32] Jamon Fries:
Actually, it's tying into both of them. Okay. You know, with with Helene, it, got really bad up there, and the the the process behind this is just hilarious, I think. And it so much screams out what the big problems with allowing a bureaucracy like FEMA to be in control is. Mhmm. So Trump was talking to some people that were in, one of the states, I think, North Carolina. Mhmm. And they they looked at Trump, and they're like, so do you know Elon Musk? They're like he's like, yeah. Why? He's like, well, he's got this thing called Starlink that we'd really, really like to get our hands on out here. Uh-huh. Just to open up communications.
So he calls up so he calls up Elon, and he's talking to Elon about it. And before he's even hung up with the phone with Elon, his friends call him. Thank you for getting us Starlink.
[00:14:42] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Nice.
[00:14:44] Jamon Fries:
I mean, just snap the finger and it's done. Uh-huh. Yep. Yep. You know, if if government bureaucracy could work that easy, oh my god. Well There there there'd be nothing that could happen wrong in this country. Yeah. No kidding. No kidding. You you you know, technically,
[00:15:01] Jesse Fries:
Biden could could have done the same thing to him to Elon. Of course, he could have. Of course. Yeah. Because it would have worked just as well too. Because Elon Musk, he's
[00:15:10] Jamon Fries:
he's willing to help. He always has been. Never has he Oh, absolutely. Yeah. There he has never turned down an opportunity to help help when he when he sees that there's good for
[00:15:21] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. It may go wrong with how he comes about it, but, you know, he he he he has a good heart. He
[00:15:28] Jamon Fries:
is kind of eccentric a little bit.
[00:15:30] Jesse Fries:
Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Yeah.
[00:15:33] Jamon Fries:
But yeah. So so he, you know, they they launched the StarLink system out there. It wasn't originally supposed to be out there. It, FCC wasn't gonna let them operate in that area because they supposedly had a competitor Mhmm. Which to this day has still not provided service to anyone. But, you know Just Yeah. Just like Boeing. Things. Just like Boeing. Yeah. Yeah. It's one of those things that happens. Yep. Yep. And and but so, you know, it's ever working great out there now. They've got a whole bunch of Starlink set up. They've got, the communications up there out there are just going are just just improving massively. Nice. But now with, with what's the new hurricane?
Gosh. What's the name of it? I don't know. I really Anyone's sitting in Florida? I can't remember the name off the top of my head. Milton. Milton. Milton. Yes. That's it. That's it. So with Milton approaching, they have unlocked another feature in their satellites that Uh-huh. I didn't know was available. Well, what They have they have unlocked a, text messaging service that they have associated with T Mobile right now. Uh-huh. So any any phone in Florida
[00:17:00] Jesse Fries:
will be able to communicate via text message through their satellites. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I heard that. Yeah. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. Yep.
[00:17:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So, I mean, just just the ramifications of that in emergency management is insane.
[00:17:17] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yeah. No. I love that service. I have it on my phone. It's been actually popping up quite a bit lately. Maybe they just made it okay, like, everywhere in the country. I don't know. But I've been getting I whenever I am without service, you know, go into a dead spot Yeah. It pops up, do you want a text message via satellite? Okay. So Okay. Yeah. I know Apple has something like that as well when you're in the middle of nowhere and can't get any service. Right. It can do that. But I think this one said T Mobile.
[00:17:48] Jamon Fries:
So Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. According to this up on top, it'll say T Mobile SpaceX.
[00:17:53] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. Cool. Cool. I like that. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:17:59] Jamon Fries:
They'll give you 1 to 2 bars of signal. So, yeah, it's nothing great. But it's enough for data data to be sent back and forth. Mhmm. You'll you can still get all of your emergency updates and stuff like that to that are sent out by the by the by the by FEMA, basically. Right. So, you know, you're you never have to not be in contact. Mhmm. You can always request help if you need it.
[00:18:25] Jesse Fries:
Makes sense to me. Makes sense to me. Yeah. I mean, compared compared to other
[00:18:30] Jamon Fries:
other hurricane seasons Uh-huh. Where, you know, once once the cell tower goes down, you're just fucked.
[00:18:37] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. I mean,
[00:18:39] Jamon Fries:
you know, this is so much better just having that backup. Oh, it really is. And satellites, you know,
[00:18:46] Jesse Fries:
bar Yep. Solar flare or something like that. You're good to go. It's, pretty sweet. Yeah. Yeah. No doubt. Yep. That is cool. That is cool. Yeah. Let's see. Do I have anything tech? Let me see. I got more politics, and there was the dockworkers strike. But that, like, didn't turn into anything. It was like, what, 2, 3 days, and it was done?
[00:19:12] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It was That is so hilarious.
[00:19:14] Jesse Fries:
Now, if it it seems like Biden actually stepped in, so, you know, more power to him on that one. Right. Right. So yeah. And they got a good hike, which, you know, seriously, nowadays, every worker needs a big hike. I'm sorry. Just with how the inflation has been. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's kinda required, I'm thinking. Even a white collar. Everybody just needs to get a big hike. It's
[00:19:37] Jamon Fries:
Funny thing about that is there's a new meme that went around on on x a little bit. Uh-huh. That said that, that if Trump is elected on January 16th, we'll go on strike again. What? That is a big news. I'm like, if that if there's any truth to that statement, if if that guy said that in any way, shape, or form, this is like huge deal type this up. I mean, this is almost elect this is almost election tampering type
[00:20:18] Jesse Fries:
type levels. That is crazy.
