A roaming conversation between brothers that covers everything from the New Orleans Terror Attack to Dolphin Style space sex.
Hosted by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:00:19) Introduction
(00:01:02) Weather Forecast Models
(00:01:58) New Orleans Tragedy
(00:04:22) Bowl Game Delays
(00:05:18) Christmas Recap
(00:08:31) Plane Crashes and International Incidents
(00:13:06) Famine Definition Debate
(00:18:59) Gaza Privacy Concerns
(00:24:20) Hezbollah Commander News
(00:25:16) Putin's Christmas Attack
(00:27:00) Ukraine's Pipeline Shutdown
(00:28:44) H1B Visa Debate
(00:36:05) Election Tie Breaker
(00:38:15) Biden's Legacy Concerns
(00:44:30) Trump's Territorial Ambitions
(00:48:41) Border Tensions
(00:49:41) Jimmy Carter's Legacy
(00:52:41) Baseball Legends Pass Away
(00:56:43) Tech Innovations
(01:02:33) Dark Energy Debate
(01:11:46) Koalas and Chlamydia
(01:14:07) Animal Jealousy Study
(01:15:42) AI in Healthcare
(01:18:37) Space Sex: Dolphin Style
Happy New Year, everybody. It is, Wednesday, January 1, 2025. We are live with episode number 18 of the mindless meanderings. I'm Jesse Friese coming to you from Central Texas where it's finally winter. Woo hoo.
[00:00:40] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Freese coming at you from eastern Kansas where according to the news, we may be getting about 19 inches of snow tomorrow this weekend. Holy hell. That's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I guess there there's 2 different types of weather 2 different types of formulas that they run, an American formula and a European formula. Yeah. Yeah. They like use they like using yeah. They like using the European one here because it seems to be more accurate around Kansas City. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's actually more accurate everywhere. Yeah. So Yeah. And and that one is calling for 19 inches here in the town that I live in. It's calling for about 18 inches in Kansas City. Whereas the American model is saying we are going to get about 4 inches here in in my hometown versus 10 inches in Kansas City. And that's a huge discrepancy there. That is a huge discrepancy. That's a
[00:01:36] Jesse Fries:
Wait. That you never know. You know? If you if you get snow, I think that's the final answer. Yeah. We're we're definitely getting snow this weekend, but,
[00:01:45] Jamon Fries:
I don't I don't know if I'm ready for 19 inches of snow, though. That's a lot of snow. That is wild. Seen numbers like that since I moved out of Colorado. Right. Right. That is crazy.
[00:01:58] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Just as crazy as this idiot that freaking killed all those people in fucking New Orleans this morning. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Yeah. 10 dead, 30 plus injured. It looks like Yep. Looks like he was a Texas native. Former army is what they're saying. And, looks like his name was, what is it, Shamsa Din Jabbar. Looks like maybe ISIS related
[00:02:30] Jamon Fries:
as well. Yeah. They there's reports that they found an ISIS flag in his truck as well as some explosives in there, I guess. Okay. Hey.
[00:02:38] Jesse Fries:
I'm not sure about the explosives. I think they've they're backing off of that one.
[00:02:42] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I I don't know. That's the you know, I'm like, okay. So explosives, that could mean he had a firecracker in his truck. Right. Right. Yeah. It's yeah. Who knows? New New Year New Year's Eve firecrackers, fireworks of any kind would not be surprising at all.
[00:02:59] Jesse Fries:
No. No. It really wouldn't. It really wouldn't. But, you know, it it maybe explosives. I don't know. Either way Yeah. It's just it's just another one of those, like, the Christmas market one up in, Germany. You know, it's the same thing. Yeah. It's just Yep. Copycat or something like that. Maybe the same going for the same thing.
[00:03:20] Jamon Fries:
Possibly. I don't know. I mean, in this case, there was an actual shootout, though. So this guy had a gun. Well, right. Right. Well, we're we're also the United States. So yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah. I I suppose have having a gun would have been a lot bigger news in Germany.
[00:03:35] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And, apparently, he was a former army. So, you know, yeah, he's gonna have a gun. Yes. That's what it is. So but yeah. Unfortunately, yeah. 10 dead. And I I just don't understand. It's wonder if he Yeah. Was doing it for some other reason. I don't know. That that's just weird in my book. But
[00:03:57] Jamon Fries:
I I've heard people talking about how the gun that he had was had been stolen in New Jersey and that he was working with some people from up in the neck of the woods and stuff like that. I mean, I I have no idea.
[00:04:13] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Right now, it it there's so many stories going on about it and everything. Yeah. So it's hard to actually it's hard to know what's actually real and what's not. So
[00:04:22] Jamon Fries:
Yep. I was disappointed to hear that, they decided to delay the, the bowl game that was supposed to happen in New Year's. It it it'll I heard that. So Yep. Yep. They put it on 24 hour delay. It's gonna happen tomorrow now instead of today.
[00:04:39] Jesse Fries:
Oh, okay. Okay. I think the Texas game is going on, though, right now. So it's
[00:04:45] Jamon Fries:
[00:04:47] Jesse Fries:
But that's someplace else. I don't even know where the Texas game is even though I live in the Austin area. But, I should know because I live in the Austin area, but, you know, it's
[00:04:56] Jamon Fries:
a what can I do? It doesn't really matter where a game is being played. It's just a matter it's just that the game is being played.
[00:05:02] Jesse Fries:
Well, right. Right. But it's some bull. I don't know. I watched a little bull games yesterday. They were one of them was entertaining. The, Louisville, game was really nice. It was a good Okay. It was a really good ending. Yeah. It was fun.
[00:05:17] Jamon Fries:
Cool. How's your Christmas? I haven't watched any bowl games yet. My Christmas was not too bad. Ended on kind of a low note, but
[00:05:31] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:05:32] Jamon Fries:
That was a bit of a low note, wasn't it? That was Yeah. Yeah. A little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Mom mom had come over mom and dad had come over for, about noon to watch the Chiefs game. Right. And, yeah, unfortunately, health issues are sued.
[00:05:52] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Seems to happen quite regularly lately, but, you know Yeah. Everybody's fine. We're good to go. So that's all that matters. That is all that matters. Absolutely.
[00:06:04] Jamon Fries:
[00:06:05] Jesse Fries:
But Yeah. I just got a whole bunch of stuff for podcast stuff, and, yeah, we had goat, and I made scalloped corn and mashed potatoes for it. So kinda Kenyan kinda family. My we all had our own sides. So Aiden had, my son had Doritos. Yeah. It's like a a bit unconventional over Christmas, but, you know, it was fun. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:06:33] Jamon Fries:
Well, I I I had been talking to dad, like, a couple of days before, like, before Christmas, and I I told dad specifically what I had here, what I was planning on making. I did some, chicken cooked up some chicken thighs with barbecue rub. Right. And I told dad, now if you want something to go with the sides, you need to talk you need to tell mom, and you guys need to bring it with you. You know, like, I was thinking potatoes or maybe some scalloped corn or something like that. Right. Right. Yeah. They bought some little sliders and some potato chips, and that's all that they brought with them.
[00:07:18] Jesse Fries:
Apparently, everybody went the my route then, it seems. Yep.
[00:07:23] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Well, dad dad completely forgot to tell mom that I need that. I wanted her to bring some sides for the meal.
[00:07:30] Jesse Fries:
Okay. So they had to quickly stop off at Walgreens or something like that and Oh, no. No. No. They they brought those to munch on during the game.
[00:07:39] Jamon Fries:
And I'm figuring we'd figuring I'd make something. Mom didn't even get to eat the the, chicken thighs though because that's when she started feeling bad. It was right when I started Cooper at right when I was in the middle of cooking. So Right. Right. But, yeah. That was that was kind of an ordeal. But, I mean, yeah, it was the there was summer sausage with cheese on was the sliders and potato chips that mom was munching on for a long time. And Oh, that's funny. Just way too much salt. Yeah. No. That's kinda funny, though. It is,
[00:08:18] Jesse Fries:
tasty. Tasty. Tasty.
[00:08:20] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, the the sliders weren't too bad. She popped them in the oven for a few minutes to warm them all up, so they tasted pretty good. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:08:30] Jesse Fries:
I understand. Let's see here. Looks like planes have been falling out of the sky lately. It's kinda crazy. There's people dying everywhere. They have been. Yeah. Yeah. It's, what, like, in the in Asia, there's been a few that just landed wrong, and basically everybody died except for, like, 2 survived in one of them. And then you have the Russian one where Russian knocked down a Azerbaijan flight. Yep. Where they shut it down. Yeah. Right. Right. That well, it was a accident, though, of course, but it was Well, of course. Yeah. Well, no. It was. Do you know the story behind that?
