Drones Trudeau and NATO.
Hosted by:
- Jamon Fries
(00:02:01) Technical Difficulties
(00:05:02) TV Upgrades and Home Setup
(00:08:05) Sports Talk: NFL and Team Performances
(00:11:00) International Politics and Trade Issues
(00:14:45) NATO and European Military Spending
(00:19:02) Biden's Pardons and Legal System Critiques
(00:25:08) Movie Critiques and Entertainment
(00:28:00) Space Station Updates and New Technologies
(00:30:01) Work From Home Policies and Federal Employment
(00:32:44) Consumer Protection and Pricing Transparency
(00:39:38) Retail Experiences and Self-Checkout Issues
(00:45:16) Whistleblower Risks and Corporate Ethics
(00:50:56) Generational Sensitivity and Social Observations
(00:57:01) Personal Interests and Career Reflections
(01:01:21) Scientific Advances in Dental Health
(01:06:41) Drone Regulations and State Control
Wait. Where's that coming from? So this we got messed up once, but, not being prepared. Like, always, I guess. Let me see. What is going on? External headphones. Okay. Let's see. Why is it doing that?
[00:00:23] Jamon Fries:
Technical difficulties to get this early in the show. Know that now. It's so weird though because that's where we when we were testing it, I heard all the sounds perfectly. Yeah. And now you're not? No. Now it sounds like it's playing in a speaker on your side. It's not coming through my headset. Yeah. Because that's what's that's what
[00:00:46] Jesse Fries:
[00:00:48] Jamon Fries:
doing. That's coming through my headset. But that one isn't. Yeah. I have no idea.
[00:00:55] Jesse Fries:
That's the weirdest thing. Let me try something. Yeah. Sorry about this. We're professionals here. Can't you tell? Oh, let's see here. That's weird. Nice. Yeah. Let's see here. I'm trying to
[00:01:25] Jamon Fries:
this is not working. Let's let's just go with it for now. I can hear it. So, hopefully, they can hear it on the recording.
[00:01:32] Jesse Fries:
[00:01:32] Jamon Fries:
Okay. Okay. Let's do that. Let's see here. Well, then we can figure it out later. Hopefully. Yeah.
[00:02:02] Jesse Fries:
Good morning, everybody. It is Wednesday, December 18th somehow. Don't know how that is already, And we are live, with some technical difficulties as usual on number episode number 16 of the mindless meanderings. I'm Jesse Friese coming to you from Central Texas where I really don't wanna do anything today, but I have to do this and I have to clean. So, you know, there you go.
[00:02:27] Jamon Fries:
Well, that's why you don't wanna do anything because you gotta clean.
[00:02:31] Jesse Fries:
Well, no. Yesterday was crazy.
[00:02:34] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Freese coming at you from eastern Kansas where it's nice out right now. We're supposed to hit mid forties, but tomorrow, we're gonna be in single digits potentially.
[00:02:47] Jesse Fries:
Woo hoo. That is fantastic.
[00:02:49] Jamon Fries:
Single digits. God love that. And then back up back up in the mid fifties for Christmas.
[00:02:55] Jesse Fries:
Whew. Well, yeah. Yeah. Sounds about right. That's Kansas for you up and down up and down. Yep.
[00:03:03] Jamon Fries:
[00:03:06] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. So yeah, yesterday was crazy. That was I was running around every which way, putting up new TVs, putting up old TVs, everything like that around the house. So Fun. Fun. Yeah. Trying to get ready for Christmas break. We're just sticking around the house, and the wife wanted to make sure that, every one of us had a nice sized TV. So so so so I took that and I go, well, you want a bigger CV for the spare bedroom of my office here. But the playroom, you know, that was just it's that's just like a 55 or a 50. So, you know, maybe I could just get like, playroom is, like, another living room. And so I'm going, wow. You know, I could just get, like, a 65 for there and then move the 50 from there.
[00:03:58] Jamon Fries:
Absolutely. I mean, and and anytime the wife talks about needing a needing a better TV anywhere, it obviously has to mean that you have to upgrade every room.
[00:04:09] Jesse Fries:
Well, well, you get one and then you just shift them all down. Well, you know, it's And then you move the bigger one into the smaller one and Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. So we get Every room gets the upgrade, but it doesn't cost that much. Yeah. Yeah. So now I have to find a place for our original LCD, TV that we've had since, I don't know, 12, 13, 14 years.
[00:04:30] Jamon Fries:
It's probably gonna go to the garage. But you can all you could always you could always send it up here. It's probably a heck of a lot better than what I've got.
[00:04:37] Jesse Fries:
It's a 720, so I don't know. It is ancient. It is ancient.
[00:04:42] Jamon Fries:
I, right now, am using it, spare TV of the older brothers that he didn't need anymore. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. So, yeah. Yeah.
[00:04:52] Jesse Fries:
No, no. I, I think I'll just put it in my garage. That's probably what I'll do. I'll have a garage TV. See? Yeah? Garage TV? I'll just need a garage couch. And then, you know, I could just live in the garage. It works. No worries. Absolutely.
[00:05:04] Jamon Fries:
And and I'm disappointed with your team, man. The Lions will really let me down last the the other day on Sunday.
[00:05:11] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. That sucked. But the Bills, I swear to god, the Bills might go all the way. They took out the 2 big ones. Oh, yeah.
[00:05:18] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. They they took out the Chiefs. They took out the Lions.
[00:05:21] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. I think the Bills might go all the way if they can get through. They have a bunch of possibility.
[00:05:30] Jamon Fries:
It the Chiefs will have to improve their game quite a bit compared to how they played last this last weekend. I mean, that was bad. Yeah. The the Chiefs have been sloppy, but they've gotten lucky, really lucky. So
[00:05:41] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Throughout the season. So Yeah. Let's see if it could hold up against some, like, really good teams.
[00:05:47] Jamon Fries:
Let's see here. Yeah. That was really I was really holding the Lions would pull it out, though. That would make it so that the Chiefs that would make it so that the Chiefs were closer to, clinching home the home to home field advantage for the playoffs. Right. But, oh, well.
[00:06:03] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. What can you do? Life goes on. At least we don't have drones. You know? There's just Easily true. Yes. Yes.
[00:06:12] Jamon Fries:
I I have to look up in the sky and wondering wonder what the heck is going on out there.
[00:06:17] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. The drones thing is really odd. That is one of the craziest things. Is. Yeah. Yeah. It's like all these conspiracy theories, some of them are awesome. You know? It's like looking for nuclear this or that. You know?
[00:06:31] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yep. Talking about how there would, I heard one that there was that there had been nuclear, I guess, coming into one of the ports. They had since the sensors showed showed that there was new something nuclear coming in, but they let it in the ports anyways, and then it disappeared from the port. Yeah. But I'm like, if the port showed that it was nuclear, there ain't no way in hell that would have gotten through any inspection.
[00:06:59] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. And then I loved, like, when it was first starting off, everybody was going aliens. Oh, aliens. Aliens. Yeah. And and then I saw the pictures of these things. I'm going, dude, how high were you that you thought that that was a alien spaceship? That's a drone. You could tell that's a drone. And wait a minute. That's a plane. Yeah. It's like Yeah.