[00:20:21] Jamon Fries:
But I I couldn't find anything online that's that said that he had said anything like that. Oh, yeah. So I I'm guess work under him are piss ass broke.
[00:20:37] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. I can see that. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:20:42] Jamon Fries:
Let's see.
[00:20:43] Jesse Fries:
Oh, did you hear about the Chinese sub that sank?
[00:20:48] Jamon Fries:
No, I didn't.
[00:20:49] Jesse Fries:
Apparently, in the spring this year, there was a brand new, sub, which was part of a it was the first one of a new class of nuclear subs. Okay. It's called the Zhu, Z H O U, over the emperor the dynasty, the Zhu dynasty. But, apparently, it was sitting at the pier, and it sank.
[00:21:17] Jamon Fries:
How the hell do you sink at the pier? Nobody knows.
[00:21:21] Jesse Fries:
All we know is that we know that it happened, because, well, the Chinese are a bit tight lipped about this. I can imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Apparently, it was the it sank at the pier. Let's see. They say that we don't know anything beyond that since the Chinese have been tight lipped. So yeah. Apparently, it happens though. It happened to us apparently once, back in Oh, yeah. It's happened in 1969. It was a nuclear powered USS, Guittaro. It was moored at a shipyard in California, and then it just sank after some construction mistakes by the workers.
Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:22:10] Jamon Fries:
So what was it was it a a sub that had been launched for use already or was it still under made under
[00:22:19] Jesse Fries:
manufacturing? Yes. Still under manufacturing apparently or something close to it. Maybe just about to set out or we we really don't know, of course. Yep. Because the People's Liberation Army is not gonna let us know this. You know? So No. No. No. They they they would kind of frown on that.
[00:22:37] Jamon Fries:
Generally. Generally so. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing how your enemy doesn't know what your flaws in your vehicles are. I know. Right? Exactly.
[00:22:47] Jesse Fries:
[00:22:51] Jamon Fries:
Wow. Yeah. No. Yeah. No. Really, the only the other thing I have is, just some pontification on something that just What is it? Things just don't make sense to me. Okay. What? So if you were the sitting president of the United States Uh-huh. And you knew that you had definitive proof of election fraud, that there are means for legitimately contesting the the election. Uh-huh. Would you make the stupid ass mistake of wanting people to storm the capitol building? When when hold hold on. Storming the capitol building on 6th does nothing.
[00:23:51] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Yep. Because
[00:23:54] Jamon Fries:
it's not the day the power is turned over. Uh-huh. It's not a day that means literally anything.
[00:24:02] Jesse Fries:
[00:24:04] Jamon Fries:
It's purely you've asked your I mean, you you've that he's offered National Guard support because he he knows that there's gonna be a lot of people there. Mhmm. So he's offered so he offers National Guard support at the capitol building and throughout the throughout the city. He's continuously offered this help. I mean, he didn't just offer it once. He continue he continuously was asking his vice president to basically just follow the rules of law Mhmm. And can and allow the contestation of the of the election to happen Right. Which is his job to do. I mean, you know, basically, the only thing that the that the vice president does there is if the vote to send it back to the state's ties, then he votes to send it back or not. Right. Right.
And he's so he's asking the vice president, his vice president, if the vote ties, send please send it back to the states. Uh-huh. Is there anything nefarious in any of this so far?
[00:25:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently so. That's what the what's this for Jack Smith or whatever his face is says? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:25:26] Jamon Fries:
he then so then he you know, the the everything starts happening over at the capitol building. Continuously while the riot has happened, while everything's going on over there Mhmm. He's continuously tweeting, please everyone go home and protest peacefully. Mhmm. Do not stay at the capitol building essentially is what he's telling them. Right. Right. Right. And yet he and so this is all happening. And while this happens, in the back of his head, he has to know that the fact that they stormed the capitol building means that any legitimate attempt to to to, to appeal these of the election Uh-huh. Has just been thrown out the window.
Well right. Because they're not going to allow it to happen now because they're going to, in some way, blame him for this. Well, even without blaming, technically, just the end
[00:26:31] Jesse Fries:
once the congress has spoken, that's it. The election's over. There's nothing once the everything like that. Him asking Pence to send it back if that if it comes to a tie, that's to me, that seems fine. But once the congress actually certifies, that's over. It plain and simple, it's over. Yeah. Yeah. No. No. Absolutely.
[00:26:50] Jamon Fries:
But he he knew that because the certification didn't happen on 6th. Right. Right. So but he knew as soon as they stormed the capitol building Mhmm. There was no chance that the congress that congress was going to vote any possibility Yep. Of them overturning that election. Uh-huh.
[00:27:10] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So
[00:27:11] Jamon Fries:
the one thing that you know you absolutely can't have happen if you're him is problems at the white at the capitol building. Right. Right. Yeah. Which is why he offered the the the the National Guard. Well, yeah. Yeah.
[00:27:28] Jesse Fries:
That's the one thing that they always seem to forget is that he actually offered in Nancy Pelosi declined it. You know? The the the Yeah. Plain simple. That happened. So it doesn't even matter. Yeah.