[00:09:05] Jamon Fries:
No. I actually don't. I I haven't read too much into it. Okay. So what it was was,
[00:09:11] Jesse Fries:
so first off, it was foggy. Okay? It was completely foggy. The flight came in, and they'd been notified that it was foggy for 1, and then also Ukraine was attacking the city with drones. Oh, shit. And the pilot still decides to fly in here. Right? And they try to land twice, and then the air traffic control sends them back around, maybe over the sea or something like that, to come back around. But, anyways, they got hit by more than likely. Now, of course, nothing is 100% final here yet, but more than likely, they got hit by anti aircraft, weaponry from Russia. That was that possibly mistook it for a drone because it well, it was just flying around.
Yeah. Yeah. No. It makes sense. So yeah. Yeah. And, that's that seems to be what's going on, with that. Everybody blames Russia, of course.
[00:10:14] Jamon Fries:
And Yeah. I'd I'd knowing that though, I don't think I could blame Russia. I mean, you've got the the pilot knew that there was drone attacks going on. The pilot knew that that that the city was currently being attacked.
[00:10:26] Jesse Fries:
Yep. He was offered other into that. Yeah. He was offered other airports to fly into,
[00:10:32] Jamon Fries:
but he he said no to that. That's all on the pilot. That's all on the pilot then in my mind.
[00:10:37] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It it was a whole bunch of it was a it was a lot of mess ups. It's basically what it was. Yeah. You know? It was just, It's it it absolutely sucks that they got shut down and Oh, completely. You can't you know, Russia does have to
[00:10:52] Jamon Fries:
take some small amount of blame for it simply because, you know, they misidentified the flying vehicle as a as a military drone instead of as a as a commercial plane. Right. Right. But at at the same time, the pilot had was given so many options to divert and decided not to. So that's to me, that would be at least 90% pilot fault.
[00:11:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. From what how it seems, it doesn't seem to be yes. They shot it down, but it doesn't seem to be you're flying into a war zone for what? I don't even know why you're flying into a fucking war zone. Yeah. It's like
[00:11:28] Jamon Fries:
I'm turning around. Know why the as far as I'm concerned, the well, okay. Maybe not quite 90% because there is 5% where the airport should've just shut down. Right. Right. You know, the if the airport would've put out we're only accepting emergency landings right now Uh-huh. Then then the plane would've been diverted no matter what. The pilot would pilot wouldn't even been given the choice. Right. Right. But yeah. So there's that. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yes. So much so much went on. It did. The the Korean one, I've, I don't know if they've, started doing that much of an investigation into that one yet. But from what I understand, it was the the plane had taken off from there and they found they had problems so they came back and had to do a belly landing.
[00:12:25] Jesse Fries:
Ah, okay.
[00:12:27] Jamon Fries:
[00:12:28] Jesse Fries:
yeah. Belly landings are never good. Yeah. No. They really aren't. They really aren't. And it's just Uh-huh.
[00:12:37] Jamon Fries:
Unfortunately, the when it when they touched down, they'd I guess they didn't produce enough drag because they actually slid entirely off of the off the front of the runway. So, you know, depending on where you touched down on the runway and, you know, they've got, like, stuff built up there to prevent you from going through and doing stuff. So it exploded as soon as it hit the that stuff that was there.
[00:13:01] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. Yeah. I could see that happening. That sucks. That sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, let's see here. Other international news. Looks like some people wanna change the definition of, what a famine is.
[00:13:15] Jamon Fries:
Just Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:13:19] Jesse Fries:
Which way do they wanna go, though? Do they wanna make it so that it's more likely to be a famine or less likely? More likely. Yeah. Yeah. They they they want it to be less stringent so that they can call what's happening in Gaza a famine. So, like, basically, I think Okay. So I think what they're wanting to do is because children, of course, are malnourished and whatnot because, well, there's a war going on there.
[00:13:45] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. But
[00:13:47] Jesse Fries:
there is food getting in. It's just it's just basically just starches is mostly what it is. You know, rice and bread and things like that. And so there's a lot of children coming into the hospital apparently that are malnourished because it's just calories. That's all they're getting is calories. Nothing nothing beyond that. Right. And so because of that, they want to change what a famine is so that they can go, oh, Israel's bad. Bad Israel is how I interpret this to be. You know? Wait.
[00:14:17] Jamon Fries:
Well, my understanding of famine, though, it's not called a famine unless something is preventing the crops from growing and stuff like that. You know, from, like, a country that could normally produce all their own food certainly can't. That's when if that's what that's when it's called a famine. Well, yeah. But you could say that the war is causing that as well. You know? So Well, right. But I I highly doubt that Gaza was ever able to sup to supply all of their own food.
[00:14:49] Jesse Fries:
Yep. It it's more of a lack of food is really what it is from what I understand. Yeah. Because Sudan, is marked in a famine, and that's basically due to war as well. Yeah. So it's food isn't being produced for one reason or the other, or being brought in. Because some places just can't grow food either, you know. It's, oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Yeah. So yeah. But to me, it's like if you lower what it takes to be a famine and everything like that, then say 5 to 10 years from now, they'll go, oh, famine has increased all over the world. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:15:27] Jamon Fries:
Damn this global warming. The famine has increased all worldwide.
[00:15:32] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. You know, it's it's it's like they they've changed they've changed all these scales, like, earthquake scales, tornado scales, and everything like that. And then they go, oh, this is the most powerful. But we can't even equate that because the things have changed so much that we can't even equate the old system to the new system or anything like that. And so Yeah. Absolutely. Like it's, like, why do you keep changing things? Yes. I know science has gotten better and everything like that, but can't you find a way to actually make it that we can actually look and see the difference instead of just wind speed instead of damage or, you know, things like that? It's just all weird. That would that would equivocally be the same as
[00:16:13] Jamon Fries:
there's an uptick in tornadoes the year after they decide to classify a dust devil as a tornado. Right. Right.
[00:16:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I mean, you you can't compare apples to oranges in that manner. You you can't say there's an uptick in something when you've changed what that something is. Yep. Yep. Yep. It it's just like, the my favorite argument is about genocide. It's like, what is genocide? You know? It's like Yeah. Pea people wanna just say if a government through whatever ways is actually, like, killing a whole bunch of people, that's genocide. But to me, it's like, if it's bad policy because because Stalin had bad policy when it came to Ukraine. You know? He he was he was trying his whole thing out. Now he he didn't necessarily like the Ukrainians. Don't get me wrong.
But it was the breadbasket, and then he was trying to make it communist and everything like that with the communist system, force people to produce this and that and everything like that. And it caused a massive millions of Ukrainians died because of it. Right? Yep. But to me, that's different than what fucking Hitler did. Oh, yeah. Where Well, you wanted to kill the Jews. You know? That's a it's a completely different thing.
[00:17:29] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And anytime that they start trying changing stuff like that I mean, a genocide is where a government body decides to completely eliminate another race or group of people. Right. And then completely eliminate them. Yeah. Because you hate them. You know? Just Yeah. Just,
[00:17:48] Jesse Fries:
like, in Israel, they wanna claim that that's a genocide. But Yeah. No. It's not. Doesn't necessarily I'm sure they wouldn't mind if the Palestinians decided to move someplace else, but they're not actually trying to do that. They were protecting themselves, and, well, they they just kept going. You know, with which in my book is actually what they're right to do. So
[00:18:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. If Israel was actually trying to do a genocide, they could have just bought blanket bombed and dull Gaza. Well, they basically Instead of doing I mean, it it yeah. But I mean, they've done it in one day. Right. And they warned. Could have just blocked yeah. They could have just blanket bombed them unworn it unworn in one day, kill them all. Yep. That would have been a I I could I could agree with that being a genocide. Mhmm. But when you're doing targeted strikes and you're warning the the population that you're going to be doing a targeted strike there, it can't be classified as a genocide in my mind.
[00:18:46] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. No. No. Yeah. No. It's like yeah. Oh, by the way, I'm gonna send a bomb to kill you. Just just stay where you are. You know? Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you on that one. I'm with you on that one. Yeah. You know, there's even more going on in the Gaza.
[00:19:03] Jamon Fries:
What what what's up? Suppose supposedly, in in Gaza, it's the only place in the world where women are being stripped of their privacy because they're intense with their families.