[00:07:20] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No. All I all I have to say is if it is aliens, they're a lot smaller than I thought they were. Right? Right? Yeah. No. It it's because, I mean, those drones are what? Like, 50, a 100 feet off the ground?
[00:07:33] Jesse Fries:
Something like that. Yeah. It it's they're not high off the ground. Some of them might be, but it it's pure craziness. And I think just maybe for once, New Jersey people decide to look up in the air. I think that might be all it is.
[00:07:47] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:07:51] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. Something, but I don't know. It seems a bit odd to me. So
[00:07:57] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I did. It's I I just find it hilarious that I'd say probably 90% of the conspiracies that I've heard about it are all linked to keeping Trump out of office on 20th January.
[00:08:11] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Of course. You know, have to you have to have those Yeah. Conspiracies like q and not and whatnot. Yeah. No. I think Yep. I think everybody's pretty much happy with Trump going in. The majority of Americans like what, so far, the job that he isn't doing yet. You know? So Yep.
[00:08:35] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. People seem to Yeah. I mean, that's the yeah. It's it's, it's so amusing. I I heard, read an article yesterday about how Canada is now has now, and bumped up their border their borders with the US. They're they're starting to look at stuff going towards the US in a lot a lot harder way. Uh-huh. All to prevent the tariffs that Trump said he would put on them if they don't stop the shit from coming coming across the border.
[00:09:05] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. Yeah. And I guess we could kind of get into it. It looks like that is part of the reason why Trudeau was in such trouble too. I understand, which is just hilarious.
[00:09:20] Jamon Fries:
Yep. It really is. We can get to that one later. Everything out everything out of Canada is just kind of a it's something that you'd expect out of a out of out of a comedy show show or something. You know? I I I'm I'm thinking, you know, first time I saw it, I'm like, this isn't like, Saturday Night Live, is it?
[00:09:41] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Everything is just kinda crazy up there. Trudeau is going through, I don't know his what was his financial secretary or whatever minister had decided to quit and everything like that. Yeah. And there's hours before having to give the report. Right. Right. And that was all due to him, Trudeau, wanting to, like, increase spending beyond what the the finance minister would wanna do all because of a way to counteract the supposed incoming 25% tariff that Trump is gonna put on Canada. So so, actually, it all comes back to Trump. Did you know that? Did did you know that that It really does.
[00:10:20] Jamon Fries:
Everything goes back to Trump, man.
[00:10:23] Jesse Fries:
It really does. It's like, good. Trump. Trump. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird craziness up there. It's, I can't believe he hasn't resigned yet, really. They seem to hate him up there like crazy. So
[00:10:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. He's he's not been that popular in Canada. I mean, I've heard stories about how of, how unpopular he was ever since the, truck drivers strike a few years ago. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Due to COVID. Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:10:53] Jesse Fries:
And it's just gotten worse and worse and worse. So Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It is pure crazy. It's craziness up there. Yep.
[00:11:03] Jamon Fries:
That's in fact, I've heard that, some of those people are starting to get in trouble because they for, they're they're talking about how they they, closed down the bank accounts of the truck drivers that that drove to, where was it? That they drove to Toronto or something? That wasn't Toronto. No. Ottawa. Yeah. Toronto. Ottawa. Yeah. Yeah. They they drove to Ottawa. The they're they closed out a bunch of the bank accounts to those truck drivers and stuff, and they've been thinking about it lately.
[00:11:32] Jesse Fries:
Uh-huh. Yeah. It it's what some of these countries that are more like America have been doing lately, it's been kinda crazy.
[00:11:40] Jamon Fries:
Oh, I know. I know. Absolutely.
[00:11:43] Jesse Fries:
It's just been nuts. Well, we we might as well talk about another country that's collapsing, Germany right now. Their their government seems to be collapsing as well. Nobody I I'm not exactly sure why it's collapsing, but apparently, it's just a tight time for Europe right now. They're trying to get a trade deal with South America going Okay. Which is also causing the problem in France actually, because the farmers don't want that trade deal, especially Argentinean beef. Because Argentina is like the largest beef producer in the world. Yeah. And so a lot of the farmers there just don't want that to happen. So yeah.
[00:12:41] Jamon Fries:
I mean, it makes sense. That that's one of the bigger problems with, with, you know, I don't really have I don't normally have too much negative to say about internet international trade and stuff like that. But Uh-huh. When when you let it affect your own farmers or industries or businesses and stuff like that, it's not beneficial to the country. I mean, sure, we may get cheaper product, but we've got how many people that no longer have jobs now?
[00:13:13] Jesse Fries:
Right. But it's not also just jobs. It's also security. What if, it's a fan, whether militarily or some disaster, and then you're reliant on food that has to go halfway across the world, you know? Well, not not only that, but I mean, if if Argentina
[00:13:29] Jamon Fries:
decides that they don't like us for some reason anymore Yep. And they cut off the beef coming here Yep. We we had to stop production. We had we would have had to have stopped our beef production because theirs was so much cheaper, so we couldn't compete with it. And all of a sudden, it's like, okay. So we have no food anymore. Yeah. This might be a problem.
[00:13:53] Jesse Fries:
Uh-huh. Yeah. Just maybe so. But, yeah, so things are just getting crazy over in Europe.
[00:13:59] Jamon Fries:
[00:14:00] Jesse Fries:
And, yeah, it looks like I heard it was just something that I heard it was like part of the issue with Germany was that looks like they might there's been a rumor that they might wanna get out of NATO because they're getting sick of NATO, which would be interesting. That's just something I kinda heard. I don't know if that's real or not. I haven't actually seen anything on it, but I heard it on a podcast. Because and you know how believable podcasts are, like, like ours and everything like that. Oh, absolutely. Yes. Yes.
[00:14:28] Jamon Fries:
[00:14:29] Jesse Fries:
accurate. That's all I'll say. 100% guaranteed by me.
[00:14:37] Jamon Fries:
I guarantee that I thought that everything I said was true.
[00:14:41] Jesse Fries:
At least at the time. Yep.
[00:14:43] Jamon Fries:
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:14:46] Jesse Fries:
But, yeah, looks like NATO also is wants Europe to shift to a wartime mindset. So they wanna bump up everything for spending towards the military. So
[00:15:00] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Which means I want the US to put in a lot more money. No.
[00:15:04] Jesse Fries:
Actually, actually, no. That that that's the thing is that yeah. The the the the secretary general of NATO, he wants Europe to boost their military expense. And he wants to basically divert social spending actually into the militaries is what he wants to do.
[00:15:25] Jamon Fries:
Can any of them actually afford to do that, though?
[00:15:29] Jesse Fries:
Well, they would take it from
[00:15:31] Jamon Fries:
social spending. So all the things that they give to their people. But but, I mean, are the people gonna put up with that? Well, I I think you've been You in some of the in some of those countries, social spending is like Yeah. People aren't working because they get money from the government. Yeah.
[00:15:49] Jesse Fries:
So yeah. Yeah. Not only that, but the EU, the whole idea of the EU was to bring Europe together and not to increase military. You know, this is kinda like bringing the military into a line is what it seems like to me.
[00:16:05] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It's I mean, I I know I I know why they're doing it, and it kinda makes sense. You know, they're afraid of Russia, of course. Right. In fact, in in Poland lately here that or, yeah, they in Poland, they've started, putting a mandatory class in high schools now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw that. That was pretty cool. They're they're they're they're teaching them how to shoot guns. Yep. Yep. Yep. And and yeah. Every single person has to learn how to shoot those guns. It makes sense to me. Years old up or something like that. Yep. It does. It makes a lot of sense. I don't know why we don't do stuff like that.