[00:27:44] Jamon Fries:
So, I mean, you know, just if if you throw all that together, you know, in the back of it, I'm in my head, I'm thinking in the back of my head, I'd be like, Jesus fucking. What the hell? What am I gonna do now? Right. Right. How how do how do I I can't do anything. What do I do? Mhmm. Everything was just stolen because these people stormed the building. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Now they're say now they're saying his response to to Pence being taken into safety is just proves that he didn't really care about anything that happened over there because they he said, so what?
He's in in his head in in my head, anyways, I can't speak for him. Right. But in my head, I would have been like, it's all fucking over anyways. It doesn't matter anymore.
[00:28:38] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Wow. You're throwing the f bombs today, Jaren. I know. I know. This one, I just the more I thought about it while I was sitting in the hospital, the more I Well, see, that's the thing. See, see, see, that's where you went wrong. You shouldn't have gone to the hospital. Yeah.
[00:28:55] Jamon Fries:
Well, yeah. I I mean, I suppose that I could've listened to the EMT that said, you know, we you you could just call your general care practitioner tomorrow. Oh, man. You would have probably died. I I probably wouldn't be alive today. Exactly. I'd have done that.
[00:29:11] Jesse Fries:
No. I know what it is. You you you said you were listening to Fox News, like, the whole time. See, that's where you went around. Actually actually, no. I wasn't. You were? I list no. I listen I every day, I turned into
[00:29:25] Jamon Fries:
Fox News, CNN, and, MSNBC.
[00:29:31] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Well, all those will do it to you too. Did just that's actually I know. I know.
[00:29:35] Jamon Fries:
And then it, you know, toss and then once I'm when I wasn't watching those, I was watching, like, Hallmark movies or Oh, there you go. That's nice and really boring in the hospital. No. I I completely understand. I completely understand. But hospital. No. I I completely understand. I completely understand. But, yeah, maybe stay away from the news. Just just especially those 24 hour news cycle ones. Hoo, doggy.
[00:29:51] Jesse Fries:
There's one very interesting thing that I noticed about
[00:30:00] Jamon Fries:
that I noticed about the 3, though. Uh-huh. You you you can tell where where a company wants to go based off of well, how they're in their read how their reporting is. Right. So I'm I'm in the hospital very early early reportings for Moline. Fox News is in-depth, in deep, North Carolina, Georgia. They're in the in the rough of it. They're out there talking about how all these people need help. They've they haven't seen FEMA there. Mhmm. You know, they've said FEMA has offered them, like, $750 per household Right. Right. Not per person Yep. And they have to apply for it. And I've since heard that there were actually a lot of people that applied that were turned down.
[00:30:54] Jesse Fries:
[00:30:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Where so Fox News is all about the people on the ground. Mhmm. MSNBC was about the how the misinformation and lies from the from Trump are making it harder for them to operate in in the, in the in the rescue zone. When in doubt blame Trump. Of course. Of course. Whereas CNN was all about, we don't have to worry about any of this stuff. We need to talk about global warming. We need to fix global warming now. We don't we don't have to worry about stuff that that's already happened. We need to make it so that this stuff can't happen anymore. Hurricanes. Yep. No. Yeah. We're we're gonna stop hurricanes. Sounds good. Yeah. Yep.
That that would that was the approach that all 3 of them had. And I'm like, well,
[00:31:56] Jesse Fries:
least I know who to listen to if I wanna care about the people. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. It's all about the people people. I'm just saying. Yep. It's a Yep. Yeah. Yeah. It's weather. That's all I say. But Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. But but I'm one of those people that doesn't pay attention to anything. So, you know, it's,
[00:32:17] Jamon Fries:
sure. I'm I'm usually one of those people too. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. You know, laying in that bed for 5, 6 days Yeah. Being able to watch TV. It really draws draws a lot out of you. So so okay. So
[00:32:36] Jesse Fries:
so this kinda explains when you get old and you're just sitting there, this is why all so many old people come up, start following all the crazy conspiracies and everything like that. I see. Exactly.
[00:32:47] Jamon Fries:
[00:32:48] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. You should Yeah. Don't dwell on it. You know? That's a that's a
[00:32:54] Jamon Fries:
And that that's why our uncle Kate became a flat earther, you know, all the other good stuff. Exactly.
[00:33:00] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. So so keep that in mind. Hopefully, there's not next time, but next time, you know, keep that in mind. You know? It's, maybe get some good games on your phone, you know, so you can
[00:33:11] Jamon Fries:
play those instead. That could that could be one of the problems. I did delete most of my games a few days before.
[00:33:19] Jesse Fries:
That would do it. Make sure you you always have your game stocked. You know, it's,
[00:33:25] Jamon Fries:
you can download them too while you're there. You know? I was I know. But I was trying to save money. Goddamn it.
[00:33:31] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But but there's free games, dude. Play it simple.
[00:33:36] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I know. I know. I don't like those games. They're boring.
[00:33:41] Jesse Fries:
Then then spend, like, a couple bucks. You know? It's like, say I'm bored. Call me up. Say, Jesse, I'm bored. I'm about to go down some conspiracy theorist, avenues. Send me $10 so I can buy this game. Please. Please.