[00:19:17] Jesse Fries:
What now?
[00:19:18] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. There was an article that came out there was an article came that came out talking about how how the the women in Gaza, they're so conservative, but they have no privacy now because they're they're in a tent with their families so they can't get changed without being seen and stuff like that. They their toilets are just holes dug in the ground with with, blankets put up around them. But but they're doing this report as if that's the only place in the world that that is happening.
[00:19:51] Jesse Fries:
Right. But not only that, it's the the the privacy for make sure you donate from what I understand. The privacy for Muslim women is against people that aren't family. Yes. You you you you could show your hair and everything like that to your family. When you're home, you could just be yourself. You can lounge around in lingerie if you would want to from what I understand. But if there's a if there's somebody from outside the family in, that's when you cover up. It's not when you're with your family. So Yeah. I'm calling bullshit. I'm sorry. It's like no. No. No. It's
[00:20:28] Jamon Fries:
privacy from your family. And and if if if nothing else, even if you were you know, I I if if even if it were, like, not immediate family, but, like, the brothers and sisters were were in the same tent too, then, you know, that would come into play a little bit. But But as brothers and sisters, because that that's still considered family. Well, no. I I I realized that what I understand. So what I what I'm thinking, though, the what my take on it was, if we were in a situation here in the US or any European country or any Asian country or anything like that Uh-huh. If we were living in a in a big tent as a family, do you not think that we would put blankets up to cordon off a small area for people to get changed?
[00:21:12] Jesse Fries:
Generally. Yeah. Maybe. Or just kick them out of the tent while you get changed.
[00:21:18] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the these they're they're talking of the the report was all about how this woman had to leave her could never take her prayer shawl off because it covered her breasts and stuff. And if she took it off, everyone would see it would see her. Okay. And I'm like, put a blanket up. You have blankets. You have sheets. You have lots of things that you could put up to make a little wall or kick the family members out of the tent. I mean, that's not hard to do. It really isn't. It really isn't. Any culture that actually cared about the women would do that.
[00:21:52] Jesse Fries:
Well, I think I Palestinians care about the women, and I think it's a made up fucking story is what I think. They're they're they're just trying to be. Be because, seriously, who gives a shit? The the Yeah. You're worried about it it just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't pass the smell test Yeah. In my book. You know? It's like That was a that was that was on the Huff Post, and I'm like, they they can't be real. But I'm sure the hub post is said, oh, yeah. This is real and everything like that. I'm sure I'm sure whoever wrote it might think it's real, but I think it's a pure anti Israel attack.
And Yeah. Yeah. And also just it's it's a name. Come on. You you can't change it from your family. It's
[00:22:38] Jamon Fries:
And the the thing that the thing that I found kind of amusing about it was they only that seems like they only talk to one lady. So so one lady had issues. Yeah. Yeah. One one lady had privacy issues, but they made it sound the article was written in a way that made it sound like it was widespread throughout all of Gaza, and that it wasn't happening anywhere else. You know, the Syrian refugees didn't have to deal with that Right. In their tent camps. You know? I anywhere that be anywhere that there's something going on that causes people to have to leave the area and live in tents,
[00:23:17] Jesse Fries:
This is going on. So why is it such a big deal now? It's gotta they they can only be because this is real who's causing it. Yeah. It has to be. And and the how did they find one woman that was complaining about this? It just makes no sense to me. Doesn't pass the smell test. Does not pass the smell test at all. Yeah. Yeah. It's like if oh, no. They're they they don't have privacy from family. You come on. The sub houses is just one room anyways. Yeah. Yeah. And and that's in a lot of the world. You know? It's like you have 1 or 2 rooms, and there's no privacy in so many families.
[00:23:56] Jamon Fries:
You know? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely.
[00:23:58] Jesse Fries:
It's not like our German rooted families where where we're very private about everything. You know? It's, Yeah. Yep. Yeah. That's funny.
[00:24:09] Jamon Fries:
But yeah. Yeah.
[00:24:14] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. What else do we got? Anything else in that area?
[00:24:20] Jamon Fries:
Well, talking about is Israel. Again, slow news days over the weekend. Israel's spy network uncovers the Hezbollah commander's plan to marry his 4 mistresses.
[00:24:32] Jesse Fries:
Well, good for him.
[00:24:34] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Why why did it take the Israeli spy network to figure that out, and why was it worthy of news?
[00:24:45] Jesse Fries:
Seriously, that that that'd be something that they would just come across their desk and go, hey, maybe we can bomb that place. That that that part would be about what they would Yeah. Do it. Not not that it matters that he's marrying his 4 mistresses. You know? Sounds like trouble to me. Four mistresses. That's a lot of mistresses. Yeah. But but yeah. No. That that it's okay. Yeah. Really slow news day when you're, doing that. Definitely.
[00:25:12] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep.
[00:25:16] Jesse Fries:
Let's see. Beyond that, oh, Putin. He Mhmm. He decided to attack, Ukraine on Christmas day and knocked out a lot of the power. Yeah. So the funny thing about that is that it's not Christmas day for him. Right?
[00:25:37] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely not.
[00:25:39] Jesse Fries:
Because the Russia, they, celebrate Christmas, based on the Julian calendar and so which is January 7th.
[00:25:48] Jamon Fries:
[00:25:50] Jesse Fries:
And then just like a couple years ago, Ukraine, Zelensky, ordered that Christmas was now gonna be on the 25th in Ukraine because he wants to back away from Russia. Makes sense. And so in my my this it's just it it's hilarious for Oh, yeah. Yeah. To attack on Christmas thing. It's like it's a funny thing to do. It's like, it's not Christmas. It wasn't Christmas to you a couple years ago. So what does it matter to you? Yeah. Yeah. I think it's funny. I I know I'm mean and everything like that. But I I I think it's a good, like, f u. Yeah. I think it's a really good f u too from Putin. Yeah.
[00:26:34] Jamon Fries:
And then, Ukraine tried to do their own f u to Putin, but Uh-huh. What was that? They shut off all the pipelines going through Ukraine on New York City. Yeah. Yeah. I saw something about that. Yeah. Unfortunately, they didn't tell anybody downstream that they were shutting them all off. Now Beldova has no power at all. They have no gas. They have nothing. Wow. Yeah. The the the, Assad report that the only things that that could that are currently have power right now is, like, the hospitals and the government government buildings. Right. Probably They're regenerated. Yeah. Not yeah. Almost almost there's almost not a single house that actually has power.
The gas that was coming out is basically just now the only thing that's left is just the gas that's currently in the line. So very little very little power in it. So nothing's they they can't even stay warm there now. All because Ukraine decided to say f you to to Russia and cut the power, cut the and stop the, line the oil from moving.
[00:27:42] Jesse Fries:
Wow. That is crazy. Hey. Why are you pissing off your people? Your your your your friends that are you that you want support from. I it makes no sense. Yeah. It's,
[00:27:53] Jamon Fries:
yeah. No. I mean, you know, I I fully understand Europe trying to divest themselves from Russia from Russian oil and stuff like that. Right. But before they actually you know, this is the one thing that about almost every government that just drives me nuts is that before they even have a plan in place to replace what the in place to replace what they're what is currently coming in Uh-huh. They decide to shut it off. You you shut it off before finding an alternative. Mhmm. And that's just stupid.
[00:28:27] Jesse Fries:
It really is. It really is. Yeah. It it it seems to be the thing to do, though. It really does. So It really is. Yeah. It it happens all over the world.
[00:28:37] Jamon Fries:
Even here in the US, we do the same thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[00:28:44] Jesse Fries:
So yeah. The oh, speaking of the US, I guess we get into some, domestic politics. The the whole craziness of, mega and, hating h one b visas It's quite funny. Yeah. It's, Indians. Oh, man. The memes against Indians have been quite harsh.
[00:29:03] Jamon Fries:
It's crazy. They really have been. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's,
[00:29:07] Jesse Fries:
it's been a crazy thing. You know? It's, I I understand. It's like, like, what is it? Musk and then the Vivek. Well, of course, Vivek wants the h one b because, well, he's Indian as well. Oh, yeah. Well, American, but Indian. And so, of course, he wants the h one b and everything like that. And Musk, he came he after school, he was on a h one b there for a while too. Yep. And so I could understand them wanting, to have the h one b's and everything like that. But, you know, it's like, yes, the main push is to get rid of the illegal immigrants. But no matter what, there will always be some of that just immigrant sort of thing. The US always has a bit of that.