[00:16:45] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. It would make a lot of sense. So that way, maybe we wouldn't have, like, that shooter that just went through. So Yeah. In up in Wisconsin. But but but the shooter was a woman. So the like like Yeah. Just just a straight up woman from everything I could tell. So or girl, really, 15 years old or something like that. But Yeah.
[00:17:07] Jamon Fries:
No. It it it doesn't happen very often that it's a girl. You know, usually, it's the boys. Yeah. There were there were a lot of there were a lot of reports at first that she was transgender, but that's kind of all been debunked now from what I've heard.
[00:17:20] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Because that's what they're gonna say no matter what, especially the people that do that. It's like, no matter what, they're gonna blame the transgender. And you just go how about you just wait? See what it actually is people instead of just
[00:17:33] Jamon Fries:
yeah. I heard what I I saw one guy talking about it, Ben Shapiro. He was talking about it. Uh-huh. And he was like, you know, you can always tell who which side was doing the shooting. Mhmm. Because if it's a conservative side, if if it's like racial or if it's something like that, the media and everything else like that are really big into we it it's all about racism or it's all about, homophobia, you know, all these different things that they throw out there. Right. But if it's someone from a left leaning side, the only thing you ever hear out of the media is we need stricter gun control.
[00:18:19] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep.
[00:18:22] Jamon Fries:
That is about right. Yeah. Yeah. Has there been calls for that after this one? I haven't heard anything actually on the have you remember? There were people talking about about stricter gun laws.
[00:18:32] Jesse Fries:
Well, it's not a surprise, but, yeah, I haven't heard something about it. You know? It's,
[00:18:37] Jamon Fries:
usually There was a few politicians that down to the news media and were talking about it. No. Got it. Got it. Yeah. There's just the normal actors, so it's never gonna be big news that they're that they're talking about it. But,
[00:18:51] Jesse Fries:
yeah. Yeah. But maybe Biden will commute her sentence or give her a pardon. He seems to be doing it to everybody. Yeah. Yeah. He absolutely does. I mean,
[00:19:01] Jamon Fries:
almost everybody. Yeah. What was it? 1500 in one day? Yeah. Yep. 1500 in one day. All 50 and he didn't even know any of those 1500. Yep. Yep. Do you know do you know how do you know how he decided on those 1500? How? He took everybody so you remember when COVID was was was going strong. Uh-huh. They decided that they needed to empty out some of the prisons by having them, by letting letting people with, quote, unquote, lesser crimes go home and be in home be in home, detention or whatever it's called. Uh-huh. Yep. Well, now because those people have all been home and they've reclimated themselves back into society, it's now time to commute all 1500 of those people.
So all 1500 of those people were people that were let out of prison due to COVID. Really? All of them? Yeah. So All of them. So All 1500.
[00:20:02] Jesse Fries:
So the Chinese spies were already out.
[00:20:05] Jamon Fries:
[00:20:06] Jesse Fries:
And the the guy, the Chinese guy that had all the child porn was already out. So so Oh, okay. Okay. So so okay. So what was the point of it then? Okay. It's Well, it was it was purely that they have,
[00:20:24] Jamon Fries:
they have acclimated back into society, so we should no longer consider them under detention anymore. Okay. Them go free now.
[00:20:32] Jesse Fries:
Got it. Got it.
[00:20:33] Jamon Fries:
So yeah. You know, people people like the the Chinese with the child porn and the Mhmm. The judge for the the, kids for cash program Right. Which I mean, that's just insane. Are you familiar with the Kids for Cash program, what that was? Really. No. No. What is that? Okay. It it happened back in 2010 was when they when they were arrested for it. Mhmm. Essentially, there was a private, there was a privately owned for profit children's facility that would that the court could send children to you. Okay. And these judges received kickbacks from this from this from this corporation, from this company to to increase the sentences for children so that they'd have to stay there longer. Oh, okay.
And, I mean, we're talking somebody with some some one kid was put into jail because he disrespected his vice principal on Myspace. MySpace? He got jail time for that. Yes. MySpace. A long time ago. You know, back in this was 2000.
[00:21:48] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ. MySpace. Oh, that's hilarious. So,
[00:21:54] Jamon Fries:
you know, the now the I'm I'm somewhat on and off about the pardon about the commute commutation of this guy's sentence because he did only have about another 3 years left on a sentence. Right. He was sentenced since 202010. He had a 17 and a half year, sentence. So he only had about 3 and a half years left on the sentence if that I mean, probably closer to 2a half. Uh-huh. But that's he he was he was originally indicted for on 42, counts if I remember correctly. Okay. And he plead guilty to 1, and that was the only one that he was sentenced for. Odd. He didn't they didn't even they didn't even finish the trial for the other 41 counts.
He plead guilty on the one, so they said and they sentenced him to 17 year then a half years. The other judge that was working with him, he decided not not to plead guilty. He decided to take it through the court, and he was found guilty on 17 charges and has 28 year got 20 a 28 year sentence.
[00:23:04] Jesse Fries:
Okay. Okay. So it was it was a plea deal.
[00:23:08] Jamon Fries:
[00:23:09] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah.
[00:23:11] Jamon Fries:
I mean, I I just to me, it just strikes me odd that he only had to plead guilty to one count, and they weren't they didn't even bother with anything else.
[00:23:21] Jesse Fries:
Well, they got the years out of them. So, you know, a lot of times that's what it that's that's how those plea deals work a lot of times. It's just like, just just go for this one, and then we'll give you the smile years, and then we'll just, wipe the slate on those other ones. So
[00:23:37] Jamon Fries:
Yep. Yeah. But now the the biggest reason why it why it hit the news so bad this time is because there were, I think, 3 or 4 kids that were sentenced insanely long sentences that ended up committing suicide in there. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. No. Not bad. You know, so the the parents were were very outraged at this. But, yeah, the it's just a commutation. It's just 3 years off. I mean, he probably would have gotten that for a good time anyways. You know what I mean? You know, I mean, good behavior. I'll get you to get a lot of sentence time knocked off of a prison sentence.
[00:24:16] Jesse Fries:
Right. Right. Right. Yeah. No. There is a movie that kinda had it's a recent movie. I can't even remember what it was. I watched it. But it was basically the same sort of thing where the the judge and the cops were, like, messing around, sending people to jail for, like, 90 days just for a misdemeanor that would have been just a ticket or whatnot and everything like that. Yeah. It's, yeah, that movie sucked. I real I really hated that movie. You know, it was, it no. The storyline was great and everything like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But there's nobody died. Like, it was a action movie, and nobody died.
I'm like so much of an action movie. I know. Right? The the the because these cops were going after this one guy. Right? And and they were, like, trying to kill him and everything like that, stop him. And the guy just Yeah. He just, like, broke some bones maybe, and that was about it. And I'm like, well, you should have wiped out the entire police force because that was the whole point. It was like, and then at the end, half the police horse turns against their sheriff. And I'm like, okay. It was like a 2 hour and some odd move minute movie and me and Carol were like, well, that was a waste of our time.
