Elections and tech talk.
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:20) Introduction
(00:01:07) Weather and Tornado Season in Kansas
(00:03:28) Election
(00:06:24) Media Endorsements
(00:10:17) Voting Machines and Election Integrity
(00:19:21) International Politics and EU Regulations
(00:31:01) UN Summit and Global Policies
(00:42:50) Space Exploration and Discoveries
(00:48:50) Rant on YouTube and Fake Content
(00:54:54) Tech News and Subscription Models
Jesse Fries:
Good morning. It is Wednesday, October 30th, and we are live with episode number 9 of the mindless meanderings. I am Jesse Friese coming to you from central Kansas where my kids are really excited about Halloween. The daughter's gonna be a vampire and my son's gonna be Jason Voorhees. So even though they don't watch horror, but yeah, there you go. So you're in central Kansas now? Oh, central Texas. What am I saying? But
[00:00:50] Jamon Fries:
yeah. No. No. Came in for east coming at you from eastern Kansas, actual Kansas this time, where, well, the wet storm chasers are in the area again, and they're expecting to see some pretty nice tornadoes today.
[00:01:04] Jesse Fries:
Really? Tornadoes? Yeah. Yeah. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.
[00:01:10] Jamon Fries:
We got a big front coming through that's, gonna come through tonight. But what the tornadoes that are they're expecting are the storms that are gonna happen between, like, 2 o'clock until about 5 or 6, where we're supposed to have just spotty large supercell storms that could produce some pretty good tornadoes. So I'll be I'll be ready to get out of the trailer as soon as I need to once the sirens go off. I bet. I bet. That's kinda late for tornadoes in Kansas. That's kinda crazy. Well, we usually did there's actually 2 tornado seasons around here. Right. Because we're we're like right on where the jet stream usually sits in the spring and in the in the fall. Right. So as as the the especially, it's been weird this week. I mean, we've been the last couple day days, we've had good 50 40 to 50 mile per hour wind gusts coming up out of out of the south. So I mean, we've been in, we've been up in 80 degrees lately here. No. Which is highly unusual for for Kansas at this time of year. We're breaking records down here too. It's been nineties and everything like that. It's been kind of crazy.
[00:02:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Actually, at a party, Aiden went to a party, kids party and the mom, we were talking to this one mom, and she's moving up to Lenexa. And she's like, good. I've never been to Kansas. I go, well, yeah, good luck with that. And, you know, I was, I was teaching her the lingo, you know, KCMO, KCK, things like that. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And then she goes, So, so the basement, that's where you go to, because this lady had only lived in San Diego and in Texas here where there's no basements. So she was like, oh, so the basement in tornadoes, that's where you go? I go, yes. You you go to the basement. It's for tornadoes. Basement.
[00:03:10] Jamon Fries:
You go to the basement preferably under the stairs. Exactly. Under the stairs.
[00:03:15] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly.
[00:03:17] Jamon Fries:
Well, let's see. We might need I live in a I live in a mobile home though, so I got nowhere to go to. I gotta let you get a truck and drive. You're just screwed, dude. You're just screwed. Yep.
[00:03:27] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Let's see here. Let's get into it. Let's, so let's just start with the obvious, the election, since that's coming up and everything like that. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently, you voted already. That one. Yeah. Yes. I did. I did indeed. Yeah. I don't vote. So there you go. I love politics, though. And I do sway a certain way. But, yeah. Yeah. I I usually never vote either, but, you know, this year I just had to. That makes sense. Makes sense. Let's see here. For for me, the main thing recently was it was like we had the Trump rally and everything like that at Madison Square Gardens. And that stupid comment, comic, made a joke, the garbage joke about, port Puerto Rico.
[00:04:11] Jamon Fries:
The the the thing I I I heard about that, and I I haven't actually heard what he said. Right. So I don't know how bad it actually was, but this is not a typical comedian. No. You no. Comedian does for a living. He's a podcast.
[00:04:29] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. He does roast and he's a broadcaster. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah.
[00:04:33] Jamon Fries:
So, I mean, you know, his entire joke repertoire is about tearing people apart.
[00:04:40] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. But either way yeah. Either way, it it it caused a bad bad decision to have him there. Exactly. Exactly. And so I I was I was like, oh, okay. But then I saw reports and everything like that on CNN and everything like that where Puerto Ricans really didn't seem to mind. They're like, oh, okay. Whatever. You know? And then it was, and then what was it? Biden, yesterday. Was it yesterday or Monday? He he came out and called every Trump voter garbage. Yes.
[00:05:12] Jamon Fries:
So I heard about that. So I'm like, well Well, was it Biden? I thought it was Obama that did that. No. It was Biden. It was Biden. Okay. Obama did basically the same thing if I remember reading correctly. Yeah. Obama's been trashing
[00:05:27] Jesse Fries:
left and right and every it's their only hope right now is to try to trash, the Republicans and anybody that votes for Trump. They it's like the whole thing of everybody's Hitler, Trump's Hitler. It's almost like they can't target Trump anymore, so they have to go over go after the people that support him. Yeah, exactly. Basically saying you're stupid if you vote for Trump. You're, you're a jackass and you vote for Trump. You're, you're a racist and you vote for Trump. You're a Nazi, you're a white supremacist,
[00:05:56] Jamon Fries:
you're tack anything negative on there, anything derogatory,
[00:06:01] Jesse Fries:
and they'll say it. Exactly. Exactly. But, you know, Republicans and the right have been accused of this for so many decades now that we're kind of immune to it. You can call us a racist. We know we're not, so we can move on with our life. You know, that's basically how Republicans and conservatives think. You know? So it's Yep. You can't just keep attacking us with the same thing and think it's gonna stick.
[00:06:23] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I've never really understood that.
[00:06:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Me neither. Me neither. Me neither. But looks like Trump the polls are showing pretty good for him. There's the real clear politics. That one is showing he's up by I think it's 0.9 or something like that. Let me just double check that. He, no. For national average, he's up 0.4. Battlegrounds, he's up, 1.0. Nice. So let's see here. And then there is the other one 5 there's that other one that does a poll aggregate. It's called 538. Yeah. Yeah. That one is, shows Harris up 48 to 40 6. And so I wanted to know what the difference was between those 2. Yeah. And so it it seems like like if you compare the 2, Real Queller politics was off on the last election, but it was closer to what it was. Okay.
538 was off, from there. But, apparently, what they do the difference between the two is real clear politics. They just take the poll numbers, and then they put that in, okay, into their numbers. 538 it's part of ABC News, is 538. Oh, okay. And what they do is they take all the polls, and then they run their own algorithm on the polls that already have an algorithm on them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Interesting.
[00:08:03] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So in my mind at the same time that's at the same time that's going on, on on x, I'm seeing polls saying that Trump is gonna has got like 63% and Harris has like 36%.
[00:08:19] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I think I know I I saw the same and I think I know where that's coming from. Okay. It's coming from the betting averages. That's the betting average. Okay. Okay. The bets are about 60% Trump, 30%,
[00:08:34] Jamon Fries:
Mala. Yeah.
[00:08:36] Jesse Fries:
So that that that makes a lot more sense.
[00:08:39] Jamon Fries:
Because, I mean, they they were putting it up there as if those were polling numbers and, you know, like like, that was the early voting poll numbers and stuff. Right. Right. And, you know, I saw a lot of comments on there about how it was democrats that were putting those up there to make it so that Trump voters were comfortable that he was gonna win, say wouldn't even bother go to vote.
[00:09:02] Jesse Fries:
Well, there is always that. There is always that. But I think I think somebody just looked at the wrong thing and put the wrong word on there. Personally, that's not Most likely. Because this country is pretty much 5050. This is what we Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're about 45, 45 with about 10 in the middle, maybe 10. Yeah. If if we weren't like that,
[00:09:25] Jamon Fries:
there wouldn't only be 5 states that made the decision and the difference of, like, 2 to 300000 votes to make the difference. Exactly.
[00:09:36] Jesse Fries:
[00:09:36] Jamon Fries:
I'm sorry. I mean, there's there's no way where that we're we're at the numb at those kind of numbers that that the that the betting pools have it at. Mhmm. That is that's not the way this country is.
[00:09:49] Jesse Fries:
It really isn't. It really isn't. Do you have anything else, politics? I do. So
[00:10:00] Jamon Fries:
I've I've got some things that's going on over in the EU, which is Okay. Well kind of troubling. Yeah. Let let let's get to that later. You wanna get into your politics? Yeah. Well, let's let's stick to US election first.
[00:10:13] Jesse Fries:
And then we we can move, to the international. Yeah. That'll work. Makes sense to me. Okay. So the the next major thing that's really been going on in our politics is, how these newspapers have decided, like the Washington Post, LA Times, whatnot. They've decided not to endorse a candidate for president. Yeah. Yep. That's been like huge news and everything like that.
[00:10:37] Jamon Fries:
And then Yeah. I've I've seen so many comments. How could you not endorse Kamala? It's just you you can't do that.
[00:10:45] Jesse Fries:
I know exactly. Endorse her. Yep. Yep. Yep. Which is really hilarious because we all know that they actually do endorse her. It's just that they just don't wanna say that they're endorsing her, you know? Which is hilarious. But then maybe Bezos is just like saying, screw you, you know, Kamala. Well, yeah.
[00:11:05] Jamon Fries:
If I if I remember correctly, he owns basically all of those newspapers. Doesn't he? No. No. Or at least a partial owner and a good portion of it? No. He he owns The Post, The Washington Post.
[00:11:15] Jesse Fries:
Okay. The other one, the LA Times is owned by another billionaire. I can't remember his name. Okay. Soong something. I don't know exactly. Okay. And then there is another one that came out, Gannett, Gannett Publishing. They their main paper is the USA Today. Okay. They've also come out and said that they're not endorsing a presidential candidate. So it's and then there's other newspapers and whatnot.
[00:11:49] Jamon Fries:
I mean, as far as I'm as far as I'm concerned on that, the media and the you know, I mean, you can't really stop the entertainers from doing it, but the media at least should not be endorsing people for president. I can see that. I can see that might The media is there to report. It's not there to influence.
[00:12:11] Jesse Fries:
Well, actually, that is exactly supposed to be there to influence. Right. Exactly. So, you know, Bezos, he he came out with this whole thing, of not endorsing, and he had to there's so much backlash. He actually wrote an op ed piece. Uh-huh. And along those lines, to quote from part of it, it says, voting machine, he has an analogy, and then he's gonna go into it and do the thing. But the main part I saw here was that he said that voting machines must meet 2 requirements. They must count the vote accurately, and people must believe they count the vote accurately. The second requirement is distinct from and just as important as the first.
And then he's good. And then he goes on to say that likewise with newspapers, we must be accurate and we must be believed to be accurate. He said it's a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement. Most people believe the media is biased. And that that that was the quote. And I I agree with him, but also the media, of course, is gonna be biased. Just Yeah. Always has been. The
[00:13:23] Jamon Fries:
media is filled with people, and those people are biased. Exactly. Exactly. And not only that, but it's like
[00:13:29] Jesse Fries:
newspapers have always, there's been like the, what the St. Joe Democrat or the whatever Republican. These have been titles in newspapers. You kind of know which way to know it, you know? It's not the it's not anything
[00:13:44] Jamon Fries:
shocking. And you you also know that bay that based on what the owner or the higher ups think and believe, they're gonna hire reporters that will that think and believe the same way that they do. Exactly. Exactly. That's just the way it's gonna be. So anytime you're in anytime you're dealing with actual people in being involved, there's no way not to be not to be 1, you know, not to have a a side that you're that you're rooting for.
[00:14:14] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. And you could really see this when, I came across this one article. The title of the article was, Donald Trump makes false claims about ballots in Lancaster County in Truth Social Post. So this was talking about how he said that there were ballot irregularly, or fake ballots and everything like that in Pennsylvania. Did you hear about that story where it's, like, the registration,
[00:14:41] Jamon Fries:
the voter registration forms have been faked and everything like that? Yeah. There were a whole bunch that were signed by the same person and signed. Yeah. 2,500
[00:14:49] Jesse Fries:
of them. You know? And so, Trump, he just said ballots and forms is what he said was the quote. And then this lady just goes off saying that he lied, even though he said ballots and forms. Okay. But he was probably speaking just off the cuff. He wasn't like you know? It's like, this is why we don't trust you because you're gonna take maybe just a off the cuff remark that's somewhat accurate, but, you know, might not be 100% accurate, and then you just blow it up and just label it a lie and move on from there. To me, it's kinda ridiculous. You know? And it just goes into that whole thing.
[00:15:26] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Well, and then then there's the, some places in Pennsylvania where the they were going out and stand basically shutting the polls down early. Right. Right. Yeah. I saw that. You know, they're they're putting they're they're putting stuff out and telling people that you can't get in line anymore at, like, 1 30, 2 o'clock in the afternoon because it's going so slow. Yep. But legally, you can you can get in line up till, like, 5 o'clock, and they still have to let you vote.
[00:16:06] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I at least on voting day, I'm not sure exactly how that works on,
[00:16:11] Jamon Fries:
in early voting. Yeah. Or or early voting might be different laws on that one. Yeah. They they might have different laws on that, but I I didn't read anything that said that they had different laws. Everything that I read said that you you can be there until 5. No. I understand that. We we don't have to shop till 5. But, maybe so, but it could be different laws because voting yeah. If you're in law hello, everybody.