Yeah. There's always been a small small group that's always been very isolationist and doesn't wanna bring anyone into the country. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't matter who. You know, you you could say it's racism or whatnot, but it doesn't matter who. It can be the Irish. It can be the
[00:30:06] Jamon Fries:
Italians. It can be the The Danes and the Spanish speakers. Irish, the Italians, the Asians, the Indians Yep. The Germans. I mean, there is not a single group of there's not a single racial group or or, country group that when they started coming here, they didn't get a lot of flack for it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's it's just the nature of the beast.
[00:30:30] Jesse Fries:
Yep. But, yeah, it looks like Trump's gonna back them up though, because, well, Elon Musk and Vivek, they're gonna head the Doge.
[00:30:38] Jamon Fries:
So I guess, I think I think there's more to it than that though. Uh-huh. My biggest I personally think that the h one b visas should be continued as much as we can because with our education system the way it is now, we don't actually have that many very well trained engineers and and people like that. We don't have we don't have the people that have the education to do the job that's needed in some in some of those cases. I've seen a lot of reports where, like, the in the sciences, anybody testing in the sciences, we're we fall way behind, like, at least 15 different countries.
[00:31:24] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. We have fallen back, but that's that's what some people could blame the Department of Education on that one. You know? So it it's I understand where that's coming from, but it's, like, a lot of this is just basic stuff. You know? It's, like, a lot of the time, a lot of companies do use it just to get cheap labor from India. Oh, yeah. And so, you know, I I think you could crack down on that sort of thing personally. I I don't think that's too much of a problem. Because if you remember, maybe, like, 15 years ago or so, there were all those stories of American workers having to train their Indian, counterparts because the they were losing jobs. Yeah. And so the Indians had to be trained, by Americans.
So, yeah, you know, I I I I can understand it and everything like that. And Oh, yeah. There there aren't that many jobs out there in the high-tech field, and so a lot of Americans aren't going into it and and so it it's kind of a vicious cycle sort of thing is how I look at it. But, yeah, I I don't mind the h one b visas overall. We could see if we could lower how many we let in each year.
[00:32:36] Jamon Fries:
Well or or maybe change the requirements for them a little bit. You know, make it so that they have to be someone that can't do where where, you know, we just can't fill that position here in the US, so you have to go abroad for it or something like that. Right. And and and actually prove it. Because technically Yeah. That's what the law says. But
[00:32:59] Jesse Fries:
I I think that's always a wink wink nudge nudge situation. Yes. Yes. You know, it's like some companies, won't even do they won't sponsor because you have to sponsor them, and that costs 1,000 of dollars to sponsor. Yeah. So a lot of companies won't. But, yeah, it's I I I think it's a wink wink, nudge nudge on many different levels when it comes to that. So
[00:33:23] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I think with a lot of businesses, it's, well, you know, we couldn't find anybody to that was willing to do the job here in the US, so we have to go overseas. But they leave out a little part that said, we couldn't find anybody here in the US that was willing to do the job for such little money. So we had to go overseas. Exactly.
[00:33:41] Jesse Fries:
You know? It's like, yeah. I I couldn't get somebody to do programming for $40,000. I don't know why I couldn't. You know? It makes no sense. You know? I Yeah. You you you can find a Indian for $40,000. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. For a bit, they'll they'll do that and then come over, and then, they'll try to get a green card. And then once they get that, then they'll quit that job and go up, you know. Find one that pays a hell of a lot better. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which I don't blame them for, but it's Oh, no. No. Not at all. Yeah. It it's it's a it it can be tweaked, but I I think you need to keep the system. But, yeah, it can be tweaked.
And letting educated people in the United States can only benefit the United States. You know? It Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I I saw this one thing where the amount of, like, per population, percentage of population, India has very few very few, high knowledge workers, highly educated, because the education system there is poor, if any at all. Oh, yeah. Yes. We talk about Indians, but most of them are flee if you've ever been to India, yeah, you you can understand why they might wanna come here. Not against India. It's, there's some lovely parts to it, but America, it's a much cleaner place.
Better education, better life for, people and everything like that versus India. So I can see why they wanna come here. I really do. And but what's sad is that these people are leaving India. These highly technical people are leaving India, which instead of helping India, they decided to come help America, basically.
[00:35:22] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:35:24] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That is one of the downsides to it. Yep. Yep. Yep. And I think that's why China is, doing better in that case than, a lot of Chinese come over, but then they go back usually. So it's not like a Yep.
[00:35:40] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's, yeah. Uh-huh. Immigration is a very
[00:35:47] Jesse Fries:
it's an important subject, but it's also a very touchy subject. It is a very touchy subject. Yeah. Yeah. It's, I'm used to talking about it because, well, my wife is an immigrant. So it's, I I I do come from it from knowledge and understanding of the situation, more than a lot of people. So
[00:36:06] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Mhmm. But sticking with politics, new way to figure out who won an election.
[00:36:15] Jesse Fries:
[00:36:16] Jamon Fries:
Roll a 20 sided die for it.
[00:36:19] Jesse Fries:
A 20 sided dice? Yep. I've heard of flipping a coin. But
[00:36:26] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. There there was a a municipal election in California where they came out complete dead tide. Uh-huh. And so they they had the 2 people roll the die to see who won. And so it was just the we we got a bigger number on the 20 side of the eye. Yeah. Wow. Okay. That that that's
[00:36:46] Jesse Fries:
they were going, how are we gonna decide that? Somebody looks in their pocket, go, well, I got this.
[00:36:53] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. I mean, they they had it all set up. They had a table with, like, a felt table cloth on it and everything else like that. I mean, they they set it up specifically for this role.
[00:37:05] Jesse Fries:
Wow. Wow. Yeah. I guess rolling dice makes sense. It's not because heads or tails, it's like you always feel cheated no matter what on that one. You know? So it's Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
[00:37:18] Jamon Fries:
Well, especially since only one person can flip the can flip the coin. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. If if all if all if if you're standing there and you've got a 3rd party flipping the coin, one party says head or heads or tails, The other one gets absolutely no choice in the matters. So Yep. Yep. You know, I I could see this feeling like it's not quite right. But it since both candidates got to roll the die,
[00:37:42] Jesse Fries:
it it's just pure luck as to who won. Yeah. No. It makes sense. It kinda does make sense. It's just funny that they picked a 20 sided dice instead of a 6 sided dice or any number sided dice. It doesn't make you know, 6 sided dice are much easier to find. Just saying. You know? They really they really are. Yeah. Yeah. The article the article was labeled,
[00:38:02] Jamon Fries:
Dungeons and Dragons dice used to break election tie in California.
[00:38:09] Jesse Fries:
I love it. Love it. Yep. Yeah. Let's see here. Looks like Biden, is trying to salvage his his legacy. That's basically what he's trying to do. He he's going around saying he he could have beat Trump. If he had stayed in, he would have beat Trump. He went on a podcast and actually said that. I thought that was hilarious.
[00:38:37] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. He he might have done slightly better than count than Kamala did, but I don't think he would've won it.
[00:38:45] Jesse Fries:
No. He no. There's no way. There is no way that the polls were so against him, So against him. It was, like, it was ridiculous how bad they were. Only the actual democrat faithful were gonna vote for him. The people that are gonna vote no matter what, but you get anybody with a brain, unlike Joe Biden, they they they're not gonna vote for him. You know? Because after that debate, you know, a friend of mine, he texted me. He goes Yeah. I I I don't I I I can't vote for him. Him. I I just can't vote for him. Yeah.
[00:39:20] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I don't know who he voted for anymore. Of that that that debate cost him a lot of even, even the somewhat more conservative liberal vote. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I it was it was horrible.
[00:39:35] Jesse Fries:
It it really was. It really was. That debate was my kids were making fun of him even, and they really don't know much of anything. My kids are making fun of him. It was bad. It was so bad. When when that happens, you know, it's bad. Right. Exactly. Yeah. It was it it was entertaining, though, watching him with that. So that was, that was funny. But, yeah, he he's trying to salvage it and everything like that, but yeah, yeah, it's not working, dude. You know, it's and then he also was complaining, apparently, like, in private, he was complaining that he should have picked somebody different than Merrick Garland, you know, the attorney general.