So so so we found Absolutely. And that was late. We finished that around like 11. And then we were going, well, we can't go to bed on that note. So we put in some bloody thing and stayed up until 1 o'clock
[00:25:47] Jamon Fries:
just so we could get them to to see your killings. Right?
[00:25:51] Jesse Fries:
I had to. It was like, where is the killings? You know? Action movie. Killing the killing. I that's feel the blood. This this is what I want. Yeah.
[00:26:07] Jamon Fries:
Oh, wow. Yeah.
[00:26:09] Jesse Fries:
But speaking of things that you really don't, expect is, like, the Gilligan Space Station now, you know. They're they're still up there. Yes. Yes. And they're extending it now, I hear.
[00:26:22] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. To late March. It was supposed to be early February. They've, pushed it back to late March now. Oh, yeah. I think they might hit a year. You know? That's what I'm thinking. It's very possible. That's very possible. Yeah. No. Supposedly, according to what I've heard, the government that's I guess SpaceX is has redesigned a new, a new capsule.
[00:26:48] Jesse Fries:
[00:26:49] Jamon Fries:
And the government wants them to use that one to go pick them up. So they're so that just making sure that that one's all ready to go is is what's causing the delay. I don't know why they don't just send up the old Dragon capsule, why they just set up the new one, but
[00:27:05] Jesse Fries:
yeah. Wonder what's on that.
[00:27:12] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. No kidding.
[00:27:14] Jesse Fries:
Just say it.
[00:27:17] Jamon Fries:
May maybe, you know, it it might just be that it has a larger crew capacity so they can send the the old the planned old full crew staff instead of having to shark them a member or 2. That could make sense. That could make sense. I mean, yeah. To to me, that would makes that would make it understandable to delay for a month or so. Mhmm. But Definitely.
[00:27:39] Jesse Fries:
[00:27:41] Jamon Fries:
I I don't know if that's what's really going on, but, you know, that could be a potential reason.
[00:27:47] Jesse Fries:
It is. It yeah. Definitely. Could be. Could be.
[00:27:51] Jamon Fries:
[00:27:53] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. What else we got?
[00:27:59] Jamon Fries:
Let me see. You wanna get into politics, or do you wanna get into other stuff?
[00:28:05] Jesse Fries:
Let's finish politics off.
[00:28:07] Jamon Fries:
Alright. So you heard about Biden's work from home deal? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of. Kind of. Yeah. So so Trump has been saying for a long time now that as soon as he's in the office, he's gonna tell all the federal employees that they need to come into the office to work or they're gonna be fired.
[00:28:26] Jesse Fries:
[00:28:27] Jamon Fries:
So Biden signed something saying that for the next 5 years, these guys don't have to work from the office.
[00:28:36] Jesse Fries:
Jesus Christ.
[00:28:39] Jamon Fries:
Now, since it's something that the president just signed, I don't think it's like a contract or anything like that. Order type thing. All that means is that Trump just has to turn it just has to put in a new executive order out saying that this is that that executive order is no longer in in but I mean
[00:29:01] Jesse Fries:
No. That's that's that's never how it works, Jaeme. If you remember, the way it works is that if an executive order goes in, if you're trying to appeal it, and this always goes to court, always does. If you try to if the next president tries to reverse it, then they'll come to court, the people that don't like it, and they'll say you didn't give enough warning. You didn't allow people to, comment on it. There's all these things that you have. No, seriously. You've seen it all the time. And that's how it works. And so so no matter what, it will delay things, I would say, by at least a year or 2.
Just Oh, wow. Yeah. Because that's how it always works. Yeah. That is how it always works. Yep.
[00:29:46] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I've seen a lot of a lot of stuff on Twitter and stuff talking about how they they, you know, just kind of ignore it and just fire them all instead.
[00:29:58] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But it's hard to do that with the federal government, you know. But then again, maybe Yeah. Yeah. But maybe they'll be in those jobs that, Elon Musk and, Vivek, are gonna cut. Who knows? Yep. Yep.
[00:30:13] Jamon Fries:
And, you know, that would be a that would be a perfectly reasonable explanation for cutting them too. You know? They Oh, yeah. Because I mean, it it's you know, that that's the one thing that I've never really understood is, you know, I I I've seen so many comments about this. Well, we should just let everybody work from home because, you know, that there are some people that are more productive when they work from home. Right. And that's absolutely true. But it's always up to the employer where you work from. Yes. It's not up to the employee. It's up to the employer.
[00:30:42] Jesse Fries:
Well, unless if the employee has power and has something that,
[00:30:46] Jamon Fries:
Well, yeah. If if the employee can can convince the employer to allow them to do it Yep. Whether it's via influence or whether it's via, you know, just a insanely good, negotiation tactic or whatever. Oh, yeah. As long as they can convince the employer to let them work from home or something like that, then absolutely there's no issue. Yep. But if the employer decides we want everybody in house, we don't wanna deal with all this crap, the Dexter crap you gotta deal with with everybody being out and about. No. Completely. I'm sorry, but the employee has no choice.
[00:31:23] Jesse Fries:
Well, they do have a choice. They could find a different job.
[00:31:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. So Yeah. They have no choice. They they have no choice if they wanna remain there. Yep. Yep.
[00:31:33] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I know. So yeah. The the wife, she had to well, there was this one guy that was working for her along with her, and they were closing down his, area, and they were laying everybody off there. But he is the one guy that knows this old technology that they still use to this day. Yep. He's the one guy. Well, she saved his job because without him, they would have been shit out of luck. So it's, Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:32:06] Jamon Fries:
And I have no doubt that they let him work from home if he wanted to. Well, there's no place to work otherwise, you know. So Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. They they they shut down the facility. So it's like, well, there you go. Well, some some some companies would have said you have to move to where this new location is to where your to where the the office is, you know. Stuff like that, you know. But, yeah. Some somebody like that, if you've got expertise in an old antiquated system that that is still essential to the job, oh, yeah. You can you can name anything that you want almost. Yep. Job security. Job security.
[00:32:46] Jesse Fries:
Let's see here. The other thing that I find interesting, was the FTC. Looks like, they're banning hidden junk fees on hotels and ticket prices. So like Ticketmaster, all those fees that they add on top of the ticket price. They they give you the ticket price, and then they add all these fees. Yeah. Now they're just gonna have to say how much it is straight off the bat. So they can't be hidden. Same with hotels.
[00:33:12] Jamon Fries:
So they can't have resort fees or anything like that. Right. You'll it'll have to all be they can, but they'll all be all declared before it'll be Yep. They have to be declared before you make the purchase. Yeah. Yep. Yep.
[00:33:25] Jesse Fries:
That makes a lot of sense. I'd
[00:33:27] Jamon Fries:
It really does. Always you know, one one thing that I one thing that I would love to see happen, I don't know if it'll ever if it ever will. Uh-huh. I would love to see the price that is on the on groceries at the store is what you actually pay for them. Oh, you you mean without tax? The tax, include the well, no. Just include the tax on the price. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. How hard would that be to to include it onto the price? Because when you're going through the grocery store, I don't know how many times. I've been walking through the grocery center. It's been a while for me, but, you know, where I would like just okay. I'm sitting here calculating. Okay. $10 for this, $15 for this. I've I've got, like, $75, and I've I could I could plan it out perfectly to the point where I was, like, might have a dollar left.