[00:16:32] Jesse Fries:
We're back again. My system completely crashed. So that, well, not my system, but my processing system and everything like that for actually recording this. It just crashed on us. So but I think we are back up and going here. Let me make sure that okay. So where were we? Jayman,
[00:17:12] Jamon Fries:
you there? I couldn't hear you on my headset. For some reason, my headset jack stopped working. So I've got you on my speakers now. Hopefully, you're not hopefully, it's not coming through back back feet on my mic.
[00:17:25] Jesse Fries:
Not so far at least. So Okay. Okay. We'll see how this goes. Yeah. Okay. So Yeah. What were we talking about before that?
[00:17:37] Jamon Fries:
The, I think we had just stopped talking about the, about ending the lines early.
[00:17:45] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, with that, I don't know if it's
[00:17:49] Jamon Fries:
it it could be it might be legal during
[00:17:52] Jesse Fries:
the during the early voting period time, which I could actually see. I could really it would make sense to me. Well, I mean, you Because you can just come back the next day.
[00:18:02] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Not only that, but, you know, you you don't want your you don't want your, your people to have to work overtime every day of the week up to the election Exactly. Which they would end up having to do.
[00:18:17] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So I could see that. I could see how that would be the case. So Yep. Let's see here. Do I have anything else? Oh, the Supreme Court just decided that they're allowing Virginia to resume the purge of voter registrations. Oh, are they? Yep. Yep. It was, just an emergency decision. It was unsigned or anything like that. But, yeah, they're allowing the purge to go through. So
[00:18:44] Jamon Fries:
Good. Good. Yep. Yep. Yep. I I I was like You you definitely wanna make sure that illegal that people aren't here legally that aren't citizens
[00:18:54] Jesse Fries:
can't vote. So I mean Well, they could be here legally. That's fine. But if they're not a citizen or or they're a felon, you know, you know, they can't vote. You know? That's my book. You know? So it's a Yeah. We have the supreme court just decided that. So that's been quite key news. That's a place. Yeah. Interesting.
[00:19:11] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:19:13] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. Beyond that, I really don't. I think that's about it for my politics. So what do you got on the, EU and whatnot? You said you had some stuff.
[00:19:28] Jamon Fries:
So, yeah, the EU has, done something that is very troubling.
[00:19:38] Jesse Fries:
[00:19:39] Jamon Fries:
So on July 25th, so it was a little while ago, they passed a law that requires every corporation that that that is in the EU or that does business of with of an amount of over $489,000,000 Uh-huh. In the EU has to comply with the with an ESG score that they have decided to to put into place. Oh, Jesus Christ. So, essentially, you know, DEI on steroids. Right. Right. Right. Of course. What they've done, though so this this is companies like Apple, Ford. A lot of US companies are are involved in this. Uh-huh. If they don't meet the guidelines
[00:20:37] Jesse Fries:
[00:20:38] Jamon Fries:
EU has put in that they will find them 5% of their worldwide business.
[00:20:47] Jesse Fries:
Are you freaking kidding me?
[00:20:49] Jamon Fries:
Which means for 1 for one break for one breaking of their of their guidelines
[00:20:56] Jesse Fries:
Right. Apple
[00:20:57] Jamon Fries:
would be fined $19,000,000,000.
[00:21:04] Jesse Fries:
Do do they want any products sold in Europe or not? You know, I swear to god, these people.
[00:21:10] Jamon Fries:
Suppose I from what I've from what the from what the people were saying that I that I heard about this from, the amount of business they do over there is worth it to a lot of them. It's worth it to do to to do the ESG stuff, but it it gets even worse, though. Uh-huh. It's not just the company that does business over there, love that large amount Right. That has to comply to the ESG. Right. Right. It's all of their suppliers. Oh, okay. Okay. Anyone that does business with them. So if you're a marketing firm and you do business with them Right. In order if if you don't comply with their ESG laws, Ford or Apple would get fined 5% of the worldwide business, which means that these companies will have to put into all their contracts that you have to follow that you have to abide by these ESG rules as well. Right. Right. Is this only on the European side? Or does this,
[00:22:16] Jesse Fries:
go against, like, the American side, the foreign sides of the company as well? Or is it just like the imprint of the EU itself? So it's not like would it be would it would it actually, like, hit, like, Apple headquarters, for ESG?
[00:22:35] Jamon Fries:
Or In e s in California? Anywhere in the world, you have to comply with ESG.
[00:22:41] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ.
[00:22:43] Jamon Fries:
So you have to comply with ESG anywhere in the world. If you're in China Right. You have to do you have to comply with ESG. But it goes even further.
[00:22:55] Jesse Fries:
[00:22:57] Jamon Fries:
If a company can't afford if if if one of their say say we're dealing with Ford. Uh-huh. If one of their company if one of the companies that they that they do business with, say such as, like, a a parts company in China, if they can't comply with ESG by, say, going 100% solar Mhmm. Ford would have to buy these right by their regulations, pay to get them 100% solar. So it's a massive transfer of wealth. It's it's well, it's something. I
[00:23:37] Jesse Fries:
I mean, it's Is this just proposed or is it in law yet? Do you know? No. It's law. It is law in the EU now. Yes. It was passed on July 25th. Well, that's just crazy. Yeah. I'm sure there's some workarounds, but the the EU, they really have they love just to make up regulations for no reason. I swear to God, they just, it's a technocratic system. That's all it is. It's Yeah. Yeah. These people just need to justify their jobs. I really don't understand it. It's, Yeah. But, I mean, based on that, basically, every company
[00:24:13] Jamon Fries:
from the tire from the rubber tree Right. Right. People all the way up to the finished product, anywhere in the world has to comply with EU's with the EU's ESG score ratings
[00:24:31] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. If not,
[00:24:33] Jamon Fries:
then they won't be able to do business with anybody.
[00:24:39] Jesse Fries:
That is just crazy.
[00:24:42] Jamon Fries:
What what the what the some of the people that I that were talking about it, what they thought it was all about was they're trying to you know, how a lot of a lot of regulations and stuff like that are designed to hold people down so that everybody has a said that there's a fair playing field rather than lifting everybody up to a fair playing field. Right. So what they think is that EU had a since EU already has all of these laws in place Mhmm. So their companies have been handicapped with this for a long time now Right. Not being able to compete with with countries that didn't have these kinds of laws. Oh, so this basically, like, the tariffs. Make it okay. Yeah. Got it. Yeah. I mean, it's essentially a trade war is what they're initiated is what they've initiated.
Right. Right. A tariff trade war.
[00:25:33] Jesse Fries:
Interesting. That is really interesting. Yeah. Wonder how that's gonna play out.
[00:25:39] Jamon Fries:
Wait. Oh, this I mean, it it depends on it it all depends on November 5th. I mean, honestly Well, right. If Trump if Trump makes it in, I don't think it's going anywhere.
[00:25:51] Jesse Fries:
Probably not. Probably that. But in that, you were talking about Ford. Just as a funny aside, apparently, the, chief executive of Ford guess what he drives? What? Just just what what kind of vehicle would you drive, you think?
[00:26:07] Jamon Fries:
[00:26:09] Jesse Fries:
No. No. He he he imported a Chinese EV, dude. That guy needs to be fired. I'm I'm sorry. It's just you work for Ford, you drive Ford. I'm sorry. That that's you're you're you're chief executive of Ford, you drive Ford.
[00:26:28] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I know that used to be the law. I mean, that used to be the rules in Ford. You you know, all the way back to the model t. Right. If you were an employee of Ford, you drove a Ford.
[00:26:41] Jesse Fries:
Well, you get a discount and everything. But but I'm sure just workers could drive whatever they needed to because that's usually how it is. But, like, when you get up there, you just
[00:26:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. If you're in the upper echelons and you don't even drive one of your own vehicles, that's a problem.
[00:27:00] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. You know, your first day, you might be able to drive in with with with with something else. But then the next day, you you need to go get yourself a Ford, you know, or Lincoln or anything else they make. You know? It's,
[00:27:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Aren't aren't we currently not really dealing with China with their e with their EVs? I thought there was a whole bunch of stuff to stop their EVs from coming in.
[00:27:22] Jesse Fries:
Well, right. But a private person can bring anything in. Because he bought it in China over there and then ship it over. Yeah. No. That's exactly what he did. He bought it in China, and then he had it imported over himself. Oh god. So, yeah, it's completely legal and everything like that, but it's like Yeah. Yeah. You're the chief executive of Ford, dude. Just
[00:27:48] Jamon Fries:
drive a Ford. I'm sorry. That's this is what you do. If you don't like any of your own vehicles, go and have them make one that you do like.
[00:27:55] Jesse Fries:
Right? Exactly. Exactly. It's like you can't even drive a GM. You can't drive a Fiat. You can't drive a Chrysler or a Dodge. It has to be a Ford or a Lincoln. This is Yes. That's what they make, so that's what you drive. Plain and simple. I'm sorry. Yeah. At at least GM, you know, they've got Cadillac.
[00:28:15] Jamon Fries:
They've got, you know GM's got a good bunch of cars that that anybody wouldn't mind being seen in. So Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course. It's,
[00:28:24] Jesse Fries:
yeah. Buick. The new Buick's pretty sweet too.
[00:28:28] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And I I I loved my old Buick. Yep.
[00:28:33] Jesse Fries:
Yep. They've they've changed the logo now. Century. I loved that car. Yeah. They What's that? They've changed the logo for Buick, actually. Never? Yeah. Now now you know how it was like those 3 shields put together? Yeah. Yeah. Now they're it's still the 3 shields, but they're separated Oh, okay. In a straight line. It looks a bit weird, but, you know, you every new Yeah. Logo design looks a bit weird. But yeah. Absolutely. You'll get used to it, though. Exactly. But their cars are pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah. But I went with a Cadillac for my last one just because all the other dealers around here sucked. I swear to god. Only Cadillac treated me well. Every single last one of them were just, like, in and out. They're trying hard selling everything like that. It's like I can go and do it. I'm getting a GM vehicle.
Be nice to me. That's all I need. I just need to know how much. Yeah. Don't run my credit. Just tell me how much.
[00:29:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And only Cadillac was willing to do that. Cadillac's always been I mean, I I've never been in a Cadillac dealership that I ever had any kind of problems with. You know? They've always been the the best of people.
[00:29:38] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Maybe it's just because it's hold on.
[00:29:45] Jamon Fries:
Well, it's a high end car, so then you got that high end customer service. Yeah.
[00:29:52] Jesse Fries:
What's going on now? Hold on. Got another weird thing going on. Why is that? Uh-uh. Yeah. I don't know. Let me see here one second. Yeah. For some reason, the live stream quit. Oh, no. Yeah. That's really odd to me. Do that back up and go in here. That's really weird. Yeah. Okay. We're back and live again. Okay. So
[00:30:48] Jamon Fries:
yeah. That's weird. Sorry about the technical difficulties, everybody.
[00:30:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. What can you do?
[00:30:54] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Stuff happens. Exactly.
[00:30:57] Jesse Fries:
So anything else, foreign related there, Jamon?
[00:31:01] Jamon Fries:
Well, there is one other. The UN Summit for the Future. Have you heard about that?
[00:31:08] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:10] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Well, they they recently, they recently had a summit for the future.
[00:31:16] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:21] Jamon Fries:
And the US willingly signed signed off on everything.
[00:31:26] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:27] Jamon Fries:
But there were 9 countries that that refused to sign off on it. Russia was one of them. Okay. So the BRICS, probably? Yeah. Probably. Okay. And but what what this does is there were there were, like, 3 main directives that they were trying to get passed within within this. Uh-huh. One of them gives the secretary general of the UN the ability to unilaterally declare a global emergency.
[00:31:58] Jesse Fries:
Oh, so it's like the who thing.
[00:32:00] Jamon Fries:
You know? Yes. Okay. Got it. That would give him powers to address the global emergency for a finite amount of time. Right. You know, like 90 days or whatever. Uh-huh. But that finite it's that that finite amount of time can be reset after it expires. So, basically, he he could declare the world emergency that went on for years if he wanted to.
[00:32:30] Jesse Fries:
But he couldn't at the same time because of the security council.
[00:32:35] Jamon Fries:
I'm just they they've Well, that's the thing though is once he once he declares it, it doesn't go through the Security Council anymore. Well, then it doesn't matter. Directly the powers. Then it doesn't matter. Not at all. I I know. Yeah. Because
[00:32:51] Jesse Fries:
just for the simple fact that either America, Russia, or China will be saying screw that. Plain and simple. We're we're all gonna do that. You know, one of us will be not willing to go along with it, and they'll just veto it. And guess what? They need our money. They need our military might to do anything. Plain and simple.
[00:33:08] Jamon Fries:
So Yeah. What the the what this does, like, gives him the ability to set rules and regulations on something. Mhmm. And it it gives him the ability to set fines for anybody that that doesn't follow the rules and regulations.
[00:33:23] Jesse Fries:
No. The UN's going down. I'm sorry. They they they they they they're doing stupid stuff. Nobody really seems to care anymore. They can't keep world peace, which is what the purpose of the UN was anyways. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:33:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. We need to get second directive Uh-huh. Is that it's a promise. Now it's not it's just a promise. It's not there's nothing legally binding or anything like that. It's a promise to create universal access to abortion without any limitations being set in the agreement. So everyone who's a member of the UN has promised to to to do to do that.