He he he he was complaining that the Department of Justice slowed their, prosecution of Trump, and they should have sped that up, he said. So, you know, good actual political hit job. He wanted a true political hit job. Yeah. Then he said that they were way too aggressive in, prosecuting Hunter. Yeah. So, yeah, it's all political is what he is saying there. You know? So
[00:40:43] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. He's he's admitting it all. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:40:49] Jesse Fries:
What can you do, though? At least he's gone, though, or soon to be. Yeah.
[00:40:53] Jamon Fries:
Soon to be. Yeah. Uh-huh. Still got 20 more still got 20 more days that he can try to fuck the country up.
[00:41:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Apparently, I also saw that, his, Department of Justice screwed over Spirit Airlines. They were good enough. That surprising. Yeah. No. They were Spirit Airlines. They they had negotiations with their pilots, and, the pilots got more money and everything like that, which caused Spirit to start losing money because they couldn't afford the the high wages and everything like that. And so because of that, they decided that they wanted to merge with JetBlue.
[00:41:32] Jamon Fries:
[00:41:34] Jesse Fries:
But the DOJ blocked that. They blocked that merger saying they would get rid of competition.
[00:41:42] Jamon Fries:
Would get rid of one competition. Well, right. Right. Right. But You know, if if if it were getting rid of all competition, then I could see potentially a reason to block it. But
[00:41:53] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I think they were saying still got so many other airlines out there that it's not really hurting anything. Yep. Yep. It would have made them, like, the 5th largest, airliner, in the United States. Okay. But their their budget, both of those airlines are budget. So more than likely, it would have still been budget and Yeah. Going up against the big boys, you know. So it's Yeah. That aren't budget. So it kinda it made sense to let it. And, basically, all that's happened is now Spirit has to go into bankruptcy.
[00:42:27] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's
[00:42:28] Jesse Fries:
And so what that means is that there'll be one airliner that's, at least greatly diminished, if not completely gone by the end of this. Yep. So there'll still just be JetBlue. Out of 2 budget airlines. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's more. There's, like, Frontier, I think maybe is still around. I I don't know. I don't fly very often right now, so I don't know who's still out there. These budget ones come and go so quickly. But if you if you go if you go by their argument,
[00:42:58] Jamon Fries:
those 2 joining together would essentially give them a monopoly on the budget on the budget airline deal, which is the only reason that they could possibly have used to close it down Right. Right. To stop the deal. But now, because of their actions, one of them may end up disappearing, leaving only 1. Exactly. Yeah. The only the only difference is is you have either 1 or 2 failing ones
[00:43:25] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Versus what could have possibly been one strong one. Yeah. And the judge in the case, he actually said, yeah. Actually, this merger would cause more competition against the the big four Yeah. But I'm still gonna deny the merger.
[00:43:41] Jamon Fries:
[00:43:42] Jesse Fries:
like, what? How does this make sense? I swear to god.
[00:43:45] Jamon Fries:
Well, it's probably because it would cause more more competition to the big four.
[00:43:50] Jesse Fries:
Hi. You never know. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe he was on the take from Delta and whatnot.
[00:43:56] Jamon Fries:
Could be.
[00:43:57] Jesse Fries:
Probably not, though. Probably not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You never know. Or any of the other big guys. But, yeah, it's not single delta or anything like that. But, yeah, it's, Right. Yep. Yep.
[00:44:11] Jamon Fries:
But, yeah, it's, that's insane.
[00:44:14] Jesse Fries:
It really is. It really is. Do you have anything else local? I have, like, one more other thing.
[00:44:24] Jamon Fries:
Not really anything local politics or anything like that or local decisions like that. Okay.
[00:44:31] Jesse Fries:
So have you been hearing about Trump, like, going after, Greenland, saying he wants to buy Greenland? And, also, he wants to, like he's been calling Canada the 51st state. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he wants to take the pan and he's talking about possibly taking the Panama Canal back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. There was a Washington Post story about it. And, yeah, they get of course, it's Washington Post, so they all look into how evil he is for doing such things and everything like that. But, you know, it's, like, the way I think about it is the Canada, what? I think Trump is just messing with him.
I think he's just having fun with it because their situation right now with Trudeau sucks. You know? And so Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, he's just giving those people something to laugh at and everything like that. And, of course, it wouldn't be the 51st state. It would be the 51st, 52nd, 53rd. It it it would be probably
[00:45:29] Jamon Fries:
another possibly 10 states. Of the each one of each one of the provinces would probably be turned into a state of its own Yeah. Versus all of Canada being one state. Yeah. Yep. Yep. So you just I mean, you know, you you go back to the nineties and people were always referring to Canada as the 51st state of the US.
[00:45:47] Jesse Fries:
We still do to this day. We we Yeah. You cross the border. It's just like the United States, but a little bit weird. That's all it is. Yep. You know, it's there's the money is plastic, and whatnot, but beyond that, the food tastes a little bit different and everything like that. Yep. But, yeah, it's it's just one of those jokes. So I I I always just think that that's a joke, the the whole calling Canada 51st state and everything like that. I I I think that's just some good neighborly ribbing is what I think that is.
[00:46:21] Jamon Fries:
I believe so too. Yeah.
[00:46:23] Jesse Fries:
When when it comes to Greenland, we have our most northerly airbase there. So I could see him maybe wanna buy it, personally. It's there's practically nobody there anyways. What is it? Like, 60,000 people live in Greenland or something like that? Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, it's just a few. It would probably cost us a pretty penny. People were putting, like, a number of about, like, a trillion or something like that on it. But, you know, it's more for strategic purposes. And Yeah. It it really it's just sitting up there. You nobody gets money from it, really. You know, it's kind of a useless piece of land. Beautiful from what it is. But, you know, it's just what it is.
So Yeah. Yeah. That's how I think on that one. And then Panama Canal, I I I think his issue main issue there is that, the Panamanians are cost charging us way too much money to actually go through the canal. Especially since we built it. You know? Yep. It's a Yep. And so I think that's what the issue is. And so he's doing this whole shtick that he always does. But, yeah, I'll just take it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna take it back. You know? I think it's just a way to get some, the cost down, from the Panamanians. Yeah. It it's a negotiation tactic. Yeah. That's how I view it. I don't think it's anything beyond that.
[00:47:46] Jamon Fries:
I Yeah. But, I mean, you know, even even with that, I mean, it's not like a lot of traffic moves through there right now anyways.
[00:47:54] Jesse Fries:
It doesn't?
[00:47:55] Jamon Fries:
Oh, no. There's been so much drought in the area that they have problems filling up all of the all the different, sections with water to get a boat to get them up and over the land and stuff. So they've they'd, now this was the last I heard about it was back during the summer. But, I mean, the the trend the the track traffic through there had to be cut down by, like, 50% or more. Oh, damn. That's crazy. Yeah. So that's that potentially could be part part of the reason why the costs serves as high as they are too now. Oh, I see. There's much, like, trash message for traffic, so they've gotta charge more for it.
[00:48:36] Jesse Fries:
Would make sense. Would make sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then it looks like some gangs are trying to get in before Trump, comes, to power.
[00:48:49] Jamon Fries:
I was actually surprised that a lot more people haven't tried to come through. You know, I'm I'm surprised there wasn't, like, this big wave
[00:48:55] Jesse Fries:
to try to get in before 20th. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But, apparently, it's like like that Venezuelan game, the trend, agua or something like that or, gua or I I don't know how to pronounce that. Butchering it. But, yeah, apparently, they're they're, like, using knives and, whatnot trying to attack Texas National Guard and whatnot to actually get into the United States, before Trump comes to power. So, yeah, kinda crazy there too.
[00:49:23] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It is. Mhmm.
[00:49:28] Jesse Fries:
Order's always been crazy, though. It it has. It has.
[00:49:32] Jamon Fries:
It's just gotten a little bit more so now because Trump is coming into power, and they know it's gonna be closed down pretty soon. Yep. Yep.
[00:49:41] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Let's see here. So what should we move on to now? Oh, sure sure. Jimmy Carter's dead. Yep. He he he finally died after being over a year in hospice. It took him forever to die on that one. Yeah. Hopefully, it wasn't too excruciating for him, being hospice for so long.
[00:50:00] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Absolutely.
[00:50:02] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. How how do you think of him? Do you do you think he was a good president?
[00:50:07] Jamon Fries:
I don't think he was a good president. I I I I will applaud him for all the humanitarian work that he did after he got out of office. Mhmm. But I do not think that he was a good president.