[00:33:58] Jamon Fries:
Now the the there's one game that I play quite frequently that, it's you can play it for free. Uh-huh. It's one of those ones where if you spend money, you'll definitely do much better. Right. Right. But I I deleted it off my off my phone because I need to save money to buy a new laptop. The Got it. Yeah. My laptop, if when I press one key on my laptop Uh-huh. It'll push, like, three buttons. So pressing a presses caps lock, it presses x Sweet. And a few others. Sweet. Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:34:38] Jesse Fries:
I kinda need a new laptop. I could see that. I see that. You have your eye on a certain one? Or
[00:34:45] Jamon Fries:
not yet.
[00:34:46] Jesse Fries:
[00:34:47] Jamon Fries:
I I'm I'm not really sure what I want my laptop for because I'd you know, I've I've always been big into gaming computers. I love gaming computers. But quite honestly, I don't game on my laptop.
[00:35:02] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. True. True. True. Yeah. Makes sense. So,
[00:35:06] Jamon Fries:
you know, I don't really need that big expensive, you know, $1500 laptop.
[00:35:12] Jesse Fries:
So what do you use a laptop for?
[00:35:17] Jamon Fries:
Mostly reading books and stuff like that. So I mean, just a just a cheap little laptop. Right. Right. So you just get tablet then for reading? Oh, no. No. No. No. Tablets are my antithesis. They are they are my archenemy. I I need I need a physical keyboard.
[00:35:43] Jesse Fries:
Ah, okay. Okay. Okay.
[00:35:45] Jamon Fries:
Because I I do type type on them and stuff too. I'd I'd I like to be able to, do research and stuff on the on it. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. I I like it. I like being able to just whenever something pops into my head, I can just start typing Right. Right. Versus having to come out here to my desktop and, you know, get get all hooked up and everything and then and then start typing and researching and stuff. So, you know, I'd I wanna be able to to do the research and stuff. So I do need the physical keyboard. I absolutely loathe mouse pads.
[00:36:24] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:25] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Well, no. Not mouse pads. The touch pads.
[00:36:29] Jesse Fries:
Touch pads. Pads. I hate with yeah. I hate them with a passion. I understand that. I understand on that. And given that because of that, here at mind at the Mindless Sea, we use the value for value model. And that means you, are producers of the show, not listeners, and you can help with all aspects of the show. This has been described as time, talent, or treasure. You can help us by doing art or jingles for the show. You can also send us ideas and information for the topics we cover. If you wanna send those to us, you can email me at, or you can email
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[00:37:31] Jamon Fries:
It would be nice to have one. Exactly. Luckily, they're not extremely expensive, so I don't have to wait too long to get one. Yep. Yep. So just donate however much you think this podcast was worth to you.
[00:37:45] Jesse Fries:
Could it could be $300 or it could be a dollar. Just send us what you feel this podcast was worth to you. Any amount helps, and if you and it will help keep us spouting our mindless meanderings. When you donate, you can also send a short email that we will read on the air live and also just in regular podcast. Oh. Yeah. I know. Right? And you can donate through our website,, or through your favorite podcast app. Well, the 2.0 podcast apps. Apple, podcast app, it doesn't work. It needs to be one of the new ones, not one of the old legacy podcast apps, one of the new 2 point o. You can actually help out your fellow pod or help out your favorite podcast that way. And when you do donate Treasure, your money, we will list you as a producer of the show.
Since we are just starting out, whoever donates at least a $100 will be listed as an executive producer, and the rest will be listed as associate producers. So please help us out. We could really use that money to keep this going.
[00:38:53] Jamon Fries:
[00:38:55] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Did you hear about Pete Rose? He died?
[00:39:00] Jamon Fries:
I did not hear about that. No. That's unfortunate.
[00:39:02] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. He died. Great man. He's a great man. Yeah. And, the top of the, baseball union and also the head of the MLB didn't say a word about it. Kinda sad. He was the greatest. He's the all time hitter. He plays out. Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Oh, he gambled on some games back in the eighties. Oh, no. You know? It's
[00:39:29] Jamon Fries:
Who hasn't freaking done that since then? Well, now it's legal too. Yeah.
[00:39:35] Jesse Fries:
Now there's gambling in baseball.
[00:39:38] Jamon Fries:
Yep. So yeah. Yeah. It'd it'd be one thing if you did be one thing if he were throwing games. Right. From my understanding, he was gay he was betting on games that he wasn't even involved in.
[00:39:50] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. So
[00:39:53] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Poor Pete Rose. Yeah. I know.
[00:39:56] Jesse Fries:
But he was 83 years old. Decent life, not too
[00:40:01] Jamon Fries:
short of a life. Yeah. No. No. Absolutely not.
[00:40:04] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. He he he lived pretty good life, I think. I think so. I think so. Except for that. He really wanted to get back in the good graces. But, oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Yep. Let's see here.
[00:40:20] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So there was one thing that I forgot to mention about the whole, Starlink thing. Uh-huh. And that is is that, the, the communication with, SpaceX and T Mobile, they've they've done they're doing everything free of charge out in Florida now. Oh, nice. So so there's absolutely
[00:40:45] Jesse Fries:
nothing that any consumer has to worry about. Okay. And probably like North Carolina. Right? That's, probably. Yeah. Georgia, that whole area that was hit. Yep. So Yep. Yep.
[00:40:55] Jamon Fries:
[00:40:56] Jesse Fries:
Make sure that There've been some crazy videos coming out of that hurricane in North Carolina. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Would not wanna be there. But then you get a whole ton of water flowing down those mountain ravines?