[00:34:24] Jesse Fries:
[00:34:25] Jamon Fries:
And then you go to the cash register and you didn't total your taxes. Right? Yeah. And so now you gotta be like, okay. Nope. I I can't buy that one. And, you know No. Yeah. It it is. I would love I would love to just see the the tax included in the price.
[00:34:44] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. But that's not how we work.
[00:34:48] Jamon Fries:
It's not how it works. Well, I know it's not because well, it's it's actually very difficult to do that because
[00:34:55] Jesse Fries:
No. It really isn't. They do it in Europe all the time. Most countries do it that way. They don't do it like we do. We're, like, the only ones practically. Yeah.
[00:35:04] Jamon Fries:
So it's not hard to do. With with the with 90% of our prices ending in 99 Well, that's everywhere. It it makes it well, it's not everywhere, but everywhere here in the US, definitely.
[00:35:18] Jesse Fries:
No. Most countries are the same way. It's either 95 or 99. It's just Is it really? Yeah. Because because it's a psychological thing. It's not it's because there's they're making the $7 except for one less penny. That that's what it is. It's just that way to you see that first number and then you go, okay. That's that's not so bad. If you saw the other number, you're like, holy. It's just a psychological trick. It's all it is. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You see that everywhere. Yeah. I've seen it everywhere. I really hate that psychological
[00:35:51] Jamon Fries:
trick. Yeah.
[00:35:53] Jesse Fries:
Well, it's what it is. You know? It's, yeah. I've seen it everywhere. I've seen it everywhere.
[00:35:58] Jamon Fries:
Should either be 50¢ or to the full dollar. That way, the only change you ever have to get is a quarter. So you you don't wanna just get rid of pennies. You wanna get rid of nickels and dimes instead of nickels and dimes. Yep. I wanted I I simply because I hate see hearing that they nickel and dimed me to death.
[00:36:22] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That's not gonna change. Just saying. And we're all going to cashless anyways. So it's a Yeah. It's to the point where I don't even know how much anything is anymore. I really don't. I I just Yeah. I I just swipe my card. I just okay. I swipe it. I swipe it. You know, I should pay more attention, but I really don't. It's,
[00:36:41] Jamon Fries:
very, very few people do, which, you know, in most cases, it's well, in some cases, it's not a problem. But it's a huge problem when you're talking about swiping your credit cards because credit card debt is insane. No. Yes.
[00:36:57] Jesse Fries:
It is. It is. I I pay my we we pay ours off of
[00:37:02] Jamon Fries:
every month. Yeah. But it's, And as long as as long as you can handle your credit cards
[00:37:09] Jesse Fries:
[00:37:10] Jamon Fries:
But, you know, I mean, the one time I tried the one time I got a credit card, it was bad. It was very bad. Well, I I originally
[00:37:23] Jesse Fries:
I know what the trick is, Jake. I no. I I the trick is make a lot of money. Well, yes. That that always helps. No. That always helps. That that's the only trick. It's like, otherwise, you're you're you're getting hit by all these fees, by all these things, you know, you you you go like, around the bank, you get hit by that fee and then that fee, then you're you're shit out luck and everything like that. It's just Yeah. Yeah. You have to make enough money that it's it's just doable. It's the one trick in life, unfortunately.
You get
[00:38:00] Jamon Fries:
Fortunately, that that one credit card actually saved me from a much bigger trap. Well, that's good. That's good. I had gotten myself into the trap of the, payday loans. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Those are horrible. Those were bad. Yep. Yep. Yep. Those are those are horrible. So I got a credit card, paid it off with the credit card, and then I just got into credit card debt and stopped paying that. And then the interest started building up up, I'm like $500 and Oh, yeah. Suddenly out of them over $1,000 and they cut my credit and everything like that. But, you know, 10 years later, they come back with an offer. Pay give us $200 and we'll we'll write off everything.
So I'm like, okay. I can do that. Yeah. It's,
[00:38:47] Jesse Fries:
yeah. I did I had one credit card. They said the the the guy didn't like me or something on the phone. He goes, I'm gonna make a we're gonna make an example out of you. They took me to court, and and that's they won the whatever. Right? But Yeah. I I still didn't pay. Yeah. And then after 7 years, it fell off. And so I'm like, well, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. Who who who got the example out of that one? But now but now I have, like, perfect credit and everything like that. You know? I was a poor college kid, and they're just being mean to a poor college kid. But, Yep.
[00:39:26] Jamon Fries:
Yep. That's how businesses roll, especially credit card industry.
[00:39:31] Jesse Fries:
It is. Apparently, though, I see this article you had. Walmart employees are wearing body gams.
[00:39:37] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. It was Yeah. They they they started it out. They started it up with a, new the it's in the trial phase right now. The that's just in a few stores. But, especially over the holiday season, they're doing it because I guess that there there have been a lot of arguments and, confrontations
[00:40:03] Jesse Fries:
customers Uh-huh. Lately.
[00:40:05] Jamon Fries:
And so they've decided to put body body cams on the on the on the employees to have some proof of what what what actually happened in those start in those confrontations. But also, they figured that with with all the roaming people wearing the body cams, it might be easier to spot theft and stuff like that. Okay. You might you might be able to prove that somebody had was stealing something Right. By you know, if if the person just walking down the aisle, if the camera catches them, stuffing it into their pocket Mhmm. Uh-huh. Then then you have more evidence of the of the theft. So Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. That that's what Walmart's doing. They've they've they're the 1st large company to do this. There have been some smaller companies that have done it. But but, yeah, Walmart is, is starting to go in with that now.
[00:40:57] Jesse Fries:
Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. All I know about I don't really shop at Walmart often, but whenever I do, they always have that greeter there. And lately, the the greeter wants to see your receipt. You know, as as you're walking out the store, I just walk by them. That's what I do. I say, fuck you. You don't need to see what you think I stole, you come after me, plain and simple. That's it. I'd Yep. I never do, but, you know, that I'm not gonna be harassed by you. I'm not gonna sometimes it's, like, 10 customers in line to get out, and I just walk by.
Yeah. Sometimes I see them. They're just looking at me, like, with hatred in their eyes, and I go,
[00:41:40] Jamon Fries:
what? You're not accused of theft yet. Just walk out, dude. You know? It's a Yeah. If you did steal anything, why did If they do come after you did to accuse you, then, I mean, you've got your receipt there anyways. So
[00:41:52] Jesse Fries:
Exactly. That's how I view it. You know? It's, they have no right to detain me transaction that I just did. So yeah. No. If they actually think I stole, if they think I stole, they have to think I stole, not have the suspicion that everybody might steal.
[00:42:09] Jamon Fries:
Right. They they have to they have to think that you yourself personally stole something. Yep. Not not just other people steal stuff, so we need to check everyone.
[00:42:18] Jesse Fries:
No. Yeah. And it's not like, Costco or something like that where they're trying to make sure that, you are a member in all this other fun stuff and everything like that. That that that's a that's just part of that system. But when it comes to Walmart, you know, I walk through. I don't care. Oh, yeah. I do not care. Absolutely.