[00:34:14] Jesse Fries:
Nope. Nope. That's not gonna happen. That's, it it's so so the people that voted for this, I bet were, Europe, possibly China on that bit, I could see. America because of the Bidens, but, you know, Canada, Australia. And then pretty much everybody else probably said screw you. Pretty much all of Africa said screw you.
[00:34:39] Jamon Fries:
Latin America probably said screw you. From what they said, there were only the 9 countries that that didn't sign.
[00:34:45] Jesse Fries:
No. But they're not gonna do it. There's there's no way. It's pointless. Especially since it's just a fucking promise. Exactly. Yeah. No. That's not happening.
[00:34:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I'm a if I were a politician, I make promises every day that I know ain't gonna be kept. You know,
[00:35:02] Jesse Fries:
why not make another one? And it's the UN. Who cares?
[00:35:06] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. The the third the third directive is a, it's a global digital compact Mhmm. That sets the UN to be the regulatory body for all AI research worldwide
[00:35:22] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. I heard they wanted to do that. Yeah.
[00:35:25] Jamon Fries:
For dealing with misinformation and disinformation in social media.
[00:35:30] Jesse Fries:
Uh-oh. Too bad we have the first amendment. Yeah.
[00:35:33] Jamon Fries:
They're also promoting UN funded journalism. So they want all journalism to be funded by the UN. That's funny. And they wanna develop a fact checking group in the UN.
[00:35:48] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ. Fact checking my ass.
[00:35:56] Jamon Fries:
So that's what the UN is up to. Instead of, you know, trying to stop wars, instead of trying to do what they're supposed to do Right. Right. They're doing this kind of bullshit.
[00:36:09] Jesse Fries:
That's hilarious. But then all at the same time all at the same time, one of their, investigators came out with this whole thing of saying get women or get men out of women's sports and basically get stop the transgender crap and everything like that. It's so you have this whole dichotomy then. That that's just weird. That's just weird. Yeah. I just don't do it. The UN, they're hilarious. Like, we care. Yep. Yep.
[00:36:40] Jamon Fries:
Any anything else on the There also there also, there's also talk of giving, 2 African countries, permanent status or in in the Security Council, but they won't have veto powers. So what's the point of having permanent positions?
[00:37:02] Jesse Fries:
Oh, what would they be? What what what are the 2 countries? Do you know?
[00:37:06] Jamon Fries:
I the article that I read didn't say.
[00:37:10] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Just maybe it's just 2 African countries would always be on the security council. Maybe that's it. Let let you know, those are revolving And currently are it it currently is right now. Right now, there's there's 2 spots that they hold that trade between, like, 3 countries
[00:37:25] Jamon Fries:
Right. Right. In Africa. Right. And so what they're do what they're taught what the what the US has proposed is to give 2 of those countries permanent slots and not let the third one in at all, basically.
[00:37:40] Jesse Fries:
Got it. Got it. One of them has to be South Africa, probably. Maybe Nigeria. Maybe. And then maybe Egypt. I would Egypt.
[00:37:52] Jamon Fries:
Those would be the those would be the the top ones, I would think.
[00:37:56] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That's that's what I would think. Yeah. Yeah. Hey.
[00:38:02] Jamon Fries:
What what's the point? The the African was the the African representative was like, you know, giving us permanent status is useless without veto power. No. It is. It's useless. Include veto power with that, it's we're not gonna care. It's not like you're doing something for us.
[00:38:23] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I see. That's just stupid. It's just it's pointless. It's, what was it back a few elections ago, putting lipstick on a pig. That's pretty much all it is. Yep. Yeah.
[00:38:37] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yeah.
[00:38:40] Jesse Fries:
That's okay.
[00:38:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So that's that's what I've got from international
[00:38:46] Jesse Fries:
news. Okay. Okay. Let's see here. What else do I get? I think I don't think I have any other international news. So for right now, let's just go, here at the mindless meanderings, we are a value for value model. This means that we are that you are producers of the show, and you can help with all aspects of the show. This has been described as time, talent, or treasure. You can help out by doing art or jingles for the show. You can also send us ideas and information for topics that we cover. You can email me at jessie@mindlesssea.com, and you can email, my brother, Jamon, over here at jamon@mindlessmeanderings.com.
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[00:40:43] Jamon Fries:
So I just I just pulled up x. Uh-huh. And and I I'm really hoping that this is a Photoshop. Mhmm. Because if not, it's pretty hilarious. So the the picture here shows, ESPN, ABC, one of the races, car races. And down at the bottom, president statewide, Harris, 52% with a check mark, Trump 47, 100% reporting. The the, the person that posted it said ABC accidentally aired election results of Harris winning PA by 5% with 100% yet.
[00:41:34] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah.
[00:41:36] Jamon Fries:
So If that's not a Photoshop, damn.
[00:41:41] Jesse Fries:
Well, a lot of times these the news organizations will actually just have, test things that they put in. And so they they they run all these different tests. And that that it could just be one of the tests. I'm sure they they might even have some for Trump. I kinda doubt it. Yeah. But I mean, there there's way to there's ways to
[00:41:59] Jamon Fries:
test stuff like that. You you you change the names on it. You do I mean, you don't have to put Harris Trump in there. You'd put you'd put somebody else in there because this is a testing on it. Seeing seeing this come across could interfere with people's decision to go to the election. No. I understand. I I'm just saying that it's
[00:42:19] Jesse Fries:
yeah. To to me, sometimes you have to test with the live thing and try not to actually put it up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Personally, I would add on that side of this system. Photoshop. It might be, or it's just a mistake, you know, because seriously, they just throw in numbers a lot of times for these things, and then they just, just test to make sure that everything is working correctly, you know, which you do have to do. So
[00:42:44] Jamon Fries:
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:42:46] Jesse Fries:
That is funny, though. That is funny, though. Yeah. Okay. You got any tech news or anything?
[00:42:55] Jamon Fries:
Well, I've got a couple in couple of things, involving space exploration, which are kinda cool. The littlest brother actually keep me into one of these with, you know, I I I knew about Elon Musk going to Mars and all that other stuff.
[00:43:17] Jesse Fries:
[00:43:18] Jamon Fries:
But I didn't know that NASA has in plans to put a, permanent facility on the moon.
[00:43:26] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I just I've, heard about that.
[00:43:31] Jamon Fries:
They they I I knew I knew about the tests that they did to see if there was water on the moon Mhmm. Where they, where they took the second stage of a rocket, dropped it down onto the moon, and then had the satellite crash into the moon going through the plume that came up when the when the 2nd stage rocket crashed Right. To and to to so that they could see if there was water and stuff like that in there, and there was. What they what they're talking about though is that the best use of that water is, a, you can create oxygen with it, which means that you can you can survive for a long time out there.
[00:44:12] Jesse Fries:
[00:44:13] Jamon Fries:
But also, you can reintroduce hydrogen into it and make rocket fuel. Oh, okay. Right. So what they're talking about doing is that is that this would make it so that after, after this after we launch the launch stuff up into space, we would then be able to refuel it up there with the water from, with the water from the moon said it can go out into into much large much further distances and stuff. So
[00:44:46] Jesse Fries:
that's pretty cool. Yeah. It'd be cheaper to produce it on the moon than under US gravity and then having to send it up into space. Yeah. It'd be cheaper that way. Yeah. Makes sense? Yep. Makes sense? Yeah. Yeah. So that was that was kinda interesting when I was reading about that. But they were saying that,
[00:45:04] Jamon Fries:
that they didn't that that they were gonna use the moon as a stepping stone. And maybe 10 years after after we've put a permanent civil permanent colonization of the moon, then we might think about going to Mars. I'm like, I hope this doesn't mean they're gonna try to stop Elon because he's got plans to go to Mars in 4 years.
[00:45:27] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah. Yeah. That that's NASA. But, and that's probably NASA's plan is, needing to do that. But I I I think Elon might just do it. I could see him do that. It's,
[00:45:38] Jamon Fries:
Oh, absolutely. I mean He's crazy, you know. Stopping him. Yep. Well, well, once he once he gets it once he gets it out into space, he can go wherever the hell he wants. Yeah. Basically. Basically. Nobody controls Mars right now. Exactly.
[00:45:54] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Apparently, he is, getting into the spy game now. Some of his satellites are being used, with laser communication and everything like that, for the Pentagon and everything like that. So that's kinda cool. Okay.
[00:46:09] Jamon Fries:
Well, I knew that he I knew that he was that, that Starlink was being used by, Ukraine
[00:46:18] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. For for all their communications.
[00:46:21] Jamon Fries:
And they've they've actually found on some of the Russian on some Russian drones, they've found Starlink connections on those where Russia is using Starlink illegally supposedly to, to do their stuff.
[00:46:39] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I wouldn't see why they wouldn't. They just hack into the system. I I don't see Yeah. Yeah. Of course, you shouldn't do that, but I wouldn't see why Russia Russia has some hackers. So I'm not sure why they wouldn't be doing that. There's there's absolutely no doubt that Russia
[00:46:53] Jamon Fries:
couldn't get in couldn't get into that at the end of their system. I mean, that'd be way too easy for them to do. Exactly. The other the other thing I have on on space is, on Mars, they've made a new discovery.
[00:47:09] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:11] Jamon Fries:
They found pure sulfur on Mars.
[00:47:18] Jesse Fries:
That's odd.
[00:47:19] Jamon Fries:
It was it's in crystal form Mhmm. And it's encased in rocks.
[00:47:25] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:26] Jamon Fries:
They made they made this accidental discovery when the rover rolled over it and shattered the rock. It turned around, looked back, and it saw these all these crystals inside of it. Right. They have no idea where the sulfur came from though because there's not in in that area, there's nothing that that from that says that there was volcanic activity. There's nothing that says that it was that that there were, like, hot springs or anything like that there.
[00:47:58] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:59] Jamon Fries:
Yet as the as they were moving the camera around, they were in a field of rocks of these kind these of rocks that looked exactly the same. So potentially, all of these rocks have pure sulfur inside of them.
[00:48:14] Jesse Fries:
Maybe, like, from something hitting Mars and then ejecting it out in the atmosphere and then it falling back down or some weird process that we just don't know about. That's kinda interesting. Yeah. Yeah. That is cool. So I Or or maybe the turd maybe the turds and some animal on Mars, you know, just, poops out rocks with pure sulfur in them. You know? That could be.
[00:48:51] Jamon Fries:
That that kinda goes into some to that rant that I wanted to do. Uh-huh. Unless you've got something else to talk about. I have other things, but, you can, let let's go with the rant, and then we can end on a non rant,
[00:49:04] Jesse Fries:
sort of thing. Yeah.
[00:49:06] Jamon Fries:
So I'm really getting tired of YouTube. Uh-huh. The reason for that is 90% of the things stuff that I find on there that looks interesting
[00:49:22] Jesse Fries:
is fake.
[00:49:24] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep. I I saw one that and it it may I had to click on it because they said that they that they had found artificial light on Proxima b.
[00:49:37] Jesse Fries:
[00:49:39] Jamon Fries:
When what actually happened was they developed us they developed a a, satellite that if there were artificial light on the backside of Proxima b, it would potentially be able to see it. And yet they made this like hour long video about how there was life on Proxima b because they they found these they found artificial light on the backside.
[00:50:12] Jesse Fries:
Sounds about right. Most so so your problem isn't YouTube itself. It's
[00:50:18] Jamon Fries:
the junk that people put on YouTube. Fake it's all that fake shit that people put out there. Got it. Got it. And, I mean, it's there was one on Elon Musk saying that, that he had developed a developed and was ready to to send it out between Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink Uh-huh. That they had developed an exoskeleton for people with disabilities. Uh-huh. And I mean, I'd you know, I I I started watching it and it just it was such a good story. I couldn't not watch it. I knew it was just a story though because they they kept saying about how you could see in Elon's eyes that there was compassion and shit like that. I'm like, oh, oh, no. This this is fake for sure.
[00:51:08] Jesse Fries:
Compassionate Elon's eyes.
[00:51:13] Jamon Fries:
But there are so many of these fake stories out there that and the the thing is is that the way they say it, it seems reasonable.
[00:51:26] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right.
[00:51:29] Jamon Fries:
But, I mean, you'd all you have to do is one little search. I mean, god knows if we found if we found life on Proxima b and if there was artificial light that they had discovered, it would have been everywhere. No exactly. There's no media that wouldn't have covered it. And yet with this, well, you know, with their stories, there's you can only ever find that one little thing, like the the like, you know, the one of those shows earlier, the, the fighter jet that Elon Musk had supposedly designed and built. Right. Right. You know, I mean, it's just I I I hate that I can't trust anything on there anymore.
I have to, like, triple and quadruple check everything. Well, it's just annoying.
[00:52:20] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But this just shows that you're actually becoming a intelligent use consumer of information. You're realizing you may may maybe just what it is is that the the glass has been shattered. You you know, you you used to kinda trust it, but now you you've been doing so much with it that you've realized that it's all just shit.
[00:52:40] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. I I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is is that I actually started watching YouTube. Yeah. Well, yeah, that would do it. That would do it. Yeah. I mean, you know, up up until now, I've watched, like, how to cook something on YouTube or something like that. You know? So that's not gonna be fake.