[00:41:09] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Things can happen. Yeah. Yeah. No. That's, that with that much water falling up in those ravines, that was, it was bound to be really bad. Yeah. Yeah. And then, you know, it doesn't help that, FEMA is throwing helicopters out at the at the end of, airway the runways so that pilots can't take off in their planes to bring supplies to people.
[00:41:38] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That doesn't help at all. That does not help at all.
[00:41:44] Jamon Fries:
I mean, there was a there was a video of a, everyone the the assumption is is that it was a national guard, Blackhawk Mhmm. That flew over a staging area that was specifically designated as a no fly zone Oh, yeah. Because the because, you know, they're they're still they've got all their tents there. They're staging everything to go to be taken down to the areas where the helicopters and the planes are gonna take it out. And he just flew low and and just rotor washed the whole area.
[00:42:25] Jesse Fries:
Jesus. Yeah. Hopefully, just a mistake. It's a
[00:42:32] Jamon Fries:
If it was a mistake, that has gotta be the worst trained national guard pilot in the history of humanity. Oh, well, you did say national guard. So, you know, just Yes. Yes. Well, there there is that, I suppose. But, I mean, you know, he's he just he comes down and he comes flying in and he, you know, just kinda circle in the area, circle in the area. Couple of times he asks to land Uh-huh. And, you know, he gets waved off. He's got no ground communication with them. Okay. And then suddenly, he just tilts his rotors and just rotor washes everything That isn't good. That is not good at all. That's a dick move. It it really is a dick move. I I will give you that one. Yeah. I mean, a lot of the stuff that they that they brought in was damaged. So some of the stuff that they were supposed to send out, they can't send out anymore.
I mean, it's there there's lots of instances in North Carolina up in the up in the, mountain areas Mhmm. Where FEMA has come in and told them that their request that they're, taking everything that they've got there to a central storage area so that they can send it out, so that they can send it where it needs to go. They've and, I mean, these are privately these are privately operated people. These are people that have that have gotten donations from all over the country
[00:44:01] Jesse Fries:
[00:44:02] Jamon Fries:
Sent into them so that they can so that they can send them out. Mhmm. And FEMA's coming in and say, no. We're in charge of this. So you need to send all this stuff to our warehouse so that we can send it where it needs to go. Yep. They're blocking off airports so that, set pilots can't fly their planes out out into the boonies to to to drop off goods. I mean, there there was one where they literally just lined up like 10 helicopters all along the edge of the of the runway.
[00:44:33] Jesse Fries:
Said their planes couldn't take off. I thought this was fake news. Isn't that what Kamala Harris and everybody was saying that the all this
[00:44:40] Jamon Fries:
Well, that's the supposedly, but, I mean, it was pretty obvious posts on decks.
[00:44:46] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's Yeah. I always wonder about that.
[00:44:54] Jamon Fries:
And it's it's really funny because a lot of merge a lot of those posts are like, you said it isn't really happening, but here's video proof of it happening.
[00:45:05] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Let's see. What else has happened? Oh, what is it? Cheney, whatever her name is. I can't remember her first name. Yeah. But the former rep, she she she's like endorsing other democrats now, not just Kamala Harris. You know? She Really? Yeah. She endorsed, Allred, which he's running for senate here in Texas. He's running against Ted Cruz. And she's coming out against Ted Cruz. Why she went against him. I know, but, like, she can know the the left and the Democrats have been making hay of this Republican that's endorsing, Ted Cruz and or not Ted Cruz, but democrat and everything like that. It's like, at this point, you cannot call yourself a republican.
Unfortunately, it's just what it is. You know, it's
[00:46:01] Jamon Fries:
The the the simple fact the simple fact of the matter is is is that the Cheney family, whether it's whether it's Dick Cheney or his wife,
[00:46:11] Jesse Fries:
neither of them No. Daughter. It's his daughter.
[00:46:14] Jamon Fries:
Oh, it's daughter. Yeah. Yeah. Neither of them are part of really any political party. Not anymore. Yeah. What they're what no. They they never really were. Well, she was. What they're part what they're part of is the military complex. Well, yeah. The neo cons. Plain and simple. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they they are part of the military complex, which is what, you know, which is why they were Republicans in the past. Yep. Yep. You know, they they didn't ascribe to the party. They ascribed to the politic. Exactly.
[00:46:42] Jesse Fries:
[00:46:43] Jamon Fries:
Now that the Democrats have become the the party of the of the Military. Elites Yep. Of course, they're supporting them now. That makes sense. There's it it's it's not a Republican that switched sides. No. I know. Yeah. It's a it's a person that was Republican because their political beliefs aligned. Mhmm. And as soon as they don't align with the republican party, they're gonna jump ship to go where they do align. No. Exactly. That that's so there is there's you know, they say that these people are republicans, but, oh, I mean, we've always thought of them as republican in name only. Yeah. True. True. True. Yeah. We we've never truly believed that they were that they were republicans.
[00:47:28] Jesse Fries:
Right. But yeah. Like, actual conservatives.
[00:47:30] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. That is true. That is true. Wherever the money is, they're there. That's that's what's always been known. So True. The money happens to be on the on the liberal side now. Mhmm. It's kind of funny the, the breakdown of the the wealth gap of the wealth within the the with the Biden Trump real election in 2020. Mhmm. Biden got 70% had Biden's Biden's the people who voted for Biden, that supported Biden, owned 70% of the income in the US.