[00:42:37] Jamon Fries:
You know? There's only one time that I've that I've been that I've been stopped to ask for a receipt. Mhmm. Uh-huh. And that was one time I was I bought a, this was a long time ago. I bought a video game from a store, which, you know, you don't really find them in stores anymore. But, I bought a video game and they forgotten to take the security tag out of the box. Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. So, you know, you walk through the scanner beeps. So, you know, I'm I stop and, you know, the guy comes up. I show him the receipt. He's like, alright. Have a nice day.
[00:43:09] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Best Buy used to always ask for the receipt as you walked out too. Yeah. But but it was quick. It wasn't like, Jesus Christ. At Walmart, some of these old people are actually reading their receipts and checking your bags. It's like
[00:43:25] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I I can I can understand wanting to see the receipt, like, if you see a big a big item Right? Just to, you know, just to make sure that it's paid for and everything. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But but, you know, if they see one specific thing in the cart, maybe there's something that gets stolen a lot. Yep. Yep. If they see that in your cart, I could understand asking to see the receipt and just scanning for that one item on the receipt.
[00:43:56] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. But
[00:43:58] Jamon Fries:
or I I mean, I've I've been to some places though where I've seen them stop people. They've never stopped me for some reason, but I've seen them stop people, count the number of items on the receipt, and then count the number of items in the cart. And I'm like, what the hell? Oh, yeah. You're just delaying everything by doing this.
[00:44:20] Jesse Fries:
That is crazy. That is crazy.
[00:44:23] Jamon Fries:
Now most most almost almost 100% of the time, those people all went through the self checkouts. So that could be the issue.
[00:44:32] Jesse Fries:
Well, then they need to stop doing the self checkouts.
[00:44:35] Jamon Fries:
No kidding.
[00:44:36] Jesse Fries:
Freaking, Walmart is horrible with those self checkouts. They're they're It really is. Yeah. Oh, it's, like, way too much. It's, like, have a few more people just
[00:44:46] Jamon Fries:
And the and the thing is is that the self checkout stuff doesn't really make it so anything goes faster?
[00:44:51] Jesse Fries:
No. It just leads to more loss on their end. It's Yeah.
[00:44:55] Jamon Fries:
It's yeah. It makes no sense to me. It yeah. No. It doesn't. I've never understood it from the time that they first put it out. Mhmm. I've seen so many people have problems so many problems with those where it, like, takes 20 minutes longer to get checked out than it would waiting waiting in a line and then going through the your cashier.
[00:45:14] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Sometimes it's that way. You know, just like if you're a whistleblower, sometimes you just blow your head off like everybody else. You know? It seems to be the thing that the that that people love to do when you're a whistleblower. So, another one happened, apparently. So, it was it was a open AI whistleblower. This I did they they they say he allegedly committed suicide.
[00:45:38] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It's
[00:45:39] Jesse Fries:
it's what? This year, there have been 3 people, 2 people at least that have committed suicide. They're whistleblowers. And then one just died in the hospital.
[00:45:52] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. The open AI guy how how much it's amazing how much your life expectancy goes down when once you whistle blow.
[00:46:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It's it's crazy. Your your life expectancy goes to nil real quick. Yeah. It's, From
[00:46:08] Jamon Fries:
from the time from the time that you blow that whistle, it's like, alright. You now have a week to live.
[00:46:13] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Maybe a little bit longer if you're lucky, but that's about it. Yeah. No. It's, and this was all over just, he was open AI, and he was basically saying that they, stole, copyrighted information and everything like that in their whole process, which come on. Yeah. I think we all the how AI works, it just scrubs the Internet. I'm sure if there's some Oh, yeah. Copyrighted stuff that has been gobbled up in that. I can almost guarantee it. Yeah. Yeah. So it's always funny how these whistle blowers just end up dead. Yeah.
[00:46:55] Jamon Fries:
It is amazing how life works sometimes. Yeah.
[00:46:58] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. Such a shock. Yep. Let's see here. What else we got? There's more of the UnitedHealthcare stuff, but, you know, that's just like, you know, health care trying to come back all but also acknowledge how they messed up and everything like that. Try to blame everybody else and not themselves and everything. But, cars. So cars. Yeah. Yeah. It is beyond that. Not much more fallout from Jay z and whatnot, apparently. So, yeah, he may have the he was accused of raping like a 13 year old girl with Diddy. So and so Beyonce, it looks like her name changed in one article.
It used to be, Beyonce Knowles Carter, and then they just cut off the Carter. Now it was just Beyonce Knowles. So, you know, can't blame her, really. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So Yeah. No. Absolutely. Yeah. I wonder if that was on her side or if the just the paper did it on purpose themselves. You never know. It's like, let's not tie, the queen bee Yeah. Under that whole sort of thing.
[00:48:22] Jamon Fries:
[00:48:23] Jesse Fries:
But, yeah, it's never good. Never good.
[00:48:26] Jamon Fries:
No. No. It never is.
[00:48:28] Jesse Fries:
But what would be great is that if you guys could actually help us out. Here at the Mindless Meanderings, we use value for value model. This means that you are the producers of the show and you can help us in many different ways. You can help us by sending us, news articles that you want us to discuss. You can help out by creating art jingles, or you could just send us your money. Your money helps, very much. You get if you have any thoughts about our podcast or anything like that, you can also email me at jesse@mindlessc.com, or you can email jamen@jamen@mindlessmeanderings.com.
And if you do donate to us, we will read, email. If you send us an email, something that you want read over the airs, we will do that. And, you will become a producer of the show, and that would be great. We would list you as a producer, and you could use this for forever. I would back you up, until the day I die that you are producers of the show, and you could put that on your CV, resume, or anything like that. So please help us out. Any amount helps from $1 to $300 to 50¢. It doesn't matter. Anything will
[00:49:41] Jamon Fries:
help. Nothing, Jamie? Nothing? You there? So what is this yeah. What is this, which generation is actually most sensitive according to science? What what's that all about? Basically, somebody decided to look,
[00:50:00] Jesse Fries:
at, which generation is more sensitive because, you know, we always, say that, like, the millennials are, like, the most sensitive or gen z is the most sensitive, that sort of thing.
[00:50:12] Jamon Fries:
There Isn't it really just each new generation is more sensitive than the last? That's how I've always looked at it.
[00:50:20] Jesse Fries:
No. What it actually is is that it depends on your age. Everything is just you go through life. And when you're young, you're more sensitive. When you get older, you've been through so much that you're desensitized to everything. Plain and simple. Yeah. It's true. Yeah. It's kids when I was a kid, people kids were sensitive and everything like that. We had more of the still there are differences because gen x has always been more of a Oh, yeah. Yeah. Leave me the fuck alone sort of thing. But, you know, we had the sensitive types and everything like that as well. But we had everything that every generation has. And, basically, it was the study just showed that, is that Okay.
Yep. Yep. That no matter what, your generation was just look at the baby boomers and everything like that. You know, they they Yeah. They've just gotten old. So they're like all old people, the stay off my yard, that sort of thing. You go through these stages in life. And that's just what the generations are doing. You know? It's a Okay.
[00:51:28] Jamon Fries:
You Basically, the the art the article that that they didn't really discover anything new. They just kind of backed what everybody else knew.
[00:51:37] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. Yeah. It's it's a it's basically backing up history, you know, because these scientists need something to pay their bills, so they decide to come up with another study even though we basically know, what's going on with that. But, no, it's like if you one thing that is constant throughout human history is that every generation complains about the kids. Every generation. They they don't know how to work. They're lazy. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Yep. Yep. As long as people have had extra paper to write about children, they've complained about how crappy they are.