[00:52:59] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. Basically, if if it's science related, unless if it's, like, just them showing science experiments, it's all fake. They they they that's my that that's how I take it. You you know? If it's actually, like, telling you how to do something, I I think YouTube is good for that. You you know how to do something in, like, Photoshop or something like that. The how to the how to stuff is awesome. I mean, you you buy you buy a new piece of of equipment
[00:53:25] Jamon Fries:
and with YouTube, you can just instantly find out how to do everything with it. You know, same with, same with software and stuff like that. I've I've used it for, game software development and stuff like that. Mhmm. And, yeah, it it's amazing for that, but don't look at it for just regular information. Definitely not. It's gonna be fake.
[00:53:50] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Let's see here. Oh, speaking of, Photoshop and whatnot, apparently, Microsoft, so you know how, like, Adobe and everything like that, like, they're they went to a subscription base for, like, everything, for Photoshop and everything like that? It's all subscription. Well, Microsoft did the same thing with its Office. Right? Office 365. They're actually getting out of that business. Well, not getting out of it. They're gonna keep it, but they're also releasing a home Office Home 2024 that is stand alone.
[00:54:29] Jamon Fries:
Oh, god. I can actually buy Office again. Yes. I've been using Office 2010 for so long. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be,
[00:54:36] Jesse Fries:
150, for the Office Suite. That's a reasonable price for a one time payment. Exactly. Exactly. So but yeah. I'm like, hell, yeah.
[00:54:50] Jamon Fries:
I mean, fuck. 150. That's what, like, maybe 10 months of monthly payments?
[00:54:57] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. The 365 is a $100 for a year. The 9 99.99, for a year. But 2 years, that's $200. So so the 3 years Yeah. And Yeah. Wait. You can use the office product. Yeah. You can use the office product for, like, what, 5 years at least, if not more?
[00:55:16] Jamon Fries:
Something like that. They they keep they they keep it, they they keep updating it for at least 5 to 6 years or so.
[00:55:25] Jesse Fries:
I know right 20% version this would just be security updates. The the they said they're not gonna
[00:55:31] Jamon Fries:
get new features or anything like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My 2010, they stopped, they stopped doing the security updates on that about
[00:55:42] Jesse Fries:
3 or 4 years ago,
[00:55:44] Jamon Fries:
maybe 5 years ago. So yeah. No. They they keep doing the updates for quite a long time, so you can run off of that
[00:55:51] Jesse Fries:
for quite a long time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But yeah. So So there you go. Right? I I I really wish that all of them would do that. I I think I think they will because seriously, I I having a subscription basis is fine, I think, but as long as you have a stand alone as well. You you know, it's like it's like Adobe and the Photoshop. I love Photoshop. It's a great product. It's like the best product out there. But I'm not gonna pay a monthly fee or a yearly fee for this. I'm gonna pay once in a once a time because I I had to go to Affinity. With Mac, they have a program called Affinity, and it's it's Photoshop.
It's not as good as Photoshop or anything like that, but it's really good, and it does enough of what I need. So but if I could just buy Photoshop or any of those designings by Adobe,
[00:56:43] Jamon Fries:
that'd be great. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yep. But I'm not gonna pay It's like me with it's like me with Quicken. You know, I I do all of my accounting and stuff like that in Quicken. And the only reason to have us to do the subscription with Quicken is it gives you access to instant updates from the bank. So you can Yeah. Click on click on a button, and it'll update it'll update any transactions that have gone through your bank. Okay. So there's actual use there.
[00:57:18] Jesse Fries:
There's Yes. And that use probably cost them money anyways, so they have to recoup those costs. So that makes sense. That makes sense.
[00:57:27] Jamon Fries:
Because you I I ended up having to go to get a subscription for it, though Mhmm. Because they it was the strangest thing. I started getting messages that I couldn't add a new entry without the sub without the subscription. So it wouldn't let me put a new entry into the into the books without the subscription for some reason. I don't know if it was something that I was doing wrong or if it was a change that they made.
[00:57:55] Jesse Fries:
Right. But,
[00:57:57] Jamon Fries:
yeah, I ended up having to subscribe to it. And, I mean, luckily, it's not a whole bunch of money. I mean, it's like $45 a year or something like that. So
[00:58:06] Jesse Fries:
That's That's good. Makes sense. But, yes, I hate subscription based things. It's like,
[00:58:15] Jamon Fries:
get off at people. You know? I don't mind subscription based things as long as it's only subscription based. Right. The the ones that drive me nuts, and they they do this with a lot of games and stuff like that, is where you pay a monthly subscription to play the game. Uh-huh. But then whenever they do an update or come out with a with a new Oh, you mean World of Warcraft? Season. Yeah. World of Warcraft. You you still gotta pay the 80, 90, $100 to to buy the game as well. Yep. You know, if if you're gonna make me buy the game, then don't make me pay a subscription.
No. I understand. Like about the you know, Guild Wars does that. You don't pay a subscription to play Guild Wars, but you have to buy each expansion to get access to the stuff that's in that expansion. Makes sense. Makes sense. Which makes absolute sense to me. The the the reason that World of Warcraft can't quite do that is because a lot of changes in the expansion of World of Warcraft also affect the entire world instead of just the new zones or the new areas or the new mounts or something like that. Mhmm. So it would be more difficult for World of Warcraft to to follow that where you where you only you know, if you wanted access to the new stuff, you buy the expansion.
But, but, yeah, no. And anyone that charges you to buy the game and then also charges the subscription, I think, is just crap.
[00:59:53] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I can completely see that. Let's see here. Oh, other tech news. Here we go. So apparently, this is this will blow your mind, Jamon. It'll blow your mind. Google Chrome is declaring war against ad blockers.
[01:00:08] Jamon Fries:
Imagine that.
[01:00:11] Jesse Fries:
No way. Really? I know. Right? Google. You know? Google AdSense. You know? I I I don't know why they would want to block ad or stop the ad blockers. Just because that's their whole business model, you know, but, you know, okay,
[01:00:26] Jamon Fries:
you do. They don't make a penny if it's not for the ads.
[01:00:29] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. And this is why you shouldn't use Google Chrome. Yep. Yep. If you wanna block ads. If you want block ads. Otherwise, I'm sure it's fine. I don't know. But it's, I don't use Google Chrome. But
[01:00:44] Jamon Fries:
Neither do I. I use Brave and then Safari sometimes if I do too. So- I use Brave too. I like Brave. I don't like Brave search engine, though.
[01:00:53] Jesse Fries:
No, I don't use their search engine. I never use anybody's-
[01:00:56] Jamon Fries:
Their search engine gives you like 15 to 20 results and nothing more. Yeah. That's no good. On anything you search. No. No. It's really not because, well, you know, half of those aren't even aren't related to what you're searching.
[01:01:14] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly.
[01:01:17] Jamon Fries:
So you you get to choose from, like, 5 5 websites that they put up that might have something to do with what you're with what you're typing in. Mhmm. The other thing I don't like is the, the AI responses. And it it's cool that it's cool that when you type in something into the search engine, like, what is the what is the population of Kansas or something like that. Mhmm. And without having to go to a website to see it, they'll AI generate it'll do a quick search of the Internet and say, well, based on our results, this is the the estimated population of Kansas.
[01:01:59] Jesse Fries:
[01:02:01] Jamon Fries:
What I would like it to do though is to actually give you the websites that it got that information from so that you can go in
[01:02:12] Jesse Fries:
and research it further if you wish to. Yeah. That would make sense. That would make sense. But then they would have to show where they got it from and then they might get sued for taking that information from a source that that they were Yeah. Yeah. From.
[01:02:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Because because I got into a I got into a little bit of an argument with the little brother about politics. Uh-huh. He was telling me that, Trump actually said that if you vote for him, you'll never have to vote again.
[01:02:41] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Proving that he was gonna be a dictator. Right. Right. Right. Right.
[01:02:47] Jamon Fries:
And so I, you know, I did some searching and I found the I found where he said that and everything else like that. And, you know, it was a it was a rally where he was talking to conservative Christians who generally tend not to vote as much. Right. And what he was saying is you need to you need to go and vote this year to get me in there. After that, you can go back to the way you were and you won't have to vote anymore. Yep. Yep. And then the and then people spin it
[01:03:18] Jesse Fries:
to make it. Yep. The spin machine started happening and Exactly. Exactly.
[01:03:26] Jamon Fries:
Happening and Exactly.
[01:03:29] Jesse Fries:
[01:03:30] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So so, John, so so we were arguing so we were discussing that through email, and, I I kept trying to find stuff to to prove what I was saying. And I could all you know, the AI generation the a AI answer always came up with exactly what I wanted. Right. But I wanted the actual website to link to instead to send it so he could read it from the source. No. And I couldn't find it anywhere.
[01:04:02] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That that's the problem with AI. If you rely on AI, if you wanted, you have to not use AI if you're doing it otherwise. Seriously. Because otherwise, it just yeah. Because you can't even trust the websites that they have. You know, you need to be able to see the websites and everything. So
[01:04:22] Jamon Fries:
Well, and the the problem that I had, you know, I was using Brave at the time for the for the Brave search engine. Uh-huh. So it's I had, like, 6 results that it came up with. None of them were what I actually wanted. None of those results
[01:04:36] Jesse Fries:
were what the AI had given me. Right. Right. Maybe next time, just go to, like, Google or go to Bing, the website itself, and then punch it in. You know? Maybe that, you know, it's like Yeah. I've I've, lately, I've been using
[01:04:49] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Lately, I've been using DuckDuckGo or Bing. I I will never go to Google. Got it. Got it. I don't trust Google. So
[01:04:58] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Once they removed don't be evil from their, company policies, I'm like, good. Yeah. See? Yeah. Uh-huh. Yep. They wanted to be evil. You know? Otherwise, why would you remove it? You know? I I I don't know. No kidding. Yeah. I need to get rid of my team. Yeah. Meta,
[01:05:17] Jamon Fries:
Facebook has, has developed a new has has gotten into the augmented reality now.
[01:05:25] Jesse Fries:
What has?
[01:05:27] Jamon Fries:
Meta. Oh, okay. Yeah. Company that owns Facebook. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They did developed a pair of glasses. And I mean, it it looks they look like glasses except, you know, they're very bulky
[01:05:40] Jesse Fries:
and they Well, they're they're the Ray Ban. Right? Ray Ban, I believe. So I am not sure. Well, that that's that clunky Moore style, that Okay. 2 fifties, sixties style of glasses. That's really classic Ray Bans style. So yeah. Yep.
[01:05:57] Jamon Fries:
And so I I saw that and I'm like, oh, that's awesome. You know? And something nice and small that you can put on your head. Doesn't look like you're wearing a headset. Doesn't look like you're wearing goggles or something like that. Yep. But then I found out that, it has its limitations, which is it's not just one piece. You also have to put a wristband on, and it it so so you can, like, pinch things and and maneuver your hand to to make to to, like, move stuff around and stuff. So you do, like, a swiping motion to to swipe, and you do a pinching motion to pull something out and stuff like that. Mhmm.
So they've got a wristband for that. And then I think there's an there might be another piece of equipment that you have to have too. Mhmm. I didn't really see that much about that. So but yes. And then you have to buy them separately.
[01:06:59] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. That that's not worth it to me. Not worth it to me at all. No. Not at all.
[01:07:09] Jamon Fries:
Let's see. Augmented reality augmented reality could be interesting?
[01:07:15] Jesse Fries:
Nope. Completely. Completely. Yeah. But
[01:07:19] Jamon Fries:
well, first of all, you know, to me, my my eyes have already adjusted to being close to a computer screen. Right. I don't want my eyes to adjust to being to seeing something that's just right on my lenses.
[01:07:35] Jesse Fries:
No. I can understand. Pretty fucking close. It is. It is. I wonder how that I do want that's a good question. How would that affect your vision? Because we have all the issues with myopia because of, TVs and phones and iPads and everything like that. So I wonder if anybody's ever looked at it. That's an interesting thought, actually.
[01:07:57] Jamon Fries:
Interesting. Because I I know that if you're if you're looking at a TV set of TV, it doesn't matter how far away it looks in the TV. You're still just looking at the screen of the TV, so your eye doesn't have to adjust to anything. No. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And so, you know, it's you still should, like, every 10, 15 minutes, look out the window or something like that, you know. Yep. Yep. So it's that you're because my eyes have gotten to the point now where it's difficult for me to focus
[01:08:26] Jesse Fries:
on stuff further away. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, let's see here. Speaking of, like, AI and everything like that, one side product of AI like Apple and its, new as AI assistant. Apparently, they wanna future proof their, Macs and everything like that. So they're actually upping the base RAM on, like, the Mac Minis and all their Imacs. They're increasing it from 8 gigabytes. Yeah. They're increasing it from 8 gigabytes to 16 gigabytes, just on the base level. Nice. Yeah. That's awesome. So if you're not using AI, that will really speed up your computer.
[01:09:08] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Massively.
[01:09:10] Jesse Fries:
And that's what their m 4 chips. So, yeah, that's pretty sweet. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Let's see. You have anything else? No. That's all I've got for today. Okay. Well, thank you everybody for joining us for episode 9 of the Mindless Meandering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries,
[01:09:34] Jamon Fries:
and I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:09:35] Jesse Fries:
And even after all these technical difficulties, it looks like some of the streams even stopped again. So we'll get this out as a regular podcast, and we will see you next week, same time, same channel.