[00:48:12] Jesse Fries:
[00:48:13] Jamon Fries:
The people that supported Trump owned 30% of the income in the US. Uh-huh. Is that obvious that that means that that the Republican Party is no longer the party of the money. No. Exactly. Exactly. Yep. And therefore, the part of the people that are the party of the money
[00:48:30] Jesse Fries:
are gonna go where the money gets. Mhmm. Makes sense. Makes sense to me. Yeah. Definitely makes sense to me. That's what I hope. Yeah. Yeah. I see. I also ran across this article. They were criticizing Elon Musk. There's an article called the Censor in Chief is by written by this whatever this guy, Oliver Darcy. But basically, he was he he he was claiming that Elon Musk now is, all pro censorship and everything like that because he's, like, taking down all these posts. Like, he's taking down, like, 70% of posts that governments request.
So to him, this shows that it's bad. And so this means that, there's, like, oligarchs or dictators telling them what to do, and he's just doing it. But at one point in the article, it states that most of the requests within the past year were Yeah. Sent by one country and one country only. That country was Japan.
[00:49:37] Jamon Fries:
Which, you know, they have a dictatorship over there. Right? Right? Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Exactly. They still did if I remember correctly, it's still technically a monarchy over there.
[00:49:46] Jesse Fries:
I'm not sure exactly what they do have an emperor. I'm not sure exactly how that I don't know if it's technically I actually don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Democratic monarchy?
[00:50:02] Jamon Fries:
I don't know. Possibly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No clue. I think I think it'll I think it align somewhat with, like, Great Britain where you have Yeah. Parliament and such. What I'm thinking. So yeah. Yeah. But apparently apparently, they Japan sent 47,000
[00:50:16] Jesse Fries:
takedown requests, in a year.
[00:50:20] Jamon Fries:
And it was per their law. And Yeah. Yeah. No. If Yeah. If a country can if a country legally requests it Exactly. The law of the land, you could deal with the law of the land sets. Exactly. Exactly. And x,
[00:50:35] Jesse Fries:
and X, they did, they took down 79% of those 47,000. Yeah. So that means that they were actually like pushing back against some saying, no, that one is fine. That one's fine. But okay, these are, per your laws, fine and dandy. You know? So Yep. I don't know. People just love to hate on Elon Musk, especially since he likes Trump and you're conservative now. If you're conservative, you're evil, apparently. So even if you're the same guy. But
[00:51:00] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:51:04] Jesse Fries:
And then, apparently, they're trying to find a replacement for chocolate due to climate change.
[00:51:12] Jamon Fries:
For chocolate?
[00:51:13] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Because Why are they? Because, let's see here. This lady, who was it? Sarah Marquat? Cart? McCourt? Yeah. McCourt. So she's a food scientist, and she read that more than half of the global supply of cocoa beans, comes from Africa. And both those countries lie just north of the equator facing more extreme weather events driven by climate change. Does she know that the weather patterns actually takes things away from Africa? On that side, just just saying. Well, one is yeah.
[00:51:52] Jamon Fries:
Obviously, not. I mean
[00:51:56] Jesse Fries:
That would require that would require some form of intelligence. Yeah. Exactly. Because the wind blows this way towards us, you know, on that from that part of the country, from that part of the world, you know. That's where our hurricanes come from, you know.
[00:52:09] Jamon Fries:
It's Yeah.
[00:52:10] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But basically, let's see here. She's, using and then just funles things that she's worried about, but she's using things that just are kinda weird. So Okay. Yeah. I'm trying to look through here. Oh, she's using she's been trying to roast and ferment 100 of ingredients like apricot pits, olive kernels, jackfruit seeds, potato peels, until they fell finally settled on oats and sunflower seeds. So apparently, if you have oats and sunflower seeds, you can create chocolate. Apparently. Yeah. Really? Yeah. But that's not chocolate. No. No. It is not chocolate.
[00:52:55] Jamon Fries:
Chocolate comes from one source and one source only.
[00:52:59] Jesse Fries:
The cocoa bean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or or what is it? In, in,
[00:53:05] Jamon Fries:
It's it's like all those other fake products, you know, the fake meat. Exactly. Exactly. Calling it because it's somewhat looks like it, and you can put enough chemicals in to make it somewhat taste the same. Yep. But it's still just soybeans.
[00:53:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. With too much salt, too much sugar, too much everything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just to make it appetizing. Yep. Yep. Let's see here. What else do we got? Anything else? No.
[00:53:40] Jamon Fries:
We got a video I wanna close this out with.
[00:53:43] Jesse Fries:
Well, let's wait till it's here. Yeah. Yeah. I know. When it's time. Let's see here. Looks like there's some signs that Russian economy might be tanking a bit. Yeah. Whatever. Right? So I'm going through all the news stories that we have here. Oh, there's the whole IVF thing and how, like, a lot of anti abortionists are against IVF, apparently. So, yeah,
[00:54:13] Jamon Fries:
I read the story. Why would anyone be against IVF?
[00:54:17] Jesse Fries:
Well, apparently. So the story, it says that some conservatives have always had a issue. Some there's different reasons why. But one reason why is that base because you have to have you have to create a embryo. Yeah. And then if you don't use a embryo, it'll be destroyed. And so to anti abortionists, every embryo is a life.