[00:52:17] Jamon Fries:
No matter what. You go back picture. Yep. You go back to revolutionary
[00:52:21] Jesse Fries:
days. They're complaining about those damn kids. It's just what it is. It's you know? It's, you know, always complaining about the kids, and so the kids always get the the heartache and everything like that. And, yes, a lot of times I remember as a child, I had, like, no work ethic or anything like that. You know? I I had jobs here or there, but, you know, if I lost a job, I didn't give a shit. I was like, good. Okay. I'll find another one. You know, back and forth and everything like that. It's I I once worked for this painter, like, for a day, and he was, like, in it. He was, like, you know, this way, this way, this way. And I'm going yeah. No. I'm out here, dude. Deuces. You know? It's just not for me. You know? And,
[00:53:04] Jamon Fries:
this is what you do as a child, you know, as a kid. The early twenties and everything like that. It's just part of the sequence of life. Early early twenties, I there's no way in hell that I would ever see you doing something that was structured in a manner of, you you know, step by step type
[00:53:20] Jesse Fries:
of thing. No. No. Way you would have put up with that. Yeah. I barely put up with it now. You know? It's like, we're kinda lucky that we're on 16 episodes of this podcast. You know? Except for me, this is fun. This is actually entertaining. I like to do this sort of thing. You know? It's, yeah. Yeah. I also tried teaching, you know, just a few years ago, and that just wasn't for me. It was, because it was regurgitating the same thing over and over and over and over again. I did. I don't know. I had in the span of like a year and a half, I had maybe about 20, 30 classes.
Okay. All the same thing. And so I regurgitated it, like, sometimes 2 times a day, 3 times a day. That would be so boring. That would be so boring. Yeah. The the only difference was the actual students and everything like that, which the students are fine and everything like that. Yeah. But it it just got boring to me. You you know? It's, I I like I like this where you do a bit of research and then you, spout some crap about it. Then you go back and find new stuff. I I like the research aspect, you know. And then talking about that research and then, moving on with my life. That that's what I like to do. So it's, Yeah. Well, I mean, that that is that is I mean, that's
[00:54:41] Jamon Fries:
literally what you trained for. I mean, you know, you're you're a history major and all that. So, you know, I mean, that that is basically what you went to college for was to research and everything else like that. Yeah. Yeah. But some people like to take that history and then they like to just
[00:54:58] Jesse Fries:
some people can teach. You know, it it's one of those things. Some people can do it and they love to see the glints in people's eyes and everything like that. And I it's, there are good students, bad students, a lot of students that didn't give a shit. But I mean, quite quite honestly, the the venue and the
[00:55:16] Jamon Fries:
topic that you were teaching, it wasn't something you were really interested in to begin with.
[00:55:22] Jesse Fries:
No. Actually, at first, I really loved it. I really did. It was a lot of fun. Well, yeah. I'm I'm sure I'm sure But it was the research aspect of it. But no. But you you really had no interest in cooking.
[00:55:32] Jamon Fries:
And, you know, I mean, it was a cooking school, and you were teaching the his history of cooking and stuff like that, if I remember right. Well, it was world Taylor
[00:55:40] Jesse Fries:
how it influenced food and stuff like that. Kind of. Sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. How how food interacted with the world history and everything like that. Yeah. It it was fine. It it wasn't it wasn't necessarily the topic, Jaeme. It really wasn't. It was I had researched it to death. Well, no. I'm I'm not saying I'm not saying that the topic was the problem.
[00:56:03] Jamon Fries:
Right. I'm not saying that the topic was the problem. What I'm saying is that if it would have been a topic that's, that was something that you were insanely interested in, it like, you you were so interested in that topic, then I could potentially see you maybe having put up with it for longer. But since it wasn't the topic that you really had interest in so you've never had an interest in food?
[00:56:26] Jesse Fries:
[00:56:27] Jamon Fries:
I I I if it would have been the history of if it would have been the history of beer and alcohol, you probably would have been all for it for quite a while.
[00:56:35] Jesse Fries:
Actually, that was part of it, Jamin. Jamin, part of it was the history of your novel. Part of it, but But but no, Jamin. See, the thing I I found out about myself is that I cannot hyperfocus on just one topic, especially like historical topic. I cannot do that. You know, I love politics, so but politics is ever changing as we go through time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Once I learn something, I move on, and then it becomes boring to me. That that that's it doesn't matter what the topic is. It doesn't matter at all what the topic is. So That makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah. So so the topic wasn't see that. Yeah. The topic wasn't the issue at all. So it was, Okay.
[00:57:21] Jamon Fries:
Talking about stools and all that other stuff, did you, going back into science, the, Japanese scientists have discovered a way to regrow your to regrow adult teeth, I guess. Well, that's cool. How do you do that? Yeah. I guess there's a protein in the body Uh-huh. That it that it's made its only purpose. Now I've seen 2 different things. I believe one of them is probably more accurate than the other one. Accurate than the other one. One one source said that it was a protein that inhibits bone growth. Okay. And the other and the other one was is is that it's a protein that inhibits the 2, 3 growth.
I believe it's more most likely the bone regrowth thing because I don't think you know, I can't see us having proteins just for teeth alone. I think it's just once you once you hit a certain age, your bones no longer grow. Right. Right. Yeah. I But I mean, it it could be t throat regrowth. I I have no idea which one of the 2 it it is. But what this Japanese, these 3 Japanese scientists have found, and they're currently clinically testing it in a couple of hospitals in Japan right now Uh-huh. Is that by blocking the hospitals in Japan right now Mhmm. Is that by blocking this, they were able to cause, the teeth to regrow in mice and ferrets and stuff like that.
These are all animals that have the same the same type of progression with teeth that we have where you have your baby teeth, you lose them, and then your adult teeth come in. Uh-huh. And so they were testing it on air on mice and ferrets that had lost their adult that they their adult teeth were lost, whether they pulled the teeth or they were naturally lost. I have no idea. Right. But by blocking this by blocking this protein, they grew new teeth.
[00:59:16] Jesse Fries:
That's pretty cool.
[00:59:18] Jamon Fries:
And so that's currently in clinical testing right now in Japan. It started in September, late September.
[00:59:25] Jesse Fries:
[00:59:26] Jamon Fries:
So, of course, there's no results or anything like that yet. But, they've they took 30 and 30 individuals between the age of 3064 that had all lost at least 1 molar. Uh-huh. And they have given them the the drug that's designed to block that protein, and we're just they're just waiting on results now. So, they if if it goes as well as it did with animal testing during the animal testing, they didn't see any side effects. They didn't see any any problems.
[00:59:57] Jesse Fries:
[00:59:59] Jamon Fries:
The only the only problems that I could ever see that I think that would possibly be seen is since it's a protein that blocks bone growth, I could see, like, bone spurs and stuff like that being caused by it or something if you know, I I don't know. The I I've I've seen so many people talking about what potential downsides there are to it and Mhmm. It's so amusing. Half of them are like, it's gonna destroy their hearts. It's gonna destroy their kidneys. And I'm like, they're just blocking this protein that did that that inhibits bone growth. It shouldn't have anything to do with anything but the bones.