[00:50:18] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. I I I'm the same way. Yeah. His foreign policy sucked. Some people are trying to rewrite that story now and saying some of the Of course. Reagan is called for were actually Jimmy Carter and whatnot. But yeah. No. He he he was a pathetic president overall, I would say. So He he was definitely weak. Yeah. Yeah. He but it was more like a know nothing president. He wasn't bad. He just was a know nothing. You know? He was like, okay. Yeah. We we know him more now for not being president anyways than actually being president. So He he's mostly he's he's known really
[00:50:56] Jamon Fries:
heavily now for dissing humanitarian work and stuff like that. And, you know, I I definitely will give him 100% credit for all that. But, yeah, I've I can't name a single thing that he did while he was president other than get us into that Iran Contra stand scandal.
[00:51:15] Jesse Fries:
No. That was Reagan.
[00:51:18] Jamon Fries:
Wasn't it Reagan that got us out of it?
[00:51:21] Jesse Fries:
Well, it was the contra Iran contra, thing and everything like that. But yeah. Yeah. Actually, it was the embassy and everything like that. That was under the Carter. Yep. It was right. Reagan got the Reagan got the,
[00:51:34] Jamon Fries:
the prisoners back Right. Right. From Iran. Yep. So I'm, like, I I I don't know exactly how long it was into his into his term, but it was very quickly in his term, and then he got them all back. So
[00:51:48] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. See see, this is what happens when you like, the whole Iran thing and everything like that. This is what happens when outside power decides to force whatever on the system. You know? It's the Yeah. The Britain, BP especially, British Petroleum, they basically controlled Iran. Yeah. And then the people just got sick of him of them. And so, the Ayatollah came to power and kicked out the old government. It was a good old revolution and everything like that. It was all because they were sick and tired of the fucking Brits, being in there and Americans too, of course. But, yeah, just getting for the all the oil and everything like that. They were sick and tired of it. So yeah. It's Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Happens all the time.
[00:52:35] Jamon Fries:
It really does. Yeah. Yep. And then, after after hearing about Herschel Walker last week, you know, getting nominated by Trump Right. For the Bahamas ambassador, Saw a couple another saw a couple more names in the news that, they unfortunately passed away this last year. Oh, yeah. Fernando Venezuela. Do you remember him?
[00:53:04] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a baseball player. Right? Pitcher?
[00:53:08] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. LA Yeah. LA Dodgers pitcher. Yeah. So I thought great pitcher. He passed away this year Oh, yeah. Or last year. And then Whitey Herzog, do you remember him?
[00:53:19] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. He was a announcer, wasn't he?
[00:53:22] Jamon Fries:
No. He was the, cardinal's coach back in the day. Oh, okay. Okay. When when we played against them in the world when the twins Twinkies played him in the world series those 2 years, he was their coach. Oh, 87. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And then He passed away. He passed passed away as well as well as Pete Rose. Okay. He's playing baseball Austin. Baseball
[00:53:45] Jesse Fries:
lost a lot of great players this year. Yeah. No. Well, a lot of old great players, but, yeah, that's Oh, yeah. They weren't playing anymore.
[00:53:54] Jamon Fries:
Oh, no. No. No. No. And Pete Rose, baseball,
[00:53:58] Jesse Fries:
Major League Baseball is good. We're not really missing him. Just say it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They really should let him into the hall of fame, I'm saying, though. He was Just say. Yeah. He he was a great player.
[00:54:09] Jamon Fries:
The fact that he bet on done his team shouldn't take away his his acclimate. His shouldn't it shouldn't take away the the, boss on the word no. His greatness?
[00:54:29] Jesse Fries:
Him being one of the greatest players of all time?
[00:54:32] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. But, I mean, it I'm thinking more like the way that the the way that the sports look at him. You know, they they look at a great player, and he's like they know that he's great, so they put him so they give him all these awards and acclimations. Acclimations set that out. That's what I was just saying. Oh, yeah. So because he gambled on his own team, everything that he had done before that was just blocked off the book. According to what I've read, he did eventually admit to it. Like Okay. Okay. Many, many, many, many years later.
[00:55:06] Jesse Fries:
Because it's not like the black sox or anything like that where they threw the World Series. No. No.
[00:55:11] Jamon Fries:
No. He he didn't he didn't change how he played to throw the to throw the to make it said it was different, that the the outcome was different. He just put money down because he thought that his team was gonna win. Yeah. Which is funny now, especially with all the gambling that's going on in sports, not legalized gambling. This is it's just come on, guys. It's legalized gambling. Yes. I know it's probably still against their policy to
[00:55:35] Jesse Fries:
bet on their own team. I know. I I bet Yeah. Yeah. I bet that's still, in there. Maybe they can't even bet at all on baseball or something like that. But It could be. It is gambling's legal now, people. As long as you do your best and everything like that, I don't care. You know? It's, it doesn't matter to me.
[00:55:53] Jamon Fries:
Well, it's, like, the only reason that I that I looked down in the Black Sox is because they threw the game because Yeah. Because people were gambling on it. Yeah. Yep. When when you all when you alter your performance because of a bet or something like that, yeah, you're a horrible person. Yep. Yep. If if you're playing your best and you think you're going to succeed or you think that you're there's no way we're gonna beat these people, like, you know, I can imagine half of the teams back in the days would have would have been against themselves whenever they played the Yankees. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, it it didn't change how they played the game. They just knew they didn't have a chance.
[00:56:33] Jesse Fries:
There is that. There is that. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see here. Let's go with tech, I guess. Yeah. Alright. Tech sounds good. Looks like you have a lot of tech there.
[00:56:50] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I actually did find quite a bit in tech. The first one that we'll go with is, kind of I don't understand why peep why why these why people do this. So, there was a manufacturer of of augmented reality that they were designing to put in on the windshields of self driving cars.
[00:57:15] Jesse Fries:
[00:57:16] Jamon Fries:
Kind of to you know, it would have, like, the it would have the you know, as you're driving by, you'd see, like, this is this such and such theater. Then you could put advertisements for your for your business. So when they drove cluster of business, they could see the advertisement for the business and stuff like that. Oh, okay. Saying, you know, it all makes sense. I mean, I don't see a reason not to do that. It it could be kinda cool. Right. But this company went bankrupt and divested themselves in 2023, and now they're talking about what they can do in 2024.
[00:57:54] Jesse Fries:
What now? They went bankrupt. The the,
[00:57:59] Jamon Fries:
yeah, the the company went bankrupt. They have completely they have they have completely liquidated everything. There is no chance of it coming back. Uh-huh. And now they're starting to talk about it. Wouldn't it be cool if we could do this?
[00:58:16] Jesse Fries:
That's funny. That's funny. Maybe they still have some IP that they're trying to get rid of.
[00:58:21] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. After they've been liquidated, it's not the time to say, you know, this would be awesome. It should be should've been it should've happened a year ago where it could've actually made a difference for this company.
[00:58:32] Jesse Fries:
Makes sense to me. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:58:37] Jamon Fries:
The next one I found was, MIT along with I can't remember the name of the university, but it's a university in China, I believe.
[00:58:47] Jesse Fries:
[00:58:47] Jamon Fries:
Based based on the name, it sounds like a Chinese name. But they have invented a very a new lightweight lightweight prosthetic that will also be a lot cheaper than than prosthetics now. Because as as the prosthetics have gone into technology, they've gotten to the point where they can actually connect them into the nerves So you can think about squeezing your hand, and it'll and the handle squeeze. Right. Right. Well, the what MIT and this other university have come up with is using air pressure. They can they can change how much pressure is is is on the hand. So if you're trying to pick something up, it's also still run through the nerves and everything like that, but without having to have all of the mechanics and going with air pressure. You can pick up, like, a dollar bill. You can pick up a credit card with it and stuff like that.
But it's so much cheaper to do than any other than all the other prosthetics out there.
[00:59:51] Jesse Fries:
Well, that's nice. That's pretty
[00:59:54] Jamon Fries:
cool. Yep. They've also Northwestern University has invented a implant the to put onto or near, organs that have been transplanted Uh-huh. To to, what it does is it can see that the organ is starting to be rejected a lot faster than than we can figure it out with just the testing that we can do. Okay. And so that allows the doctors to have a lot more time to to figure out, you know, maybe even save it by figuring out a way to make it accept the transplant a little bit easier or something like that. Nice. Nice. So that was that was awesome, I thought. Yeah. Completely. Yeah. So that's those are the those are the 3 that I really liked talking about. You know, the AR one, the the augmented reality one for the cars, that would just be awesome.