Good morning. It is Wednesday, October 30th, and we are live with episode number 9 of the mindless meanderings. I am Jesse Friese coming to you from central Kansas where my kids are really excited about Halloween. The daughter's gonna be a vampire and my son's gonna be Jason Voorhees. So even though they don't watch horror, but yeah, there you go. So you're in central Kansas now? Oh, central Texas. What am I saying? But
[00:00:50] Jamon Fries:
yeah. No. No. Came in for east coming at you from eastern Kansas, actual Kansas this time, where, well, the wet storm chasers are in the area again, and they're expecting to see some pretty nice tornadoes today.
[00:01:04] Jesse Fries:
Really? Tornadoes? Yeah. Yeah. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.
[00:01:10] Jamon Fries:
We got a big front coming through that's, gonna come through tonight. But what the tornadoes that are they're expecting are the storms that are gonna happen between, like, 2 o'clock until about 5 or 6, where we're supposed to have just spotty large supercell storms that could produce some pretty good tornadoes. So I'll be I'll be ready to get out of the trailer as soon as I need to once the sirens go off. I bet. I bet. That's kinda late for tornadoes in Kansas. That's kinda crazy. Well, we usually did there's actually 2 tornado seasons around here. Right. Because we're we're like right on where the jet stream usually sits in the spring and in the in the fall. Right. So as as the the especially, it's been weird this week. I mean, we've been the last couple day days, we've had good 50 40 to 50 mile per hour wind gusts coming up out of out of the south. So I mean, we've been in, we've been up in 80 degrees lately here. No. Which is highly unusual for for Kansas at this time of year. We're breaking records down here too. It's been nineties and everything like that. It's been kind of crazy.
[00:02:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Actually, at a party, Aiden went to a party, kids party and the mom, we were talking to this one mom, and she's moving up to Lenexa. And she's like, good. I've never been to Kansas. I go, well, yeah, good luck with that. And, you know, I was, I was teaching her the lingo, you know, KCMO, KCK, things like that. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And then she goes, So, so the basement, that's where you go to, because this lady had only lived in San Diego and in Texas here where there's no basements. So she was like, oh, so the basement in tornadoes, that's where you go? I go, yes. You you go to the basement. It's for tornadoes. Basement.
[00:03:10] Jamon Fries:
You go to the basement preferably under the stairs. Exactly. Under the stairs.
[00:03:15] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly.
[00:03:17] Jamon Fries:
Well, let's see. We might need I live in a I live in a mobile home though, so I got nowhere to go to. I gotta let you get a truck and drive. You're just screwed, dude. You're just screwed. Yep.
[00:03:27] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Let's see here. Let's get into it. Let's, so let's just start with the obvious, the election, since that's coming up and everything like that. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently, you voted already. That one. Yeah. Yes. I did. I did indeed. Yeah. I don't vote. So there you go. I love politics, though. And I do sway a certain way. But, yeah. Yeah. I I usually never vote either, but, you know, this year I just had to. That makes sense. Makes sense. Let's see here. For for me, the main thing recently was it was like we had the Trump rally and everything like that at Madison Square Gardens. And that stupid comment, comic, made a joke, the garbage joke about, port Puerto Rico.
[00:04:11] Jamon Fries:
The the the thing I I I heard about that, and I I haven't actually heard what he said. Right. So I don't know how bad it actually was, but this is not a typical comedian. No. You no. Comedian does for a living. He's a podcast.
[00:04:29] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. He does roast and he's a broadcaster. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah.
[00:04:33] Jamon Fries:
So, I mean, you know, his entire joke repertoire is about tearing people apart.
[00:04:40] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. But either way yeah. Either way, it it it caused a bad bad decision to have him there. Exactly. Exactly. And so I I was I was like, oh, okay. But then I saw reports and everything like that on CNN and everything like that where Puerto Ricans really didn't seem to mind. They're like, oh, okay. Whatever. You know? And then it was, and then what was it? Biden, yesterday. Was it yesterday or Monday? He he came out and called every Trump voter garbage. Yes.
[00:05:12] Jamon Fries:
So I heard about that. So I'm like, well Well, was it Biden? I thought it was Obama that did that. No. It was Biden. It was Biden. Okay. Obama did basically the same thing if I remember reading correctly. Yeah. Obama's been trashing
[00:05:27] Jesse Fries:
left and right and every it's their only hope right now is to try to trash, the Republicans and anybody that votes for Trump. They it's like the whole thing of everybody's Hitler, Trump's Hitler. It's almost like they can't target Trump anymore, so they have to go over go after the people that support him. Yeah, exactly. Basically saying you're stupid if you vote for Trump. You're, you're a jackass and you vote for Trump. You're, you're a racist and you vote for Trump. You're a Nazi, you're a white supremacist,
[00:05:56] Jamon Fries:
you're tack anything negative on there, anything derogatory,
[00:06:01] Jesse Fries:
and they'll say it. Exactly. Exactly. But, you know, Republicans and the right have been accused of this for so many decades now that we're kind of immune to it. You can call us a racist. We know we're not, so we can move on with our life. You know, that's basically how Republicans and conservatives think. You know? So it's Yep. You can't just keep attacking us with the same thing and think it's gonna stick.
[00:06:23] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I've never really understood that.
[00:06:28] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Me neither. Me neither. Me neither. But looks like Trump the polls are showing pretty good for him. There's the real clear politics. That one is showing he's up by I think it's 0.9 or something like that. Let me just double check that. He, no. For national average, he's up 0.4. Battlegrounds, he's up, 1.0. Nice. So let's see here. And then there is the other one 5 there's that other one that does a poll aggregate. It's called 538. Yeah. Yeah. That one is, shows Harris up 48 to 40 6. And so I wanted to know what the difference was between those 2. Yeah. And so it it seems like like if you compare the 2, Real Queller politics was off on the last election, but it was closer to what it was. Okay.
538 was off, from there. But, apparently, what they do the difference between the two is real clear politics. They just take the poll numbers, and then they put that in, okay, into their numbers. 538 it's part of ABC News, is 538. Oh, okay. And what they do is they take all the polls, and then they run their own algorithm on the polls that already have an algorithm on them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Interesting.
[00:08:03] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So in my mind at the same time that's at the same time that's going on, on on x, I'm seeing polls saying that Trump is gonna has got like 63% and Harris has like 36%.
[00:08:19] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I think I know I I saw the same and I think I know where that's coming from. Okay. It's coming from the betting averages. That's the betting average. Okay. Okay. The bets are about 60% Trump, 30%,
[00:08:34] Jamon Fries:
Mala. Yeah.
[00:08:36] Jesse Fries:
So that that that makes a lot more sense.
[00:08:39] Jamon Fries:
Because, I mean, they they were putting it up there as if those were polling numbers and, you know, like like, that was the early voting poll numbers and stuff. Right. Right. And, you know, I saw a lot of comments on there about how it was democrats that were putting those up there to make it so that Trump voters were comfortable that he was gonna win, say wouldn't even bother go to vote.
[00:09:02] Jesse Fries:
Well, there is always that. There is always that. But I think I think somebody just looked at the wrong thing and put the wrong word on there. Personally, that's not Most likely. Because this country is pretty much 5050. This is what we Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're about 45, 45 with about 10 in the middle, maybe 10. Yeah. If if we weren't like that,
[00:09:25] Jamon Fries:
there wouldn't only be 5 states that made the decision and the difference of, like, 2 to 300000 votes to make the difference. Exactly.
[00:09:36] Jesse Fries:
[00:09:36] Jamon Fries:
I'm sorry. I mean, there's there's no way where that we're we're at the numb at those kind of numbers that that the that the betting pools have it at. Mhmm. That is that's not the way this country is.
[00:09:49] Jesse Fries:
It really isn't. It really isn't. Do you have anything else, politics? I do. So
[00:10:00] Jamon Fries:
I've I've got some things that's going on over in the EU, which is Okay. Well kind of troubling. Yeah. Let let let's get to that later. You wanna get into your politics? Yeah. Well, let's let's stick to US election first.
[00:10:13] Jesse Fries:
And then we we can move, to the international. Yeah. That'll work. Makes sense to me. Okay. So the the next major thing that's really been going on in our politics is, how these newspapers have decided, like the Washington Post, LA Times, whatnot. They've decided not to endorse a candidate for president. Yeah. Yep. That's been like huge news and everything like that.
[00:10:37] Jamon Fries:
And then Yeah. I've I've seen so many comments. How could you not endorse Kamala? It's just you you can't do that.
[00:10:45] Jesse Fries:
I know exactly. Endorse her. Yep. Yep. Yep. Which is really hilarious because we all know that they actually do endorse her. It's just that they just don't wanna say that they're endorsing her, you know? Which is hilarious. But then maybe Bezos is just like saying, screw you, you know, Kamala. Well, yeah.
[00:11:05] Jamon Fries:
If I if I remember correctly, he owns basically all of those newspapers. Doesn't he? No. No. Or at least a partial owner and a good portion of it? No. He he owns The Post, The Washington Post.
[00:11:15] Jesse Fries:
Okay. The other one, the LA Times is owned by another billionaire. I can't remember his name. Okay. Soong something. I don't know exactly. Okay. And then there is another one that came out, Gannett, Gannett Publishing. They their main paper is the USA Today. Okay. They've also come out and said that they're not endorsing a presidential candidate. So it's and then there's other newspapers and whatnot.
[00:11:49] Jamon Fries:
I mean, as far as I'm as far as I'm concerned on that, the media and the you know, I mean, you can't really stop the entertainers from doing it, but the media at least should not be endorsing people for president. I can see that. I can see that might The media is there to report. It's not there to influence.
[00:12:11] Jesse Fries:
Well, actually, that is exactly supposed to be there to influence. Right. Exactly. So, you know, Bezos, he he came out with this whole thing, of not endorsing, and he had to there's so much backlash. He actually wrote an op ed piece. Uh-huh. And along those lines, to quote from part of it, it says, voting machine, he has an analogy, and then he's gonna go into it and do the thing. But the main part I saw here was that he said that voting machines must meet 2 requirements. They must count the vote accurately, and people must believe they count the vote accurately. The second requirement is distinct from and just as important as the first.
And then he's good. And then he goes on to say that likewise with newspapers, we must be accurate and we must be believed to be accurate. He said it's a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement. Most people believe the media is biased. And that that that was the quote. And I I agree with him, but also the media, of course, is gonna be biased. Just Yeah. Always has been. The
[00:13:23] Jamon Fries:
media is filled with people, and those people are biased. Exactly. Exactly. And not only that, but it's like
[00:13:29] Jesse Fries:
newspapers have always, there's been like the, what the St. Joe Democrat or the whatever Republican. These have been titles in newspapers. You kind of know which way to know it, you know? It's not the it's not anything
[00:13:44] Jamon Fries:
shocking. And you you also know that bay that based on what the owner or the higher ups think and believe, they're gonna hire reporters that will that think and believe the same way that they do. Exactly. Exactly. That's just the way it's gonna be. So anytime you're in anytime you're dealing with actual people in being involved, there's no way not to be not to be 1, you know, not to have a a side that you're that you're rooting for.
[00:14:14] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. And you could really see this when, I came across this one article. The title of the article was, Donald Trump makes false claims about ballots in Lancaster County in Truth Social Post. So this was talking about how he said that there were ballot irregularly, or fake ballots and everything like that in Pennsylvania. Did you hear about that story where it's, like, the registration,
[00:14:41] Jamon Fries:
the voter registration forms have been faked and everything like that? Yeah. There were a whole bunch that were signed by the same person and signed. Yeah. 2,500
[00:14:49] Jesse Fries:
of them. You know? And so, Trump, he just said ballots and forms is what he said was the quote. And then this lady just goes off saying that he lied, even though he said ballots and forms. Okay. But he was probably speaking just off the cuff. He wasn't like you know? It's like, this is why we don't trust you because you're gonna take maybe just a off the cuff remark that's somewhat accurate, but, you know, might not be 100% accurate, and then you just blow it up and just label it a lie and move on from there. To me, it's kinda ridiculous. You know? And it just goes into that whole thing.
[00:15:26] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Well, and then then there's the, some places in Pennsylvania where the they were going out and stand basically shutting the polls down early. Right. Right. Yeah. I saw that. You know, they're they're putting they're they're putting stuff out and telling people that you can't get in line anymore at, like, 1 30, 2 o'clock in the afternoon because it's going so slow. Yep. But legally, you can you can get in line up till, like, 5 o'clock, and they still have to let you vote.
[00:16:06] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I at least on voting day, I'm not sure exactly how that works on,
[00:16:11] Jamon Fries:
in early voting. Yeah. Or or early voting might be different laws on that one. Yeah. They they might have different laws on that, but I I didn't read anything that said that they had different laws. Everything that I read said that you you can be there until 5. No. I understand that. We we don't have to shop till 5. But, maybe so, but it could be different laws because voting yeah. If you're in law hello, everybody.
[00:16:32] Jesse Fries:
We're back again. My system completely crashed. So that, well, not my system, but my processing system and everything like that for actually recording this. It just crashed on us. So but I think we are back up and going here. Let me make sure that okay. So where were we? Jayman,
[00:17:12] Jamon Fries:
you there? I couldn't hear you on my headset. For some reason, my headset jack stopped working. So I've got you on my speakers now. Hopefully, you're not hopefully, it's not coming through back back feet on my mic.