[01:00:36] Jesse Fries:
Hopefully. Who knows? I Yeah. That's why you do studies. You know, you never know what Absolutely. Yeah. You never know what weird side effects, can come about, from,
[01:00:46] Jamon Fries:
anything, you know. And you have to make sure You know, there's there's always the chemical that they're using to inhibit the protein that could cause issues somewhere else. So, I mean, you never know. But yeah. So they're they're currently in testing, like, right now, they after these 30 p individuals is if they don't see any health issues, then they're going to start on their target audios, which is very young children, like 3 to 6 years old. That I guess that there's there's some there's some some cases where the adult teeth don't fill in Right. Once they lose their baby teeth. Uh-huh. And so they're trying to they're trying to cause those the adult teeth to come in for those children.
[01:01:33] Jesse Fries:
Got it.
[01:01:34] Jamon Fries:
And the reason that they're targeting them at that young is because they found that once you get older, you're used to communicating the way you do, so it may sound a little bit different. You may your s's may sound different if you lose a few teeth or something like that. Right. Right. But in the ages of 3 to 6, it actually can inhibit the the, the learning of how to say things. No. I could see that. I can see that. It it inhibits our communication massively. So they're trying to so that they're what they wanna focus on is eliminating the eliminating that issue for young children.
Okay. And the side effect is that for us adults, if we've lost our teeth, we have but we could potentially regrow them instead instead of having to get dentures or implants.
[01:02:24] Jesse Fries:
That'd be pretty cool. That'd be pretty cool. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. My son, he he hasn't lost a tooth yet, and he's 7. So that's weird.
[01:02:34] Jamon Fries:
But, That's kinda weird. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:02:38] Jesse Fries:
He's been waiting on the freaking tooth fairy for for so long, and it it it's it's like his sister had so much money from the tooth fairy. She was buying all this stuff, and he goes, I don't have any money. But she's still losing teeth, mate. He he's not losing teeth. It's the craziest thing. I'm gonna have to check on that because it's 7 years old. It seems a bit weird, but, you you know, who knows? Who knows? I really don't know.
[01:03:06] Jamon Fries:
No. But let's see. I don't remember I don't remember when I started losing teeth, so I have no idea what's normal and what's not. No. I don't either. But since my daughter started around, like, 4 or 5.
[01:03:20] Jesse Fries:
But then she has a bigger head too. She she she has, like, my head. And then and then my son has has more of my wife's hat. So, you know, it's,
[01:03:30] Jamon Fries:
who knows? Who knows? Speaking of the with with that Japanese with that Japanese thing. Uh-huh. There was one other comment that I saw that I just found this hilarious. He's like, did is there, like, you does that mean that if we lose one of our teeth and we get this shot, we may grow with our wisdom teeth back, so we'll have to get those pulled again?
[01:03:52] Jesse Fries:
Oh, that would suck. That would suck. I know.
[01:03:55] Jamon Fries:
I Yeah. Haven't thought about wisdom teeth, but, yeah.
[01:04:00] Jesse Fries:
Yeah. That would really suck. You know, that that sucked about as much as, the the student, the UCLA student that's suing Californian doctors, because she was fast tracked into the transgender surgery. Okay. Yeah. She she said that the doctors just it was it was all on the affirmative. So so they were just affirming, you know, the affirming care that, they say that you need to do and everything like that. Right. In this news story, she said that she experienced sexual abuse at a young age at about 11. And so Okay. Because of that, she started struggling with the thought of becoming a woman as in, like, she was afraid of it, actually becoming a woman and everything like that. And so she thought it would be easier if she was a boy. And so the doctors just ran with it, and then just basically kept pushing everything on her and everything like that, instead of getting a psychologist as you talk to her about these sorts of things.
They basically just pushed her through. I I think there's gonna be a lot more of these cases, and these doctors are gonna have to be careful because you deal with minors. You know? It's they have no control. They have no say, really. You know? You you if you believe them, you you really can't believe them because they they can't actually enter into a contract or anything like that. Yeah.
[01:05:22] Jamon Fries:
Well, the the other the other thing is that even even if psychiatrists had gotten involved in the states where it's mandatory that you involve a psychiatrist Uh-huh. You only have to do, like, 3 visits with the psychiatrist before they can approve it before they can approve the surgery. And I mean, at that point in time, you're basically just telling the psychiatrist if they have an issue with their gender, just automatically affirm the transition.
[01:05:49] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. Yep. So, yeah, this could That's insane. This could really change things. So, there's there's probably gonna be more of these. So Yeah. No. And I think it will. I think it will. Things will settle down and everything like that. It's, things have gone a bit crazy, but I think things are gonna start settling down, hopefully, at least, you know, so Yeah.
[01:06:14] Jamon Fries:
You know, I've I've always thought that once you're once you're 18 and you're officially an adult and you can sign a contract,
[01:06:20] Jesse Fries:
you can do whatever the hell you want to. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care. But Yeah.
[01:06:26] Jamon Fries:
But if you if you can't legally sign a contract, you know, you shouldn't be you there should be no doctor sitting there saying, well, you know, we can do this for you.
[01:06:38] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Nope. Yeah. Well, let's see. The only last thing I have is back to the drones. Looks like they wanna give states the power to actually control drones and everything like that. So basically, put it under the local enforcement law enforcement, to where they can actually have control over drones and everything like that. Because right now, that's pretty much just up to the, FAA, and FCC or if yeah, I think FCC and FAA. I think it's only up to those, 2 organizations. So I think there's a law going through that. Yeah.
[01:07:15] Jamon Fries:
I think there's a law going through the FCC, but
[01:07:19] Jesse Fries:
[01:07:21] Jamon Fries:
Yeah. I I was thinking about that. I'm like, no. It's the because of the commute the radio communication between the control and the and the drone itself. So the FCC has to be involved.
[01:07:32] Jesse Fries:
Yep. Yep. So yeah. And then some people want, or the Homeland Security, Mayorkas, the secretary, he said he wants to give states the power to shoot down drones. Just drive along, and all of a sudden, drone comes out of nowhere. Look. Right, India. Yeah. That'd be fun. That'd be fun. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:07:57] Jamon Fries:
Well, you know, I mean, the the the problem with that is that, first of all, any any like, the drones flying over New Jersey, if they have any government relation Mhmm. As soon as you try to shoot one of them down, as soon as you try to shoot one of them down, the feds are gonna be all over you. The the military and everything like that are gonna be all over you.
[01:08:18] Jesse Fries:
It's like, oops. That that that wasn't a drone. That was a plane coming into the land. Oops. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:08:25] Jamon Fries:
And if it's if it's the private sector drones, you know, I mean, it's it's not so much a case right now. I've I have seen some tests. I I have seen reports that there are some test pilot programs and stuff like that for, like, delivery with drones and stuff like that. But I mean, you know, 5, 10 years down the line, I could totally see Amazon not having a single driver because everything is delivered by drones. Mhmm. You know? I mean, it just there's gonna be so many drones in the air that you would never be able to just shoot them down willy nilly.
[01:09:07] Jesse Fries:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. And, with that, we would like to thank you for joining us for episode number 16 16 of the Minus Meanderings podcast. I'm Jesse Fries.
[01:09:22] Jamon Fries:
And I'm Jamin Fries.
[01:09:24] Jesse Fries:
And you guys have a great day.
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