I mean Right. You know, and there are other companies out there that are testing stuff like that. But I mean, this was this company that that's been shut down now. It started doing this in 2021. Uh-huh. They they designed it, and they were going strong and everything like that. They even had a car that they even had a car that they were testing it in and stuff, that was planned to launch in one line of vehicles that was completely automated. But, yeah, something happened and they couldn't do it anymore. So
[01:01:29] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Interesting. The coolest thing that I saw too, recently was, it was this article about, dark energy. Apparently Yeah. Because they people came up with this idea that dark energy is a thing because they couldn't Yeah. Understand the rapid expansion of space. Because it seems like Right. Space is, like, gaining in expansion, so it's getting faster and faster and faster and faster. Yeah. Looks like, there's some new ideas out there that, that's all crap. There there is no such thing as dark energy or anything like that. Basically, what what they say is that now instead of dark energy, what it is is where did that story go here?
Okay. Yeah. What they said is that no. That wasn't it. Okay. There he goes. Okay. So instead of dark energy, what's actually happening is that when it comes to, like, relativity so Einstein's theory of relativity, the idea is that so time is relative. Right? So if you have like, if you the faster you go, the slower time goes. Right? Right. And so, basically, if you go in a certain speed if you go speed of light, basically, time just stops is what the theory states. Time will stop for you, but for everybody else, time keeps going. And so you for you you, what might act if you're, like, at 99% of speed of light, what you think is just a minute could be, like, a 100 years on the planet Earth, that sort of thing. Right. Yeah.
Basically, what's going on is that's the same sort of thing when it comes to space and how it is expanding. They say that there's something called time scope, a time scope cosmology. And according to the research team, they said that if you put, like, a clock in the Milky Way, it would Mhmm. Tick approximately 35% slower than the same clock positioned in, a cosmic void between galaxies. And so because because of the mass, the gravity also affects time, because it's all interrelated. And so because of that, it looks like things are expanding faster, but because time is different in each one of these things, it actually is a consistent expansion.
It's just it's just that time itself Oh, man. Is different. There's and there's voids different places. And so but because of that, certain areas of the galaxy or the universe are actually expanding faster, or appear to be going faster. Yeah. Yeah. Because time is different.
[01:04:42] Jamon Fries:
[01:04:43] Jesse Fries:
So does your brain hurt yet?
[01:04:46] Jamon Fries:
A little bit. A little bit. But, you know, I I don't know if it hurts more from the concept that they're coming up with or if that's real, how much money was wasted on researching into dark energy?
[01:05:00] Jesse Fries:
Oh, a a bunch. Yeah. Because they it's just it's just like dark matter and everything like that. There so maybe there's no such thing as dark matter even.
[01:05:09] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. And if that's the case, how much research could have been done on the colliders that was instead, the time was occupied by the search for dark energy or for black matter.
[01:05:24] Jesse Fries:
Well, right. But the the this is the nature of science, you know. It's true. I know. I know. Yeah. A lot of times you go down The problem
[01:05:32] Jamon Fries:
the problem that I have though is that it's like one person thinks of something and suddenly all science in that area in that field has to stop because this guy had this idea. Right. There hasn't really been much research on anything related in that field other than black matter or dark energy. Well, apparently, some scientists were thinking outside the box. So, you know, there's that at least. So it's the Thankfully thankfully, there were some that didn't get trapped into that. Yep. Yep. Yep. The it's it's not just that. I mean, you you talk about, like, the climate science and stuff like that. Right. How how much research has ended because somebody came up with the with the global warming that man was was causing all the problems?
I mean, how much research couldn't be done because of that. You know? That that's the problem that I have when they when they get into the into those traps like that where this is this this has gotta be the way it is. One person says it, and so all of a sudden, all science has to stop. No. Yeah. I can understand that. I can understand that. But but to me, it's
[01:06:36] Jesse Fries:
climate science to me is a whole another thing because I I really think that Oh, yeah. People are making 1,000,000,000 of dollars off of what's going on, like, Al Gore and whatnot. They're they're they're they're raking in the money, you know, with all these things that they're doing. Oh, yeah. So it's their shtick, you know. And so but to me, it's like real physicists and everything like that that are trying to understand the world. It's like because within physics, you know, you have your specialties and everything like that within that. And so, you know, somebody comes up with this great idea of dark energy, but you're not really paying attention to dark energy. But you go, okay. Well, let me just throw in that computation because that seems to fit. And so and then it goes from there. It it's it's the questioning. This is what I love about science, though, is that even if there is a a hard fact that everybody knows, it it might not be a hard fact. That that's what I love about science, and that's why I hate people that say that you have because they are always questioning. They they always wanna know the truth. They're not just because somebody said something, just because 99.999 percent of scientists say something doesn't actually make it real.
That's what I that's what I love about scientists
[01:07:54] Jamon Fries:
and science because if that is true science, you know, it's, Well, that that's that's why in science, other than a few things, there is no such thing as the law of science.
[01:08:04] Jesse Fries:
Well, not anymore. Not anymore. They they used to call them laws, you know, like the law of gravity and everything like that, but they realized that that was stupid. Yep. And so that's why it's the theory of relativity instead of the law of relativity because they've just Yeah. Science science has realized, yeah, you can't put down laws anymore. Yeah. But they still call it the law of gravity. The the laws that we thought were in existence have
[01:08:36] Jamon Fries:
changed so much as we get new information. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. I I think my biggest pet peeve about science is any somebody says when anytime anybody says it's set science.
[01:08:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's no such thing. You know? There's no such thing as There isn't. Except for death and taxes. The the that's the only Yeah. You know, it's, you know, it's the only things that are a surety, in this life, you know, is the government's gonna wanna tax you, you know, no matter what government. It doesn't matter. You're gonna get taxed. The the government's gonna want its money, and you're gonna die eventually. That's Yes. Those those are two things that cannot be changed. Really cannot be. Really cannot. Yep. But yeah. No. I really find a a fascinating
[01:09:27] Jamon Fries:
I love that hard science. It's fun to extrapolate that and everything like that. So Yep. Yeah. No. It is very interesting, and it and it's a very interesting theory. Now the only thing that has to hold up for that to be true is the thought of what happens to time. Is it a speed does it approach the speed of light? Because we have no way of testing or knowing that. So
[01:09:49] Jesse Fries:
Well, basic no. This whole thing, I think, is the way it's the way it's thought is that it's mass gravity that is causing a difference in the time. It's not Right. It's not the speed. It's the actual it's the absence of matter in the void that is causing that causing time in the void to go faster.
[01:10:13] Jamon Fries:
[01:10:15] Jesse Fries:
So I I I think I I think it's it's because it in physics, it's all space and time. It it it's all
[01:10:24] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. No. It's all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all Yeah. You know, up in up until the point where we can actually put a physical clock into one of those voids to see if time actually runs at a different speed. This is just it it's something that can never be proven or disproven.
[01:10:44] Jesse Fries:
No. It really can't. It really can't. But what can be proven and disproven is that here at the Mindless Meanderings, we are a value for value model, which means that you guys, if you like the show, please let people know. The only way we can grow and everything like that and maybe start making some money is, if you guys share this podcast. I and just listen to our conversation, because that's all we're doing is having a conversation, having a good time. At least I think so. Yeah. And so, yeah, just help out the show. If you have any ideas, you can, send them to me at jesse@mindlessc.com, or you can, email jamen@jamen@mindlessmeanderings.com.
And you could help us out with ideas or money or anything like that. Any amount helps. It doesn't even matter. It could be a penny. Well, probably cost more to send a penny than to actually get a penny. But if you wanna send a penny and spend 5 pennies to send it, go for it. Seriously, think about that, though. Yeah. The the the you'd never know. It's, it would take some time. It would take some time. Let's see here. Oh, what what's the story? Chlamydia and koalas? What what's going on there? Yes. Supposedly,
[01:12:00] Jamon Fries:
I guess, down in, Australia Right. They're having there are a lot of koalas that are dying because they've gotten because they've gotten chlamydia. And they they actually think that it could cause the complete, extinction of the koala bear.
[01:12:18] Jesse Fries:
Wow. You you you know, they they they should, make koalas go through sex education and, they really should. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, they should stop those orgies, those koala orgies, I'm thinking. Yeah.
[01:12:31] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I know that in the in the news in the article, they were talking about how it used to be you could see a koala just about anywhere, you know, climbing up on the trees and stuff like that. But now they're they have such a small area and chlamydia is running rampant in there, so they're thinking about vaccine all of the koalas for chlamydia to see if maybe they can they can prevent it.