[00:17:25] Jesse Fries:
Not so far at least. So Okay. Okay. We'll see how this goes. Yeah. Okay. So Yeah. What were we talking about before that?
[00:17:37] Jamon Fries:
The, I think we had just stopped talking about the, about ending the lines early.
[00:17:45] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, with that, I don't know if it's
[00:17:49] Jamon Fries:
it it could be it might be legal during
[00:17:52] Jesse Fries:
the during the early voting period time, which I could actually see. I could really it would make sense to me. Well, I mean, you Because you can just come back the next day.
[00:18:02] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Not only that, but, you know, you you don't want your you don't want your, your people to have to work overtime every day of the week up to the election Exactly. Which they would end up having to do.
[00:18:17] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. So I could see that. I could see how that would be the case. So Yep. Let's see here. Do I have anything else? Oh, the Supreme Court just decided that they're allowing Virginia to resume the purge of voter registrations. Oh, are they? Yep. Yep. It was, just an emergency decision. It was unsigned or anything like that. But, yeah, they're allowing the purge to go through. So
[00:18:44] Jamon Fries:
Good. Good. Yep. Yep. Yep. I I I was like You you definitely wanna make sure that illegal that people aren't here legally that aren't citizens
[00:18:54] Jesse Fries:
can't vote. So I mean Well, they could be here legally. That's fine. But if they're not a citizen or or they're a felon, you know, you know, they can't vote. You know? That's my book. You know? So it's a Yeah. We have the supreme court just decided that. So that's been quite key news. That's a place. Yeah. Interesting.
[00:19:11] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:19:13] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. Beyond that, I really don't. I think that's about it for my politics. So what do you got on the, EU and whatnot? You said you had some stuff.
[00:19:28] Jamon Fries:
So, yeah, the EU has, done something that is very troubling.
[00:19:38] Jesse Fries:
[00:19:39] Jamon Fries:
So on July 25th, so it was a little while ago, they passed a law that requires every corporation that that that is in the EU or that does business of with of an amount of over $489,000,000 Uh-huh. In the EU has to comply with the with an ESG score that they have decided to to put into place. Oh, Jesus Christ. So, essentially, you know, DEI on steroids. Right. Right. Right. Of course. What they've done, though so this this is companies like Apple, Ford. A lot of US companies are are involved in this. Uh-huh. If they don't meet the guidelines
[00:20:37] Jesse Fries:
[00:20:38] Jamon Fries:
EU has put in that they will find them 5% of their worldwide business.
[00:20:47] Jesse Fries:
Are you freaking kidding me?
[00:20:49] Jamon Fries:
Which means for 1 for one break for one breaking of their of their guidelines
[00:20:56] Jesse Fries:
Right. Apple
[00:20:57] Jamon Fries:
would be fined $19,000,000,000.
[00:21:04] Jesse Fries:
Do do they want any products sold in Europe or not? You know, I swear to god, these people.
[00:21:10] Jamon Fries:
Suppose I from what I've from what the from what the people were saying that I that I heard about this from, the amount of business they do over there is worth it to a lot of them. It's worth it to do to to do the ESG stuff, but it it gets even worse, though. Uh-huh. It's not just the company that does business over there, love that large amount Right. That has to comply to the ESG. Right. Right. It's all of their suppliers. Oh, okay. Okay. Anyone that does business with them. So if you're a marketing firm and you do business with them Right. In order if if you don't comply with their ESG laws, Ford or Apple would get fined 5% of the worldwide business, which means that these companies will have to put into all their contracts that you have to follow that you have to abide by these ESG rules as well. Right. Right. Is this only on the European side? Or does this,
[00:22:16] Jesse Fries:
go against, like, the American side, the foreign sides of the company as well? Or is it just like the imprint of the EU itself? So it's not like would it be would it would it actually, like, hit, like, Apple headquarters, for ESG?
[00:22:35] Jamon Fries:
Or In e s in California? Anywhere in the world, you have to comply with ESG.
[00:22:41] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ.
[00:22:43] Jamon Fries:
So you have to comply with ESG anywhere in the world. If you're in China Right. You have to do you have to comply with ESG. But it goes even further.
[00:22:55] Jesse Fries:
[00:22:57] Jamon Fries:
If a company can't afford if if if one of their say say we're dealing with Ford. Uh-huh. If one of their company if one of the companies that they that they do business with, say such as, like, a a parts company in China, if they can't comply with ESG by, say, going 100% solar Mhmm. Ford would have to buy these right by their regulations, pay to get them 100% solar. So it's a massive transfer of wealth. It's it's well, it's something. I
[00:23:37] Jesse Fries:
I mean, it's Is this just proposed or is it in law yet? Do you know? No. It's law. It is law in the EU now. Yes. It was passed on July 25th. Well, that's just crazy. Yeah. I'm sure there's some workarounds, but the the EU, they really have they love just to make up regulations for no reason. I swear to God, they just, it's a technocratic system. That's all it is. It's Yeah. Yeah. These people just need to justify their jobs. I really don't understand it. It's, Yeah. But, I mean, based on that, basically, every company
[00:24:13] Jamon Fries:
from the tire from the rubber tree Right. Right. People all the way up to the finished product, anywhere in the world has to comply with EU's with the EU's ESG score ratings
[00:24:31] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. If not,
[00:24:33] Jamon Fries:
then they won't be able to do business with anybody.
[00:24:39] Jesse Fries:
That is just crazy.
[00:24:42] Jamon Fries:
What what the what the some of the people that I that were talking about it, what they thought it was all about was they're trying to you know, how a lot of a lot of regulations and stuff like that are designed to hold people down so that everybody has a said that there's a fair playing field rather than lifting everybody up to a fair playing field. Right. So what they think is that EU had a since EU already has all of these laws in place Mhmm. So their companies have been handicapped with this for a long time now Right. Not being able to compete with with countries that didn't have these kinds of laws. Oh, so this basically, like, the tariffs. Make it okay. Yeah. Got it. Yeah. I mean, it's essentially a trade war is what they're initiated is what they've initiated.
Right. Right. A tariff trade war.
[00:25:33] Jesse Fries:
Interesting. That is really interesting. Yeah. Wonder how that's gonna play out.
[00:25:39] Jamon Fries:
Wait. Oh, this I mean, it it depends on it it all depends on November 5th. I mean, honestly Well, right. If Trump if Trump makes it in, I don't think it's going anywhere.
[00:25:51] Jesse Fries:
Probably not. Probably that. But in that, you were talking about Ford. Just as a funny aside, apparently, the, chief executive of Ford guess what he drives? What? Just just what what kind of vehicle would you drive, you think?
[00:26:07] Jamon Fries:
[00:26:09] Jesse Fries:
No. No. He he he imported a Chinese EV, dude. That guy needs to be fired. I'm I'm sorry. It's just you work for Ford, you drive Ford. I'm sorry. That that's you're you're you're chief executive of Ford, you drive Ford.
[00:26:28] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I know that used to be the law. I mean, that used to be the rules in Ford. You you know, all the way back to the model t. Right. If you were an employee of Ford, you drove a Ford.
[00:26:41] Jesse Fries:
Well, you get a discount and everything. But but I'm sure just workers could drive whatever they needed to because that's usually how it is. But, like, when you get up there, you just
[00:26:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. If you're in the upper echelons and you don't even drive one of your own vehicles, that's a problem.
[00:27:00] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. You know, your first day, you might be able to drive in with with with with something else. But then the next day, you you need to go get yourself a Ford, you know, or Lincoln or anything else they make. You know? It's,
[00:27:13] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Aren't aren't we currently not really dealing with China with their e with their EVs? I thought there was a whole bunch of stuff to stop their EVs from coming in.
[00:27:22] Jesse Fries:
Well, right. But a private person can bring anything in. Because he bought it in China over there and then ship it over. Yeah. No. That's exactly what he did. He bought it in China, and then he had it imported over himself. Oh god. So, yeah, it's completely legal and everything like that, but it's like Yeah. Yeah. You're the chief executive of Ford, dude. Just
[00:27:48] Jamon Fries:
drive a Ford. I'm sorry. That's this is what you do. If you don't like any of your own vehicles, go and have them make one that you do like.
[00:27:55] Jesse Fries:
Right? Exactly. Exactly. It's like you can't even drive a GM. You can't drive a Fiat. You can't drive a Chrysler or a Dodge. It has to be a Ford or a Lincoln. This is Yes. That's what they make, so that's what you drive. Plain and simple. I'm sorry. Yeah. At at least GM, you know, they've got Cadillac.
[00:28:15] Jamon Fries:
They've got, you know GM's got a good bunch of cars that that anybody wouldn't mind being seen in. So Oh, yeah. Of course. Of course. It's,
[00:28:24] Jesse Fries:
yeah. Buick. The new Buick's pretty sweet too.
[00:28:28] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And I I I loved my old Buick. Yep.
[00:28:33] Jesse Fries:
Yep. They've they've changed the logo now. Century. I loved that car. Yeah. They What's that? They've changed the logo for Buick, actually. Never? Yeah. Now now you know how it was like those 3 shields put together? Yeah. Yeah. Now they're it's still the 3 shields, but they're separated Oh, okay. In a straight line. It looks a bit weird, but, you know, you every new Yeah. Logo design looks a bit weird. But yeah. Absolutely. You'll get used to it, though. Exactly. But their cars are pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah. But I went with a Cadillac for my last one just because all the other dealers around here sucked. I swear to god. Only Cadillac treated me well. Every single last one of them were just, like, in and out. They're trying hard selling everything like that. It's like I can go and do it. I'm getting a GM vehicle.
Be nice to me. That's all I need. I just need to know how much. Yeah. Don't run my credit. Just tell me how much.
[00:29:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And only Cadillac was willing to do that. Cadillac's always been I mean, I I've never been in a Cadillac dealership that I ever had any kind of problems with. You know? They've always been the the best of people.
[00:29:38] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Maybe it's just because it's hold on.
[00:29:45] Jamon Fries:
Well, it's a high end car, so then you got that high end customer service. Yeah.
[00:29:52] Jesse Fries:
What's going on now? Hold on. Got another weird thing going on. Why is that? Uh-uh. Yeah. I don't know. Let me see here one second. Yeah. For some reason, the live stream quit. Oh, no. Yeah. That's really odd to me. Do that back up and go in here. That's really weird. Yeah. Okay. We're back and live again. Okay. So
[00:30:48] Jamon Fries:
yeah. That's weird. Sorry about the technical difficulties, everybody.
[00:30:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. What can you do?
[00:30:54] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Stuff happens. Exactly.
[00:30:57] Jesse Fries:
So anything else, foreign related there, Jamon?
[00:31:01] Jamon Fries:
Well, there is one other. The UN Summit for the Future. Have you heard about that?
[00:31:08] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:10] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Well, they they recently, they recently had a summit for the future.
[00:31:16] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:21] Jamon Fries:
And the US willingly signed signed off on everything.
[00:31:26] Jesse Fries:
[00:31:27] Jamon Fries:
But there were 9 countries that that refused to sign off on it. Russia was one of them. Okay. So the BRICS, probably? Yeah. Probably. Okay. And but what what this does is there were there were, like, 3 main directives that they were trying to get passed within within this. Uh-huh. One of them gives the secretary general of the UN the ability to unilaterally declare a global emergency.
[00:31:58] Jesse Fries:
Oh, so it's like the who thing.
[00:32:00] Jamon Fries:
You know? Yes. Okay. Got it. That would give him powers to address the global emergency for a finite amount of time. Right. You know, like 90 days or whatever. Uh-huh. But that finite it's that that finite amount of time can be reset after it expires. So, basically, he he could declare the world emergency that went on for years if he wanted to.
[00:32:30] Jesse Fries:
But he couldn't at the same time because of the security council.
[00:32:35] Jamon Fries:
I'm just they they've Well, that's the thing though is once he once he declares it, it doesn't go through the Security Council anymore. Well, then it doesn't matter. Directly the powers. Then it doesn't matter. Not at all. I I know. Yeah. Because
[00:32:51] Jesse Fries:
just for the simple fact that either America, Russia, or China will be saying screw that. Plain and simple. We're we're all gonna do that. You know, one of us will be not willing to go along with it, and they'll just veto it. And guess what? They need our money. They need our military might to do anything. Plain and simple.
[00:33:08] Jamon Fries:
So Yeah. What the the what this does, like, gives him the ability to set rules and regulations on something. Mhmm. And it it gives him the ability to set fines for anybody that that doesn't follow the rules and regulations.
[00:33:23] Jesse Fries:
No. The UN's going down. I'm sorry. They they they they they they're doing stupid stuff. Nobody really seems to care anymore. They can't keep world peace, which is what the purpose of the UN was anyways. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:33:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. We need to get second directive Uh-huh. Is that it's a promise. Now it's not it's just a promise. It's not there's nothing legally binding or anything like that. It's a promise to create universal access to abortion without any limitations being set in the agreement. So everyone who's a member of the UN has promised to to to do to do that.