[00:54:40] Jamon Fries:
Yep. So Yeah. See, I I
[00:54:42] Jesse Fries:
I don't know about that. Yeah. I I I call bullshit on that one, personally. I it's it's no. You're trying to get a baby. It's it's not being mean. It's just a clump of cells in my book when it comes to that. Yes. Let's see. Then other ones, some other people. It cracked me up. Wait. Let me see if I can find it. But, basically, they were saying that, that if you do this, if you have IVF, then you can, allow single women and widows and even lesbians to have, babies. It's like, okay. So what? That sounds good to me. I don't care. Yeah.
[00:55:23] Jamon Fries:
I mean, we need more children in the world. Right? Exactly. Exactly. You know? It's just It would be it would be good if they all had mothers and fathers. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently, it's just Uh-huh. As long as there's 2 as long as there's, in my opinion, as long as there's 2 consenting people that are willing to raise a child Right. Right. It may not be the same as a father and a mother because, you know Well, does it have to be 2, though? Come on. Does it have to be 2? I I think it does.
[00:55:56] Jesse Fries:
I I I don't agree with that. But yeah.
[00:55:59] Jamon Fries:
The the reason that I the the the reason that I think it has to be 2, well, at least 2, is because you need to have in a family relationship, you need to have the parent that is the control Uh-huh. And you need to have the parent that is the comfort.
[00:56:21] Jesse Fries:
No. I understand. I understand. Play both. No. I It's tough to play both. I understand. I understand. But I don't see I don't see too much of an issue with the single parents. I really don't.
[00:56:33] Jamon Fries:
There's great single parents out there. Exactly. And and so people get into that situation for many different reasons, you know? Oh, yeah. No. Yeah. No. Absolutely. What what I would say for that is to the the other big reason that I say you need to have at least 2 people Mhmm. Is because your communication skills just like are 5 times better. Oh, yeah. Not more simply because there's 2 people. The the there's been some some results some cert studies out there. In a single parent household, a child will will hear approximately 1 tenth of the advanced language that that is that a child in a double parent household will.
I can do that. The 2 parents aren't talking to each other. There's there's no communication between parents. Therefore, there's not the parent is has no one to talk to but the kid.
[00:57:27] Jesse Fries:
And so they dumb it down for the kid. Yes. Especially some dumb it down. And some parents do baby talk with their kids. So Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:57:36] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. But but there's also just the fact that, you know, you without an adult conversation happening around these children Uh-huh. They don't have access to the language and to the to the vocabulary. So their vocabulary is, like, 10 times smaller. Oh, yeah. I could see that. I could see that. And so so that that's why I truly believe that there has to be 2 people. Now if they if you find that 2 people by going out and and gathering in groups of people that that of adults that communicate while their kids are playing or something like that Right. Then that's that's a wonderful way to to to expand that. But it has been linked to cognitive studies. It has been linked to, how well kids do in school and stuff like that. So that so I I personally think that it's very important for 2 people at least. Okay. Interesting.
[00:58:27] Jesse Fries:
Interesting. I still think it's fine for single parent to do it. But, you know, I I understand. There are benefits to the 2. There's the benefits for the 2, plain simple, which I Yep. Makes sense to me. Makes sense to me. Yeah. It's Yep. 2 is better than 1, you know? Absolutely. Sometimes. Yeah. It's a Yeah. Yeah.
[00:58:49] Jamon Fries:
I could think of I I could have think of a couple of situations that you I'd much rather have 1.
[00:59:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Right there with you. Right there with you. It happens. It happens. Yep. Let's see here. The only last thing that I could really think of is that that there's been some Europe seems to be having an identity crisis. They seem to be trying to figure out what they are and everything like that. Macron, he's been talking about how they have to basically get rid of all these, non all these regulations and everything like that because the EU has become just so regulated and everything like that that's stifling the economy that it's just stifling Yeah. Everything. It's stifling thought. It's stifling. Yeah. Name something except for illegal immigration, and it is stifling that.
Yeah. Yep. And then there's all this talk about, like, what there was an article titled, is Europe becoming ungovernable? You know, it's given how disparate the different sides are. You know, you have, like, Hungary, and then you have, the Western Europe and Yep. Northern Europe and everything like that. They're all so different and everything like that. Is it actually governable? You know? Yeah. Yeah.
[01:00:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[01:00:15] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I think their only thing if they really want, kinda like, an American because that's basically what they the whole EU was to become, kinda like, a to become like America. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What they would need to do is basically have our type of form of government. Actually, not not just to where everybody can actually elect people into their system. You know, the president of EU is disappointed. That's all it is. Nobody votes for this Yeah. For that lady or. Yep. Yep. There's really no control of the government. There's the parliament, but it's a very lax situation. It doesn't have much power. Yeah.
Miss, it's kinda like our confederacy when we first started before the constitution was written. It was Yeah. It we every state was doing whatever they wanted, everything like that. They weren't talking to each other, this and that. Yep. And so because of that, we actually formed this stronger bond with our constitution. So Yeah. So the only thing that would make sense is for Europe to they they either have to, ship or get off the pot is basically this in between isn't helping them at all.
[01:01:28] Jamon Fries:
So No. Absolutely. Mhmm.