[01:12:54] Jesse Fries:
Let's just hope it's not a mRNA vaccine. But yeah.
[01:12:58] Jamon Fries:
Oh, yeah. Hopefully not. Otherwise, somebody else will kill them. Yeah. Exactly.
[01:13:04] Jesse Fries:
Another it makes sense. Yeah. Don't want koalas to die off. But, also, that would be a natural process. Just saying, you know, why are we getting involved? You know, it's a animals come, they go. You know, we're gonna go at some point in time.
[01:13:18] Jamon Fries:
They are, of course, claiming that it's not a natural process because of deforestation and the the, as cities and stuff have moved into their areas, their habitat has been shrinking so much more, making it so that chlamydia is more rampant in their community and stuff like that. I I don't know. I don't understand all of what they're saying, but, essentially, they're trying to blame it all on humans, of course.
[01:13:44] Jesse Fries:
Got it. Got it. So did some guy bugger a koala? Is that what they're trying to say?
[01:13:54] Jamon Fries:
I can only say I hope not. Right. I can't say it didn't happen. I can only say I hope not.
[01:14:08] Jesse Fries:
Well, speaking of animals, apparently, animals don't experience jealousy. So apparently, some people thought that they did. But then, some scientists looked at all the different studies that people have done, because sometimes, like a monkey, you would give a they would do something, then you would give them a treat. Yeah. And then they would, at at first, they would start giving, like, the same treat. And then next time, they would give a better treat to 1, and then the other animal would, like, throw that other piece at the person giving the treat because he wanted the better one. And so so apparently scientists were, like, saying, well, that's jealousy.
But it was only about the object. It wasn't actually towards the other animal, because jealousy to me, I think, is more of a towards the other person. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's it's not it's not necessarily about of course, you would want the better thing. Of course, we would all want, you know, like, a Bentley or something like that, or like a Porsche or, you know, a Maserati, you know. Of course, we would all want that. But I
[01:15:10] Jamon Fries:
I'm always more jealous of the guy that can afford the Maserati versus the actual Maserati itself.
[01:15:16] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It's a you're you're more jealous about the person than the thing. So this Yeah. What the study does is just going yeah. No. They just the animals just realized that they wanted the better thing. That's it. It wasn't that Yeah. They were necessarily jealous. They just wanted the better thing. So, yeah, makes sense to me. Yeah. Absolutely.
[01:15:37] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah. That that definitely does. Yeah.
[01:15:41] Jesse Fries:
Mhmm. And then, also oh, speaking of AI, well, we weren't speaking of AI. But with AI, so apparently, AI can help spot heart conditions now, atrial fibrillation.
[01:16:00] Jamon Fries:
[01:16:01] Jesse Fries:
The miss, heartbeats and everything like that. Yeah. So they and all that is needed is that the AI, all it needs is your regular, doctor's notes. So just your GPs, your general practitioner's notes, and it can spot from that. Apparently, it can spot a lot of people that have atrial fibrillation before symptoms even show up.
[01:16:29] Jamon Fries:
That's not that surprising to me because, you know, I I personally am AFib.
[01:16:34] Jesse Fries:
Right. And
[01:16:36] Jamon Fries:
I I can remember, you know, back when I first I I I know the day that I got that I became AFib. Uh-huh. The the so when you're talking about doctor's notes and, you know, in my case, it was over it was an overnight thing. It it was due to alcohol poisoning, honestly.
[01:16:56] Jesse Fries:
I completely understand.
[01:16:59] Jamon Fries:
Had hadn't drunk for about it hadn't drunk any alcohol at all at all for about a year, year and a half. Met up with some old friends, drank about a liter of alcohol, and, yeah, boom. It was done.
[01:17:12] Jesse Fries:
Holy crap. It's a liter. Okay.
[01:17:15] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. For it's in the old days, that would have been nothing. Right. Right. But, but yeah. And so with me, with that instant overnight shift, you know, I the symptoms were so blaringly obvious. I went from one day being able to walk quite quite a ways without any issue at all to the very next day, not even being able to walk from my car into the park from my car in the parking lot of the movie theater into the movie theater without getting winded. Oh, man. That's crazy. Yeah. And so if so, generally, when you're talking to your GP, you know, you'll say you'll be telling them, you know, like, I'm starting to get a little bit more winded or something like that. And Right. And so so you can just take those notes, and it'll say, yeah. There's definitely something wrong with this guy's heart then is what it sounds like. Yeah. And that's pretty cool.
It really is. The fast the faster you catch it, the easier it is to to, fix it.
[01:18:12] Jesse Fries:
It it really is. It really is. So yeah. It it it's cool that, this is what AI is for in my book. You know, it's to actually, like, help us. You know? It's not to Yes. Replace us or anything like that. It's a it's a useful tool, and I don't think it will ever get to the point where we we always have to do stuff, I always think.
[01:18:33] Jamon Fries:
But, Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yep.
[01:18:37] Jesse Fries:
But, yeah, I think let's do one more story. It's kind of a lighthearted one, and then we can be gone for the day. So, apparently, some the the the scientists are starting to think about people having sex in space. Right? Because because we're all gonna get around, man. So so so the everybody's decided that we're gonna have sex in space. And what this one scientist, said, is that she suggests that we should try doing it dolphin style. You've heard of doggy style. You but you've never I bet you've never heard of dolphin style. No. No. I've never heard of dolphin style. So, basically, dolphin style because they're, like, neutral buoyant, right, in the water? Yeah.
And so they have a style of having sex. And so, basically, because of that, it's, it might work in low gravity. So what the scientist, doctor Pandia or something like that, said is that when 2 dolphins are trying to mate, they need a third one to come in and, takes one for the team, and holds a partner in place so the 2 dolphins can successfully mate. So somebody has to be there holding the other holding them together So that makes sense.
[01:19:59] Jamon Fries:
This this reminds me of something else that I read. Oh, man. I didn't wanna be reminded of that. I I guess in some religious places such as, like, Nevada or not Nevada, but, Utah. Uh-huh. I'm sure you know which church I'm talking about. Yep. Premarital sex is forbidden.
[01:20:21] Jesse Fries:
Right? Of course.
[01:20:23] Jamon Fries:
So they have come up with a with a quote, unquote loophole that as long as you don't move
[01:20:31] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. It's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They they And
[01:20:35] Jamon Fries:
so I would I was I was I was watching this just random video where they were interviewing people on the street asking if have you ever done this before? And they're like, no. No. Never never have. I've read about it, but, you know, I didn't figure my partner would be interested in it. And partner's like, yeah. I wouldn't wouldn't mind it. And he's like, so now we now the only thing we need to to do is we need to find a shaker. Somebody to jump on the bed to make the motion happen. There's a thing. Is not the one doing the motion. It's fine. Okay. Okay. That works. That works, I guess. Already. So so we're already doing dolphin
[01:21:19] Jesse Fries:
style. Yeah. Apparently, some people are doing dolphin style. That that that's, quite entertaining. Yeah. Some other people one other person proposed using Velcro suits. So I I I don't know. I I think we could figure it out. I don't I I really don't think we need scientists to tell us how to, populate. I think we could figure it out in any way, you know, personally. You know? It's Yeah.
[01:21:48] Jamon Fries:
It's called holding on.
[01:21:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. We we we got hands. You know, dolphins don't really have hands. You know, they they they can't grasp very well. You know, they all they got is those little flippers. You know?
[01:22:02] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. And they're trying to keep themselves in position. We have radio ways to keep ourselves in position.
[01:22:08] Jesse Fries:
We we have heads, arms, legs. You know, we have all these things that dolphins don't have. Well, on that note, thank you for joining us for episode 18 of the Mindless Me Entering podcast. I'm Jesse Fries.
[01:22:23] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:22:25] Jesse Fries:
And you guys have a great 2025.
Weather Forecast Models
New Orleans Tragedy
Bowl Game Delays
Christmas Recap
Plane Crashes and International Incidents
Famine Definition Debate
Gaza Privacy Concerns
Hezbollah Commander News
Putin's Christmas Attack
Ukraine's Pipeline Shutdown
H1B Visa Debate
Election Tie Breaker
Biden's Legacy Concerns
Trump's Territorial Ambitions
Border Tensions
Jimmy Carter's Legacy
Baseball Legends Pass Away
Tech Innovations
Dark Energy Debate
Koalas and Chlamydia
Animal Jealousy Study
AI in Healthcare
Space Sex: Dolphin Style