[00:34:14] Jesse Fries:
Nope. Nope. That's not gonna happen. That's, it it's so so the people that voted for this, I bet were, Europe, possibly China on that bit, I could see. America because of the Bidens, but, you know, Canada, Australia. And then pretty much everybody else probably said screw you. Pretty much all of Africa said screw you.
[00:34:39] Jamon Fries:
Latin America probably said screw you. From what they said, there were only the 9 countries that that didn't sign.
[00:34:45] Jesse Fries:
No. But they're not gonna do it. There's there's no way. It's pointless. Especially since it's just a fucking promise. Exactly. Yeah. No. That's not happening.
[00:34:55] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I'm a if I were a politician, I make promises every day that I know ain't gonna be kept. You know,
[00:35:02] Jesse Fries:
why not make another one? And it's the UN. Who cares?
[00:35:06] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. The the third the third directive is a, it's a global digital compact Mhmm. That sets the UN to be the regulatory body for all AI research worldwide
[00:35:22] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. I heard they wanted to do that. Yeah.
[00:35:25] Jamon Fries:
For dealing with misinformation and disinformation in social media.
[00:35:30] Jesse Fries:
Uh-oh. Too bad we have the first amendment. Yeah.
[00:35:33] Jamon Fries:
They're also promoting UN funded journalism. So they want all journalism to be funded by the UN. That's funny. And they wanna develop a fact checking group in the UN.
[00:35:48] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ. Fact checking my ass.
[00:35:56] Jamon Fries:
So that's what the UN is up to. Instead of, you know, trying to stop wars, instead of trying to do what they're supposed to do Right. Right. They're doing this kind of bullshit.
[00:36:09] Jesse Fries:
That's hilarious. But then all at the same time all at the same time, one of their, investigators came out with this whole thing of saying get women or get men out of women's sports and basically get stop the transgender crap and everything like that. It's so you have this whole dichotomy then. That that's just weird. That's just weird. Yeah. I just don't do it. The UN, they're hilarious. Like, we care. Yep. Yep.
[00:36:40] Jamon Fries:
Any anything else on the There also there also, there's also talk of giving, 2 African countries, permanent status or in in the Security Council, but they won't have veto powers. So what's the point of having permanent positions?
[00:37:02] Jesse Fries:
Oh, what would they be? What what what are the 2 countries? Do you know?
[00:37:06] Jamon Fries:
I the article that I read didn't say.
[00:37:10] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Just maybe it's just 2 African countries would always be on the security council. Maybe that's it. Let let you know, those are revolving And currently are it it currently is right now. Right now, there's there's 2 spots that they hold that trade between, like, 3 countries
[00:37:25] Jamon Fries:
Right. Right. In Africa. Right. And so what they're do what they're taught what the what the US has proposed is to give 2 of those countries permanent slots and not let the third one in at all, basically.
[00:37:40] Jesse Fries:
Got it. Got it. One of them has to be South Africa, probably. Maybe Nigeria. Maybe. And then maybe Egypt. I would Egypt.
[00:37:52] Jamon Fries:
Those would be the those would be the the top ones, I would think.
[00:37:56] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That's that's what I would think. Yeah. Yeah. Hey.
[00:38:02] Jamon Fries:
What what's the point? The the African was the the African representative was like, you know, giving us permanent status is useless without veto power. No. It is. It's useless. Include veto power with that, it's we're not gonna care. It's not like you're doing something for us.
[00:38:23] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I I see. That's just stupid. It's just it's pointless. It's, what was it back a few elections ago, putting lipstick on a pig. That's pretty much all it is. Yep. Yeah.
[00:38:37] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yeah.
[00:38:40] Jesse Fries:
That's okay.
[00:38:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So that's that's what I've got from international
[00:38:46] Jesse Fries:
news. Okay. Okay. Let's see here. What else do I get? I think I don't think I have any other international news. So for right now, let's just go, here at the mindless meanderings, we are a value for value model. This means that we are that you are producers of the show, and you can help with all aspects of the show. This has been described as time, talent, or treasure. You can help out by doing art or jingles for the show. You can also send us ideas and information for topics that we cover. You can email me at jessie@mindlesssea.com, and you can email, my brother, Jamon, over here at jamon@mindlessmeanderings.com.
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[00:40:43] Jamon Fries:
So I just I just pulled up x. Uh-huh. And and I I'm really hoping that this is a Photoshop. Mhmm. Because if not, it's pretty hilarious. So the the picture here shows, ESPN, ABC, one of the races, car races. And down at the bottom, president statewide, Harris, 52% with a check mark, Trump 47, 100% reporting. The the, the person that posted it said ABC accidentally aired election results of Harris winning PA by 5% with 100% yet.
[00:41:34] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah.
[00:41:36] Jamon Fries:
So If that's not a Photoshop, damn.
[00:41:41] Jesse Fries:
Well, a lot of times these the news organizations will actually just have, test things that they put in. And so they they they run all these different tests. And that that it could just be one of the tests. I'm sure they they might even have some for Trump. I kinda doubt it. Yeah. But I mean, there there's way to there's ways to
[00:41:59] Jamon Fries:
test stuff like that. You you you change the names on it. You do I mean, you don't have to put Harris Trump in there. You'd put you'd put somebody else in there because this is a testing on it. Seeing seeing this come across could interfere with people's decision to go to the election. No. I understand. I I'm just saying that it's
[00:42:19] Jesse Fries:
yeah. To to me, sometimes you have to test with the live thing and try not to actually put it up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Personally, I would add on that side of this system. Photoshop. It might be, or it's just a mistake, you know, because seriously, they just throw in numbers a lot of times for these things, and then they just, just test to make sure that everything is working correctly, you know, which you do have to do. So
[00:42:44] Jamon Fries:
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:42:46] Jesse Fries:
That is funny, though. That is funny, though. Yeah. Okay. You got any tech news or anything?
[00:42:55] Jamon Fries:
Well, I've got a couple in couple of things, involving space exploration, which are kinda cool. The littlest brother actually keep me into one of these with, you know, I I I knew about Elon Musk going to Mars and all that other stuff.
[00:43:17] Jesse Fries:
[00:43:18] Jamon Fries:
But I didn't know that NASA has in plans to put a, permanent facility on the moon.
[00:43:26] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I just I've, heard about that.
[00:43:31] Jamon Fries:
They they I I knew I knew about the tests that they did to see if there was water on the moon Mhmm. Where they, where they took the second stage of a rocket, dropped it down onto the moon, and then had the satellite crash into the moon going through the plume that came up when the when the 2nd stage rocket crashed Right. To and to to so that they could see if there was water and stuff like that in there, and there was. What they what they're talking about though is that the best use of that water is, a, you can create oxygen with it, which means that you can you can survive for a long time out there.
[00:44:12] Jesse Fries:
[00:44:13] Jamon Fries:
But also, you can reintroduce hydrogen into it and make rocket fuel. Oh, okay. Right. So what they're talking about doing is that is that this would make it so that after, after this after we launch the launch stuff up into space, we would then be able to refuel it up there with the water from, with the water from the moon said it can go out into into much large much further distances and stuff. So
[00:44:46] Jesse Fries:
that's pretty cool. Yeah. It'd be cheaper to produce it on the moon than under US gravity and then having to send it up into space. Yeah. It'd be cheaper that way. Yeah. Makes sense? Yep. Makes sense? Yeah. Yeah. So that was that was kinda interesting when I was reading about that. But they were saying that,
[00:45:04] Jamon Fries:
that they didn't that that they were gonna use the moon as a stepping stone. And maybe 10 years after after we've put a permanent civil permanent colonization of the moon, then we might think about going to Mars. I'm like, I hope this doesn't mean they're gonna try to stop Elon because he's got plans to go to Mars in 4 years.
[00:45:27] Jesse Fries:
Well, yeah. Yeah. That that's NASA. But, and that's probably NASA's plan is, needing to do that. But I I I think Elon might just do it. I could see him do that. It's,
[00:45:38] Jamon Fries:
Oh, absolutely. I mean He's crazy, you know. Stopping him. Yep. Well, well, once he once he gets it once he gets it out into space, he can go wherever the hell he wants. Yeah. Basically. Basically. Nobody controls Mars right now. Exactly.
[00:45:54] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Apparently, he is, getting into the spy game now. Some of his satellites are being used, with laser communication and everything like that, for the Pentagon and everything like that. So that's kinda cool. Okay.
[00:46:09] Jamon Fries:
Well, I knew that he I knew that he was that, that Starlink was being used by, Ukraine
[00:46:18] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. For for all their communications.
[00:46:21] Jamon Fries:
And they've they've actually found on some of the Russian on some Russian drones, they've found Starlink connections on those where Russia is using Starlink illegally supposedly to, to do their stuff.
[00:46:39] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I wouldn't see why they wouldn't. They just hack into the system. I I don't see Yeah. Yeah. Of course, you shouldn't do that, but I wouldn't see why Russia Russia has some hackers. So I'm not sure why they wouldn't be doing that. There's there's absolutely no doubt that Russia
[00:46:53] Jamon Fries:
couldn't get in couldn't get into that at the end of their system. I mean, that'd be way too easy for them to do. Exactly. The other the other thing I have on on space is, on Mars, they've made a new discovery.
[00:47:09] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:11] Jamon Fries:
They found pure sulfur on Mars.
[00:47:18] Jesse Fries:
That's odd.
[00:47:19] Jamon Fries:
It was it's in crystal form Mhmm. And it's encased in rocks.
[00:47:25] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:26] Jamon Fries:
They made they made this accidental discovery when the rover rolled over it and shattered the rock. It turned around, looked back, and it saw these all these crystals inside of it. Right. They have no idea where the sulfur came from though because there's not in in that area, there's nothing that that from that says that there was volcanic activity. There's nothing that says that it was that that there were, like, hot springs or anything like that there.
[00:47:58] Jesse Fries:
[00:47:59] Jamon Fries:
Yet as the as they were moving the camera around, they were in a field of rocks of these kind these of rocks that looked exactly the same. So potentially, all of these rocks have pure sulfur inside of them.
[00:48:14] Jesse Fries:
Maybe, like, from something hitting Mars and then ejecting it out in the atmosphere and then it falling back down or some weird process that we just don't know about. That's kinda interesting. Yeah. Yeah. That is cool. So I Or or maybe the turd maybe the turds and some animal on Mars, you know, just, poops out rocks with pure sulfur in them. You know? That could be.
[00:48:51] Jamon Fries:
That that kinda goes into some to that rant that I wanted to do. Uh-huh. Unless you've got something else to talk about. I have other things, but, you can, let let's go with the rant, and then we can end on a non rant,
[00:49:04] Jesse Fries:
sort of thing. Yeah.
[00:49:06] Jamon Fries:
So I'm really getting tired of YouTube. Uh-huh. The reason for that is 90% of the things stuff that I find on there that looks interesting
[00:49:22] Jesse Fries:
is fake.
[00:49:24] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep. I I saw one that and it it may I had to click on it because they said that they that they had found artificial light on Proxima b.
[00:49:37] Jesse Fries:
[00:49:39] Jamon Fries:
When what actually happened was they developed us they developed a a, satellite that if there were artificial light on the backside of Proxima b, it would potentially be able to see it. And yet they made this like hour long video about how there was life on Proxima b because they they found these they found artificial light on the backside.
[00:50:12] Jesse Fries:
Sounds about right. Most so so your problem isn't YouTube itself. It's
[00:50:18] Jamon Fries:
the junk that people put on YouTube. Fake it's all that fake shit that people put out there. Got it. Got it. And, I mean, it's there was one on Elon Musk saying that, that he had developed a developed and was ready to to send it out between Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink Uh-huh. That they had developed an exoskeleton for people with disabilities. Uh-huh. And I mean, I'd you know, I I I started watching it and it just it was such a good story. I couldn't not watch it. I knew it was just a story though because they they kept saying about how you could see in Elon's eyes that there was compassion and shit like that. I'm like, oh, oh, no. This this is fake for sure.
[00:51:08] Jesse Fries:
Compassionate Elon's eyes.
[00:51:13] Jamon Fries:
But there are so many of these fake stories out there that and the the thing is is that the way they say it, it seems reasonable.
[00:51:26] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right.
[00:51:29] Jamon Fries:
But, I mean, you'd all you have to do is one little search. I mean, god knows if we found if we found life on Proxima b and if there was artificial light that they had discovered, it would have been everywhere. No exactly. There's no media that wouldn't have covered it. And yet with this, well, you know, with their stories, there's you can only ever find that one little thing, like the the like, you know, the one of those shows earlier, the, the fighter jet that Elon Musk had supposedly designed and built. Right. Right. You know, I mean, it's just I I I hate that I can't trust anything on there anymore.
I have to, like, triple and quadruple check everything. Well, it's just annoying.
[00:52:20] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But this just shows that you're actually becoming a intelligent use consumer of information. You're realizing you may may maybe just what it is is that the the glass has been shattered. You you know, you you used to kinda trust it, but now you you've been doing so much with it that you've realized that it's all just shit.
[00:52:40] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. I I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is is that I actually started watching YouTube. Yeah. Well, yeah, that would do it. That would do it. Yeah. I mean, you know, up up until now, I've watched, like, how to cook something on YouTube or something like that. You know? So that's not gonna be fake.