[01:01:32] Jesse Fries:
Okay. That that's pretty much all I got. What do you what was this last bit that you got?
[01:01:37] Jamon Fries:
Well, you know, everybody's talking about inflation now. Uh-huh. And I keep hearing people talking about what inflation is, and the the best definition the the inflation is something that can be is completely different in my mind from what anything that you're talking about. Oh, yeah. And so what I wanted to to play is just a quick video here of, Milton Friedman, one of the greatest minds in in that sector in that area. Right. Right. Right. And his explanation of what of what inflation is. Okay. Cool. Inflation is made in Washington because only Washington can money. And any other attribution of an to other groups of inflation is wrong.
Consumers don't produce it. Producers don't produce it. The trade unions don't produce it. Foreign sheets don't produce it. While imports don't produce it, what produces it is too much government spending and too much government creation of money and nothing else. Inflation is made in Washington because only
[01:03:00] Jesse Fries:
Nice. Nice. Makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Because our inflation inflation. Yeah. Our inflation really just went up with COVID and all the spending that happened due to that crap. Well,
[01:03:15] Jamon Fries:
not just spending, but the creation of money. Well, no. You you inflation quite literally is the spend is the creation of money. The Fed just started printing money left and right, and they've never stopped. Yep. Yep.
[01:03:30] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. I I I think that's right. I really think that's right. Yeah. And, unfortunately, our government and our fed thinks that, inflation is good. I I I I really don't understand this, really. But it's their thought that you need inflation for a healthy economy, which to me seems
[01:03:50] Jamon Fries:
kinda weird. I I will I will say one well, okay. Two things to that. Uh-huh. All I have to do is name countries. Uh-huh. Mexico.
[01:04:02] Jesse Fries:
[01:04:04] Jamon Fries:
Do you remember back in the eighties when Mexico was actually doing halfway decent? Uh-huh. And then their government decided to start printing money and the cost of the peso plummeted. I don't remember that at all. Yeah. The the value doing the when it was it was late. I believe it was mid early to mid eighties. I I could be wrong. It you know, I was very young at the time. Right. But yeah. So Mexico started printing a shit ton of money because they had no money. Okay. So they started printing a shit ton of money to get out of debt. Uh-huh. And suddenly, the cost of the peso was it it went from, like it was fairly equivalent to the US dollar, not completely far off if I remember correctly. Okay.
And then it went to being, like, a one peso was, like, a tenth of a penny.
[01:05:11] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Holy. Okay.
[01:05:13] Jamon Fries:
That's how much they printed.
[01:05:16] Jesse Fries:
That's a lot of money.
[01:05:17] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The other one is China. Mhmm. Back in the day, China you used the for for quite a long time, I believe even after the even after the the People's Republic took over Mhmm. Goods that cost about a dollar here cost about a 100 yen there. Okay. And then the government needed money, so they started printing it. Mhmm. And it very quickly rose to the point where a 1,000 yen wouldn't buy a 100 wouldn't buy buy a dollars worth of goods here. Okay. Yeah. Exactly. Inflation is. There's absolutely nothing good about inflation.
[01:06:06] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. I I really I've never really thought so. It never really made sense to me. I don't know why The old prices can't stay static. It's
[01:06:15] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Well, the the only reason that things that things haven't gotten worse for us is because the US dollar is still used as the as the international currency. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. We're we're we're we're we're we're we're we're to stop. Yeah. Oh, yes. Yes. If that were to if that were to stop
[01:06:35] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. We'd be we'd be in trouble. Yeah. Yeah. And it just with Russia and everything like that, it shows that we're bullies with it. So which could cause this whole situation to tumble because all these other countries are going, I I don't wanna be cut off of the system and everything like that. Russia has kinda recovered. They figured it out. They weren't hurt too bad by it. But still, it's a pain in the butt. You have to rework all your systems, and get everything up and going. I know they started to with the bricks before that, but Yeah. It it it was just, like, too much.
And, yeah. So everybody's already gonna just go, yeah. We don't need that sort of thing. So
[01:07:18] Jamon Fries:
[01:07:19] Jesse Fries:
Makes sense. Yeah. Makes sense.
[01:07:22] Jamon Fries:
You know, where where we end up in the future, who knows? Exactly. Exactly. It's just a matter it's just a matter of how long we can hold on to be in the international currency. Yeah. Yeah. Might not be long at all. If if we could if if we can hold on long enough that we can reverse the the debt that we have, that we can that we can get everything back under control, then even if we do lose the international currency standard, we're still somewhat safe. Makes sense. If we owe all of that money and then we lose the international currency standard
[01:07:58] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. It's over. Oh, yeah. Exactly. And speaking of over, remember we are value for value. So please, help us out by donating to our, little podcast, the Minus Meandians. And thank you for joining us for episode number 6 of the Minus Meandering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries.
[01:08:19] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:08:21] Jesse Fries:
And we will see you, next time.
Introduction and Hosts' Updates
Plumbing Mishaps and Home Repairs
Debate Recap and Political Commentary
Hurricane and Emergency Response
Labor Strikes and Economic Discussions
International News and Military Incidents
Election Fraud Theories and Capitol Riot
Media Bias and News Consumption
Technology and Communication Innovations
Social Issues and Family Dynamics
European Politics and Governance
Inflation and Economic Theories