[00:52:59] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. Basically, if if it's science related, unless if it's, like, just them showing science experiments, it's all fake. They they they that's my that that's how I take it. You you know? If it's actually, like, telling you how to do something, I I think YouTube is good for that. You you know how to do something in, like, Photoshop or something like that. The how to the how to stuff is awesome. I mean, you you buy you buy a new piece of of equipment
[00:53:25] Jamon Fries:
and with YouTube, you can just instantly find out how to do everything with it. You know, same with, same with software and stuff like that. I've I've used it for, game software development and stuff like that. Mhmm. And, yeah, it it's amazing for that, but don't look at it for just regular information. Definitely not. It's gonna be fake.
[00:53:50] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Let's see here. Oh, speaking of, Photoshop and whatnot, apparently, Microsoft, so you know how, like, Adobe and everything like that, like, they're they went to a subscription base for, like, everything, for Photoshop and everything like that? It's all subscription. Well, Microsoft did the same thing with its Office. Right? Office 365. They're actually getting out of that business. Well, not getting out of it. They're gonna keep it, but they're also releasing a home Office Home 2024 that is stand alone.
[00:54:29] Jamon Fries:
Oh, god. I can actually buy Office again. Yes. I've been using Office 2010 for so long. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be,
[00:54:36] Jesse Fries:
150, for the Office Suite. That's a reasonable price for a one time payment. Exactly. Exactly. So but yeah. I'm like, hell, yeah.
[00:54:50] Jamon Fries:
I mean, fuck. 150. That's what, like, maybe 10 months of monthly payments?
[00:54:57] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. The 365 is a $100 for a year. The 9 99.99, for a year. But 2 years, that's $200. So so the 3 years Yeah. And Yeah. Wait. You can use the office product. Yeah. You can use the office product for, like, what, 5 years at least, if not more?
[00:55:16] Jamon Fries:
Something like that. They they keep they they keep it, they they keep updating it for at least 5 to 6 years or so.
[00:55:25] Jesse Fries:
I know right 20% version this would just be security updates. The the they said they're not gonna
[00:55:31] Jamon Fries:
get new features or anything like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My 2010, they stopped, they stopped doing the security updates on that about
[00:55:42] Jesse Fries:
3 or 4 years ago,
[00:55:44] Jamon Fries:
maybe 5 years ago. So yeah. No. They they keep doing the updates for quite a long time, so you can run off of that
[00:55:51] Jesse Fries:
for quite a long time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But yeah. So So there you go. Right? I I I really wish that all of them would do that. I I think I think they will because seriously, I I having a subscription basis is fine, I think, but as long as you have a stand alone as well. You you know, it's like it's like Adobe and the Photoshop. I love Photoshop. It's a great product. It's like the best product out there. But I'm not gonna pay a monthly fee or a yearly fee for this. I'm gonna pay once in a once a time because I I had to go to Affinity. With Mac, they have a program called Affinity, and it's it's Photoshop.
It's not as good as Photoshop or anything like that, but it's really good, and it does enough of what I need. So but if I could just buy Photoshop or any of those designings by Adobe,
[00:56:43] Jamon Fries:
that'd be great. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yep. But I'm not gonna pay It's like me with it's like me with Quicken. You know, I I do all of my accounting and stuff like that in Quicken. And the only reason to have us to do the subscription with Quicken is it gives you access to instant updates from the bank. So you can Yeah. Click on click on a button, and it'll update it'll update any transactions that have gone through your bank. Okay. So there's actual use there.
[00:57:18] Jesse Fries:
There's Yes. And that use probably cost them money anyways, so they have to recoup those costs. So that makes sense. That makes sense.
[00:57:27] Jamon Fries:
Because you I I ended up having to go to get a subscription for it, though Mhmm. Because they it was the strangest thing. I started getting messages that I couldn't add a new entry without the sub without the subscription. So it wouldn't let me put a new entry into the into the books without the subscription for some reason. I don't know if it was something that I was doing wrong or if it was a change that they made.
[00:57:55] Jesse Fries:
Right. But,
[00:57:57] Jamon Fries:
yeah, I ended up having to subscribe to it. And, I mean, luckily, it's not a whole bunch of money. I mean, it's like $45 a year or something like that. So
[00:58:06] Jesse Fries:
That's That's good. Makes sense. But, yes, I hate subscription based things. It's like,
[00:58:15] Jamon Fries:
get off at people. You know? I don't mind subscription based things as long as it's only subscription based. Right. The the ones that drive me nuts, and they they do this with a lot of games and stuff like that, is where you pay a monthly subscription to play the game. Uh-huh. But then whenever they do an update or come out with a with a new Oh, you mean World of Warcraft? Season. Yeah. World of Warcraft. You you still gotta pay the 80, 90, $100 to to buy the game as well. Yep. You know, if if you're gonna make me buy the game, then don't make me pay a subscription.
No. I understand. Like about the you know, Guild Wars does that. You don't pay a subscription to play Guild Wars, but you have to buy each expansion to get access to the stuff that's in that expansion. Makes sense. Makes sense. Which makes absolute sense to me. The the the reason that World of Warcraft can't quite do that is because a lot of changes in the expansion of World of Warcraft also affect the entire world instead of just the new zones or the new areas or the new mounts or something like that. Mhmm. So it would be more difficult for World of Warcraft to to follow that where you where you only you know, if you wanted access to the new stuff, you buy the expansion.
But, but, yeah, no. And anyone that charges you to buy the game and then also charges the subscription, I think, is just crap.
[00:59:53] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I can completely see that. Let's see here. Oh, other tech news. Here we go. So apparently, this is this will blow your mind, Jamon. It'll blow your mind. Google Chrome is declaring war against ad blockers.
[01:00:08] Jamon Fries:
Imagine that.
[01:00:11] Jesse Fries:
No way. Really? I know. Right? Google. You know? Google AdSense. You know? I I I don't know why they would want to block ad or stop the ad blockers. Just because that's their whole business model, you know, but, you know, okay,
[01:00:26] Jamon Fries:
you do. They don't make a penny if it's not for the ads.
[01:00:29] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly. And this is why you shouldn't use Google Chrome. Yep. Yep. If you wanna block ads. If you want block ads. Otherwise, I'm sure it's fine. I don't know. But it's, I don't use Google Chrome. But
[01:00:44] Jamon Fries:
Neither do I. I use Brave and then Safari sometimes if I do too. So- I use Brave too. I like Brave. I don't like Brave search engine, though.
[01:00:53] Jesse Fries:
No, I don't use their search engine. I never use anybody's-
[01:00:56] Jamon Fries:
Their search engine gives you like 15 to 20 results and nothing more. Yeah. That's no good. On anything you search. No. No. It's really not because, well, you know, half of those aren't even aren't related to what you're searching.
[01:01:14] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. Exactly.
[01:01:17] Jamon Fries:
So you you get to choose from, like, 5 5 websites that they put up that might have something to do with what you're with what you're typing in. Mhmm. The other thing I don't like is the, the AI responses. And it it's cool that it's cool that when you type in something into the search engine, like, what is the what is the population of Kansas or something like that. Mhmm. And without having to go to a website to see it, they'll AI generate it'll do a quick search of the Internet and say, well, based on our results, this is the the estimated population of Kansas.
[01:01:59] Jesse Fries:
[01:02:01] Jamon Fries:
What I would like it to do though is to actually give you the websites that it got that information from so that you can go in
[01:02:12] Jesse Fries:
and research it further if you wish to. Yeah. That would make sense. That would make sense. But then they would have to show where they got it from and then they might get sued for taking that information from a source that that they were Yeah. Yeah. From.
[01:02:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Because because I got into a I got into a little bit of an argument with the little brother about politics. Uh-huh. He was telling me that, Trump actually said that if you vote for him, you'll never have to vote again.
[01:02:41] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Proving that he was gonna be a dictator. Right. Right. Right. Right.
[01:02:47] Jamon Fries:
And so I, you know, I did some searching and I found the I found where he said that and everything else like that. And, you know, it was a it was a rally where he was talking to conservative Christians who generally tend not to vote as much. Right. And what he was saying is you need to you need to go and vote this year to get me in there. After that, you can go back to the way you were and you won't have to vote anymore. Yep. Yep. And then the and then people spin it
[01:03:18] Jesse Fries:
to make it. Yep. The spin machine started happening and Exactly. Exactly.
[01:03:26] Jamon Fries:
Happening and Exactly.
[01:03:29] Jesse Fries:
[01:03:30] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So so, John, so so we were arguing so we were discussing that through email, and, I I kept trying to find stuff to to prove what I was saying. And I could all you know, the AI generation the a AI answer always came up with exactly what I wanted. Right. But I wanted the actual website to link to instead to send it so he could read it from the source. No. And I couldn't find it anywhere.
[01:04:02] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That that's the problem with AI. If you rely on AI, if you wanted, you have to not use AI if you're doing it otherwise. Seriously. Because otherwise, it just yeah. Because you can't even trust the websites that they have. You know, you need to be able to see the websites and everything. So
[01:04:22] Jamon Fries:
Well, and the the problem that I had, you know, I was using Brave at the time for the for the Brave search engine. Uh-huh. So it's I had, like, 6 results that it came up with. None of them were what I actually wanted. None of those results
[01:04:36] Jesse Fries:
were what the AI had given me. Right. Right. Maybe next time, just go to, like, Google or go to Bing, the website itself, and then punch it in. You know? Maybe that, you know, it's like Yeah. I've I've, lately, I've been using
[01:04:49] Jamon Fries:
yeah. Lately, I've been using DuckDuckGo or Bing. I I will never go to Google. Got it. Got it. I don't trust Google. So
[01:04:58] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Once they removed don't be evil from their, company policies, I'm like, good. Yeah. See? Yeah. Uh-huh. Yep. They wanted to be evil. You know? Otherwise, why would you remove it? You know? I I I don't know. No kidding. Yeah. I need to get rid of my team. Yeah. Meta,
[01:05:17] Jamon Fries:
Facebook has, has developed a new has has gotten into the augmented reality now.
[01:05:25] Jesse Fries:
What has?
[01:05:27] Jamon Fries:
Meta. Oh, okay. Yeah. Company that owns Facebook. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They did developed a pair of glasses. And I mean, it it looks they look like glasses except, you know, they're very bulky
[01:05:40] Jesse Fries:
and they Well, they're they're the Ray Ban. Right? Ray Ban, I believe. So I am not sure. Well, that that's that clunky Moore style, that Okay. 2 fifties, sixties style of glasses. That's really classic Ray Bans style. So yeah. Yep.
[01:05:57] Jamon Fries:
And so I I saw that and I'm like, oh, that's awesome. You know? And something nice and small that you can put on your head. Doesn't look like you're wearing a headset. Doesn't look like you're wearing goggles or something like that. Yep. But then I found out that, it has its limitations, which is it's not just one piece. You also have to put a wristband on, and it it so so you can, like, pinch things and and maneuver your hand to to make to to, like, move stuff around and stuff. So you do, like, a swiping motion to to swipe, and you do a pinching motion to pull something out and stuff like that. Mhmm.
So they've got a wristband for that. And then I think there's an there might be another piece of equipment that you have to have too. Mhmm. I didn't really see that much about that. So but yes. And then you have to buy them separately.
[01:06:59] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. That that's not worth it to me. Not worth it to me at all. No. Not at all.
[01:07:09] Jamon Fries:
Let's see. Augmented reality augmented reality could be interesting?
[01:07:15] Jesse Fries:
Nope. Completely. Completely. Yeah. But
[01:07:19] Jamon Fries:
well, first of all, you know, to me, my my eyes have already adjusted to being close to a computer screen. Right. I don't want my eyes to adjust to being to seeing something that's just right on my lenses.
[01:07:35] Jesse Fries:
No. I can understand. Pretty fucking close. It is. It is. I wonder how that I do want that's a good question. How would that affect your vision? Because we have all the issues with myopia because of, TVs and phones and iPads and everything like that. So I wonder if anybody's ever looked at it. That's an interesting thought, actually.
[01:07:57] Jamon Fries:
Interesting. Because I I know that if you're if you're looking at a TV set of TV, it doesn't matter how far away it looks in the TV. You're still just looking at the screen of the TV, so your eye doesn't have to adjust to anything. No. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And so, you know, it's you still should, like, every 10, 15 minutes, look out the window or something like that, you know. Yep. Yep. So it's that you're because my eyes have gotten to the point now where it's difficult for me to focus
[01:08:26] Jesse Fries:
on stuff further away. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, let's see here. Speaking of, like, AI and everything like that, one side product of AI like Apple and its, new as AI assistant. Apparently, they wanna future proof their, Macs and everything like that. So they're actually upping the base RAM on, like, the Mac Minis and all their Imacs. They're increasing it from 8 gigabytes. Yeah. They're increasing it from 8 gigabytes to 16 gigabytes, just on the base level. Nice. Yeah. That's awesome. So if you're not using AI, that will really speed up your computer.
[01:09:08] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Massively.
[01:09:10] Jesse Fries:
And that's what their m 4 chips. So, yeah, that's pretty sweet. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Let's see. You have anything else? No. That's all I've got for today. Okay. Well, thank you everybody for joining us for episode 9 of the Mindless Meandering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries,
[01:09:34] Jamon Fries:
and I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:09:35] Jesse Fries:
And even after all these technical difficulties, it looks like some of the streams even stopped again. So we'll get this out as a regular podcast, and we will see you next week, same time, same channel.
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